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  1. #1
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Last week I've spent a lot of time on studying and fixing the script that I had perceived as a great feat of the SSHIP - unrest in the conquered settlements. I've already worked on it two years ago, and last year Belovese gave it a good overhaul. It still has a great deal of weaknesses stemming perhaps from save-time attitude of the former moders: it's only for 40 settlements, and some 3+ are wrongly coded, the unrest levels are very strange, and the AI suffers, surprisingly, more and more consistently.
    In the meanwhile, we've developed two additional scripts:
    - change of the names of the settlements,
    - player aggression level mechanism.

    Building on all these three parts of the code, I'm preparing an new script that will replace the main mechanism and will accomodate the other two. This is going to be massive size-wise (I think it will double the previous size of the script.txt as far as the number of lines is concerned), but rather light on the processing-time (each monitor fires only once in the entire turn - and most of the parts inside if- clauses are omitted unless there's an exceptional situation because tiny bit is for the AI, and most for the player). As a result, it should not make the turns last longer.

    I. What the Dynamic Unrest in Settlements is aiming at:
        ; - a faction faces little turmoil in its core regions. 
        ; - after a conquest of a non-core settlement, the faction faces higher or possibility of higher a turmoil for a long time (hundreds of turns);
        ; - the turmoil can be alleviated by a few factors, in particular the FL having a crown;
        ; - after owning a province for a long time, it is integrated and the additional turmoil will not appear. This is a dynamic process: this turmoil decreases very gradually.
        ; - there are special, troublesome regions where the unrest is more pronounced / higher etc.;
        ; - the AI also faces that special unrest, but much lower. The aim is that the AI faces rebellions in the outlying regions, not in the core.
        ; Of course, the settlements face also the regular Med2 engine problems related to: religion, distance from capital etc.
        ; - it works for both the player and, to a limited extent, for the AI.
        ; - "core provinces" are defined by having the counter "XYZ_turns_in_our_realm" equal (or more) than 500. This is achieved in two ways:
        ; --- at the end of the script for each settlement there's a condition setting those 500 each turn for the historical core provinces
        ; --- (you may modify for each settlement what "core province mean by adding / deleting a condition);
        ; --- over time each conquered settl. gathers those points and may then reach and exceed 500 (perhaps after 500 turns, but the speed of the increase can be adjusted for each settl.)
        ; --- (mind that "core" provinces are code-wise not related to the hidden_resource or other elements from the other files (eg. "descr_region.txt"). 
        ; - for the first 5 turns after a conquest of a settlement, the mechanism is switched-off for this settlement:
        ; --- the normal Med2 engine evolution occurs (initial turmoil set by the engine, and then 5% decrease a turn).
        ; --- this is done with the "XYZ_turns_in_our_realm" counter condition right at the beginning of the script (and may be easily adjusted for each settlement separately)
        ; - then the mechanism kicks-in:it  is transmitted by value of the counter "XYZ_civil_unrest": different reasons add those points:
        ; --- there's a "normal" turmoil in all provinces, lowered only by the crowning of the FL, and, to a lesser extent, his policy "protector".
        ; --- "core" provinces" have a low level of turmoil but it increases after:
        ; ----- (1) change on the throne: one-time hit;
        ; ----- (2) an FL with very low Authority;
        ; ----- (3) if a weak FL / weak usurper is on the throne;
        ; ----- (4) aggressive expansion of the player (significant impact!), fading away only if the player does not conquer more settlements;
        ; ----- (+) this list may be modified (both sources and amounts of points) at the settlement level.
        ; - for a conquered, non-core province impact of all those sources fade away (the memory of not belonging to faction is being lost)
        ; -- as said, this is done through the the increase of conter "XYZ_turns_in_our_realm"
        ; -- however, once the settlement is conquered by anybody (eg. rebels, and is re-taken), the counter is reset and then the integration must be repeated
        ; - the script fires only in the turn of the faction owning the settlement. This means that the script is NOT VERY HEAVY for the processing-time: each monitor will fire only once during the entire turn.
        ; - the turmoil ("add_settlement_turmoil ABC X") decreases every turn by 1 (in-game 1 point is 5% of unrest),
        ; - but if the command is given another time, the new value replaces the former,
        ; - as a result, this script fully commands the evolution over time of the turmoil: except first 4 turns after conquest, it replaces all sources of turmoil.
        ; - in particular, it replaces (perhaps, not checked) the following the sources:
        ;   * conquest of the settlement (whatever it happened: extermination, sacking, occupation),
        ;    * turmoil inherited from the previous turn (that one that decreases by 5% a turn).
        ;    * (no idea how it is related to the impact of foreign agents lurking inside the settlement).
        ; I_SettlementBuildingExists - doesn't make sense to use in if-clauses, so it's not used here..
    II. Elements of the DUiS:

    1.) Player Aggressivity Level mechanism - each conquest of a province increases the level of how much both other factions (through diplomatic standing), and own citizens (through turmoil in all settlements) are anxious about your expansion. It increases exponentially: if the player doesn't wait enough between conquering settlements, the additional points of aggression accrue at a faster rate than before. The player must wait or do other things (building up the settlements, mopping up rebellions, maybe going on a crusade; this is also a perfect time to survive a change on the throne) for the tensions to subside. The punishment in the turmoil in the settlements should be really heavy at the highest levels of aggressivity. The information to the player is provided below in the bit of the script (the rest you can see in the other bits there is code for gathering the points, and for translating those points into unrest in settlement-specific).
        ;------- Player Agression Level (after capture of settlement)
        ; This mechanism aims at slowing down the expansion of the player at the VH difficulty.
        ; How does it work:
        ; - the increase of the "player_aggressivity" counter is placed in script for each settlement capture:
        ; -- every time the player conquers a settlement, the counter increases by 3-18 (depending on FL intelligence and crown).
        ; - the counter decreases every turn by 1 (here below), if the player hasn't active any war that he had started himself
        ; The impact of the mechanism:
        ;   1. increased turmoil in settlements (this file script: ;------- Turmoil in settlements)
        ;   2. deterioration of the player's reputation (in file descr_faction_standing.txt).
        set_event_counter player_aggressivity 0                    ; counter 0-40, used in determining turmoil for each settlement
        set_event_counter player_aggressivity_feedback 0        ; which info was given to player: 0 - nothing yet, 1 - acceptable neighbour, 2 aggressive, 3 warmonger
        monitor_event GeneralCaptureSettlement not IsFactionAIControlled    ; only for the player
            log ----- Player Aggressivity Level: first info window for the player
            if I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel < 4                            ; only for VH difficulties
            historic_event PLAYER_AGGRESSIVITY_FIRST_INFO                    ; info window pops-out - should be updated after the changes are made
            set_event_counter player_aggressivity_feedback 1                ; ("acceptable neighbour")
            terminate_monitor                                                ; fires only after first settlement conquered
        monitor_event FactionTurnStart not IsFactionAIControlled            ; only for player
            log --- Player Aggressivity Level: info for the player on the current state 
            if I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel < 4                            ; only for VH difficulties
            if I_EventCounter player_aggressivity > 0
                if I_EventCounter aggressor < 1                                ; if the player doesn't run any aggressive war
                    inc_event_counter player_aggressivity -1                ; a natural process of forgetting sets in
                if I_EventCounter player_aggressivity > 40                    ; cap
                    set_event_counter player_aggressivity 40
                if I_EventCounter player_aggressivity > 24                    ; 25+, then player is warmonger: very high turmoil, fast deterioration of diplo standing
                and I_EventCounter player_aggressivity_feedback < 3            ; fires only on a change from a lower level
                    historic_event PLAYER_AGGRESSIVITY_WARMONGER            ; info for the player
                    set_event_counter player_aggressivity_feedback 3
                    log ------ warmonger
                if I_EventCounter player_aggressivity > 12                    ;  13-24, then player is aggressive: high turmoil, deterioration of diplo standing
                and I_EventCounter player_aggressivity < 25
                and I_EventCounter player_aggressivity_feedback < 2            ; fires only on a change from a lower level
                    historic_event PLAYER_AGGRESSIVITY_AGGRESSIVE
                    set_event_counter player_aggressivity_feedback 2
                    log ------ aggressive
                if I_EventCounter player_aggressivity < 13                    ; if below 13, then it's acceptable: some turmoil, little change of diplo standing
                and I_EventCounter player_aggressivity_feedback > 1            ; fires only after a drop from a higher level
                    historic_event PLAYER_AGGRESSIVITY_ACCEPTABLE
                    set_event_counter player_aggressivity_feedback 1
                    log ------ acceptable neighbour
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    2.) a monitor that fires after a capture of each settlement (code-wise it means: each settlement has its own monitor with own counters, own conditions etc. - there are 199 monitors but only a few will fire each turn - depending on how many settlements were captured). This monitor a.) changes the name of the settlement after a capture, b.) can spawn an army for VH difficulty), consisting of local troops - these armies may or may not appear (66%), they may be rebel or loyalt to a faction that traditionally held this province; c.) increases Player Aggressivity Level (VH difficulty), d.) creates counters that are used later on. It also creates modding possibilities in the future. A bit of script for one city is below.

    The additional armies should stabilizie the map, eg. as in this case:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Quote Originally Posted by QKuhlmann View Post
    Here is a feedback to a campaign with Poland vh/vh turn 83: Upload here:

    Overall it was very challenging and fun. Around turn 60, a well organized full invasion from Denmark brought me near doom. It took me by surprise, lost Warzawa and Gdansk at one point with three important family members trapped inside. Got one scripted army with a crazy warlike general that basically saved the kingdom. It took about three years to reconquer the lost provinces and it was very close, also with the money going deep into the red and several rebel armies emerging and trying to take advantage of the chaos. Also a temporary excommunication. Now I am almost back to normal but this war hurt me seriously, mostly because of the lost family members. Also, you need a quite healthy economy to survive this. Also, Hungary attacked later and now Lithuania tries again, but this seems to be manageable.

            ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------  TURKU After Capture
        declare_counter current_name_Turku                            ; 0 - Turku, 1 - Abo
        set_counter current_name_Turku 0
        set_event_counter Turku_turns_in_our_realm 500                ; at the beginning: prevents treatment of home provinces as conquered provinces
        monitor_event GeneralCaptureSettlement SettlementName Turku
            wait 0.5
            log --- Turku AFTER CAPTURE NAME CHANGE -----------------------------
            if I_EventCounter faction_turn_catholic = 1                ; Catholic factions but Poland: Abo
            and not I_EventCounter faction_turn_poland = 1
                change_settlement_name Turku Abo
                if I_EventCounter is_the_player = 1 
                and I_CompareCounter current_name_Turku < 1
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_NAME_CHANGE
                set_counter current_name_Turku 1        
            if I_EventCounter faction_turn_poland = 1                ; Poland: Turku
                change_settlement_name Turku Turku
                if I_EventCounter is_the_player = 1 
                and I_CompareCounter current_name_Turku > 0
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_NAME_CHANGE
                set_counter current_name_Turku 0        
            if I_EventCounter faction_turn_orthodox = 0                ; Orthodox factions: Turku
                change_settlement_name Turku Turku
                if I_EventCounter is_the_player = 1 
                and I_CompareCounter current_name_Turku > 0
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_NAME_CHANGE
                set_counter current_name_Turku 0    
            log --- Turku AFTER CAPTURE REBEL ARMIES SPAWN --------------------------------------
            if I_EventCounter is_the_player > 0                        ; only for the player
            and RandomPercent < 66                                    ; some randomness is always good
            and I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel > 2                    ; only for H/VH difficulties
            and I_EventCounter faction_turn_lithuania < 1            ; not for Lithuania (both historically and for the gameplay)
            and I_EventCounter denmark2_sankt_erik_player < 1        ; legitimate for Denmark after St. Erik crusade
                historic_event SETTLEMENT_CAPTURE_REBELLION
                    faction slave, sub_faction lithuania
                        character Novsade, named character, age 30, x 243, y 280
                        traits CounterOfBattles 1, NaturalMilitarySkill 1 , GoodCommander 2 , Hardened 2 , StrategyDread 1 , Genocide 3 , Feck 2 , BattleScarred 1 , Paranoia 4
                        unit    Chude Militia        exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Woodsmen            exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Woodsmen            exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Chude Militia        exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Chude Militia        exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Hunters                exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Hunters                exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0                    
            log --- Turku AFTER CAPTURE COUNTERS & OTHER EFFECTS --------------------------------------
            set_event_counter Turku_turns_in_our_realm 0 
            if I_EventCounter is_the_player > 0    
                inc_counter number_settlements_conquered_by_player 1
            if I_EventCounter is_the_player > 0                                ; only player
            and I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel > 3                            ; VH difficulty    
            and I_EventCounter faction_turn_lithuania < 1                    ; expansion in Baltics is legitimate for Lithuania 
            and I_EventCounter denmark2_sankt_erik_player < 1                ; legitimate for Denmark after St. Erik crusade
                if I_EventCounter FL_is_crowned_ruler > 0                    ; crowned FL
                    inc_event_counter player_aggressivity 3                    ; +3
                    if I_FactionLeaderTrait Intelligent < 8                    ; +3  Crowned FL average Intelligence
                        inc_event_counter player_aggressivity 3                ; cumulative!
                        if I_FactionLeaderTrait Intelligent < 5                ; +3  Crowned FL low Intelligence
                            inc_event_counter player_aggressivity 3            ; cumulative!
                if I_EventCounter FL_is_crowned_ruler < 1                    ; UN-crowned
                    inc_event_counter player_aggressivity 6                    ; +6
                    if I_FactionLeaderTrait Intelligent < 8                    ; +6  UNcrowned FL average Intelligence
                        inc_event_counter player_aggressivity 6                ; cumulative!
                        if I_FactionLeaderTrait Intelligent < 5                ; +6  UNcrowned FL low Intelligence
                            inc_event_counter player_aggressivity 6            ; cumulative!
    3.) a monitor that fires for each settlement every turn (i.e. during the turn of the faction that owns it - 199 monitors that fire always, but only once a turn, and a big(ger) part of script for each monitor is not firing at all). It calculates turmoil points specific for that settlement, based on it's particular situation (how long ago it was conquered, what are certain historical events related) and the situation of the whole faction (aggressivity level, whether the FL has a crown, or whether he's got not-low authority; if the FL has just died, there'll be a one-time hit to stability that may prompt a riot or worse). It then tranlates those points it into a turmoil that appears in-game for the players. A part of script for one city is here:
            ;============================================================================================================    ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Oslo Turmoil Script section
        monitor_event SettlementTurnStart SettlementName Oslo
            set_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 0                        ; resets turmoil points from the previous turn
                                                                    ; (better to do it now, because they'll stay for the rest of the turn 
                                                                    ; so they will be able to be used somehow - no idea yet how)
            log --- (A) Oslo Turmoil Points (for the Player) -----------------------------------------    
            if I_EventCounter is_the_player > 0
            and I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm > 4             ; for 4 turns after a conquest this monitor doesn't have any impact on turmoil
                                                                    ; (unless the initial number of Oslo_turns_in_our_realm is set in the Capture script)
                                                                    ; if you'd change this value, change also timing of the info pop-out window for the player at the end of this monitor
                                                                    ; remember that "Oslo_turmoil_points" is set to 0 at the end of each turn (see below)
                                                                    ; while "Oslo_turns_in_our_realm" represents integration of the province and changes based on many conditions (also below)
            ; The situations impacting on the turmoil may easily be augmented with any other counter.
            ; The turmoil is translated in this script into unrest at rate: 1 to 1%, but in-game it jumps at 5% incrementals (so 4 means no unrest at all).
            ; Normal situations' values of "turmoil" counter based on the current list of conditions and numbers:
            ; - range 0-35; 
            ; + change on the throne: + 10-20
            ; + player aggressivity: + 4-12-28
            ; (floor value) home province at the beginning of game for a handful small factions: 4
            ; (floor value) home province at the beginning of game for average SSHIP faction: 8
            ; conquered province in an outlying region: 12
            ; freshly conquered alien province later in the game without crown: 22 + aggressivity
            ; freshly conquered alien province later in the game with crown: 17 + aggressivity
            ; freshly conquered alien province after a bad change on the throne: 36 (first turn: +10)
                if I_EventCounter FL_policy_protector < 1                    ; base unrest value - if no FL policy protector
                and I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel > 2                        ; Hard or Very Hard difficulty
                and I_EventCounter faction_size_small < 1                    ; 
                    inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 2                        ; 2 for factions 4-9 settlements
                    if I_EventCounter faction_size_medium < 1                ; 
                        inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 2                    ; 4 for factions 10-19 settlements
                        if I_EventCounter faction_size_large < 1            ;
                            inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 2                ; 6 for factions 20+ settlements
                if I_EventCounter FL_is_crowned_ruler < 1                            ; FL is UNcrowned - it will be true for the most of the factions for a long time
                    inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 4                                ; 4 for a home province
                    if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 390
                        inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                        if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 290                ; many provinces have initial 200, so they will have +2
                            inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                            if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 190
                                inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                                if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 90
                                    inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                                    if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 30
                                        inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1            ; +5 for a new conquered province
                if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 480                                 ; province not yet integrated into our realm: 0-9
                    inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                    if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 320
                        inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                        if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 160
                            inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                            if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 90
                                inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                                if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 50
                                    inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                                    if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 25
                                        inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                                        if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 16
                                            inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                                            if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 12
                                                inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                                                if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 8    ; right after capture: 9
                                                    inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                if I_FactionLeaderAttribute Authority < 3                    ; FL really lacks Authority
                and I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel > 3                        ; Very Hard difficulty
                and I_EventCounter faction_size_small < 1                    ; doesn't matter for small factions - everybody knows him
                    inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 3                        ; 3+3
                    if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 300
                        inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                        if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 200
                            inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                            if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 100
                                inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                if I_EventCounter FL_weak_on_the_throne > 0                    ; weak FL (low authority or weak usurper)
                and I_EventCounter faction_size_small < 1                    ; doesn't matter for small factions
                    inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 5                        ; 5+5
                    if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 440
                        inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                        if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 340
                            inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                            if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 240
                                inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                                if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 140
                                    inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                                    if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 40
                                        inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 1
                if I_EventCounter FL_player_is_new_this_turn > 0            ; (one-off) shock for the kingdom: FL died
                and I_EventCounter faction_size_small < 1                    ; doesn't matter for small factions            
                    inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 10                        ; 10+10
                    if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 450
                        inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 2
                        if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 350
                            inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 2
                            if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 250
                                inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 2
                                if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 150
                                    inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 2
                                    if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 50
                                        inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 2
                ; Player Aggressive Expansion impact        
                ; already taken into account in the mechanism of the increase of counter: only VH difficulty, FL_is_crowned_ruler    
                if I_EventCounter player_aggressivity > 6                    ; (conquest of 1 settlement adds 3-18 aggressivity pts., usually 12)
                    inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 4
                    if I_EventCounter player_aggressivity > 12
                        inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 8
                        if I_EventCounter player_aggressivity > 24
                            inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 16                ; cumulative, so levels of turmoi points: 4-12-28
            log --- (B) Oslo Turmoil Points (for AI) -----------------------------------------------
            if I_EventCounter is_the_player < 1                        ; AI
                if I_EventCounter faction_turn_norway < 1             ; not "creator" of this province
                and I_EventCounter faction_turn_denmark < 1
                and I_EventCounter faction_turn_lithuania < 1        ; pagans have it easier and to make Lithuania life easier
                and I_EventCounter faction_size_small < 1            ; not for small factions
                   inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 20
                if I_EventCounter FL_weak_on_the_throne > 0         ; rather unlikely event
                   inc_counter Oslo_turmoil_points 10
            log --- (C) Oslo Turmoil Points Translated Into Unrest -----------------------------------------------
            ; each one replaces the previous - in this way the turmoil in any settlement is set exclusively in the script (not in the in-game engine)
            if I_CompareCounter Oslo_turmoil_points > 5
                add_settlement_turmoil Oslo 1
                if I_CompareCounter Oslo_turmoil_points > 10
                    add_settlement_turmoil Oslo 2
                    if I_CompareCounter Oslo_turmoil_points > 15
                        add_settlement_turmoil Oslo 3
                        if I_CompareCounter Oslo_turmoil_points > 20
                            add_settlement_turmoil Oslo 4
                            if I_CompareCounter Oslo_turmoil_points > 25
                                add_settlement_turmoil Oslo 5
                                if I_CompareCounter Oslo_turmoil_points > 30
                                    add_settlement_turmoil Oslo 6
                                    if I_CompareCounter Oslo_turmoil_points > 35
                                        add_settlement_turmoil Oslo 7
                                        if I_CompareCounter Oslo_turmoil_points > 40
                                            add_settlement_turmoil Oslo 8
                                            if I_CompareCounter Oslo_turmoil_points > 45
                                                add_settlement_turmoil Oslo 9
                                                if I_CompareCounter Oslo_turmoil_points > 50
                                                    add_settlement_turmoil Oslo 10
                                                    if I_CompareCounter Oslo_turmoil_points > 55
                                                        add_settlement_turmoil Oslo 11
                                                        if I_CompareCounter Oslo_turmoil_points > 60
                                                            add_settlement_turmoil Oslo 12
            log --- (D) Oslo Integration Process ----------------------------------------
            ; in the optimal situation: +1, but in special circumstances even +4/turn (Crowned, not-weak, with policy, region is special for this faciton)
            ; thus full integration 250 - 50 years, but most negative effects phased out after 50-20 years)
            if    I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 500            ; to avoid crash due to amassing too many points
                if I_EventCounter FL_weak_on_the_throne < 1                ; natural integration process but not with a Usurper (thus not during a civil war either)
                    inc_event_counter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm 1
                if I_EventCounter FL_is_crowned_ruler > 0                ; if the owner's faction FL has the crown
                    inc_event_counter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm 1            ; integration is faster
                if I_EventCounter FL_policy_thinks_of_his_people > 0    ; if FL pursues a conducive policy
                    inc_event_counter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm 1            ; integration is faster
                if I_EventCounter faction_turn_poland > 0                ; this faction 
                and I_EventCounter poland7_golden_age_player > 0        ; has special circumstances 
                and I_EventCounter FL_weak_on_the_throne < 1            ;             
                    inc_event_counter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm 1            ; that allow faster integration
                if I_EventCounter faction_turn_norway > 0                ; this province is a core province of this factiton
                and I_EventCounter FL_weak_on_the_throne < 1            ; and the FL is not lacking authority / usurper
                    set_event_counter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm 500        ; no integration is needed
                if I_EventCounter faction_turn_denmark > 0                ; this province is a core province of this factiton
                and I_EventCounter FL_weak_on_the_throne < 1            ; and the FL is not lacking authority / usurper
                    set_event_counter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm 500        ; no integration is needed
            log --- (E) Oslo Infos & Counters for the Player ----------------------------------------
            if I_EventCounter is_the_player > 0
                set_event_counter FL_player_is_new_this_turn 0            ; after unrest is applied: timing is essential so it must be placed here, in every settlement
                if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm > 4
                and I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 6
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_UNREST_NORMAL_RULES_OSLO
                if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm > 197            ; info for the player (don't use 200 as there's this threshold in the Capture script)
                and I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 199
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_UNREST_INTEGRATED_OSLO
                if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm > 487            ; info for the player (actually, no negative results already for a couple of turns)
                and I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 489
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_UNREST_INTEGRATED_OSLO
    4.) the necessary descriptions in the text file (historic_events.txt). To give the perspecitve: only the "Turmoil Script Text" size is 300k characters, while the previous size of the whole file was 400k, and before I had started to contribute, so in the SSHIP 0.95, it was 140k. For each settlement there's such a text (to be corrected in the future):

    {SETTLEMENT_UNREST_NORMAL_RULES_TURKU_BODY}\n\nIt's been two years your realm has expanded to yet another settlement, that one called Turku by some of its citizens. It became a normal part of your kingdom. From now on, there will be no martial law there, and the unrest of the burghers will swing in the same manner as in the other parts of the realm. Be aware though, that this settlement will stay defiant to your rule for a long time. Indeed, it will take decades for the people to get accustomed to the narratives of your house, and to admit your legitimacy. Of course, with a Crowned king pursuing the Protector policy, it will be easier - but not all faction leaders can have those qualities. So watch out to the turmoil here!\n\nIf you manage to keep control of this settlement long enough, after 100 years you'll get an information that it has been integrated and the unrest is only little higher than in the settlement traditonally belonging to your faction. All traces of being an alien will disappear after 250 year. But if you lose this settlement - even to a rebellion - the whole process of integration will have to begin again from scratch.
    {SETTLEMENT_UNREST_INTEGRATED_TURKU_BODY}\n\nThe settlement the locals have been calling Turku for a millenium, has been part of your realm for a century now! The burghers got accustomed to your rule and the turmoils are going to be less severe.

    5.) the Civil War script is to be logically integrated within the system. It works for now and is a great addition for situations when a weak FL gets on the throne.

    example will be included once necessary

    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; May 14, 2023 at 10:56 AM.

  2. #2
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC UNREST IN THE SETTLEMENTS by JoC

    Some visuals on the script:

    Once you conquer a settlement, there is a chance that an army outside settlement will appear:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    There's also a risk certain infrastructure outside the settlement will be damaged:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    In the very settlement, there'll be a natural (ie Med2 engine) unrest for 4 turns (in this pic below you can also see that different units have diffrent impacts on the public order, but this is not a part of the system, it's just a Med2 mechanism of "is_peasant", don't bother here):
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Actually, this is not true for the provinces that are "home" provinces of a faction, or if there is a special historical condition for a certain faction (eg. after the event Sankt Eric Crusade, faction of Denmark can take Turku (Finland) without having to suffer the additional unrest; or after Golden Age even in Poland, the provinces in Halych or Goroden or Twangste will also have lowered unrest). In these cases, the province will not suffer those 4 turns of natural Med2 unrest, but the additional SSHIP unrest will be determined by a new script. The rest of provinces will also be subject of this script - but only after the initial 4 turns. Once the script fires, this message which will be provided to the player:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    The additional unrest should be somehow limited. However, the things can get really bad if you've got a weak Faction Leader. First, the unrest will be higher than otherwise. Second, the additional unrest will occur even in the home provinces. Actually, much of additional unrest. You'll get a message if this is the case:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    How much of unrest? The calculations are explained here:
            ; The turmoil is translated in this script into unrest at rate: 1 to 1%, but in-game it jumps at 5% incrementals (so 4 means no unrest at all).
            ; Normal situations' values of "turmoil" counter based on the current list of conditions and numbers:
            ; - range 0-35; 
            ; + change on the throne: + 10-20
            ; + player aggressivity: + 4-12-28
            ; (no need to provide for: excommunication (there's a special adidtional unrest).
            ; (floor value) home province at the beginning of game for a handful of small factions: 4
            ; (floor value) home province at the beginning of game for average SSHIP faction: 8
            ; conquered province in an outlying region: 12
            ; freshly conquered alien province later in the game without crown: 22 + aggressivity
            ; freshly conquered alien province later in the game with crown: 17 + aggressivity
            ; freshly conquered alien province after a bad change on the throne: 36 (first turn: +10)
    It will last until your FL gets more authority, or gets rid of the usurper trait.
    The way of getting rid of a usurper trait is usually though another SSHIP mechanism: a Civil War. When it breaks out, a few of your settlements will rebel (kick out your garrison and install a rebel one)and you will have to re-conquer them. It if happens in the non-core settlements, the whole integration process would have to start from scratch!
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Some of the civil wars can end quite quickly, but some not - the longest possible civil war may last 15 years, the shortest may end the same yea). Affter such a war the ruler is thought to be proven and achieved legitimacy of the nobles in the realm. The situation should start to stabilize.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    All in all, the turn when a Faction Leader dies and a new one gets on the throne, is going to be purgatory for the whole faction. You will see it visually on the map: there'll be flames from all settlements. These will suffer the additional unrest, but also lose a part of the population - the elites related to the old regime are fleeing or being expelled.

    To remind: the best way to alleviate the problems while your realm is large, is to get a crown before hand, ensuring a strong legacy for the son of the Faction Heir:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    You should care for your family tree, and groom the heir in the best possible way. Keeping a margin of happiness in the settlements' populations (building town watches, governor buildings, churches, brothels) is essential - perhaps more than expansion.


    Apart from the mechanism, keep in mind that any change on the throne brings also about additional financial costs (mind that it is not related to whether your FL is weak or not). They are calculated as follows:
        ; Costs: depending on difficulty, number of cities, change of FH is half of that of FL
        ; pagan nations Medium Diff:        4+ cities: 603/302, 10+ 1206/604
        ; pagan nations Hard Diff:            4+ cities: 603/302, 10+ 1809/906
        ; pagan nations Very Hard Diff:        4+ cities: 603/302, 10+ 2412/1208    
        ; other nations Medium Diff:        4+ cities: 1209/605, 10+ 2418/1210
        ; other nations Hard Diff:            4+ cities: 1209/605, 10+ 3627/1815
        ; other nations Very Hard Diff:        4+ cities: 1209/605, 10+ 4836/2420
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; April 06, 2022 at 09:06 AM.

  3. #3

    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC UNREST IN SETTLEMENTS by JoC

    This is a great idea for a script. I'm glad you went to the trouble of setting up text events to keep the player apprised of what's going on - that's the biggest problem I usually find with these types of hidden mechanics scripts. I could see this concept being inverted for some fantasy mods wherein warlike factions have to capture X settlements per turn to avoid unrest in their core if they own fewer than Y settlements.

  4. #4
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC UNREST IN SETTLEMENTS by JoC

    The system will also enable adjusting the speed of religious conversion depending on the time a particular province is a part of the faction:
            log --- (.D.)   Oslo Integration Impact on Religious Change Speed --------------------------------
            ; in an un-integrated province the religious change is slow (mind that this script was crafted for owner_conversion_default_rate float="0.005" in DCD)
                set_owner_founding_conversion_rate Oslo 0.005            ; Religious Change Speed: 0.005
                if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 500
                and I_EventCounter FL_policy_strictly_religious < 1        ; this policy nullifies the non-integration effect
                    set_owner_founding_conversion_rate Oslo 0.004            ; Religious Change Speed: 0.004
                    if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 400
                        set_owner_founding_conversion_rate Oslo 0.003            ; Religious Change Speed: 0.003
                        if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 300
                            set_owner_founding_conversion_rate Oslo 0.002            ; Religious Change Speed: 0.002
                            if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 200
                                set_owner_founding_conversion_rate Oslo 0.001            ; Religious Change Speed: 0.001
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; April 06, 2022 at 03:26 AM.

  5. #5

    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC INTEGRATION OF PROVINCES by JoC

    Jurand, one question- why many times the scripts are created with conditions nested inside the other? Why not like this for example:

    if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm > 499
    	set_owner_founding_conversion_rate Oslo 0.005			; Religious Change Speed: 0.005
    end if
    if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 500
    	and I_EventCounter FL_policy_strictly_religious < 1		; this policy nullifies the non-integration effect
    	set_owner_founding_conversion_rate Oslo 0.004			; Religious Change Speed: 0.004
    end if
    if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 400
    	set_owner_founding_conversion_rate Oslo 0.003			; Religious Change Speed: 0.003
    end if
    if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 300
    	set_owner_founding_conversion_rate Oslo 0.002			; Religious Change Speed: 0.002
    end if
    if I_EventCounter Oslo_turns_in_our_realm < 200
    	set_owner_founding_conversion_rate Oslo 0.001			; Religious Change Speed: 0.001
    Is it because of the processing speed, I mean the example above is slower ?

  6. #6
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC INTEGRATION OF PROVINCES by JoC

    yes, this was my thinking. I'm not sure it's true, but I've seen it in other mods, so I follow the suit. And even if it doesn't matter, it's easier to avoid coding mistakes with the visual

  7. #7

    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC INTEGRATION OF PROVINCES by JoC

    ok, got it, thanks

  8. #8
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC INTEGRATION OF PROVINCES by JoC

    Description of another facet of the system - in the wake of recent modifications.

    After a settlement is captured, there's a 66% chance that a rebellion breaks out. In most cases, this will be a royalist rebellion - an army of 7-10 units of the historical "owner" of the province. In the other provinces, the army will be that of the "rebels" (or "slave" as it's codded in the legacy RTW coding system). In both cases it will slow down the expansion of the attacking faction.

    The army will be spawned irrespectively of whether the conquering faction is the player or the AI. Notably, it will grant that army also to the player - if he is who had lost the settlement. However, it will be true only the losing faction owned that settlement for at least 25 years (theoretically, it's possible that also slightly less, but it'd be quite rare).

    This mechanism is restricted to Hard and Very Hard difficulties - unlike the Aggressivity mechanism that is restricted to Very Hard difficulty, and functions only for the player.

            log --- Hasankeyf AFTER CAPTURE ARMIES SPAWN --------------------------------------        
            if I_NumberOfSettlements zengid > 0                            ; faction that the population is loyal to exists
            and I_EventCounter faction_size_small < 1                    ; the conqueror is not a small faction
            and RandomPercent < 66                                        ; some randomness is always good
            and I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel > 2                        ; only for H/VH difficulties
            and I_EventCounter Hasankeyf_turns_in_our_realm > 550        ; to avoid situation of spawning many armies in a loop situation (conquer-retake-conquer...)    
            and I_EventCounter faction_turn_zengid < 1                    ; Zengid core region
                if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_CAPTURE_REBELLION
                    faction zengid
                        character random_name, named character, age 34, x 370, y 122
                        traits CounterOfBattles 2, NaturalMilitarySkill 2 , GoodCommander 4 , Hardened 1 , Anger 2 , BattleScarred 4 , Superstitious 3
                        unit    ME Bodyguard            exp 1 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Turkomans                exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Turkomans                exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0                
                        unit    ME Heavy Spearmen        exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    ME Heavy Spearmen        exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Kurdish Javelinmen        exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Kurdish Javelinmen        exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Kurdish Javelinmen        exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0        
    may have more conditions:
            log --- Ragusa AFTER CAPTURE ARMY SPAWN ----------------------------------------------------        
            if I_NumberOfSettlements venice > 0                            ; faction exists
            and I_EventCounter faction_size_small < 1                    ; the conqueror is not a small faction
            and RandomPercent < 66                                        ; some randomness is always good
            and I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel > 2                        ; only for H/VH difficulties 
            and I_EventCounter Ragusa_turns_in_our_realm > 550            ; to avoid situation of spawning many armies in a loop situation (conquer-retake-conquer...)
            and I_EventCounter serbian2_nemanja_state_player < 1        ; just to help serbia expand, then stop
            and I_EventCounter faction_turn_venice < 1                    ; to prompt the player expanding along the sea, not inland
                    faction venice
                        character random_name, named character, age 32, x 204, y 156
                        traits CounterOfBattles 2, NaturalMilitarySkill 2 , GoodCommander 2 , Hardened 1 , Anger 2 , BattleScarred 4 , Superstitious 3 
                        unit    NE Bodyguard            exp 1 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Italian Cavalry Militia    exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Slav Mercenaries        exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Slav Mercenaries        exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Transilvanian Peasants    exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Vlach Axemen            exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Vlach Axemen            exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Vlach Archers            exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Vlach Archers            exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Hunters                    exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0    
    or may spawn only slave armies:
            log --- Zagreb AFTER CAPTURE ARMY SPAWN ----------------------------------------------------        
            if I_EventCounter faction_size_small < 1                        ; the conqueror is not a small faction
            and RandomPercent < 66                                            ; some randomness is always good
            and I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel > 2                            ; only for H/VH difficulties 
            and I_EventCounter Zagreb_turns_in_our_realm > 550                ; to avoid situation of spawning many armies in a loop situation (conquer-retake-conquer...)
                    faction slave, sub_faction hungary
                        character Bela, named character, age 32, x 197, y 176 
                        traits CounterOfBattles 4, NaturalMilitarySkill 2 , GoodCommander 1 , Hardened 1 , StrategyDread 1 , Feck 4 , BattleScarred 3 , Xenophobia 3 
                        unit    NE Bodyguard            exp 1 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Magyar Cavalry            exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Slav Mercenaries        exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Slav Mercenaries        exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Transilvanian Peasants    exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Vlach Axemen            exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Vlach Axemen            exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Vlach Archers            exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Vlach Archers            exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Hunters                    exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0    
    or may be even more complicated
            log --- Lubeck AFTER CAPTURE ARMY SPAWN -------------------------------------------        
            if I_EventCounter faction_size_small < 1                    ; not for small faction
            and RandomPercent < 66                                        ; some randomness is always good
            and I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel > 2                        ; only for H/VH difficulties
            and I_EventCounter Lubeck_turns_in_our_realm > 550            ; to avoid situation of spawning many armies in a loop situation (conquer-retake-conquer...)
            and I_EventCounter number_hansa5_holsteintor_built == 1        ; Holsteintor built
                    faction slave, sub_faction poland
                        character Sulibor, named character, age 38, x 163, y 263
                        traits CounterOfBattles 5, NaturalMilitarySkill 3 , GoodCommander 1 , Hardened 3 , StrategyDread 2 , Bloodthirsty 2 , Berserker 3 , Paranoia 4
                        unit    Mailed Knights                exp 1 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Sergeant Spearmen            exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Sergeant Spearmen            exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Woodsmen                    exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Woodsmen                    exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Slav Levies                    exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Slav Levies                    exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Slav Levies                    exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Slavic Javelinmen            exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Hunters                        exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Hunters                        exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0    
                if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_CAPTURE_REBELLION
            if I_EventCounter faction_size_small < 1                    ; the conqueror is not a small faction
            and RandomPercent < 66                                        ; some randomness is always good
            and I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel > 2                        ; only for H/VH difficulties
            and I_EventCounter number_hansa5_holsteintor_built == 0        ; before Holsteintor built
                if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_CAPTURE_REBELLION
                    faction slave, sub_faction hre
                        character Bertram, named character, age 28, x 163, y 263
                        traits CounterOfBattles 1, NaturalMilitarySkill 1 , GoodCommander 2 , Hardened 4 , StrategyDread 1 , Genocide 2 , Feck 2 , BattleScarred 1 , Paranoia 4
                        unit    NE Bodyguard                 exp 1 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Sergeant Spearmen            exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Sergeant Spearmen            exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Light Swordsmen                exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Light Swordsmen                exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Slavic Javelinmen            exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Lettish Crossbowmen            exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
                        unit    Lettish Crossbowmen            exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0    
                        unit    Hunters                        exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0                
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; March 23, 2022 at 05:18 AM.

  9. #9

    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC INTEGRATION OF PROVINCES by JoC

    Great work Jurand!with all these improvements sship mod is going to be more realistic and how the middle ages really were, it is not so easy to conquer a territory, then you have to maintain it and fight against local rebellions, plus the conquered have to accept the conquerors and assimilate their culture/religion/form of government...
    in the future i would like to see your work in more wonders and new regional buildings...
    +rep for your hard work!!!

    Sign the petition to remove hardcoded limits for M2TW

  10. #10
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC INTEGRATION OF PROVINCES by JoC

    After some hiccoughs of the script and thoughts how the players will react, there'll be now:
    (1) an additional trait of the faction leader both determining how many aggressivity points are gathered, and informing the player so he can take informed decisions (for now it's just based on the FL intelligence, but will be made more complicated in the future):
    {FL_diplomatic_skills_BAD}Mediocre diplomatic skills
    {FL_diplomatic_skills_BAD_desc}Your Faction Leader has very mediocre diplomatic skills, his advisors are inept, and his diplomats provide scant support.\n\nThe game will track your conquest speed, using a point system. Each time you conquer a settlement that was historically not a "core" province of your faction, between 3 and 18 points aggression points are added. This number depends mostly on the qualities of your Faction Leader, first and foremost: if he has a crown, and then on his diplomatic skills which are conveyed in this trait.
    {FL_diplomatic_skills_BAD_effects_desc}Conquering any province will be treated as a grave act of aggression, both by the other factions and own citizens. As a result, the other factions will be more prone to attack you and the unrest in your settlements will grow exponentially.
    {FL_diplomatic_skills_GOOD}Refined diplomatic skills
    {FL_diplomatic_skills_GOOD_desc}Your Faction Leader has refined diplomatic skills, his advisors are avergae but his diplomats provide some support.\n\nThe game will track your conquest speed, using a point system. Each time you conquer a settlement that was historically not a "core" province of your faction, between 3 and 18 points aggression points are added. This number depends mostly on the qualities of your Faction Leader, first and foremost: if he has a crown, and then on his diplomatic skills which are conveyed in this trait.
    {FL_diplomatic_skills_GOOD_effects_desc}Conquering any province will be treated as an act of aggression, both by the other factions and own citizens. What follows, your opinion in the eyes of the other factions will deteriorate and the unrest in your settlements will increase.
    {FL_diplomatic_skills_EXQUISITE}Exquisite diplomatic skills
    {FL_diplomatic_skills_EXQUISITE_desc}Your Faction Leader has exquisite diplomatic skills, his advisors are superb and his diplomats abroad provide much of support.\n\nThe game will track your conquest speed, using a point system. Each time you conquer a settlement that was historically not a "core" province of your faction, between 3 and 18 points aggression points are added. This number depends mostly on the qualities of your Faction Leader, first and foremost: if he has a crown, and then on his diplomatic skills which are conveyed in this trait.
    {FL_diplomatic_skills_EXQUISITE_gain_desc}Conquering any province will be noted by both other factions and own citizens. However, your opinion in the eyes of the other factions will deteriorate only marginally, and the unrest in your settlements will increase just by little.
    (2) an information on the increase of level of aggressivity will be provide to the player just after taking the settlement, not at the beginning of the following turn.
    (3) both changes are included in the script, eg:
            log --- Lisbon AFTER CAPTURE IMPACT ON PLAYER AGGRESSIVITY REPUTATION ------------------------        
            if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1                            ; only player
            and I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel == 4                            ; VH difficulty    
            and I_EventCounter faction_turn_portugal < 1                    ; core portugal
                if I_EventCounter FL_is_crowned_ruler > 0                    ; crowned FL
                    inc_event_counter player_aggressivity 3                    ; +3
                    if I_EventCounter FL_diplomatic_skills_counter < 3        ; +3  Crowned FL average Intelligence
                        inc_event_counter player_aggressivity 3                ; cumulative!
                        if I_EventCounter FL_diplomatic_skills_counter < 2    ; +3  Crowned FL low Intelligence
                            inc_event_counter player_aggressivity 3            ; cumulative!
                if I_EventCounter FL_is_crowned_ruler < 1                    ; UN-crowned
                    inc_event_counter player_aggressivity 6                    ; +6
                    if I_EventCounter FL_diplomatic_skills_counter < 3        ; +6  UNcrowned FL average Intelligence
                        inc_event_counter player_aggressivity 6                ; cumulative!
                        if I_EventCounter FL_diplomatic_skills_counter < 2    ; +6  UNcrowned FL low Intelligence
                            inc_event_counter player_aggressivity 6            ; cumulative!
                if I_EventCounter player_aggressivity > 24                    ; 25+, then player is warmonger: very high turmoil, fast deterioration of diplo standing
                and I_EventCounter player_aggressivity_feedback < 3            ; fires only on a change from a lower level
                    historic_event PLAYER_AGGRESSIVITY_WARMONGER            ; info for the player
                    set_event_counter player_aggressivity_feedback 3        ; it will go down in another script
                    log ------ player warmonger info
                if I_EventCounter player_aggressivity > 12                    ;  13-24, then player is aggressive: high turmoil, deterioration of diplo standing
                and I_EventCounter player_aggressivity < 25
                and I_EventCounter player_aggressivity_feedback < 2            ; fires only on a change from a lower level
                    historic_event PLAYER_AGGRESSIVITY_AGGRESSIVE
                    set_event_counter player_aggressivity_feedback 2
                    log ------ player aggressive info
    Obviously, there's an information for the player of the whole mechanism:
    {PLAYER_AGGRESSIVITY_FIRST_INFO_BODY}This is one of the most important features of the SSHIP at the Very Hard difficulty.\n\nThe game will track your conquest speed, using a point system. Each time you conquer a settlement that was historically not a "core" province of your faction, between 3 and 18 points aggression points are added. This number depends mostly on the qualities of your Faction Leader, namely: (1) if he has a crown, the number is halved, (2) what kind of diplomatic skills does he have (mediocre/refined/exquisite). Conquering back your core provinces will not add those points, but conquering, losing, and conquering back non-core provinces will.\n\nIf the number exceeds 12 points you will be considered an aggressive faction, and above 24 you'll be called a "warmonger". Your reputation will be impacted, meaning the AI will be more prone to attack you. At the same time, the unrest in your settlements will grow exponentially. This unrest will decrease at rate of 1 point per turn only if you stop expanding. When it drops to a few points, the memories of your aggression fade away and you will be again seen as an acceptable neighbour - both for the other factions, and by your citizens. Time is the only one way to lose aggressivity points!\n\nNOTE: this system is a new one, to be balanced and expanded. Feedback and ideas welcome on the TWC forum!
    {PLAYER_AGGRESSIVITY_FIRST_INFO_TITLE}Player aggressivity tracking

    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; October 22, 2022 at 02:50 AM.

  11. #11
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC INTEGRATION OF PROVINCES by JoC

    Most of the armies spawn in the scrip are those of a "legitimate" owner of the province. In the rest, a rebel army will be spawned. However, there're also provinces with quite complicated conditions to decide which army will be spawned. In one of the previous entries there's code for Lubeck that would spawn two different rebel armies. Here is code for Prague that will spawn a rebel army, but after the Golden Bull of Charles IVth will start spawning the Imperial armies:
    		log --- Prague AFTER CAPTURE ARMY SPAWN ----------------------------------------------------		
            if I_EventCounter faction_size_small == 0					; not for small faction
    		and RandomPercent < 66										; some randomness is always good
    		and I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel > 2						; only for H/VH difficulties			
    		and I_EventCounter Prague_turns_in_our_realm > 550			; to avoid situation of spawning many armies in a loop situation (conquer-retake-conquer...)
    		and I_EventCounter hre5_goldene_bulle_karl4_player == 0
    				faction slave, sub_faction poland
    					character Boleslaw Premyslid, named character, age 48, x 185, y 205
                        traits CounterOfBattles 3, NaturalMilitarySkill 3 , GoodCommander 3 , StrategyDread 1 , Bloodthirsty 2 , Brave 4 , Xenophobia 3
    					unit	NE Bodyguard		exp 1 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Scouts				exp 7 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Scouts				exp 0 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Woodsmen			exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Woodsmen			exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Woodsmen			exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Slav Levies			exp 7 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Slav Levies			exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Slavic Javelinmen	exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Hunters				exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Hunters				exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0			
    			if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1
            if I_NumberOfSettlements hre > 0							; faction exists
    		and I_EventCounter faction_size_small == 0					; the conqueror is not a small faction
    		and RandomPercent < 66										; some randomness is always good
    		and I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel > 2						; only for H/VH difficulties			
    		and I_EventCounter Prague_turns_in_our_realm > 550			; to avoid situation of spawning many armies in a loop situation (conquer-retake-conquer...)
    		and I_EventCounter hre5_goldene_bulle_karl4_player == 1
    		and I_EventCounter faction_turn_hre < 1
    				faction hre
    					character Eberhard, named character, age 28, x 185, y 205
                        traits CounterOfBattles 1, NaturalMilitarySkill 1 , GoodCommander 2 , Hardened 4 , StrategyDread 1 , Genocide 2 , Feck 2 , BattleScarred 1 , Paranoia 4
    					unit	NE Bodyguard 				exp 1 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Mailed Knights				exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Mounted Sergeants			exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Sergeant Spearmen			exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Sergeant Spearmen			exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Light Swordsmen				exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Light Swordsmen				exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Slavic Javelinmen			exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Hunters						exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Hunters						exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0				
    			if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1
    Even more complicated script will be for Flanders' regions. A new script is now for floods in the region. It will happen only if the player owns the highest level of the river port - Canals and Polders (that can be built only in Flanders, Brabant and Holland):
        ;------- Floods
    	; mind that in Med2 engine the dedicated flood mechanics is broken - don't use it
    	; don't add effects for turmoil as they're nullified in the other part of the script
    	; mind that these two counters are used in EDB for riverport5 benefits!
    	set_event_counter netherlands_flood_coming 1
    	set_event_counter grote_mandrenke_coming 1
        monitor_event PreFactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal
    		and FactionBuildingExists = riverport5
    	    if RandomPercent < 10  
    			inc_event_counter netherlands_flood_coming 1
    			if I_EventCounter netherlands_flood_coming > 8
    				log ----------------------------------------- NETHERLANDS_FLOOD
    				historic_event NETHERLANDS_FLOOD
    				console_command set_building_health Ghent hinterland_farms 10
    				console_command set_building_health Ghent hansa_building 10
    				console_command add_population Ghent -2000
    				console_command set_building_health Utrecht hinterland_farms 10
    				console_command set_building_health Utrecht hansa_building 10
    				console_command add_population Utrecht -2000
    				set_event_counter netherlands_flood_coming 1
    	    if RandomPercent < 10  
    			inc_event_counter grote_mandrenke_coming 1
    			if I_EventCounter grote_mandrenke_coming > 12
    				log ---------------------------------------- GROTE_MANDENKE
    				historic_event GROTE_MANDENKE
    				console_command set_building_health London hinterland_farms 10
    				console_command set_building_health London hansa_building 10				
    				console_command add_population London -2000
    				console_command set_building_health Norwich hinterland_farms 10
    				console_command set_building_health Norwich hansa_building 10					
    				console_command add_population Norwich -2000
    				console_command set_building_health Ghent hinterland_farms 10
    				console_command set_building_health Ghent hansa_building 10				
    				console_command add_population Ghent -2000
    				console_command set_building_health Utrecht hinterland_farms 10
    				console_command set_building_health Utrecht hansa_building 10
    				console_command add_population Utrecht -2000
    				console_command set_building_health Bremen hinterland_farms 10
    				console_command set_building_health Bremen hansa_building 10	
    				console_command add_population Bremen -2000
    				console_command set_building_health Ribe hinterland_farms 10
    				console_command set_building_health Ribe hansa_building 10	
    				console_command add_population Ribe -2000
    				set_event_counter grote_mandrenke_coming 1
    then the type of an army spawned will depend on the recent experience with the floods. If the memories of a disaster faded away, the population will have more independent sentiments, and the spawned army will be "rebels". Otherwise, the army will be a French one:
    	;------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Ghent After Capture
        declare_counter current_name_Ghent						; 0 - Ghent
        set_counter current_name_Ghent 0
    	set_event_counter Ghent_turns_in_our_realm 200
        monitor_event GeneralCaptureSettlement SettlementName Ghent
    		wait 1
    		log --- Ghent AFTER CAPTURE NAME CHANGE -----------------------------------------------------------
    		log --- Ghent AFTER CAPTURE ARMY SPAWN ------------------------------------------------------
            if I_NumberOfSettlements france > 0								; faction exists
    		and I_EventCounter faction_size_small == 0						; the conqueror is not a small faction
    		and RandomPercent < 66											; some randomness is always good
    		and I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel > 2							; only for H/VH difficulties
    		and I_EventCounter Ghent_turns_in_our_realm > 550				; to avoid situation of spawning many armies in a loop situation (conquer-retake-conquer...)
    		and I_EventCounter netherlands_flood_coming < 2					; (a) Polders and Canals not built OR (b) recent memories of flood
    		and I_EventCounter faction_turn_france < 1						; core France region
    			if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1
    				faction france
    					character random_name, named character, age 32, x 98, y 212
                        traits CounterOfBattles 1, NaturalMilitarySkill 1 , GoodCommander 2 , Hardened 4 , StrategyDread 1 , Genocide 2 , Feck 4 , BattleScarred 1 , Paranoia 4
    					unit	NE Bodyguard			exp 1 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Norman Serjeants		exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Norman Serjeants		exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0				
    					unit	Axe Militia				exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Axe Militia				exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Axe Militia				exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Hunters					exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Hunters					exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Hunters					exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0			
            if I_EventCounter faction_size_small == 0					; not for small faction
    		and RandomPercent < 66										; some randomness is always good
    		and I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel > 2						; only for H/VH difficulties
    		and I_EventCounter netherlands_flood_coming > 1				; independence spirits high: (a) Polders and Canals AND (b) flood not on the minds of the citizens
    			if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1
    				faction slave, sub_faction france
    					character Gaston, named character, age 32, x 98, y 212
                        traits CounterOfBattles 1, NaturalMilitarySkill 1 , GoodCommander 2 , Hardened 4 , StrategyDread 1 , Genocide 2 , Feck 4 , BattleScarred 1 , Paranoia 4
    					unit	NE Bodyguard			exp 1 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Norman Serjeants		exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Norman Serjeants		exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0				
    					unit	Axe Militia				exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Axe Militia				exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Axe Militia				exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Hunters					exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Hunters					exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    					unit	Hunters					exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0			

  12. #12

    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC INTEGRATION OF PROVINCES by JoC

    Nice work, Jurand! I'm a bit too lazy to read the code in depth but it seems all very promising. I'm counting on you seeing as our treasured Belo is absent!

  13. #13
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC INTEGRATION OF PROVINCES by JoC

    A few changes of the names of the settlements will be elaborate (eg Jerusalem, Constantinople, Kaiseri, Edessa, Brandenburg). Around 40% of provinces will have scripted changes of the names:

        ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Erzurum After Capture
        declare_counter current_name_Erzurum
        set_counter current_name_Erzurum 0
        set_event_counter Erzurum_turns_in_our_realm 500
        monitor_event GeneralCaptureSettlement SettlementName Erzurum
            wait 1
            log --- Erzurum AFTER CAPTURE NAME CHANGE -----------------------------------------------------------
            if I_EventCounter faction_turn_islam == 1                    ; 0 Arabic: Qualiqala
            and I_EventCounter faction_turn_rum == 0
            and I_EventCounter faction_turn_turks == 0
                change_settlement_name Erzurum Erzurum
                if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1 
                and I_CompareCounter current_name_Erzurum > 0
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_NAME_CHANGE
                set_counter current_name_Erzurum 0        
            if I_EventCounter faction_turn_rum == 1                        ; 1 Turkish: Erzurum
                change_settlement_name Erzurum ErzurumTurkish
                if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1 
                and I_CompareCounter current_name_Erzurum < 1
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_NAME_CHANGE
                if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1
                and I_CompareCounter current_name_Erzurum > 1
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_NAME_CHANGE
                set_counter current_name_Erzurum 1        
            if I_EventCounter faction_turn_turks == 1                    ; 1 Turkish: Erzurum
                change_settlement_name Erzurum ErzurumTurkish
                if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1 
                and I_CompareCounter current_name_Erzurum < 1
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_NAME_CHANGE
                if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1
                and I_CompareCounter current_name_Erzurum > 1
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_NAME_CHANGE
                set_counter current_name_Erzurum 1        
            if I_EventCounter faction_turn_orthodox == 1                ; 2 Orthodox: Teodoziopoulis
            and I_EventCounter faction_turn_georgia == 0
                change_settlement_name Erzurum ErzurumGreek
                if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1 
                and I_CompareCounter current_name_Erzurum < 2
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_NAME_CHANGE
                if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1
                and I_CompareCounter current_name_Erzurum > 2
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_NAME_CHANGE
                set_counter current_name_Erzurum 2
            if I_EventCounter faction_turn_georgia == 1                    ; 3 Georgia: Karnokalaki
                change_settlement_name Erzurum ErzurumGeorgian
                if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1 
                and I_CompareCounter current_name_Erzurum < 3
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_NAME_CHANGE
                if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1
                and I_CompareCounter current_name_Erzurum > 3
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_NAME_CHANGE
                set_counter current_name_Erzurum 3
            if I_EventCounter faction_turn_catholic == 1                ; 4 Catholic: Karin
                change_settlement_name Erzurum ErzurumArmenian
                if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1
                and I_CompareCounter current_name_Erzurum < 4
                    historic_event SETTLEMENT_NAME_CHANGE
                set_counter current_name_Erzurum 4
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; March 27, 2022 at 08:19 AM.

  14. #14

    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC INTEGRATION OF PROVINCES by JoC

    Ah, so I am just now realizing that this will conflict with my historical toponyms mini-mod. To be honest I do not understand why it seems you have implemented some name changes based on religion instead of faction/language? I mean.. I have thousands of names in my mod why not use them? Of course, do as you wish. I just figure since I've already done so much research why simplify it?

    I look forward to seeing this in game, but I guess I'm going to have to merge your script with my own to avoid conflicts. Of course the easy thing to do is just delete it and do without, but I don't want to erase your script.

    I do not intend to sound rude if you perceive this as such. It is just disheartening after I devoted so much time to make this historical mod more historical, y'know?
    Last edited by Cephalophore; March 28, 2022 at 09:41 PM.

  15. #15
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC INTEGRATION OF PROVINCES by JoC

    Quote Originally Posted by Cephalophore View Post
    Ah, so I am just now realizing that this will conflict with my historical toponyms mini-mod. To be honest I do not understand why it seems you have implemented some name changes based on religion instead of faction/language? I mean.. I have thousands of names in my mod why not use them? Of course, do as you wish. I just figure since I've already done so much research why simplify it?

    I look forward to seeing this in game, but I guess I'm going to have to merge your script with my own to avoid conflicts. Of course the easy thing to do is just delete it and do without, but I don't want to erase your script.

    I do not intend to sound rude if you perceive this as such. It is just disheartening after I devoted so much time to make this historical mod more historical, y'know?
    Can I see this minimod with the thousands names? I think it could be easily integrated - just cut-and-paste:
    (1) in script.txt:
    - if monitor monitor_event GeneralCaptureSettlement SettlementName is used than at the end of the file,
    - if monitor_event SettlementTurnStart SettlementName then in any place
    (2) in expanded.txt
    - add the list of the names, check if there're no double-use of the same name

    If you ask about Erzurum: I think this one is not based on religion, but on the languages?

    The names (and a few other used for the Byzantine cities) were provided by Georgios like one or two years ago - he was very kind to make a resarch that was on his interests. He also provided descriptions for the Charity buildings for the Greeks.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; March 29, 2022 at 09:45 AM.

  16. #16

    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC INTEGRATION OF PROVINCES by JoC

    This is an excel file with names

    This is the actual mod

    Or you can click my signature which will take you to the page.

    Well, you had said to me before... there is no Armenia so I am wondering why there is one here?

    Expanded Text
    {Pol_1}        Aberdin
    {Pol_2}        Akra
    {Pol_3}     Andyrnopolá
    {Pol_4}     Mały Saraj
    {Pol_5}     Mahdijja
    {Pol_6}     Lahsy
    {Pol_7}     Ajla
    {Pol_8}     Wasit
    {Pol_9}     Alamut
    {Pol_10}     Alepu
    {Pol_11}     Alexándrya
    {Pol_12}     Agierze
    {Pol_13}     Ankony
    {Pol_14}     Anźe
    {Pol_15}     Ancyra
    {Pol_16}     Ani
    {Pol_17}     Antyochia
    {Pol_18}     Rakka
    {Pol_19}     Arl
    {Pol_20}     Arta
    {Pol_21}     Askalon
    {Pol_22}     Satalia
    {Pol_23}     Ozów
    {Pol_24}     Badaioz
    {Pol_25}     Babilon
    {Pol_26}     Baku
    {Pol_27}     Barcellony
    {Pol_28}     Bári
    {Pol_29}     Bázylea
    {Pol_30}     Bassora
    {Pol_31}     Bergben
    {Pol_32}     Bálony
    {Pol_33}     Bordo
    {Pol_34}     Brándeburk
    {Pol_35}     Berna
    {Pol_36}     Brystl
    {Pol_37}     Bulgár
    {Pol_38}     Burgos
    {Pol_39}     Canernarvon
    {Pol_40}     Cezáreá
    {Pol_41}     Kaliary
    {Pol_42}     Káir
    {Pol_43}     Kandyej
    {Pol_44}     Czerniców
    {Pol_45}     Korsuń
    {Pol_46}     Klerma
    {Pol_47}     Koimbra
    {Pol_48}     Koloni
    {Pol_49}     Carogród
    {Pol_50}     Korduwa
    {Pol_51}     Korynt
    {Pol_52}     Damaszk
    {Pol_53}     Damiatha
    {Pol_54}     Dierbient
    {Pol_55}     Diźa
    {Pol_56}     Dublin
    {Pol_57}     Durazzo
    {Pol_58}     Edessa
    {Pol_59}     Edymburg
    {Pol_60}     Erzerum
    {Pol_61}     Ostrokom
    {Pol_62}     Fez
    {Pol_63}     Florenczya
    {Pol_64}     Fránkobród
    {Pol_65}     Celojowiec
    {Pol_66}     Gdańsk 
    {Pol_67}     Gienuja
    {Pol_68}     Gandawa
    {Pol_69}     Granada
    {Pol_70}     Białogród
    {Pol_71}     Hálicz
    {Pol_72}     Hamadan
    {Pol_73}     Majdbork
    {Pol_74}     Skalny Gród
    {Pol_75}     Grodno
    {Pol_76}     Jas
    {Pol_77}     Ispáhán
    {Pol_78}     Jeroszalem
    {Pol_79}     Kalmaryi
    {Pol_80}     Kirman
    {Pol_81}     Wilno
    {Pol_82}     Kíjow
    {Pol_83}     Koływań
    {Pol_84}     Aszchabad
    {Pol_85}     Konyi
    {Pol_86}     Kraków
    {Pol_87}     Kotatis
    {Pol_88}     Nikozyey
    {Pol_89}     Legio
    {Pol_90}     Lowanium
    {Pol_91}     Linkoln
    {Pol_92}     Lizbona
    {Pol_93}     Londyn
    {Pol_94}     Lubku
    {Pol_95}     Lund
    {Pol_96}     Lugdun
    {Pol_97}     Malatyi
    {Pol_98}     Maroko
    {Pol_99}     Mecha
    {Pol_100}     Marw
    {Pol_101}     Medyolán
    {Pol_102}     Mozul
    {Pol_103}     Murcya
    {Pol_104}     Niapol
    {Pol_105}     Niszabur
    {Pol_106}     Nikea
    {Pol_107}     Nica
    {Pol_108}     Nisz
    {Pol_109}     Naricz
    {Pol_110}     Nowogród
    {Pol_111}     Norymberk
    {Pol_112}     Ołomuniec
    {Pol_113}     Orleańs
    {Pol_114}     Anslo
    {Pol_115}     Palerm
    {Pol_116}     Palma
    {Pol_117}     Pampeluna
    {Pol_118}     Páryź
    {Pol_119}     Perejaslaw
    {Pol_120}     Piza
    {Pol_121}     Płocko
    {Pol_122}     Poatie
    {Pol_123}     Połotsk 
    {Pol_124}     Poznań
    {Pol_125}     Praga
    {Pol_126}     Pleszkow
    {Pol_127}     Kusa
    {Pol_128}     Raguzya
    {Pol_129}     Rascya
    {Pol_130}     Rugenzburk
    {Pol_131}     Rey
    {Pol_132}     Reggio
    {Pol_133}     Renn
    {Pol_134}     Remsz
    {Pol_135}     Rypen
    {Pol_136}     Ryga
    {Pol_137}     Rzym
    {Pol_138}     Roskyld
    {Pol_139}     Ruan
    {Pol_140}     Rostów
    {Pol_141}     Rzezán
    {Pol_142}     Jakub z Kompostelli
    {Pol_143}     Astrachán
    {Pol_144}     Biało Wieżą 
    {Pol_145}     Sewerin?
    {Pol_146}     Zawella
    {Pol_147}     Sarokan
    {Pol_148}     Sziras
    {Pol_149}     Upsalm
    {Pol_150}     Sidzilmasy
    {Pol_151}     Algarwiia
    {Pol_152}     Synopą
    {Pol_153}     Sis
    {Pol_154}     Siwas
    {Pol_155}     Szkodra
    {Pol_156}     Skara
    {Pol_157}     Smoleńsk
    {Pol_158}     Smirna
    {Pol_159}     Spira
    {Pol_160}     Zofia
    {Pol_161}     Suzdal
    {Pol_162}     Sztetyn
    {Pol_163}     Białogród
    {Pol_164}     Tebrys
    {Pol_165}     Trypolu
    {Pol_166}     Ternowa
    {Pol_167}     Tabuk
    {Pol_168}     Tyyflis
    {Pol_169}     Tesalonika
    {Pol_170}     Tlemsen
    {Pol_171}     Tmutorokan
    {Pol_172}     Toledo
    {Pol_173}     Tuluza
    {Pol_174}     Trapezunt
    {Pol_175}     Treworis
    {Pol_176}     Trypolu
    {Pol_177}     Troa
    {Pol_178}     Tunuz
    {Pol_179}     Hab
    {Pol_180}     Turów
    {Pol_181}     Krolowgrod
    {Pol_182}     Ulma
    {Pol_183}     Urgencz
    {Pol_184}     Eitrech
    {Pol_185}     Walencya
    {Pol_186}     Walladolid
    {Pol_187}     Waradyn
    {Pol_188}     Wenieczy
    {Pol_189}     Werony
    {Pol_190}     Wiedeń
    {Pol_191}     Wizbi
    {Pol_192}     Włodzimierz
    {Pol_193}     Saraio
    {Pol_194}     Wrocisław
    {Pol_195}     Yezd
    {Pol_196}     Jork
    {Pol_197}     Zagrzeb
    {Pol_198}     Zadra
    {Pol_199}     Saragossa
    {OldFr_1}     Bredane 
    {OldFr_2}     Acre
    {OldFr_3}     Andrenoble 
    {OldFr_4}     Seracluck
    {OldFr_5}     Ville d'Auffricque
    {OldFr_6}     Lehsa
    {OldFr_7}     Eila
    {OldFr_8}     Waset
    {OldFr_9}     Alamout
    {OldFr_10}     Halape
    {OldFr_11}     Alixandre 
    {OldFr_12}     Algers
    {OldFr_13}     Ancone
    {OldFr_14}     Angiers
    {OldFr_15}     Angouri
    {OldFr_16}     Aniene 
    {OldFr_17}     Antioche
    {OldFr_18}     Raccabe
    {OldFr_19}     Arles
    {OldFr_20}     Larta
    {OldFr_21}     Escalonne 
    {OldFr_22}     Saptalie 
    {OldFr_23}     Ganna
    {OldFr_24}     Baudeloce
    {OldFr_25}     Baudas
    {OldFr_26}     Bakou
    {OldFr_27}     Barselonne 
    {OldFr_28}     Bar
    {OldFr_29}     Bale
    {OldFr_30}     Bastra
    {OldFr_31}     Berge
    {OldFr_32}     Boloigne
    {OldFr_33}     Burdele
    {OldFr_34}     Blanquebourch
    {OldFr_35}     Bremme
    {OldFr_36}     Brustut
    {OldFr_37}     Bugra
    {OldFr_38}     Burgues
    {OldFr_39}     Carnervan
    {OldFr_40}     Cesaire
    {OldFr_41}     Calari
    {OldFr_42}     Cahere
    {OldFr_43}     Candieu
    {OldFr_44}     Tcheringo
    {OldFr_45}     Chersonese
    {OldFr_46}     Clermont 
    {OldFr_47}     Connimbres
    {OldFr_48}     Couloingne
    {OldFr_49}     Costantinoble 
    {OldFr_50}     Cordres 
    {OldFr_51}     Corinte
    {OldFr_52}     Damas
    {OldFr_53}     Damiete 
    {OldFr_54}     Derbent
    {OldFr_55}     Digun
    {OldFr_56}     Dublin
    {OldFr_57}     Duraz 
    {OldFr_58}     Rohez
    {OldFr_59}     Handebourc
    {OldFr_60}     Arsion
    {OldFr_61}     Strigon
    {OldFr_62}     Fes
    {OldFr_63}     Flourentina
    {OldFr_64}     Francfort
    {OldFr_65}     Freibourg
    {OldFr_66}     Danzicque
    {OldFr_67}     Genes
    {OldFr_68}     Gand 
    {OldFr_69}     Grenade 
    {OldFr_70}     Albe Jule
    {OldFr_71}     Galice 
    {OldFr_72}     Hamadan
    {OldFr_73}     Meidenbourg 
    {OldFr_74}     Asanchiuf
    {OldFr_75}     Grodno
    {OldFr_76}     Jhasi
    {OldFr_77}     Spahen
    {OldFr_78}     Jherusalem
    {OldFr_79}     Calmar
    {OldFr_80}     Creman
    {OldFr_81}     Wilne
    {OldFr_82}     Kiou
    {OldFr_83}     Revel
    {OldFr_84}     Achgabat
    {OldFr_85}     Licoines
    {OldFr_86}     Traco
    {OldFr_87}     Cotais
    {OldFr_88}     Nichocie
    {OldFr_89}     Lion 
    {OldFr_90}     Louvain 
    {OldFr_91}     Nichole
    {OldFr_92}     Lussebonne 
    {OldFr_93}     Londres
    {OldFr_94}     Lubecque
    {OldFr_95}     Lunden
    {OldFr_96}     Lions
    {OldFr_97}     Meletene 
    {OldFr_98}     Marocques
    {OldFr_99}     Maques
    {OldFr_100}     Moraga
    {OldFr_101}     Milan
    {OldFr_102}     Mousse
    {OldFr_103}     Murcie
    {OldFr_104}     Naplouse
    {OldFr_105}     Nesabor
    {OldFr_106}     Nique
    {OldFr_107}     Niques
    {OldFr_108}     Niz
    {OldFr_109}     Norguiz
    {OldFr_110}     Grant Noegarde
    {OldFr_111}     Floreberg
    {OldFr_112}     Olmuis
    {OldFr_113}     Orliens 
    {OldFr_114}     Obslo
    {OldFr_115}     Palerme 
    {OldFr_116}     Palme
    {OldFr_117}     Pampelune 
    {OldFr_118}     Paris 
    {OldFr_119}     Yerislaf
    {OldFr_120}     Pise
    {OldFr_121}     Poloczko
    {OldFr_122}     Peitiers
    {OldFr_123}     Poloczk
    {OldFr_124}     Posnama
    {OldFr_125}     Praghes
    {OldFr_126}     Plesco
    {OldFr_127}     Cusa
    {OldFr_128}     Raguse
    {OldFr_129}     Ras
    {OldFr_130}     Reyykezebourg
    {OldFr_131}     Raph
    {OldFr_132}     Calabre d'Risa
    {OldFr_133}     Rennes 
    {OldFr_134}     Rains 
    {OldFr_135}     Rivis
    {OldFr_136}     Righe
    {OldFr_137}     Romme
    {OldFr_138}     Roschilt
    {OldFr_139}     Roen
    {OldFr_140}     Rostov
    {OldFr_141}     Resen
    {OldFr_142}     Saint Jacques Compostelle
    {OldFr_143}     Astrichan
    {OldFr_144}     Mesonblanc
    {OldFr_145}     Severen
    {OldFr_146}     Sezilie
    {OldFr_147}     Charuchan
    {OldFr_148}     Seras
    {OldFr_149}     Upsalie
    {OldFr_150}     Segelmesse
    {OldFr_151}     Silves
    {OldFr_152}     Sinopi
    {OldFr_153}     Sis
    {OldFr_154}     Sabbat 
    {OldFr_155}     Scutari
    {OldFr_156}     Skara
    {OldFr_157}     Shmolensqui
    {OldFr_158}     Smirnie
    {OldFr_159}     Speier
    {OldFr_160}     Stralice 
    {OldFr_161}     Susdal
    {OldFr_162}     Stetin
    {OldFr_163}     Veissembourg
    {OldFr_164}     Touris
    {OldFr_165}     Triple 
    {OldFr_166}     Ternova
    {OldFr_167}     Tabuc
    {OldFr_168}     Teflis
    {OldFr_169}     Salenique 
    {OldFr_170}     Tremecen
    {OldFr_171}     Matzega
    {OldFr_172}     Tollette 
    {OldFr_173}     Toulouze 
    {OldFr_174}     Traffesontes
    {OldFr_175}     Treves
    {OldFr_176}     Triple 
    {OldFr_177}     Troies
    {OldFr_178}     Thunes
    {OldFr_179}     Abo
    {OldFr_180}     Turovie
    {OldFr_181}     Keuniczeberghe
    {OldFr_182}     Ulme
    {OldFr_183}     Korgange
    {OldFr_184}     Ultrech
    {OldFr_185}     Vallance 
    {OldFr_186}     Val d'Olif
    {OldFr_187}     Varadni
    {OldFr_188}     Venise
    {OldFr_189}     Verone
    {OldFr_190}     Vienne
    {OldFr_191}     Visbie
    {OldFr_192}     Vildemar
    {OldFr_193}     Varborsauye
    {OldFr_194}     Bresseloeu
    {OldFr_195}     Jasdi
    {OldFr_196}     Euerewik
    {OldFr_197}     Sagabrie
    {OldFr_198}     Jadres 
    {OldFr_199}     Sarraguce
    {Grk_1}     Dina
    {Grk_2}     Akro
    {Grk_3}     Adrianoúpoli
    {Grk_4}     Saraitzik
    {Grk_5}     Machntígia
    {Grk_6}     Lasa
    {Grk_7}     Aila
    {Grk_8}     Basit
    {Grk_9}     Alamut
    {Grk_10}     Khálep
    {Grk_11}     Alexandreía
    {Grk_12}     Algéri
    {Grk_13}     Ankón
    {Grk_14}     Anzér
    {Grk_15}     Ánkyra
    {Grk_16}     Aníou
    {Grk_17}     Antiocheía
    {Grk_18}     Kallinikos 
    {Grk_19}     Arl
    {Grk_20}     Arti
    {Grk_21}     Askhalia
    {Grk_22}     Attaléia
    {Grk_23}     Tanaidos
    {Grk_24}     Badachóth
    {Grk_25}     Bagdá
    {Grk_26}     Mpakou
    {Grk_27}     Barkenóni
    {Grk_28}     Bareos 
    {Grk_29}     Basiléa
    {Grk_30}     Basra
    {Grk_31}     Mpérgen
    {Grk_32}     Bononía
    {Grk_33}     Burdigoia
    {Grk_34}     Brandhembúrgo 
    {Grk_35}     Brémis 
    {Grk_36}     Brístol
    {Grk_37}     Boulgarpoli
    {Grk_38}     Boúrgos
    {Grk_39}     Kárnarvon
    {Grk_40}     Kaesareia
    {Grk_41}     Káralis
    {Grk_42}     Babylóna
    {Grk_43}     Chándakas
    {Grk_44}     Tzernigóga 
    {Grk_45}     Kherróneson 
    {Grk_46}     Klermón
    {Grk_47}     Koimpra
    {Grk_48}     Kolonía
    {Grk_49}     Konstantinoupoli 
    {Grk_50}     Kordúbi 
    {Grk_51}     Korínthos
    {Grk_52}     Damaskón
    {Grk_53}     Damietta
    {Grk_54}     Dermpent
    {Grk_55}     Ntizón
    {Grk_56}     Dublíno 
    {Grk_57}     Dyrrakhion
    {Grk_58}     Edéssis
    {Grk_59}     Edimbúrgo 
    {Grk_60}     Theodosioupoli
    {Grk_61}     Istrogran
    {Grk_62}     Fez
    {Grk_63}     Florentía
    {Grk_64}     Frankfúrti 
    {Grk_65}     Freibergon
    {Grk_66}     Tántzēk
    {Grk_67}     Genouas 
    {Grk_68}     Gantýnis
    {Grk_69}     Granáti
    {Grk_70}     Belegradha
    {Grk_71}     Galitz
    {Grk_72}     Ekbátana
    {Grk_73}     Magdepoúrgo
    {Grk_74}     Kiphas
    {Grk_75}     Nkróntno
    {Grk_76}     Iásio
    {Grk_77}     Aspadana
    {Grk_78}     Ierosolýmon
    {Grk_79}     Kalmar
    {Grk_80}     Kerman
    {Grk_81}     Bílna
    {Grk_82}     Kioáb
    {Grk_83}     Rēbúlē
    {Grk_84}     Asnkampát
    {Grk_85}     Ikoníon
    {Grk_86}     Krakobía
    {Grk_87}     Koutáis
    {Grk_88}     Leukousia
    {Grk_89}     Léon
    {Grk_90}     Lében
    {Grk_91}     Líndon
    {Grk_92}     Lisabóna 
    {Grk_93}     Lóndrai
    {Grk_94}     Lúpēk
    {Grk_95}     Lount
    {Grk_96}     Léon
    {Grk_97}     Melitiní
    {Grk_98}     Marákes
    {Grk_99}     Meké
    {Grk_100}     Alexandreía
    {Grk_101}     Mediolánou
    {Grk_102}     Moúsel 
    {Grk_103}     Morsíki 
    {Grk_104}     Neápolis
    {Grk_105}     Nisabóri
    {Grk_106}     Nikaía
    {Grk_107}     Nítia
    {Grk_108}     Naissus
    {Grk_109}     Nórits
    {Grk_110}     Nemogardá 
    {Grk_111}     Noróbergon 
    {Grk_112}     Ólomouts
    {Grk_113}     Orleáni 
    {Grk_114}     Óslo
    {Grk_115}     Panórmos
    {Grk_116}     Pálma
    {Grk_117}     Pamplóna
    {Grk_118}     Parísio
    {Grk_119}     Peregiasláf
    {Grk_120}     Píssi
    {Grk_121}     Plok
    {Grk_122}     Pouatié
    {Grk_123}     Polótsk
    {Grk_124}     Pózna
    {Grk_125}     Brága
    {Grk_126}     Pskóf
    {Grk_127}     Kous
    {Grk_128}     Raoúsi
    {Grk_129}     Ras
    {Grk_130}     Régkensmpourgk
    {Grk_131}     Rhagae
    {Grk_132}     Rígio
    {Grk_133}     Ren
    {Grk_134}     Réímoi 
    {Grk_135}     Ribis
    {Grk_136}     Rē´ga
    {Grk_137}     Rómi
    {Grk_138}     Kupanábē
    {Grk_139}     Ratómai
    {Grk_140}     Rostóf
    {Grk_141}     Riazán
    {Grk_142}     Iakóbo
    {Grk_143}     Astraxan
    {Grk_144}     Lefkón Oïkina
    {Grk_145}     Drobeta
    {Grk_146}     Sivilina
    {Grk_147}     Saruxan
    {Grk_148}     Siráz
    {Grk_149}     Oupsála
    {Grk_150}     Sizilmáza
    {Grk_151}     Silbis
    {Grk_152}     Sinópi
    {Grk_153}     Sis
    {Grk_154}     Sebásteia
    {Grk_155}     Skoutari
    {Grk_156}     Skara
    {Grk_157}     Miliníscha 
    {Grk_158}     Smýrni
    {Grk_159}     Spáier
    {Grk_160}     Triadítzis
    {Grk_161}     Soúzntal
    {Grk_162}     Stettíno 
    {Grk_163}     Belegradha
    {Grk_164}     Tabrézion
    {Grk_165}     Tripólei
    {Grk_166}     Tarnovo
    {Grk_167}     Tampoúk
    {Grk_168}     Teflís 
    {Grk_169}     Thessaloníki
    {Grk_170}     Tlemsen
    {Grk_171}     Tamátarcha
    {Grk_172}     Tolédo
    {Grk_173}     Tólous
    {Grk_174}     Trapezoúnta
    {Grk_175}     Trir
    {Grk_176}     Tripólei
    {Grk_177}     Trouá
    {Grk_178}     Týnida
    {Grk_179}     Abo
    {Grk_180}     Turof
    {Grk_181}     Kainixbérgi
    {Grk_182}     Oulm
    {Grk_183}     Órgens
    {Grk_184}     Trékhti 
    {Grk_185}     Balentía
    {Grk_186}     Bagiadolíd
    {Grk_187}     Bárad
    {Grk_188}     Benetía
    {Grk_189}     Beróna
    {Grk_190}     Biénni
    {Grk_191}     Bísmpy
    {Grk_192}     Bladimirón
    {Grk_193}     Katera
    {Grk_194}     Brótsouaf 
    {Grk_195}     Issatus
    {Grk_196}     Ebórak
    {Grk_197}     Zánkreb
    {Grk_198}     Zapa
    {Grk_199}     Zaragósa 
    {Lat_1}     Abertenia
    {Lat_2}     Acra 
    {Lat_3}     Adrianopoli
    {Lat_4}     Sarachancho
    {Lat_5}     Civitas Affrica 
    {Lat_6}     Lasa
    {Lat_7}     Aila
    {Lat_8}     Wasit
    {Lat_9}     Alamut
    {Lat_10}     Alapia
    {Lat_11}     Alexandria 
    {Lat_12}     Gesir
    {Lat_13}     Ancona
    {Lat_14}     Andegavum
    {Lat_15}     Ancras
    {Lat_16}     Ani
    {Lat_17}     Antiochia
    {Lat_18}     Racha
    {Lat_19}     Arelas
    {Lat_20}     Larta
    {Lat_21}     Ascalona
    {Lat_22}     Satalia
    {Lat_23}     Tana
    {Lat_24}     Badaioth
    {Lat_25}     Baldach
    {Lat_26}     Bacua
    {Lat_27}     Barcinona
    {Lat_28}     Bari
    {Lat_29}     Basilea
    {Lat_30}     Bostra
    {Lat_31}     Berginum
    {Lat_32}     Bononia
    {Lat_33}     Burdagala
    {Lat_34}     Bindeburgum
    {Lat_35}     Brema
    {Lat_36}     Bristoue
    {Lat_37}     Civitas Bulgaria
    {Lat_38}     Burcas
    {Lat_39}     Cair Custeint 
    {Lat_40}     Cesarea
    {Lat_41}     Caralis
    {Lat_42}     Babylonia
    {Lat_43}     Candia
    {Lat_44}     Czernigovia
    {Lat_45}     Chersonesus
    {Lat_46}     Claromonte
    {Lat_47}     Columbria
    {Lat_48}     Colonia
    {Lat_49}     Constantinopolis
    {Lat_50}     Cordova
    {Lat_51}     Corinthus
    {Lat_52}     Damasco 
    {Lat_53}     Damiata
    {Lat_54}     Derbentum
    {Lat_55}     Divionum
    {Lat_56}     Dibelina
    {Lat_57}     Durachium
    {Lat_58}     Rohas
    {Lat_59}     Edenburgum
    {Lat_60}     Theodosiopolis
    {Lat_61}     Strigonium
    {Lat_62}     Fessa
    {Lat_63}     Fiorentina
    {Lat_64}     Francofurtum
    {Lat_65}     Friburgum
    {Lat_66}     Dantiscum
    {Lat_67}     Genue
    {Lat_68}     Gandavum
    {Lat_69}     Granada
    {Lat_70}     Albensis Ultrasilvane
    {Lat_71}     Galic
    {Lat_72}     Hamadan
    {Lat_73}     Magdaburgum
    {Lat_74}     Cephas
    {Lat_75}     Grodna
    {Lat_76}     Iassi
    {Lat_77}     Spahan
    {Lat_78}     Hierusalem 
    {Lat_79}     Calmarna
    {Lat_80}     Chirmas
    {Lat_81}     Vilna
    {Lat_82}     Chyov
    {Lat_83}     Revelia
    {Lat_84}     Asgabadia
    {Lat_85}     Iconium
    {Lat_86}     Cracovia
    {Lat_87}     Catasia
    {Lat_88}     Nicosia
    {Lat_89}     Legio
    {Lat_90}     Luvania
    {Lat_91}     Lincolnia
    {Lat_92}     Ulixisbona
    {Lat_93}     Lundonia
    {Lat_94}     Lubecum
    {Lat_95}     Lundia
    {Lat_96}     Lugdunum
    {Lat_97}     Malatine
    {Lat_98}     Marrochiam
    {Lat_99}     Mequa
    {Lat_100}     Marv
    {Lat_101}     Mediolanum 
    {Lat_102}     Mausilium
    {Lat_103}     Murcia
    {Lat_104}     Neapolis
    {Lat_105}     Nassabor
    {Lat_106}     Nicaea
    {Lat_107}     Nicaea
    {Lat_108}     Nisa
    {Lat_109}     Norwicia
    {Lat_110}     Nogardia
    {Lat_111}     Nurumburga
    {Lat_112}     Olomutium
    {Lat_113}     Aurelianum
    {Lat_114}     Aslo
    {Lat_115}     Panormus
    {Lat_116}     Palma
    {Lat_117}     Pampilonia
    {Lat_118}     Parisius
    {Lat_119}     Pereslav
    {Lat_120}     Pisa
    {Lat_121}     Plocense
    {Lat_122}     Pictavia
    {Lat_123}     Paltisca
    {Lat_124}     Poznan
    {Lat_125}     Praga
    {Lat_126}     Plescovia
    {Lat_127}     Chas
    {Lat_128}     Ragusium
    {Lat_129}     Ras
    {Lat_130}     Ratispona
    {Lat_131}     Ere
    {Lat_132}     Regium
    {Lat_133}     Redones
    {Lat_134}     Remis
    {Lat_135}     Ripa
    {Lat_136}     Riga 
    {Lat_137}     Roma
    {Lat_138}     Roskildia
    {Lat_139}     Rothomagum
    {Lat_140}     Rostovia
    {Lat_141}     Rezania
    {Lat_142}     Compostella
    {Lat_143}     Agitarcanum
    {Lat_144}     Domus Alba
    {Lat_145}     Zeurim
    {Lat_146}     Sibilia
    {Lat_147}     Sarochanis
    {Lat_148}     Siras
    {Lat_149}     Upsala
    {Lat_150}     Sigermesa 
    {Lat_151}     Silbis
    {Lat_152}     Sinopa
    {Lat_153}     Sisia
    {Lat_154}     Sebasta
    {Lat_155}     Scutarum 
    {Lat_156}     Scara
    {Lat_157}     Smalenceka
    {Lat_158}     Smirna
    {Lat_159}     Spira
    {Lat_160}     Sternitz
    {Lat_161}     Susdalia
    {Lat_162}     Stitinum
    {Lat_163}     Alba Regia 
    {Lat_164}     Tauris
    {Lat_165}     Tripoli
    {Lat_166}     Tornovia
    {Lat_167}     Tabuca
    {Lat_168}     Tiflis
    {Lat_169}     Salanicum
    {Lat_170}     Tilimsana
    {Lat_171}     Materta
    {Lat_172}     Toletum
    {Lat_173}     Tolosa
    {Lat_174}     Trapezus
    {Lat_175}     Treveris
    {Lat_176}     Tripoli
    {Lat_177}     Trecas
    {Lat_178}     Tunisio
    {Lat_179}     Aboa
    {Lat_180}     Turovls
    {Lat_181}     Regiomontium
    {Lat_182}     Ulma
    {Lat_183}     Orghanci
    {Lat_184}     Traiectum
    {Lat_185}     Valentia
    {Lat_186}     Vallisoletum
    {Lat_187}     Varadini
    {Lat_188}     Venetia
    {Lat_189}     Verona
    {Lat_190}     Vienna
    {Lat_191}     Vysbu
    {Lat_192}     Vualdemarum
    {Lat_193}     Saraglia
    {Lat_194}     Vratislavia
    {Lat_195}     Jazd
    {Lat_196}     Eboracum
    {Lat_197}     Zagabria
    {Lat_198}     Jadra
    {Lat_199}     Cesaraugusta
    {Ar_1}         Abradīn
    {Ar_2}         'Akka
    {Ar_3}         Ādirnūboli
    {Ar_4}         Sarāchūk
    {Ar_5}         al-Mahdīa
    {Ar_6}         al-Ahsa
    {Ar_7}         Aila
    {Ar_8}         Wāsit al-Kasab
    {Ar_9}         Alamūt
    {Ar_10}     Haleb
    {Ar_11}     al-Iskanderia
    {Ar_12}     Ġezaīr Bani Mazġāni 
    {Ar_13}     Ankuna
    {Ar_14}     Aġtars
    {Ar_15}     Kal'at al-Salasil
    {Ar_16}     Anī
    {Ar_17}     Antākīū
    {Ar_18}     ar-Rakka
    {Ar_19}     Aireš
    {Ar_20}     'Artā
    {Ar_21}     'Askalān
    {Ar_22}     Antalīa
    {Ar_23}     Azak
    {Ar_24}     Batalius
    {Ar_25}     Baġdad
    {Ar_26}     Bākuh
    {Ar_27}     Baršluna
    {Ar_28}     Bāri
    {Ar_29}     Bazla
    {Ar_30}     al-Basra
    {Ar_31}     Braġhn
    {Ar_32}     Bonona
    {Ar_33}     Bordāl
    {Ar_34}     Brandnburk
    {Ar_35}     Berna
    {Ar_36}     Brīštū
    {Ar_37}     Bulghār
    {Ar_38}     Burġaš
    {Ar_39}     Kārnarfūn
    {Ar_40}     Kaīsārīa
    {Ar_41}     al-Kālyārī
    {Ar_42}     Misr al-Fustāt
    {Ar_43}     Rabd al-Handax
    {Ar_44}     Shranīḡūfa
    {Ar_45}     Karsūna
    {Ar_46}     Aklarnt
    {Ar_47}     Kalimria
    {Ar_48}     Kolūnia
    {Ar_49}     al-Kostantīna
    {Ar_50}     Kortoba
    {Ar_51}     Korint
    {Ar_52}     Dimašk
    {Ar_53}     Damiat
    {Ar_54}     Bāb al-Ābūad
    {Ar_55}     Diġun
    {Ar_56}     Dablin
    {Ar_57}     Adras
    {Ar_58}     al-Roha
    {Ar_59}     Īdinbirā
    {Ar_60}     Kalīkalā
    {Ar_61}     Ostrikūna
    {Ar_62}     Fās
    {Ar_63}     Fluranaia
    {Ar_64}     Afrankbarda
    {Ar_65}     Afriburk
    {Ar_66}     Bandsin
    {Ar_67}     Ġanua
    {Ar_68}     Kent
    {Ar_69}     al-Ġranata
    {Ar_70}     Belġrad
    {Ar_71}     Ġalīsīa
    {Ar_72}     Hamadān
    {Ar_73}     Māgdiburk
    {Ar_74}     Hisnkeyf
    {Ar_75}     Ġradnu
    {Ar_76}     Yash
    {Ar_77}     Isbahān
    {Ar_78}     al-Kuds
    {Ar_79}     Falmār
    {Ar_80}     Kirmān
    {Ar_81}     Bilna
    {Ar_82}     Kīāū
    {Ar_83}     Ānhū
    {Ar_84}     Išk Ābād
    {Ar_85}     Kūnīa
    {Ar_86}     Akrakal
    {Ar_87}     Kūtāyisī
    {Ar_88}     Lafkīsia
    {Ar_89}     Liun
    {Ar_90}     Lovanos
    {Ar_91}     Nikulas
    {Ar_92}     Ašbuna
    {Ar_93}     Londrs
    {Ar_94}     Lūbik
    {Ar_95}     Lāwand
    {Ar_96}     Liuns
    {Ar_97}     Malatīa
    {Ar_98}     Marrākeš
    {Ar_99}     Mekka
    {Ar_100}     Marv 
    {Ar_101}     Madyūlan
    {Ar_102}     al-Mōsul
    {Ar_103}     Mursia
    {Ar_104}     Nabal
    {Ar_105}     Nīsābūr
    {Ar_106}     al-Nikiu
    {Ar_107}     Anīsa
    {Ar_108}     Nisu
    {Ar_109}     Narġik
    {Ar_110}     Nubaġrāba
    {Ar_111}     Nurezburk
    {Ar_112}     'Āwlūmuk
    {Ar_113}     Arliāns
    {Ar_114}     Āslū
    {Ar_115}     Balarm
    {Ar_116}     Balma
    {Ar_117}     Banblūna
    {Ar_118}     Abariz
    {Ar_119}     Berizula
    {Ar_120}     Biša
    {Ar_121}     Benklāia
    {Ar_122}     Batāras
    {Ar_123}     Būlūtska
    {Ar_124}     Buznan
    {Ar_125}     Agrakta
    {Ar_126}     Pskūf
    {Ar_127}     Kwūs
    {Ar_128}     Raġusa
    {Ar_129}     Rās
    {Ar_130}     Ranġburk
    {Ar_131}     al-Raī
    {Ar_132}     Riu
    {Ar_133}     Rinis
    {Ar_134}     Ramus
    {Ar_135}     Rībs
    {Ar_136}     Rīgā
    {Ar_137}     Rūma
    {Ar_138}     Rūsakīlda
    {Ar_139}     Ruwām
    {Ar_140}     Rustūf
    {Ar_141}     Ryazān
    {Ar_142}     Sant Iakūb
    {Ar_143}     Sariğšīn
    {Ar_144}     al-Baydā
    {Ar_145}     Safīrīn
    {Ar_146}     Išbilia
    {Ar_147}     Šārūkan
    {Ar_148}     Šīrāz
    {Ar_149}     Saktun
    {Ar_150}     Siġilmāsa
    {Ar_151}     Šilb
    {Ar_152}     Sinūboli
    {Ar_153}     Sīs
    {Ar_154}     Siwās
    {Ar_155}     Išqūdra
    {Ar_156}     Skara
    {Ar_157}     Smulinsk
    {Ar_158}     Smīrnā
    {Ar_159}     Ašira
    {Ar_160}     Atrālsa
    {Ar_161}     Sūsdāl
    {Ar_162}     Štitīn
    {Ar_163}     Belġrāba
    {Ar_164}     Tabriz
    {Ar_165}     Atrāblus
    {Ar_166}     Terlob
    {Ar_167}     Tebūk
    {Ar_168}     Tiflīs
    {Ar_169}     Salūnik
    {Ar_170}     Talamsan
    {Ar_171}     Matraha
    {Ar_172}     Tolaitola
    {Ar_173}     Tolusa
    {Ar_174}     Atrābezūnda
    {Ar_175}     Terbirna
    {Ar_176}     Atrāblus
    {Ar_177}     Atrūns
    {Ar_178}     Tunīs
    {Ar_179}     Abūra
    {Ar_180}     Terob
    {Ar_181}     Kūnīġsbarġ
    {Ar_182}     Ulma
    {Ar_183}     al-Jurjānīyah
    {Ar_184}     Astrik
    {Ar_185}     Balensia
    {Ar_186}     Balad al-Walid
    {Ar_187}     Montir
    {Ar_188}     al-Bundukīya
    {Ar_189}     Beruna
    {Ar_190}     Biana 
    {Ar_191}     Bisbī
    {Ar_192}     Bladīmir
    {Ar_193}     Farbūsan
    {Ar_194}     Masala
    {Ar_195}     Yazd
    {Ar_196}     Yurk
    {Ar_197}     Kalam
    {Ar_198}     Ġadra
    {Ar_199}     Sarakostia
    {MEng_1}     Abirdene
    {MEng_2}     Acrys
    {MEng_3}     Bradrenople
    {MEng_4}     Lytyll Sarail
    {MEng_5}     Mahadia
    {MEng_6}     Lasa
    {MEng_7}     Elane
    {MEng_8}     Wasit
    {MEng_9}     Alamut
    {MEng_10}     Halope
    {MEng_11}     Alyxsaundrye
    {MEng_12}     Algezer
    {MEng_13}     Ancone
    {MEng_14}     Anserre
    {MEng_15}     Angory
    {MEng_16}     Anye
    {MEng_17}     Anthyoche
    {MEng_18}     Racabe
    {MEng_19}     Arle
    {MEng_20}     Larta
    {MEng_21}     Ascalon
    {MEng_22}     Satalye
    {MEng_23}     Azov
    {MEng_24}     Badachoz
    {MEng_25}     Baldak
    {MEng_26}     Backow
    {MEng_27}     Barsalone
    {MEng_28}     Barre
    {MEng_29}     Basyle
    {MEng_30}     Basra
    {MEng_31}     Barowe
    {MEng_32}     Boleyn
    {MEng_33}     Burdes
    {MEng_34}     Brandeberge
    {MEng_35}     Breame
    {MEng_36}     Brystowe
    {MEng_37}     Bolgar
    {MEng_38}     Burgus
    {MEng_39}     Carnarfon
    {MEng_40}     Cæsaria
    {MEng_41}     Calari
    {MEng_42}     Babyloyne
    {MEng_43}     Candi
    {MEng_44}     Chirnygo
    {MEng_45}     Cherson
    {MEng_46}     Cleremonte
    {MEng_47}     Quimbre
    {MEng_48}     Coloyne
    {MEng_49}     Costantynoble
    {MEng_50}     Corduba
    {MEng_51}     Corinthe
    {MEng_52}     Damasc
    {MEng_53}     Damyete 
    {MEng_54}     Derbent
    {MEng_55}     Diyonge
    {MEng_56}     Dublyn
    {MEng_57}     Duraz
    {MEng_58}     Edyssa
    {MEng_59}     Edynburghe
    {MEng_60}     Ezerum
    {MEng_61}     Gran
    {MEng_62}     Fesse
    {MEng_63}     Florens
    {MEng_64}     Franckford
    {MEng_65}     Freyburge
    {MEng_66}     Danske 
    {MEng_67}     Gene
    {MEng_68}     Gaunte
    {MEng_69}     Granade
    {MEng_70}     Wyssyngburgh
    {MEng_71}     Galitts
    {MEng_72}     Hamadan
    {MEng_73}     Magdaburgh
    {MEng_74}     Asanchif
    {MEng_75}     Grodno
    {MEng_76}     Jassy
    {MEng_77}     Spahawn
    {MEng_78}     Jerusalem
    {MEng_79}     Calmar
    {MEng_80}     Karemen
    {MEng_81}     Wil
    {MEng_82}     Kiove
    {MEng_83}     Revell
    {MEng_84}     Ashegabat
    {MEng_85}     Icony
    {MEng_86}     Cracow
    {MEng_87}     Kutaysy
    {MEng_88}     Nicosy
    {MEng_89}     Lyon
    {MEng_90}     Lovayn
    {MEng_91}     Lyncolne
    {MEng_92}     Lyscheborne
    {MEng_93}     London
    {MEng_94}     Lubek
    {MEng_95}     Lunde
    {MEng_96}     Lyon
    {MEng_97}     Meletene
    {MEng_98}     Morocus
    {MEng_99}     Meek
    {MEng_100}     Merv
    {MEng_101}     Melayne
    {MEng_102}     Moselle
    {MEng_103}     Mursy
    {MEng_104}     Napylles
    {MEng_105}     Nezabor 
    {MEng_106}     Nike
    {MEng_107}     Nizze
    {MEng_108}     Nyze
    {MEng_109}     Northwyche
    {MEng_110}     Greet Newegarden
    {MEng_111}     Nurnberge
    {MEng_112}     Olomuch
    {MEng_113}     Orleance
    {MEng_114}     Opslo
    {MEng_115}     Palerna
    {MEng_116}     Palme
    {MEng_117}     Pampalone
    {MEng_118}     Parys
    {MEng_119}     Yeroslawe
    {MEng_120}     Pysa
    {MEng_121}     Plotsk
    {MEng_122}     Poytyers
    {MEng_123}     Pollotskie
    {MEng_124}     Bosen
    {MEng_125}     Prage
    {MEng_126}     Plasco
    {MEng_127}     Cos
    {MEng_128}     Raguse
    {MEng_129}     Ras
    {MEng_130}     Regenspurge
    {MEng_131}     Rey
    {MEng_132}     Regyo
    {MEng_133}     Raynes
    {MEng_134}     Remis
    {MEng_135}     Ripen
    {MEng_136}     Ryge
    {MEng_137}     Rome
    {MEng_138}     Roskildt
    {MEng_139}     Rowan
    {MEng_140}     Rostove
    {MEng_141}     Rezan
    {MEng_142}     Seynt Jamys Compostell
    {MEng_143}     Sacsyn
    {MEng_144}     Whithus
    {MEng_145}     Serrajum
    {MEng_146}     Cyvyll
    {MEng_147}     Sharucan
    {MEng_148}     Shyraz
    {MEng_149}     Upsael
    {MEng_150}     Segelmesse
    {MEng_151}     Sylves
    {MEng_152}     Synopya
    {MEng_153}     Sis
    {MEng_154}     Sebaste
    {MEng_155}     Scodra
    {MEng_156}     Scara
    {MEng_157}     Smollensko
    {MEng_158}     Smyrna
    {MEng_159}     Spyre
    {MEng_160}     Stralyce
    {MEng_161}     Susdalla
    {MEng_162}     Stetyn
    {MEng_163}     Stolwyssynburgh
    {MEng_164}     Towres 
    {MEng_165}     Tryple in Barbary
    {MEng_166}     Tarnov
    {MEng_167}     Tabuc
    {MEng_168}     Tiflis
    {MEng_169}     Tessalonyc
    {MEng_170}     Telensin
    {MEng_171}     Tmutorocan
    {MEng_172}     Tolede
    {MEng_173}     Tolowse
    {MEng_174}     Trapezonde
    {MEng_175}     Tryer
    {MEng_176}     Tryple
    {MEng_177}     Troyes
    {MEng_178}     Tunys
    {MEng_179}     Abo
    {MEng_180}     Turove
    {MEng_181}     Kyngsberge
    {MEng_182}     Ulm
    {MEng_183}     Urganche
    {MEng_184}     Utrekt
    {MEng_185}     Valentia
    {MEng_186}     Valadelit
    {MEng_187}     Varadine
    {MEng_188}     Venyse
    {MEng_189}     Verona
    {MEng_190}     Wyen
    {MEng_191}     Visbi
    {MEng_192}     Vollodimar
    {MEng_193}     Varbosyna
    {MEng_194}     Preszlav
    {MEng_195}     Jesd
    {MEng_196}     Yorke
    {MEng_197}     Zagrab
    {MEng_198}     Jarre
    {MEng_199}     Saragosse
    {MHG_1}     Abberdûin
    {MHG_2}     Akirs
    {MHG_3}     Adranapoli
    {MHG_4}     Lützel Sarei
    {MHG_5}     Machadia
    {MHG_6}     Hasa
    {MHG_7}     Elana
    {MHG_8}     Wasith
    {MHG_9}     Alamut
    {MHG_10}     Hâlap
    {MHG_11}     Alexandrîe
    {MHG_12}     Jazeranz
    {MHG_13}     Anckona
    {MHG_14}     Annschier
    {MHG_15}     Anguri
    {MHG_16}     Ani
    {MHG_17}     Antihioch
    {MHG_18}     Rakka
    {MHG_19}     Arl
    {MHG_20}     Larta
    {MHG_21}     Askalôn
    {MHG_22}     Adalia
    {MHG_23}     Asach
    {MHG_24}     Wagadofs
    {MHG_25}     Babilôn
    {MHG_26}     Baku
    {MHG_27}     Warsalona
    {MHG_28}     Barae
    {MHG_29}     Basila
    {MHG_30}     Bazora
    {MHG_31}     Nortbergen
    {MHG_32}     Bolonie
    {MHG_33}     Purdel
    {MHG_34}     Brandinburc
    {MHG_35}     Brem
    {MHG_36}     Brustaw
    {MHG_37}     Bugar
    {MHG_38}     Burschosz
    {MHG_39}     Kaernarvon 
    {MHG_40}     Cêsareâ
    {MHG_41}     Calari
    {MHG_42}     Kayr
    {MHG_43}     Candeen
    {MHG_44}     Zernigow
    {MHG_45}     Cherzones
    {MHG_46}     Clarmont
    {MHG_47}     Quimer
    {MHG_48}     Chôln 
    {MHG_49}     Constantinobele
    {MHG_50}     Kordes
    {MHG_51}     Korinth
    {MHG_52}     Damasch
    {MHG_53}     Damiat
    {MHG_54}     Temurtapit
    {MHG_55}     Dision
    {MHG_56}     Dublyn
    {MHG_57}     Duratzo
    {MHG_58}     Roâs
    {MHG_59}     Eidenburch
    {MHG_60}     Arzerum
    {MHG_61}     Gran
    {MHG_62}     Fessa
    {MHG_63}     Florenz
    {MHG_64}     Franchenfurt 
    {MHG_65}     Friberc
    {MHG_66}     Dantzk
    {MHG_67}     Genaw
    {MHG_68}     Gint
    {MHG_69}     Granâte
    {MHG_70}     Wizzeburch
    {MHG_71}     Halytsch
    {MHG_72}     Hemedan
    {MHG_73}     Magadaburc
    {MHG_74}     Velsenberc 
    {MHG_75}     Gartin
    {MHG_76}     Jâzenmarkt
    {MHG_77}     Hisspahan
    {MHG_78}     Jêrusalém
    {MHG_79}     Kolmar
    {MHG_80}     Kerman
    {MHG_81}     Wilna
    {MHG_82}     Kief
    {MHG_83}     Revil
    {MHG_84}     Aschgabat
    {MHG_85}     Konia
    {MHG_86}     Kragaw
    {MHG_87}     Kutaizzi
    {MHG_88}     Nicosia
    {MHG_89}     Leynen
    {MHG_90}     Leun
    {MHG_91}     Lindcôln
    {MHG_92}     Lesehebone
    {MHG_93}     Lunders
    {MHG_94}     Lubek
    {MHG_95}     Lunda
    {MHG_96}     Lugdûne
    {MHG_97}     Maláthea
    {MHG_98}     Marrakesch
    {MHG_99}     Meckâ
    {MHG_100}     Merw
    {MHG_101}     Mailan
    {MHG_102}     Môzul
    {MHG_103}     Murzia
    {MHG_104}     Nâpils
    {MHG_105}     Nischapur
    {MHG_106}     Nikke
    {MHG_107}     Nyzze
    {MHG_108}     Nys
    {MHG_109}     Nortwik
    {MHG_110}     Grôzniugarte
    {MHG_111}     Nurmberch 
    {MHG_112}     Olmunz
    {MHG_113}     Orlenz
    {MHG_114}     Anslow
    {MHG_115}     Pâlerne
    {MHG_116}     Palma
    {MHG_117}     Pampallion
    {MHG_118}     Paris
    {MHG_119}     Pereaslaw
    {MHG_120}     Pise
    {MHG_121}     Plotzk
    {MHG_122}     Poytours
    {MHG_123}     Poloczko
    {MHG_124}     Posenow
    {MHG_125}     Brage
    {MHG_126}     Plesco
    {MHG_127}     Kouza
    {MHG_128}     Rages
    {MHG_129}     Ras
    {MHG_130}     Regensburch
    {MHG_131}     Rei
    {MHG_132}     Regiu
    {MHG_133}     Renis
    {MHG_134}     Remis
    {MHG_135}     Ripe
    {MHG_136}     Rige
    {MHG_137}     Rôme
    {MHG_138}     Roschilde
    {MHG_139}     Rôems
    {MHG_140}     Rostow
    {MHG_141}     Rezan
    {MHG_142}     Sant Jacob
    {MHG_143}     Sakschin 
    {MHG_144}     Wîzhûs
    {MHG_145}     Serrajum
    {MHG_146}     Sibilje
    {MHG_147}     Sharukan
    {MHG_148}     Shiras
    {MHG_149}     Upsaelia
    {MHG_150}     Sigilmessâ
    {MHG_151}     Silwes
    {MHG_152}     Synopp
    {MHG_153}     Sis
    {MHG_154}     Sebast
    {MHG_155}     Sckuterym
    {MHG_156}     Schara
    {MHG_157}     Smolensco
    {MHG_158}     Smyren
    {MHG_159}     Sipire
    {MHG_160}     Sredez
    {MHG_161}     Susdalj
    {MHG_162}     Stetin
    {MHG_163}     Stuolwizzenberc
    {MHG_164}     Thaures
    {MHG_165}     Triepele
    {MHG_166}     Ternowa
    {MHG_167}     Tabûk
    {MHG_168}     Tiffliss
    {MHG_169}     Salenikê
    {MHG_170}     Tlemzen
    {MHG_171}     Tmutorokan
    {MHG_172}     Tolêtô
    {MHG_173}     Tolûse
    {MHG_174}     Tarbesanda
    {MHG_175}     Trire
    {MHG_176}     Triepele
    {MHG_177}     Troys
    {MHG_178}     Tunisz
    {MHG_179}     Abor
    {MHG_180}     Turow
    {MHG_181}     Kunigsberc
    {MHG_182}     Ulm
    {MHG_183}     Orden
    {MHG_184}     Utrecht
    {MHG_185}     Walentie
    {MHG_186}     Walladolit
    {MHG_187}     Grôzwardein
    {MHG_188}     Venedig
    {MHG_189}     Berne
    {MHG_190}     Wíen 
    {MHG_191}     Wysby
    {MHG_192}     Wolodimer
    {MHG_193}     Warbosen
    {MHG_194}     Wrezlaw
    {MHG_195}     Jesd
    {MHG_196}     Everwig
    {MHG_197}     Agaram
    {MHG_198}     Zara
    {MHG_199}     Sarraguz
    {ESP_1}     Aberdonia
    {ESP_2}     Acre
    {ESP_3}     Andronopoli
    {ESP_4}     Çibdad de Sara
    {ESP_5}     Mamora de Affricha
    {ESP_6}     Lasa
    {ESP_7}     Allim
    {ESP_8}     Wasit
    {ESP_9}     Alamut
    {ESP_10}     Halap 
    {ESP_11}     Allexandre
    {ESP_12}     Arguer
    {ESP_13}     Antona
    {ESP_14}     Angiers
    {ESP_15}     Angurí
    {ESP_16}     Ani
    {ESP_17}     Antioque
    {ESP_18}     Rocabe 
    {ESP_19}     Arle
    {ESP_20}     Arta
    {ESP_21}     Eschalon
    {ESP_22}     Satallea
    {ESP_23}     Tana
    {ESP_24}     Badalonçe
    {ESP_25}     Baldaque
    {ESP_26}     Bacu
    {ESP_27}     Barçilona 
    {ESP_28}     Bar
    {ESP_29}     Basilea
    {ESP_30}     Brasara
    {ESP_31}     Regis
    {ESP_32}     Boloña
    {ESP_33}     Burdeo
    {ESP_34}     Brandenburque
    {ESP_35}     Bremes
    {ESP_36}     Bristol  
    {ESP_37}     Burgar
    {ESP_38}     Burgos 
    {ESP_39}     Caernarvan
    {ESP_40}     Çesare
    {ESP_41}     Cáller
    {ESP_42}     Babillonia
    {ESP_43}     Candia
    {ESP_44}     Çernigo
    {ESP_45}     Chersoneso
    {ESP_46}     Claramont
    {ESP_47}     Coimbra
    {ESP_48}     Coloña
    {ESP_49}     Constantinopla 
    {ESP_50}     Cordova
    {ESP_51}     Coranto
    {ESP_52}     Damas 
    {ESP_53}     Damiat
    {ESP_54}     Derebent
    {ESP_55}     Dion
    {ESP_56}     Donbelin
    {ESP_57}     Duraç 
    {ESP_58}     Roays 
    {ESP_59}     Edimburgo
    {ESP_60}     Arsseron 
    {ESP_61}     Strugonum
    {ESP_62}     Fez
    {ESP_63}     Florenz
    {ESP_64}     Francafordia
    {ESP_65}     Friburges
    {ESP_66}     Dançicha
    {ESP_67}     Genoue
    {ESP_68}     Gante
    {ESP_69}     Granada
    {ESP_70}     Castielloblanco
    {ESP_71}     Galich
    {ESP_72}     Hamadan
    {ESP_73}     Mangobros
    {ESP_74}     Asancheufa
    {ESP_75}     Grodna
    {ESP_76}     Jaçi
    {ESP_77}     Spalonero
    {ESP_78}     Jerusalem
    {ESP_79}     Calman
    {ESP_80}     Quereman
    {ESP_81}     Vilna
    {ESP_82}     Chiva
    {ESP_83}     Rinalia
    {ESP_84}     Asxabad
    {ESP_85}     Liconie 
    {ESP_86}     Cracovia
    {ESP_87}     Cotais 
    {ESP_88}     Nycroxia
    {ESP_89}     Leon
    {ESP_90}     Lavania
    {ESP_91}     Lincolon
    {ESP_92}     Lisboa
    {ESP_93}     Londres
    {ESP_94}     Leobec
    {ESP_95}     Landis
    {ESP_96}     Letduena
    {ESP_97}     Malaxia
    {ESP_98}     Marruecos
    {ESP_99}     Meca
    {ESP_100}     Marraga
    {ESP_101}     Milan
    {ESP_102}     Maxsel
    {ESP_103}     Murçia
    {ESP_104}     Napoll
    {ESP_105}     Vesabor 
    {ESP_106}     Niquia 
    {ESP_107}     Nista
    {ESP_108}     Nis
    {ESP_109}     Noroiche
    {ESP_110}     Nogarado
    {ESP_111}     Nirumberga
    {ESP_112}     Olmuns
    {ESP_113}     Orlens
    {ESP_114}     Aslogia
    {ESP_115}     Palermo
    {ESP_116}     Palma
    {ESP_117}     Panplona
    {ESP_118}     Paris
    {ESP_119}     Pereslav 
    {ESP_120}     Pisa
    {ESP_121}     Plocko
    {ESP_122}     Pitieus
    {ESP_123}     Polocia
    {ESP_124}     Posna
    {ESP_125}     Praga
    {ESP_126}     Pleskof 
    {ESP_127}     Chosa
    {ESP_128}     Arusa
    {ESP_129}     Ras
    {ESP_130}     Varispona
    {ESP_131}     Rey  
    {ESP_132}     Regol
    {ESP_133}     Rams
    {ESP_134}     Remes
    {ESP_135}     Bina
    {ESP_136}     Riga
    {ESP_137}     Roma 
    {ESP_138}     Rosquilde
    {ESP_139}     Roan
    {ESP_140}     Rastaor
    {ESP_141}     Rasan
    {ESP_142}     Santi Yague
    {ESP_143}     Agitarchan
    {ESP_144}     Casablanco
    {ESP_145}     Severin
    {ESP_146}     Sevilla 
    {ESP_147}     Saracan
    {ESP_148}     Secas
    {ESP_149}     Upsal
    {ESP_150}     Sugulmença
    {ESP_151}     Sylves
    {ESP_152}     Sinópolli
    {ESP_153}     Scisia
    {ESP_154}     Savasco
    {ESP_155}     Escotari
    {ESP_156}     Scarsa
    {ESP_157}     Smolensque
    {ESP_158}     Esmirre 
    {ESP_159}     Espira
    {ESP_160}     Sofia 
    {ESP_161}     Susdal
    {ESP_162}     Stetin
    {ESP_163}     Albargala
    {ESP_164}     Toris 
    {ESP_165}     Tripul de Berberia
    {ESP_166}     Tarnovo
    {ESP_167}     Tabuque
    {ESP_168}     Tifilis
    {ESP_169}     Salonico
    {ESP_170}     Tremeçen
    {ESP_171}     Matrega
    {ESP_172}     Tolledo 
    {ESP_173}     Tolosa
    {ESP_174}     Trapassonda 
    {ESP_175}     Treveris
    {ESP_176}     Tripul
    {ESP_177}     Tres
    {ESP_178}     Tunis
    {ESP_179}     Abo
    {ESP_180}     Turov
    {ESP_181}     Congsperg
    {ESP_182}     Olmos
    {ESP_183}     Organci
    {ESP_184}     Utrec
    {ESP_185}     Valençia 
    {ESP_186}     Valadolid 
    {ESP_187}     Varadino
    {ESP_188}     Veneçia
    {ESP_189}     Verona
    {ESP_190}     Vayena
    {ESP_191}     Bisuy
    {ESP_192}     Vlodimiria 
    {ESP_193}     Sarax
    {ESP_194}     Brazlavia
    {ESP_195}     Yazd
    {ESP_196}     Eneruyt
    {ESP_197}     Çagrabia
    {ESP_198}     Jadra
    {ESP_199}     Çaragoça
    {Port_1}     Aberdinía
    {Port_2}     Acri
    {Port_3}     Adrianopla
    {Port_4}     Çibdade de Sara
    {Port_5}     Mamora de Affricha
    {Port_6}     Llasa
    {Port_7}     Allim
    {Port_8}     Wasit
    {Port_9}     Alamut
    {Port_10}     Alapa 
    {Port_11}     Alexãdria
    {Port_12}     Alguar
    {Port_13}     Amcona
    {Port_14}     Angiers
    {Port_15}     Angurí
    {Port_16}     Ani
    {Port_17}     Antiochia
    {Port_18}     Rocabe 
    {Port_19}     Arlex
    {Port_20}     Larta
    {Port_21}     Scalona
    {Port_22}     Çatalia
    {Port_23}     Tana
    {Port_24}     Badalhou
    {Port_25}     Bagadad
    {Port_26}     Bacu
    {Port_27}     Barcellona
    {Port_28}     Bar
    {Port_29}     Basilea
    {Port_30}     Bacora
    {Port_31}     Bergis
    {Port_32}     Bolonha
    {Port_33}     Bordeos
    {Port_34}     Brademburque
    {Port_35}     Bremes
    {Port_36}     Bristoil
    {Port_37}     Burgar
    {Port_38}     Burgos
    {Port_39}     Caernarvã
    {Port_40}     Cexaria
    {Port_41}     Calaría
    {Port_42}     Babilomia
    {Port_43}     Caña
    {Port_44}     Çernigo
    {Port_45}     Chersõeso
    {Port_46}     Claramont
    {Port_47}     Coĩbria
    {Port_48}     Colónia
    {Port_49}     Costantinóbre
    {Port_50}     Cordova
    {Port_51}     Carãto
    {Port_52}     Domás 
    {Port_53}     Damiata
    {Port_54}     Derbent
    {Port_55}     Dion
    {Port_56}     Delelim
    {Port_57}     Duraço
    {Port_58}     Roays 
    {Port_59}     Edimburgo
    {Port_60}     Arsseron 
    {Port_61}     Strigonia
    {Port_62}     Fez
    {Port_63}     Florença
    {Port_64}     Francafordia
    {Port_65}     Friburges
    {Port_66}     Dãzig
    {Port_67}     Genoa
    {Port_68}     Gante
    {Port_69}     Grãada 
    {Port_70}     Castelobranco
    {Port_71}     Aliche
    {Port_72}     Hamadan
    {Port_73}     Mangobros
    {Port_74}     Asancheufa
    {Port_75}     Grodna
    {Port_76}     Jaçi
    {Port_77}     Aspaam
    {Port_78}     Jerusalém
    {Port_79}     Calman
    {Port_80}     Quereman
    {Port_81}     Vilna
    {Port_82}     Chiva
    {Port_83}     Revall
    {Port_84}     Asgabate
    {Port_85}     Conie
    {Port_86}     Cracóvia
    {Port_87}     Cotais 
    {Port_88}     Nycroxia
    {Port_89}     Leon
    {Port_90}     Lovaña
    {Port_91}     Lincolon
    {Port_92}     Lixboa
    {Port_93}     Lõdres
    {Port_94}     Lubique
    {Port_95}     Lunde
    {Port_96}     Leom
    {Port_97}     Malaxia
    {Port_98}     Marrocos
    {Port_99}     Mece
    {Port_100}     Marraga
    {Port_101}     Millam
    {Port_102}     Maxsel
    {Port_103}     Murça
    {Port_104}     Napoll
    {Port_105}     Niçabor
    {Port_106}     Niquia 
    {Port_107}     Nisa
    {Port_108}     Nis
    {Port_109}     Noroiche
    {Port_110}     Nogarado
    {Port_111}     Nirumberga
    {Port_112}     Olmuns
    {Port_113}     Orlens 
    {Port_114}     Aslogia
    {Port_115}     Palermo
    {Port_116}     Palma
    {Port_117}     Pamplona
    {Port_118}     Paris
    {Port_119}     Pereslav 
    {Port_120}     Pisa
    {Port_121}     Plocko
    {Port_122}     Pitavio
    {Port_123}     Polocia
    {Port_124}     Posna
    {Port_125}     Praga
    {Port_126}     Pleskof 
    {Port_127}     Chosa
    {Port_128}     Ragusía
    {Port_129}     Ras
    {Port_130}     Rastipona
    {Port_131}     Rey
    {Port_132}     Regío
    {Port_133}     Rams
    {Port_134}     Remes
    {Port_135}     Ripis
    {Port_136}     Riga
    {Port_137}     Roma
    {Port_138}     Rosquilde
    {Port_139}     Roam
    {Port_140}     Rastaor
    {Port_141}     Rasam
    {Port_142}     Santiago Compostela
    {Port_143}     Agitarchan
    {Port_144}     Casabranco
    {Port_145}     Severin
    {Port_146}     Sevilha
    {Port_147}     Saracã
    {Port_148}     Xiras
    {Port_149}     Upsal
    {Port_150}     Sigilmessa
    {Port_151}     Silve
    {Port_152}     Synopy
    {Port_153}     Scisia
    {Port_154}     Savasto
    {Port_155}     Scutari
    {Port_156}     Scarsa
    {Port_157}     Smolensque
    {Port_158}     Smirre
    {Port_159}     Espira
    {Port_160}     Sofia 
    {Port_161}     Susdal
    {Port_162}     Stetim
    {Port_163}     Albargala
    {Port_164}     Tauris
    {Port_165}     Tripolí de Barbaria
    {Port_166}     Tarnovo
    {Port_167}     Tabuque
    {Port_168}     Tifilis
    {Port_169}     Saloníc
    {Port_170}     Tremisem
    {Port_171}     Matrega
    {Port_172}     Toledo
    {Port_173}     Tolosa
    {Port_174}     Trapasomda
    {Port_175}     Treveris
    {Port_176}     Tripolí
    {Port_177}     Trecas
    {Port_178}     Tunez
    {Port_179}     Aboe
    {Port_180}     Turov
    {Port_181}     Comgsperg
    {Port_182}     Olmos
    {Port_183}     Organci
    {Port_184}     Utrec
    {Port_185}     Valença
    {Port_186}     Valedolide
    {Port_187}     Varadino
    {Port_188}     Venexia
    {Port_189}     Verona
    {Port_190}     Viena
    {Port_191}     Visbi
    {Port_192}     Vlodimiria 
    {Port_193}     Sarax
    {Port_194}     Brazlavia
    {Port_195}     Iazde
    {Port_196}     Oborrec
    {Port_197}     Çagrabia
    {Port_198}     Jara
    {Port_199}     Saragoça
    {Arg_1}     Aberdonia
    {Arg_2}     Acre
    {Arg_3}     Andronopoli
    {Arg_4}     Civtat de Sarra
    {Arg_5}     Mamora de Affricha
    {Arg_6}     Lasa
    {Arg_7}     Allim
    {Arg_8}     Wasit
    {Arg_9}     Alamut
    {Arg_10}     Halap 
    {Arg_11}     Allexandria
    {Arg_12}     Alger
    {Arg_13}     Anchona
    {Arg_14}     Angiers
    {Arg_15}     Angurí
    {Arg_16}     Ani
    {Arg_17}     Antioceta
    {Arg_18}     Rocabe 
    {Arg_19}     Arles
    {Arg_20}     Larta
    {Arg_21}     Eschalon
    {Arg_22}     Satallea
    {Arg_23}     Tana
    {Arg_24}     Badalonçe
    {Arg_25}     Baldach
    {Arg_26}     Bacu
    {Arg_27}     Barcellona
    {Arg_28}     Bar
    {Arg_29}     Basilea
    {Arg_30}     Bassora
    {Arg_31}     Bergis
    {Arg_32}     Bellogna
    {Arg_33}     Bordeus
    {Arg_34}     Brandenburque
    {Arg_35}     Bremes
    {Arg_36}     Bristo
    {Arg_37}     Burgar
    {Arg_38}     Burgus
    {Arg_39}     Caernarvan
    {Arg_40}     Cesaria
    {Arg_41}     Callari
    {Arg_42}     Chayre
    {Arg_43}     Candia
    {Arg_44}     Çernigo
    {Arg_45}     Chersoneso
    {Arg_46}     Claramont
    {Arg_47}     Coimbra
    {Arg_48}     Collogna
    {Arg_49}     Constantinopoli
    {Arg_50}     Cordova
    {Arg_51}     Coranto
    {Arg_52}     Domasch
    {Arg_53}     Damiat
    {Arg_54}     Derbent
    {Arg_55}     Dion
    {Arg_56}     Donvelin
    {Arg_57}     Durazo
    {Arg_58}     Roays 
    {Arg_59}     Edimburgo
    {Arg_60}     Arsseron 
    {Arg_61}     Strigonia
    {Arg_62}     Fes
    {Arg_63}     Florenza
    {Arg_64}     Francafordia
    {Arg_65}     Friburges
    {Arg_66}     Godansc
    {Arg_67}     Janua
    {Arg_68}     Gante
    {Arg_69}     Granada
    {Arg_70}     Castielloblanco
    {Arg_71}     Gallacy
    {Arg_72}     Hamadan
    {Arg_73}     Mangobros
    {Arg_74}     Asancheufa
    {Arg_75}     Grodna
    {Arg_76}     Jaçi
    {Arg_77}     Spaen 
    {Arg_78}     Jerusalem
    {Arg_79}     Kalma
    {Arg_80}     Creman
    {Arg_81}     Vilna
    {Arg_82}     Chiva
    {Arg_83}     Rivalia
    {Arg_84}     Aixkhabad
    {Arg_85}     Cunnyo
    {Arg_86}     Cracovia
    {Arg_87}     Cotais 
    {Arg_88}     Nycroxia
    {Arg_89}     Leon
    {Arg_90}     Lavania
    {Arg_91}     Lincolon
    {Arg_92}     Lisbona
    {Arg_93}     Londres
    {Arg_94}     Lubech
    {Arg_95}     Lunde
    {Arg_96}     Letduena
    {Arg_97}     Malasia
    {Arg_98}     Marruecos
    {Arg_99}     Mecha
    {Arg_100}     Marraga
    {Arg_101}     Mediolano
    {Arg_102}     Maxsel
    {Arg_103}     Morcia
    {Arg_104}     Napols
    {Arg_105}     Vesabor 
    {Arg_106}     Nichia
    {Arg_107}     Nisa
    {Arg_108}     Nis
    {Arg_109}     Noroiche
    {Arg_110}     Nogorada
    {Arg_111}     Nirumberga
    {Arg_112}     Olmuns
    {Arg_113}     Orlens
    {Arg_114}     Aslogia
    {Arg_115}     Palerm
    {Arg_116}     Palma
    {Arg_117}     Panplona
    {Arg_118}     Paris
    {Arg_119}     Pereslav 
    {Arg_120}     Pisa
    {Arg_121}     Plocko
    {Arg_122}     Pitieus
    {Arg_123}     Polocia
    {Arg_124}     Posna
    {Arg_125}     Praga
    {Arg_126}     Pleskof 
    {Arg_127}     Cossa
    {Arg_128}     Ragosa
    {Arg_129}     Ras
    {Arg_130}     Ratisbona
    {Arg_131}     Rey  
    {Arg_132}     Rezo
    {Arg_133}     Rams
    {Arg_134}     Remes
    {Arg_135}     Ribis
    {Arg_136}     Riga
    {Arg_137}     Roma
    {Arg_138}     Rosquilde
    {Arg_139}     Roam
    {Arg_140}     Rostaor
    {Arg_141}     Rasan
    {Arg_142}     Santi Yague
    {Arg_143}     Agitarchan
    {Arg_144}     Casablanco
    {Arg_145}     Severin
    {Arg_146}     Sibilia
    {Arg_147}     Saracan
    {Arg_148}     Siras
    {Arg_149}     Upsal
    {Arg_150}     Sigilmessa
    {Arg_151}     Silves
    {Arg_152}     Sinopi
    {Arg_153}     Scisia
    {Arg_154}     Savasto
    {Arg_155}     Scutari
    {Arg_156}     Scarsa
    {Arg_157}     Smolensque
    {Arg_158}     Le Smire
    {Arg_159}     Espira
    {Arg_160}     Sofia 
    {Arg_161}     Susdal
    {Arg_162}     Stetin
    {Arg_163}     Albargala
    {Arg_164}     Tauris
    {Arg_165}     Tripol de Barbaria
    {Arg_166}     Tarnovo
    {Arg_167}     Tabuque
    {Arg_168}     Tifilis
    {Arg_169}     Salonich
    {Arg_170}     Tirimsi
    {Arg_171}     Matrega
    {Arg_172}     Toledo
    {Arg_173}     Tollossa
    {Arg_174}     Trapesonda
    {Arg_175}     Treveris
    {Arg_176}     Tripol
    {Arg_177}     Tres
    {Arg_178}     Tunis
    {Arg_179}     Abo
    {Arg_180}     Turov
    {Arg_181}     Cucenso
    {Arg_182}     Olmos
    {Arg_183}     Organci
    {Arg_184}     Utrec
    {Arg_185}     Vallencia
    {Arg_186}     Valadolid 
    {Arg_187}     Vuardine
    {Arg_188}     Venecia
    {Arg_189}     Verona
    {Arg_190}     Vayena
    {Arg_191}     Visbi
    {Arg_192}     Vlodimiria 
    {Arg_193}     Bosna
    {Arg_194}     Brazlavia
    {Arg_195}     Yazd
    {Arg_196}     Eneruyt
    {Arg_197}     Çagrabia
    {Arg_198}     Jayra
    {Arg_199}     Saragosa
    {Ven_1}     Abberdonia
    {Ven_2}     Achri
    {Ven_3}     Andrinopoli
    {Ven_4}     Sarachancho
    {Ven_5}     Manosa
    {Ven_6}     Elaxa
    {Ven_7}     Elyia
    {Ven_8}     Wasit
    {Ven_9}     Alamut
    {Ven_10}     Alepo
    {Ven_11}     Allexandria
    {Ven_12}     Alguir
    {Ven_13}     Anchona
    {Ven_14}     Angersa
    {Ven_15}     Anguri
    {Ven_16}     Ani
    {Ven_17}     Anthiochia
    {Ven_18}     Aracha
    {Ven_19}     Arle
    {Ven_20}     Larta
    {Ven_21}     Escolonia
    {Ven_22}     Settelia
    {Ven_23}     Tana
    {Ven_24}     Badaioz
    {Ven_25}     Bagdath
    {Ven_26}     Bachi
    {Ven_27}     Barzelona
    {Ven_28}     Bari
    {Ven_29}     Basilea
    {Ven_30}     Balsera
    {Ven_31}     Berges
    {Ven_32}     Bologna
    {Ven_33}     Burdeos
    {Ven_34}     Brandinborgo
    {Ven_35}     Vernene
    {Ven_36}     Bristo
    {Ven_37}     Borgar
    {Ven_38}     Burgus
    {Ven_39}     Carnervan
    {Ven_40}     Chesaria
    {Ven_41}     Castello de Castro
    {Ven_42}     Chaiero
    {Ven_43}     Chandia
    {Ven_44}     Zernigo
    {Ven_45}     Crexona
    {Ven_46}     Chiaramonte
    {Ven_47}     Cuimbra
    {Ven_48}     Cologna
    {Ven_49}     Chostantinopoli
    {Ven_50}     Cordova
    {Ven_51}     Coranto
    {Ven_52}     Damasco
    {Ven_53}     Damiata
    {Ven_54}     Derbenth
    {Ven_55}     Digione
    {Ven_56}     Dublino
    {Ven_57}     Duraxo
    {Ven_58}     Orfà
    {Ven_59}     Edimburgo
    {Ven_60}     Ersenia
    {Ven_61}     Strigonio
    {Ven_62}     Fessa
    {Ven_63}     Fiorenza
    {Ven_64}     Franchfort
    {Ven_65}     Friburgo
    {Ven_66}     Dançech
    {Ven_67}     Cenova
    {Ven_68}     Guanto
    {Ven_69}     Granata
    {Ven_70}     Castelbianco
    {Ven_71}     Halliz
    {Ven_72}     Hamadan
    {Ven_73}     Medinborgo
    {Ven_74}     Asanchif
    {Ven_75}     Grodna
    {Ven_76}     Iassi
    {Ven_77}     Spahan
    {Ven_78}     Jeruxalem
    {Ven_79}     Calmar
    {Ven_80}     Chirmas
    {Ven_81}     Vilna
    {Ven_82}     Chievo
    {Ven_83}     Revele
    {Ven_84}     Axgabat
    {Ven_85}     Cogno
    {Ven_86}     Corcovia
    {Ven_87}     Cataxia
    {Ven_88}     Nicosia
    {Ven_89}     Leon
    {Ven_90}     Lovano
    {Ven_91}     Niccola
    {Ven_92}     Lisbona
    {Ven_93}     Londra
    {Ven_94}     Lubech
    {Ven_95}     Lodoxe
    {Ven_96}     Lione
    {Ven_97}     Malaxim
    {Ven_98}     Marocho
    {Ven_99}     Meca
    {Ven_100}     Maru
    {Ven_101}     Millan
    {Ven_102}     Mosol
    {Ven_103}     Murcia
    {Ven_104}     Napoli
    {Ven_105}     Nassabor
    {Ven_106}     Nickia
    {Ven_107}     Nica
    {Ven_108}     Nissa
    {Ven_109}     Nordovico
    {Ven_110}     Nuovogrado
    {Ven_111}     Norimbergo
    {Ven_112}     Olmia
    {Ven_113}     Orliens
    {Ven_114}     Aslogia 
    {Ven_115}     Pallermo
    {Ven_116}     Palma
    {Ven_117}     Pampaluna
    {Ven_118}     Parixius
    {Ven_119}     Pereslav
    {Ven_120}     Pixia
    {Ven_121}     Plosco
    {Ven_122}     Pottieri
    {Ven_123}     Polotia
    {Ven_124}     Posno
    {Ven_125}     Praga
    {Ven_126}     Pocichovia
    {Ven_127}     Chas
    {Ven_128}     Raguxi
    {Ven_129}     Rax
    {Ven_130}     Ratisbona
    {Ven_131}     Ere
    {Ven_132}     Rigi
    {Ven_133}     Rene
    {Ven_134}     Rensa
    {Ven_135}     Ripen
    {Ven_136}     Riga
    {Ven_137}     Roma
    {Ven_138}     Roskildia
    {Ven_139}     Roano
    {Ven_140}     Rostov
    {Ven_141}     Raxan
    {Ven_142}     Compostela
    {Ven_143}     Githercan
    {Ven_144}     Casabianco
    {Ven_145}     Severin
    {Ven_146}     Sivilia
    {Ven_147}     Sarochan
    {Ven_148}     Sirax
    {Ven_149}     Upsalia
    {Ven_150}     Sigermesa 
    {Ven_151}     Silvas
    {Ven_152}     Sinopi
    {Ven_153}     Sisia 
    {Ven_154}     Savastia
    {Ven_155}     Scuttari
    {Ven_156}     Scarsa
    {Ven_157}     Smolentsch
    {Ven_158}     Le Smirne
    {Ven_159}     Spiera
    {Ven_160}     Sophia
    {Ven_161}     Susdal
    {Ven_162}     Stettino
    {Ven_163}     Albareal
    {Ven_164}     Thauris
    {Ven_165}     Tripoli de Barbaria
    {Ven_166}     Drenovo
    {Ven_167}     Tebuc
    {Ven_168}     Tiphilis
    {Ven_169}     Sallonichi
    {Ven_170}     Tremexen
    {Ven_171}     Matraca
    {Ven_172}     Toleto
    {Ven_173}     Toloxa
    {Ven_174}     Trabexonda 
    {Ven_175}     Trier
    {Ven_176}     Tripoli d'Soria
    {Ven_177}     Tresetto
    {Ven_178}     Tunixi
    {Ven_179}     Abo
    {Ven_180}     Turowls
    {Ven_181}     Conisberga
    {Ven_182}     Ulma
    {Ven_183}     Organça
    {Ven_184}     Utrech
    {Ven_185}     Valenza
    {Ven_186}     Valle d'Olit
    {Ven_187}     Varado
    {Ven_188}     Veniexia 
    {Ven_189}     Verona
    {Ven_190}     Vienna
    {Ven_191}     Visbi
    {Ven_192}     Vlodimiria
    {Ven_193}     Sarraglio
    {Ven_194}     Breslaida
    {Ven_195}     Jex
    {Ven_196}     Vervicche
    {Ven_197}     Saigabria
    {Ven_198}     Ciara
    {Ven_199}     Saragoza
    {Lit_1}     Aberdynas
    {Lit_2}     Akrė
    {Lit_3}     Adrianopolis
    {Lit_4}     Mažas Saraj
    {Lit_5}     Mahdija
    {Lit_6}     Ahsa
    {Lit_7}     Aila
    {Lit_8}     Wasitas
    {Lit_9}     Alamutas
    {Lit_10}     Alepas
    {Lit_11}     Aleksandrija
    {Lit_12}     Alžyras
    {Lit_13}     Ankona
    {Lit_14}     Anžė
    {Lit_15}     Ankyra
    {Lit_16}     Ani
    {Lit_17}     Antiochija
    {Lit_18}     Raka
    {Lit_19}     Arlis
    {Lit_20}     Arta
    {Lit_21}     Aškelonas
    {Lit_22}     Antalija
    {Lit_23}     Azovas
    {Lit_24}     Badachosas
    {Lit_25}     Babilonas
    {Lit_26}     Baku
    {Lit_27}     Barselona
    {Lit_28}     Baris
    {Lit_29}     Bazelis
    {Lit_30}     Basra
    {Lit_31}     Bergenas
    {Lit_32}     Bolonija
    {Lit_33}     Bordo
    {Lit_34}     Brandenburgas
    {Lit_35}     Brėmenas
    {Lit_36}     Bristolis
    {Lit_37}     Bulgaras
    {Lit_38}     Burgosas
    {Lit_39}     Kernarvonas
    {Lit_40}     Cezarėja
    {Lit_41}     Kaljaris
    {Lit_42}     Kairas
    {Lit_43}     Kandas
    {Lit_44}     Černigovas
    {Lit_45}     Chersonesas
    {Lit_46}     Klermonas
    {Lit_47}     Koimbra
    {Lit_48}     Kelnas
    {Lit_49}     Konstantinopolio
    {Lit_50}     Kordoba
    {Lit_51}     Korintas
    {Lit_52}     Damaskas
    {Lit_53}     Dumjatas
    {Lit_54}     Derbentas
    {Lit_55}     Dižonas
    {Lit_56}     Dublinas
    {Lit_57}     Durazas
    {Lit_58}     Edessas
    {Lit_59}     Edinburgas
    {Lit_60}     Erzurumas
    {Lit_61}     Estergomas
    {Lit_62}     Fesas
    {Lit_63}     Florencija
    {Lit_64}     Frankfurtas
    {Lit_65}     Fribūras
    {Lit_66}     Gdanskas
    {Lit_67}     Genuja
    {Lit_68}     Gentas
    {Lit_69}     Granada
    {Lit_70}     Alba Julija
    {Lit_71}     Galičius
    {Lit_72}     Hamadanas
    {Lit_73}     Magdeburgas
    {Lit_74}     Asanchefas
    {Lit_75}     Gardinas
    {Lit_76}     Jašis
    {Lit_77}     Isfahanas
    {Lit_78}     Jeruzalė
    {Lit_79}     Kalmaras
    {Lit_80}     Kermanas
    {Lit_81}     Vilnius
    {Lit_82}     Kijevas
    {Lit_83}     Ledenets
    {Lit_84}     Ašchabadas
    {Lit_85}     Konija
    {Lit_86}     Krokuva
    {Lit_87}     Kutaisis
    {Lit_88}     Nikosija
    {Lit_89}     Leonas
    {Lit_90}     Levenas
    {Lit_91}     Linkolnas
    {Lit_92}     Lisabona
    {Lit_93}     Londonas
    {Lit_94}     Liubekas
    {Lit_95}     Zundas
    {Lit_96}     Lionas
    {Lit_97}     Malatija
    {Lit_98}     Marakešas
    {Lit_99}     Meka
    {Lit_100}     Mervas
    {Lit_101}     Milanas
    {Lit_102}     Mosulas
    {Lit_103}     Mursija
    {Lit_104}     Neapolis
    {Lit_105}     Nišapūras
    {Lit_106}     Nikas
    {Lit_107}     Nica
    {Lit_108}     Nišas
    {Lit_109}     Noridžas
    {Lit_110}     Naugardas
    {Lit_111}     Niurnbergas
    {Lit_112}     Olomoucas
    {Lit_113}     Orleanas
    {Lit_114}     Oslas
    {Lit_115}     Palermas
    {Lit_116}     Palma
    {Lit_117}     Pamplona
    {Lit_118}     Paryžius
    {Lit_119}     Pereslavlas
    {Lit_120}     Piza
    {Lit_121}     Plockas
    {Lit_122}     Puatjė
    {Lit_123}     Polockas
    {Lit_124}     Poznanė
    {Lit_125}     Praha
    {Lit_126}     Pskovas
    {Lit_127}     Kusas
    {Lit_128}     Dubrovnikas
    {Lit_129}     Rasas
    {Lit_130}     Rėgensburgas
    {Lit_131}     Rėjus
    {Lit_132}     Redžas
    {Lit_133}     Renas
    {Lit_134}     Reimsas
    {Lit_135}     Ribis
    {Lit_136}     Ryga
    {Lit_137}     Roma
    {Lit_138}     Roskildė
    {Lit_139}     Ruanas
    {Lit_140}     Rostovas
    {Lit_141}     Riazanė
    {Lit_142}     Kompostelos Santjagas
    {Lit_143}     Astrachanė
    {Lit_144}     Baltas Namas
    {Lit_145}     Severinas 
    {Lit_146}     Sevilija
    {Lit_147}     Šachruchanas
    {Lit_148}     Širazas
    {Lit_149}     Upsala
    {Lit_150}     Sidžilmasa
    {Lit_151}     Silves
    {Lit_152}     Sinopas
    {Lit_153}     Sisas
    {Lit_154}     Sebastija
    {Lit_155}     Škoderis
    {Lit_156}     Skara
    {Lit_157}     Smolenskas
    {Lit_158}     Smirnas
    {Lit_159}     Špajeras
    {Lit_160}     Sredecas
    {Lit_161}     Suzdalė
    {Lit_162}     Štetinas
    {Lit_163}     Belgradas
    {Lit_164}     Tebrizas 
    {Lit_165}     Tripolis
    {Lit_166}     Tirnovas
    {Lit_167}     Tabukas
    {Lit_168}     Tiflisas
    {Lit_169}     Salonikai
    {Lit_170}     Tlemsenas
    {Lit_171}     Tmutorokanas
    {Lit_172}     Toledas
    {Lit_173}     Tulūza
    {Lit_174}     Trebizonas
    {Lit_175}     Tryras
    {Lit_176}     Tripolis
    {Lit_177}     Trua
    {Lit_178}     Tunisas
    {Lit_179}     Abo
    {Lit_180}     Turovas
    {Lit_181}     Karaliaučius
    {Lit_182}     Ulmas
    {Lit_183}     Urgenčas
    {Lit_184}     Utrechtas
    {Lit_185}     Valensija
    {Lit_186}     Valjadolidas
    {Lit_187}     Varadas
    {Lit_188}     Venecija
    {Lit_189}     Verona
    {Lit_190}     Viena
    {Lit_191}     Visbius
    {Lit_192}     Vladimiras
    {Lit_193}     Vrhbosna
    {Lit_194}     Varšuvas
    {Lit_195}     Jezdas
    {Lit_196}     Jorkas
    {Lit_197}     Zagrebas
    {Lit_198}     Zadaras
    {Lit_199}     Saragosa
    {Ott_1}     Aberdon
    {Ott_2}     Akkâ
    {Ott_3}     Edirne
    {Ott_4}     Kiçük-Sarây
    {Ott_5}     Mahdiyye
    {Ott_6}     Lahsâ
    {Ott_7}     'Akabe
    {Ott_8}     Vâsït
    {Ott_9}     Elemüt 
    {Ott_10}     Haleb
    {Ott_11}     Sikenderiyye
    {Ott_12}     Cezâyir
    {Ott_13}     Ankûnâ
    {Ott_14}     Anvers  
    {Ott_15}     Engüriyye
    {Ott_16}     Ânî
    {Ott_17}     Antâkiyye
    {Ott_18}     Rakka
    {Ott_19}     Arles
    {Ott_20}     Narda
    {Ott_21}     Askalân
    {Ott_22}     Adâliyye 
    {Ott_23}     Azak
    {Ott_24}     Batalyevs
    {Ott_25}     Bağdâd
    {Ott_26}     Bakü
    {Ott_27}     Bârselûniyye
    {Ott_28}     Barri
    {Ott_29}     Baziliyye
    {Ott_30}     Basra
    {Ott_31}     Bergen
    {Ott_32}     Bononiyye
    {Ott_33}     Bordo
    {Ott_34}     Bïrandeburğ
    {Ott_35}     Biremen
    {Ott_36}     Biristoliyye
    {Ott_37}     Bulğâr
    {Ott_38}     Bürşiyye
    {Ott_39}     Kaernarva
    {Ott_40}     Kayseriyye
    {Ott_41}     Kalyarï
    {Ott_42}     Mïsr
    {Ott_43}     Kandiyye
    {Ott_44}     Çernekoviyye
    {Ott_45}     Sarây Kermân
    {Ott_46}     Kïlarmont
    {Ott_47}     Kulümriyye
    {Ott_48}     Koloniyye
    {Ott_49}     Kostantiniyye
    {Ott_50}     Kortuba
    {Ott_51}     Gördüs
    {Ott_52}     Dimişq-ı Şâm
    {Ott_53}     Dimyâd
    {Ott_54}     Bâbü'l-Ebvâb
    {Ott_55}     Diçom
    {Ott_56}     Dublina
    {Ott_57}     Durrâc
    {Ott_58}     Urfa
    {Ott_59}     Edinburk
    {Ott_60}     Erzurûm
    {Ott_61}     Osterğûn
    {Ott_62}     Fâs
    {Ott_63}     Florânsa
    {Ott_64}     Fïrankfurt
    {Ott_65}     Firiburk
    {Ott_66}     Danzig
    {Ott_67}     Cinûz
    {Ott_68}     Gant
    {Ott_69}     Gïrnâta
    {Ott_70}     Belğïrad-ı Erdel
    {Ott_71}     Galïç
    {Ott_72}     Hemedân
    {Ott_73}     Mezbûrk
    {Ott_74}     Hasînkeyfâ
    {Ott_75}     Gïrodna
    {Ott_76}     Yâş
    {Ott_77}     Isfahân
    {Ott_78}     Kuds-i Şerīf
    {Ott_79}     Kolmar
    {Ott_80}     Kirmân
    {Ott_81}     Vilne
    {Ott_82}     Kïyoviyye
    {Ott_83}     Revaliyye
    {Ott_84}     Koncikala
    {Ott_85}     Kûniyye
    {Ott_86}     Kïrakoviyye
    {Ott_87}     Kütâtîs
    {Ott_88}     Lefkosiyye
    {Ott_89}     Leyon
    {Ott_90}     Lovaniyye
    {Ott_91}     Linkolina
    {Ott_92}     Üşbune 
    {Ott_93}     Londïra
    {Ott_94}     Lubek
    {Ott_95}     Lond
    {Ott_96}     Liyon
    {Ott_97}     Malâtiyye
    {Ott_98}     Merânkûş
    {Ott_99}     Mekke
    {Ott_100}     Marï
    {Ott_101}     Milan
    {Ott_102}     Mûṣul
    {Ott_103}     Mürsiyye
    {Ott_104}     Anâpûlî
    {Ott_105}     Nişâbûr
    {Ott_106}     Nîkiyye
    {Ott_107}     Nîse
    {Ott_108}     Niş
    {Ott_109}     Nortvik
    {Ott_110}     Novoğïrot
    {Ott_111}     Norikum
    {Ott_112}     Almûç
    {Ott_113}     Orleyanes
    {Ott_114}     Oslo
    {Ott_115}     Palarmo
    {Ott_116}     Palme
    {Ott_117}     Benblûne 
    {Ott_118}     Pâris
    {Ott_119}     Pïramisliyye
    {Ott_120}     Pîze
    {Ott_121}     Pïlok
    {Ott_122}     Puvatiyye
    {Ott_123}     Polaksko
    {Ott_124}     Puzen
    {Ott_125}     Prağ
    {Ott_126}     Pskov
    {Ott_127}     Kûs
    {Ott_128}     Dûbre Venedik
    {Ott_129}     Raş
    {Ott_130}     Recensburk
    {Ott_131}     Rey
    {Ott_132}     Reciyu
    {Ott_133}     Rense
    {Ott_134}     Ramis
    {Ott_135}     Rapin
    {Ott_136}     Riga
    {Ott_137}     Rûm
    {Ott_138}     Roskildiyye
    {Ott_139}     Ruven
    {Ott_140}     Rustov
    {Ott_141}     Riazân
    {Ott_142}     San Cakob
    {Ott_143}     Sarïgşïn
    {Ott_144}     Akkirmân
    {Ott_145}     Söreyn
    {Ott_146}     Işbiliyye
    {Ott_147}     Şarukan
    {Ott_148}     Şîrâz
    {Ott_149}     Sâktûn
    {Ott_150}     Sicilmasa
    {Ott_151}     Şilb
    {Ott_152}     Sinobiyye
    {Ott_153}     Sîsiyye
    {Ott_154}     Sïwâs
    {Ott_155}     İşkodra
    {Ott_156}     Skara
    {Ott_157}     İsmolinsko
    {Ott_158}     İzmîr
    {Ott_159}     İspiyer
    {Ott_160}     Sofiyye
    {Ott_161}     Suzdal
    {Ott_162}     İstetin
    {Ott_163}     Üstolni Belğïrad
    {Ott_164}     Tebrîz
    {Ott_165}     Tarâbulus
    {Ott_166}     Tïrnova
    {Ott_167}     Tebük
    {Ott_168}     Tiflîs
    {Ott_169}     Selânik
    {Ott_170}     Tilemsân
    {Ott_171}     Taman
    {Ott_172}     Tulâytola
    {Ott_173}     Tuluz
    {Ott_174}     Tarabefzûn
    {Ott_175}     Tiriyer
    {Ott_176}     Tarâbulus–i Şâm
    {Ott_177}     Tïroya
    {Ott_178}     Tûnus
    {Ott_179}     Turku
    {Ott_180}     Turov
    {Ott_181}     Konişperc
    {Ott_182}     Ulma
    {Ott_183}     Gürgenç
    {Ott_184}     Utrekt
    {Ott_185}     Belensiyye
    {Ott_186}     Beledû'l Velid
    {Ott_187}     Varat
    {Ott_188}     Venedik
    {Ott_189}     Verona
    {Ott_190}     Beç
    {Ott_191}     Visbi
    {Ott_192}     Volodimiriyye
    {Ott_193}     Bosnasarây
    {Ott_194}     Bïraslâ
    {Ott_195}     Yezd
    {Ott_196}     York
    {Ott_197}     Zağreb
    {Ott_198}     Zâdra
    {Ott_199}     Sarakusta
    {Tus_1}     Abberdonia
    {Tus_2}     Acri
    {Tus_3}     Adrianopoli
    {Tus_4}     Sarachancho
    {Tus_5}     Mahadia 
    {Tus_6}     Elasa
    {Tus_7}     Elyia
    {Tus_8}     Wasit
    {Tus_9}     Alamut
    {Tus_10}     Alappo
    {Tus_11}     Allessandria
    {Tus_12}     Algeri
    {Tus_13}     Ancona
    {Tus_14}     Angersa
    {Tus_15}     Angora
    {Tus_16}     Ani
    {Tus_17}     Antioccia
    {Tus_18}     Aracha
    {Tus_19}     Arli
    {Tus_20}     Larta
    {Tus_21}     Ascalona
    {Tus_22}     Setalia
    {Tus_23}     Tana
    {Tus_24}     Badaioz
    {Tus_25}     Baldacca
    {Tus_26}     Bachi
    {Tus_27}     Barzalona
    {Tus_28}     Bari
    {Tus_29}     Basilea
    {Tus_30}     Bàssora
    {Tus_31}     Berges
    {Tus_32}     Bologna
    {Tus_33}     Bordelle
    {Tus_34}     Brandeburgo
    {Tus_35}     Brema
    {Tus_36}     Bristo
    {Tus_37}     Borgar
    {Tus_38}     Burgus
    {Tus_39}     Carnervan
    {Tus_40}     Cesarea
    {Tus_41}     Castello  di Castro
    {Tus_42}     Bambillonia
    {Tus_43}     Candia
    {Tus_44}     Zernigo
    {Tus_45}     Gerezonda
    {Tus_46}     Chiaramonte
    {Tus_47}     Cuimbra
    {Tus_48}     Cologna
    {Tus_49}     Gostantinopoli
    {Tus_50}     Cordova
    {Tus_51}     Coranto
    {Tus_52}     Dommasco
    {Tus_53}     Damiata
    {Tus_54}     Derbenth
    {Tus_55}     Digione
    {Tus_56}     Dublino
    {Tus_57}     Durazo
    {Tus_58}     Orfà
    {Tus_59}     Edimburgo
    {Tus_60}     Arzerone
    {Tus_61}     Strigonio
    {Tus_62}     Fiesa
    {Tus_63}     Fiorenza
    {Tus_64}     Francoforte
    {Tus_65}     Friburgo
    {Tus_66}     Danzica
    {Tus_67}     Genova
    {Tus_68}     Guanto
    {Tus_69}     Granata
    {Tus_70}     Alba Giulia
    {Tus_71}     Halliz
    {Tus_72}     Hamadan
    {Tus_73}     Medinborgo
    {Tus_74}     Asanchif
    {Tus_75}     Grodna
    {Tus_76}     Iassi
    {Tus_77}     Spahan
    {Tus_78}     Gerusaleme
    {Tus_79}     Calmar
    {Tus_80}     Chirmas
    {Tus_81}     Vilna
    {Tus_82}     Chievo
    {Tus_83}     Revele
    {Tus_84}     Asgabat
    {Tus_85}     Cogno
    {Tus_86}     Cracco
    {Tus_87}     Catasia
    {Tus_88}     Niccosia
    {Tus_89}     Leona
    {Tus_90}     Lovano
    {Tus_91}     Niccola
    {Tus_92}     Lisbona
    {Tus_93}     Londra
    {Tus_94}     Lubecca
    {Tus_95}     Lodose
    {Tus_96}     Lione
    {Tus_97}     Malacia
    {Tus_98}     Marocho
    {Tus_99}     Mecchia
    {Tus_100}     Merdacascia
    {Tus_101}     Milano
    {Tus_102}     Mossul
    {Tus_103}     Murcia
    {Tus_104}     Napoli
    {Tus_105}     Nassabor
    {Tus_106}     Nickia
    {Tus_107}     Nizza
    {Tus_108}     Nissa
    {Tus_109}     Nordovico
    {Tus_110}     Nouovogrado
    {Tus_111}     Norimberga
    {Tus_112}     Olmia
    {Tus_113}     Aureliano
    {Tus_114}     Aslogia 
    {Tus_115}     Palermo
    {Tus_116}     Palma
    {Tus_117}     Pampaluna
    {Tus_118}     Parigi
    {Tus_119}     Pereslav
    {Tus_120}     Pisa
    {Tus_121}     Plosco
    {Tus_122}     Pottieri
    {Tus_123}     Polotia
    {Tus_124}     Posnania
    {Tus_125}     Praga
    {Tus_126}     Pocichovia
    {Tus_127}     Chas
    {Tus_128}     Raugia
    {Tus_129}     Ras
    {Tus_130}     Ratisbona
    {Tus_131}     Ere
    {Tus_132}     Rigi
    {Tus_133}     Redona
    {Tus_134}     Rensa
    {Tus_135}     Ripen
    {Tus_136}     Riga
    {Tus_137}     Roma
    {Tus_138}     Roskildia
    {Tus_139}     Roano
    {Tus_140}     Rostov
    {Tus_141}     Razan
    {Tus_142}     Compostela
    {Tus_143}     Gintarcan
    {Tus_144}     Casabianco
    {Tus_145}     Severin
    {Tus_146}     Subilia
    {Tus_147}     Sarochan
    {Tus_148}     Siras
    {Tus_149}     Upsalia
    {Tus_150}     Sigermesa 
    {Tus_151}     Silvas
    {Tus_152}     Sinopoli
    {Tus_153}     Sisia 
    {Tus_154}     Salvastro
    {Tus_155}     Scutari
    {Tus_156}     Schare
    {Tus_157}     Smolencho
    {Tus_158}     Smirne
    {Tus_159}     Spira
    {Tus_160}     Sophia
    {Tus_161}     Susdal
    {Tus_162}     Stettino
    {Tus_163}     Albareale
    {Tus_164}     Torissi
    {Tus_165}     Tripoli di Barberia
    {Tus_166}     Drenovo
    {Tus_167}     Tebuc
    {Tus_168}     Tiphilis
    {Tus_169}     Sallonicchi
    {Tus_170}     Tremesen
    {Tus_171}     Matriga
    {Tus_172}     Toleto
    {Tus_173}     Tolosa
    {Tus_174}     Trabisonda
    {Tus_175}     Treviri
    {Tus_176}     Tripoli
    {Tus_177}     Tresetto
    {Tus_178}     Tunizi
    {Tus_179}     Abo
    {Tus_180}     Turowls
    {Tus_181}     Conisberga
    {Tus_182}     Ulma
    {Tus_183}     Orghanci
    {Tus_184}     Utrech
    {Tus_185}     Valenza
    {Tus_186}     Valle d'Olit
    {Tus_187}     Varado
    {Tus_188}     Vinegia
    {Tus_189}     Verona
    {Tus_190}     Vienna
    {Tus_191}     Visbi
    {Tus_192}     Vlodimiria
    {Tus_193}     Sarraglio
    {Tus_194}     Breslavia
    {Tus_195}     Geste
    {Tus_196}     Vervicche
    {Tus_197}     Zagabria
    {Tus_198}     Giadra
    {Tus_199}     Saragozza
    {ON_1}         Apardjón
    {ON_2}         Akrsborg 
    {ON_3}         Adriangarðr
    {ON_4}        Lítill Sarai
    {ON_11}     Alexandría 
    {ON_12}     Alzirsborg
    {ON_14}     Angers     
    {ON_17}     Anteócía
    {ON_19}     Arles
    {ON_21}     Askalon
    {ON_22}     Átals    
    {ON_24}     Badahús 
    {ON_25}     Babilon
    {ON_27}     Barzalon
    {ON_28}     Bôr 
    {ON_29}     Boslaraborg
    {ON_31}     Björgvin
    {ON_32}     Boloniae
    {ON_33}     Burdelia
    {ON_34}     Brandersborg
    {ON_35}     Brimar
    {ON_36}     Brúastó
    {ON_37}     Bolgarðr
    {ON_38}     Byrgs
    {ON_39}     Karsborg
    {ON_40}     Kesaria 
    {ON_42}     Babilon
    {ON_43}     Krít    
    {ON_46}     Klerimunt
    {ON_48}     Kolniborg
    {ON_49}     Miklagarðr
    {ON_50}     Kordúban
    {ON_51}     Korintuborgr
    {ON_52}     Damaskoborg
    {ON_53}     Djamiat
    {ON_56}     Dyflinn
    {ON_57}     Dyraksborg
    {ON_58}     Edissaborg
    {ON_59}     Eidinaborg
    {ON_63}     Florens
    {ON_64}     Frakkafurða
    {ON_66}     Danzig
    {ON_67}     Genúa
    {ON_68}     Gent
    {ON_70}     Hvítsborg     
    {ON_73}     Magaðaborg    
    {ON_78}     Jorsalir
    {ON_79}     Kalmarnr    
    {ON_81}     Vilní
    {ON_82}     Koenugarðar
    {ON_83}     Refala
    {ON_86}     Kraká
    {ON_88}     Kíprar
    {ON_89}     Leunsborg
    {ON_91}     Lindisborg
    {ON_92}     Lizibónr
    {ON_93}     Lundúnaborg 
    {ON_94}     Libika
    {ON_95}     Lundur
    {ON_96}     Lugðunaborg 
    {ON_101}     Meilangsborg
    {ON_102}     Niniviborg
    {ON_104}     Nobilisborgr
    {ON_106}     Nikeaborg
    {ON_107}     Niz
    {ON_109}     Norðvík
    {ON_110}     Hólmgarðr
    {ON_111}     Nornborg
    {ON_113}     Orlaneis
    {ON_114}     Ósló 
    {ON_115}     Sikiley
    {ON_117}     Pampilonia
    {ON_118}     Páríssborg
    {ON_120}     Pisis    
    {ON_122}     Peituborg
    {ON_123}     Pallteskjuborg
    {ON_130}     Regnborg
    {ON_134}     Reinsborg 
    {ON_135}     Ripr
    {ON_136}     Ríga
    {ON_137}     Rómaborg
    {ON_138}     Hróiskelda
    {ON_139}     Rúðu 
    {ON_140}     Ráðstofa     
    {ON_142}     Jákóbsborg    
    {ON_144}     Hvítshús    
    {ON_146}     Sibili
    {ON_149}     Sigtúnir
    {ON_156}     Skarar 
    {ON_157}     Smaleskja     
    {ON_159}     Spíro
    {ON_161}     Súrsdalar 
    {ON_162}     Burstaborg
    {ON_163}     Stólshvítsborg    
    {ON_165}     Trípulís    
    {ON_168}     Tíflis 
    {ON_169}     Saloníka     
    {ON_172}     Tulet
    {ON_173}     Tholosa
    {ON_175}     Jref
    {ON_176}     Trípulís
    {ON_178}     Túnisborg
    {ON_179}     Árbæ    
    {ON_181}     Kongsborg
    {ON_184}     Trekt
    {ON_185}     Vjalenz
    {ON_186}     Valledelikt    
    {ON_188}     Fenneyjr
    {ON_189}     Bernr
    {ON_190}     Vínrborg
    {ON_191}     Visbaer
    {ON_192}     Valdamarr    
    {ON_194}     Varsjá    
    {ON_196}     Jórvík
    {ON_199}     Saraguz
    {OS_2}         Akra 
    {OS_3}         Adriangorod
    {OS_10}     Ljapě 
    {OS_11}     Oleksandrija     
    {OS_15}     Ankari    
    {OS_17}     Antiochi
    {OS_21}     Askalon'
    {OS_22}     Satilija 
    {OS_23}     Azova
    {OS_25}     Vavilon'
    {OS_26}     Baki 
    {OS_32}     Bolon'i
    {OS_34}     Brandemborsk
    {OS_35}     Brem'n
    {OS_37}     Bl'gary
    {OS_40}     Kesarija     
    {OS_42}     Vavilon'
    {OS_43}     Krita 
    {OS_44}     Chernigov
    {OS_45}     Korsun'    
    {OS_49}     Tsar'gorodŭ
    {OS_52}     Damaskin'
    {OS_54}     Derbent'
    {OS_57}     Drach
    {OS_58}     Edes'sk
    {OS_60}     Arzunum'
    {OS_61}     Strěgom 
    {OS_63}     Florenz
    {OS_66}     Kgdansk
    {OS_67}     Zinovij
    {OS_70}     B'lgorod 
    {OS_71}     Galich
    {OS_73}     Magdeborsk
    {OS_75}     Goroden'
    {OS_76}     Jaš
    {OS_77}     Ispagan'
    {OS_78}     Jerusaliml    
    {OS_81}     Vilně
    {OS_82}     Kyjev'
    {OS_83}     Ledenets     
    {OS_86}     Krakova    
    {OS_88}     Kipr'    
    {OS_90}     Ljoven
    {OS_94}     Ljubka    
    {OS_99}     Mjakku 
    {OS_102}     Ninevgiju 
    {OS_105}     Nišapúr
    {OS_106}     Nikii 
    {OS_108}     Niš
    {OS_110}     Novŭgorodŭ
    {OS_111}     Nurbech'
    {OS_112}     Holmuc
    {OS_114}     Óslo
    {OS_118}     Pariž'
    {OS_119}     Perejaslavl
    {OS_121}     Plotsk
    {OS_123}     Polotesk
    {OS_125}     Prazě
    {OS_126}     Plĭskovŭ
    {OS_128}     Dubrôvniš
    {OS_129}     Rasu 
    {OS_130}     Rezno
    {OS_131}     Reju
    {OS_135}     Ribe
    {OS_136}     Rigu
    {OS_137}     Rima 
    {OS_138}     Róskіle
    {OS_140}     Rostov'
    {OS_141}     Rjazan
    {OS_143}     Chaztarachan
    {OS_144}     Bělu Vězha
    {OS_145}     Severin
    {OS_147}     Sarokan
    {OS_148}     Širas'
    {OS_149}     Apsalimsk
    {OS_152}     Sinopii 
    {OS_154}     Savasti
    {OS_155}     Skadar 
    {OS_157}     Smolensk'
    {OS_160}     Srědeš
    {OS_161}     Suzdal
    {OS_162}     Statinsk
    {OS_163}     Bělŭgorod
    {OS_164}     Tevriz
    {OS_165}     Tripolja 
    {OS_166}     Tsarĭgorod Tarnôv
    {OS_168}     Tefliz
    {OS_169}     Selunja
    {OS_171}     Tmutorokan
    {OS_174}     Trapizon'    
    {OS_176}     Tripolja 
    {OS_178}     Karfageni 
    {OS_179}     Ábo
    {OS_180}     Turove
    {OS_181}     Tvankste
    {OS_187}     Varad
    {OS_188}     Venecě
    {OS_189}     B'rne
    {OS_190}     Vjadně
    {OS_191}     Vis
    {OS_192}     Volodimer'
    {OS_193}     Vrhbosna
    {OS_194}     Vorot'slavl
    {OS_195}     Ezděi
    {OS_197}     Greva
    {OS_198}     Zad'ra
    {Mag_1}     Eberdin
    {Mag_2}     Ákra
    {Mag_3}     Drenápoly
    {Mag_4}     Kicsi-Saray
    {Mag_7}     Akaba
    {Mag_10}     Álep
    {Mag_11}     Alexandriá
    {Mag_12}     Algirs
    {Mag_13}     Ankona
    {Mag_14}     Anzsé
    {Mag_17}     Antiokheia 
    {Mag_18}     Rakka 
    {Mag_21}     Aszkelón
    {Mag_26}     Baki
    {Mag_29}     Bázel
    {Mag_30}     Basszorá
    {Mag_32}     Bolonia
    {Mag_33}     Burdegalá
    {Mag_34}     Brendonvár
    {Mag_36}     Brisztol
    {Mag_37}     Bolgár
    {Mag_38}     Burgo
    {Mag_39}     Kernarven
    {Mag_40}     Czaszaria
    {Mag_42}     Kairó
    {Mag_43}     Hániá
    {Mag_44}     Csernyigov
    {Mag_45}     Kherszon
    {Mag_49}     Konstantzinápoly
    {Mag_51}     Korinthosz
    {Mag_52}     Damaszkusz
    {Mag_56}     Doblin
    {Mag_57}     Duránc
    {Mag_59}     Edinborg
    {Mag_61}     Esztergom
    {Mag_63}     Firenzé
    {Mag_64}     Frankfurt
    {Mag_65}     Frivár
    {Mag_66}     Danczka
    {Mag_70}     Gyulafejérvár
    {Mag_71}     Halics
    {Mag_72}     Hamadán
    {Mag_73}     Magdevár
    {Mag_75}     Horadnya
    {Mag_76}     Jászvásár
    {Mag_77}     Iszpahan
    {Mag_78}     Jeruzsálem
    {Mag_80}     Kermán
    {Mag_81}     Vilná
    {Mag_82}     Kijev
    {Mag_86}     Cracko
    {Mag_91}     Linkaln
    {Mag_92}     Liszibon
    {Mag_93}     Landn
    {Mag_95}     Lundia
    {Mag_96}     Lugdunum
    {Mag_101}     Medyolánó
    {Mag_102}     Mosszul
    {Mag_104}     Neápoly
    {Mag_106}     Nicena
    {Mag_107}     Nizza
    {Mag_108}     Nis
    {Mag_109}     Norricsz
    {Mag_111}     Norimberg
    {Mag_112}     Alamóc
    {Mag_119}     Perejaszlav
    {Mag_120}     Pise
    {Mag_121}     Palaczka
    {Mag_123}     Polack
    {Mag_124}     Poznanń
    {Mag_125}     Prága
    {Mag_126}     Pszkov
    {Mag_128}     Ragúsza
    {Mag_129}     Rasz
    {Mag_130}     Regenszvár
    {Mag_137}     Rómá
    {Mag_139}     Roán
    {Mag_140}     Rosztov
    {Mag_141}     Rjazany
    {Mag_142}     Compostella Iacab
    {Mag_143}     Etöl
    {Mag_144}     Fehérház
    {Mag_145}     Szörényvár
    {Mag_146}     Sevillá
    {Mag_147}     Sahrukán
    {Mag_148}     Siráz
    {Mag_152}     Szinope
    {Mag_155}     Sztyüdár
    {Mag_157}     Szmolenszk
    {Mag_158}     Szmrirna
    {Mag_159}     Spira
    {Mag_160}     Szeredőc
    {Mag_161}     Szuzdal
    {Mag_162}     Sztetyn
    {Mag_163}     Fehérüvár
    {Mag_164}     Taurisz
    {Mag_166}     Tharnov
    {Mag_168}     Tbilisz
    {Mag_169}     Thesszaloniké
    {Mag_173}     Tholosá
    {Mag_176}     Tripolisz
    {Mag_178}     Tunisz
    {Mag_181}     Királyévár
    {Mag_187}     Várasd
    {Mag_188}     Velence
    {Mag_190}     Bécs
    {Mag_191}     Wisbi
    {Mag_192}     Vlagyimir
    {Mag_193}     Vrhboszná
    {Mag_194}     Voroszló
    {Mag_196}     Iork
    {Mag_197}     Zabrag
    {Mag_198}     Zára
    {Per_2}     'Akka    
    {Per_4}     Sarāijūq
    {Per_5}     Mahdiya
    {Per_7}     Īla
    {Per_8}     Wāsit
    {Per_9}     Alamūt
    {Per_10}     Aleppo
    {Per_11}     Iskandariya
    {Per_12}     Ra'nā
    {Per_15}     Anqurah
    {Per_16}     Ānī
    {Per_17}     Antākīya
    {Per_18}     Rā'iqa
    {Per_21}     'Asqalān    
    {Per_23}     Azaq
    {Per_25}     Baydād
    {Per_26}     Bāku
    {Per_30}     Basra    
    {Per_37}     Bulghār    
    {Per_40}     Qaysāriya    
    {Per_49}     Qustantīniya
    {Per_50}     Qurtuna    
    {Per_52}     Shām 
    {Per_53}     Dimyāt
    {Per_54}     Darband     
    {Per_58}     Ruhā    
    {Per_60}     Arzan-ar-Rūm     
    {Per_62}     Fās    
    {Per_67}     Žen    
    {Per_72}     Hamadān
    {Per_74}     Hisn Kayfā
    {Per_76}     Yās
    {Per_77}     Isfahān
    {Per_78}     Bayt al-Muqaddas    
    {Per_80}     Kirmān    
    {Per_82}     Kubāba
    {Per_84}     Ašqābād
    {Per_85}     Qūniyah
    {Per_97}     Malatiya
    {Per_98}     Marrākish
    {Per_99}     Makka
    {Per_100}     Marv    
    {Per_102}     Mūsel
    {Per_103}     Mursiya     
    {Per_105}     Nishāpur
    {Per_131}     Rayy
    {Per_132}     Rayyu    
    {Per_137}     Rūmīya    
    {Per_143}     Saqsīn
    {Per_144}     Sapēdšahr
    {Per_146}     Ishbiliya
    {Per_148}     Shīrāz     
    {Per_150}     Slhmāsa
    {Per_153}     Sīs
    {Per_154}     Sīvās
    {Per_164}     Tabrīz
    {Per_165}     Atrābulus
    {Per_167}     Fymā
    {Per_168}     Tiflīs
    {Per_172}     Tulaytila    
    {Per_176}     Atrābulus
    {Per_178}     Tunas    
    {Per_183}     Shahr-i Khwārazm
    {Per_185}     Balansiya
    {Per_188}     Bunduqīah
    {Per_195}     Yazd
    {Per_199}     Sarqus
    {ScotG_1}     Obar Dheathain
    {ScotG_2}     Acon
    {ScotG_3}     Bradinoble
    {ScotG_10}     Analfe
    {ScotG_11}     Cathair Alasdair
    {ScotG_14}     Añje
    {ScotG_21}     Asccalòn
    {ScotG_22}     Satalàx
    {ScotG_25}     Baibiloin
    {ScotG_31}     Boirbhe
    {ScotG_32}     Bolein
    {ScotG_33}     Bordghal
    {ScotG_36}     Bristuma
    {ScotG_42}     Caeir
    {ScotG_48}     Koloin
    {ScotG_49}     Constantìnnòble
    {ScotG_51}    An Choraint
    {ScotG_52}     Damuiscc
    {ScotG_54}     Berbent
    {ScotG_56}     Àth Cliath
    {ScotG_58}     Rocays
    {ScotG_59}     Dùn Èideann
    {ScotG_63}     Flòrans
    {ScotG_67}     Ghein
    {ScotG_77}     Safàn
    {ScotG_78}     Iarusalem
    {ScotG_80}     Carmen
    {ScotG_81}     Vilnias
    {ScotG_82}     Cìv
    {ScotG_88}     Nicasia
    {ScotG_89}     Liobhan
    {ScotG_90}     Lovàin
    {ScotG_92}     Liospòin
    {ScotG_93}     Lunnainn
    {ScotG_96}     Lugdon
    {ScotG_99}     Meice
    {ScotG_101}     Medolen
    {ScotG_102}     Mosel
    {ScotG_105}     Nessabor
    {ScotG_106}     Nìc
    {ScotG_109}     Norbus
    {ScotG_114}     Oslò
    {ScotG_118}     Pairis
    {ScotG_125}     Pràg
    {ScotG_133}     Roazhon
    {ScotG_137}     Roim
    {ScotG_148}     Saraghe
    {ScotG_154}     Sibast
    {ScotG_160}     Sdernes    
    {ScotG_164}     Tauarisi
    {ScotG_165}     Tripilì
    {ScotG_169}     Teasaloinicè    
    {ScotG_174}     Troposonda    
    {ScotG_176}     Tripilì
    {ScotG_178}     Tùinis     
    {ScotG_188}     Vènis
    {ScotG_196}     Ebhroc
    {ScotG_197}     Sàgrab
    {Kip_4}     Kiçi-Saray
    {Kip_15}     Kermen-i Angar
    {Kip_23}     Azaq    
    {Kip_25}     Baǵdat
    {Kip_26}     Badkûbeh    
    {Kip_37}     Bolgar
    {Kip_44}     Karasahar
    {Kip_45}     Saray Kerman
    {Kip_49}     Kōshetandīna
    {Kip_54}     Darband
    {Kip_71}     Galïç
    {Kip_76}     Yaş
    {Kip_78}     Yerosolim
    {Kip_82}     Man Kermen
    {Kip_84}     Konjikala
    {Kip_99}     Mäkkä
    {Kip_100}     Maru 
    {Kip_105}     Nïşapýr
    {Kip_143}     Sarigšin
    {Kip_144}     Aqqalaa
    {Kip_147}     Şarukan
    {Kip_148}     Şiraz
    {Kip_157}     Smýlen
    {Kip_161}     Súzdál
    {Kip_164}     Tavrïz
    {Kip_166}     Tïrnova
    {Kip_168}     Tiflis
    {Kip_171}     Tamantarkaan
    {Kip_174}     Tiraphiz
    {Kip_183}     Urganj
    {Kip_195}     Jezd 
    {OldEng_2}     Brycgstowe
    {OldEng_3}     Carnarfon
    {OldEng_4}     Difelin 
    {OldEng_5}     Edynbyrg
    {OldEng_6}     Eoforwic
    {OldEng_7}     Lundenbyrg
    {OldEng_8}     Lyncollan
    {OldEng_9}     Norðwic
    {OldEng_10} Roðem
    {OldEng_11} Ræins 
    {Skots_1}     Aiberdeen
    {Skots_2}     Coleyn
    {Skots_3}     Cordeva
    {Skots_4}     Lundon
    {Skots_5}     Norage
    {Skots_6}     Paris
    {Skots_7}     Rome
    {Skots_8}     Rowane
    {Native_1}     Kaerynarfon 
    {Native_2}    Bordel
    {Native_3}    Girusalemmi
    {Native_4}    Loven
    {Native_5}    Olomucz
    {Native_6}    Iruñea 
    {Native_7}    Tamatarkay 
    {Native_8}    Tholosa
    {Native_9}    Kunnegsgarbs
    {Native_10}    'Antîochyâ
    {Native_11}    Hâlâb
    {Native_12}    'Ûrhâi
    {Native_13}    Rakkâ
    {Native_14}    Mâwsil
    {Kart_11}    Aleksandria
    {Kart_16}    Anisi
    {Kart_17}    Ant'iokia
    {Kart_25}    Babilon
    {Kart_40}    K'eisrisa
    {Kart_49}    K'ost'ant'ip'oli
    {Kart_54}    Darubandi
    {Kart_60}    K'arnukalaki
    {Kart_10}    Alep'o
    {Kart_18}    Raka
    {Kart_22}    Ant'alia
    {Kart_26}    Bak'o
    {Kart_52}    Damasko
    {Kart_58}    Edesa
    {Kart_72}    Hamadani
    {Kart_78}    Ielusalim
    {Kart_102}    Mosuli
    {Kart_97}    Malat'ia
    {Kart_154}    Sevast'ia
    {Kart_164}    Tavrizhi
    {Kart_168}    T'pilisi
    {Kart_87}    Kutatisi
    {Kart_174}    Trapezoni
    {Kart_152}    Sinopi
    {Mong_25}    Baytad
    {Mong_100}    Marv
    {Mong_82}    Keyibe
    {Mong_15}    Enağra
    {Mong_4}    Sarayçiq 
    {Mong_143}    Saray-Batu
    {Mong_183}    Urganj
    Last edited by Cephalophore; March 29, 2022 at 10:15 AM.

  17. #17
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC INTEGRATION OF PROVINCES by JoC

    Quote Originally Posted by Cephalophore View Post
    This is an excel file with names

    This is the actual mod

    Or you can click my signature which will take you to the page.

    Well, you had said to me before... there is no Armenia so I am wondering why there is one here?
    After a quick look:
    - if your minimod would work with the previous SSHIP / SS, then it will work also with the current SSHIP, with my new changes.
    - There's no conflict if you add your monitors rather at the end of the script.txt - and change point 4 of your instructions as the section Settlements capture has now a different name and should not be replaced either.
    - expanded.txt is fine - your instruction will work perfectly.
    - I've noticed that there's at least illegal character "ł" (which is very sad to me - you cannot have Płock or Wrocław...) so I doubt the minimod could work with the previous version or with any mod, hmmm...

    Armenia - the Crusaders would get to this city with the Armenians of Sis or Edessa, so they'd use the Armenian name.

  18. #18

    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC INTEGRATION OF PROVINCES by JoC

    After a quick look:
    - if your minimod would work with the previous SSHIP / SS, then it will work also with the current SSHIP, with my new changes.
    - There's no conflict if you add your monitors rather at the end of the script.txt - and change point 4 of your instructions as the section Settlements capture has now a different name and should not be replaced either.
    - expanded.txt is fine - your instruction will work perfectly.
    - I've noticed that there's at least illegal character "ł" (which is very sad to me - you cannot have Płock or Wrocław...) so I doubt the minimod could work with the previous version or with any mod, hmmm..
    Thanks for your response.

    Firstly, this is relieving news because I am utterly hopeless when it comes to major scripting. I will be sure to update the instructions.

    Hmm, this is strange - ł. I have added it via the imperialregionsettlements txt and it came up for me. Maybe it cannot add them from the expanded text? I wouldn't understand why. Perhaps my version of M2 can support this character. I was forced to remove a few other special characters but not this one. And I have experienced no issues nor been reported to of any.

  19. #19

    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC INTEGRATION OF PROVINCES by JoC

    I just checked it again. It comes up for me correctly on Poland campaign start. Imgur isnt working or I'd post proof.

  20. #20
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: 098 teaser: DYNAMIC INTEGRATION OF PROVINCES by JoC

    Quote Originally Posted by Cephalophore View Post
    I just checked it again. It comes up for me correctly on Poland campaign start. Imgur isnt working or I'd post proof.
    no proof needed, if you've checked. very good news! the same letter is used in the Armenian alphabet, iirc.

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