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Thread: Slight stutter with cavalry movement

  1. #1

    Default Slight stutter with cavalry movement

    Evening folks.

    I've only just begun playing SSHIP, but cavalry units seem to have a visual "hiccup" as they cycle through their movement animation. From what I have briefly gathered thus far, it thankfully does not appear to impact unit effectivness whatsoever. That being said, it is a bit of a buzz kill when I try to zoom in on an epic cavalry charge.

    With that out of the way, is there anything I can do on my end to help remedy this?

    TLDR: Cavalry units appear to have a glitch in their movement animation when sprinting and simply marching.

  2. #2
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Slight stutter with cavalry movement

    Quote Originally Posted by GSutt View Post
    Evening folks.

    I've only just begun playing SSHIP, but cavalry units seem to have a visual "hiccup" as they cycle through their movement animation. From what I have briefly gathered thus far, it thankfully does not appear to impact unit effectivness whatsoever. That being said, it is a bit of a buzz kill when I try to zoom in on an epic cavalry charge.

    With that out of the way, is there anything I can do on my end to help remedy this?

    TLDR: Cavalry units appear to have a glitch in their movement animation when sprinting and simply marching.
    We don't have anybody who would deal with the animations so any help from your side that can fix things, will be appreciated. I believe it can be made in a form of minimod - the files you would change would be different from those any we are dealing with?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Slight stutter with cavalry movement

    GSutt, I've had this problem since day one. I don't think there is a solid remedy. The TW franchise sucks at optimization.

    The only thing I've noticed is that each of my installs have played differently. Sometimes it runs great no crashes or anything. Other times it's crashing like crazy fps dips. siege battles unplayable.

    unfortunately, my advice is simply to install the game by running everything as admin, applying 4gb patch, and closing all windows and processes taking up unnecessary memory during that time. I do this with many games I install. Fallout NV and Medieval 2 have given me massive headaches.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Slight stutter with cavalry movement

    I'm sorry if I partially catfished you here, but I legit have zero modding experience.

    What motivated me to post in the first place, is that when I was playing vanilla SS 6.4 I never noticed any cavalry units with this animation hiccup. I will do some experimenting to see what specific units suffer from this, but I don't think there is anything I can do to help actually solve it.

    A little hypothesis that I have, is that for whatever reason the animation cycle itself seems to be gipped. What is mean to say is, this glitch is similar to how a GIF may not seamlessly transition back to its beginning once its "time is up". In other words, I feel that a simple smoothing out of the animation "transition" from beginning the animation to its recycling back as the model sprints across the map may be the key to solving this. But again, this is just a simple idea that I have.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Slight stutter with cavalry movement

    After going through roughly 20 cavalry units in custom battles, I've found that the only units that don't appear to aggressively "reset" their animation are the cav units that are super slow (ex. English Men at Arms, and English Gendarmes).
    Shortly after I decided to try out SS 6.4 just for the sake of ensuring that I actually found a bug......and speedy cav units have the same animation hiccup that I've been whining about.

    So, now that I've realized that I have been wasting everyone's time, I'm gonna try reinstalling everything and going from there

    Again, I'm sorry for bringing this up without proper testing on my point. But with that said if I notice that a simple reinstall fixies this issue, then I'll make sure to update you fine folks.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Slight stutter with cavalry movement

    I hope this works or at the minimum alleviates the issue for you.

  7. #7
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Slight stutter with cavalry movement

    Personally, I didn't see any jerks in the cavalry animation in SSHIP. On the other hand, there is one with the crossbowmen on foot when they run. It's not very embarrassing but it is noticeable. If an animation specialist was with us in the team, I would ask him - still about the crossbowmen - to also review the melee between the latter and the spearmen... this sometimes produces curious visual bugs.

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