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Thread: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

  1. #121

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Would someone mind explaining the early game anti-dogpiling mechanism that was altered recently? turn 80ish and I've had 4 simultaneous wars declared on me, twice. time for another new campaign...

    Quote Originally Posted by valerius karamanus View Post
    Thank you very much Gaku, downloading that right now.

    A friend tells me my issue with MEGA is something to do with Mozilla cookie management options. Maybe. I don't care. I hate transfer quotas and I hate MEGA still.
    I haven't had a good experience with MEGA either. It's so secure that I can't recover my account - pretty useless, really.


  2. #122
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Quote Originally Posted by Waluk View Post
    Post turn 200 in my HRE campaign two events seem to happen a bit too often. One is Mindaugas rises in Lithuania. Happens every couple of turns. The guy has risen more than Christ so far The other is First Tourney in Poland. Doesn't happen as often as Mindaugas, but it still happened a dozen or so times. Won't upload a save, since I didn't make that much progress since turn 200, it's just a small observation I've noticed.
    can you remind if it's version of April, or of September?

    it shouldn't happen in the recent version:
    monitor_event PreFactionTurnStart FactionType lithuania if I_SettlementOwner Kernave = lithuania
    and RandomPercent < 40
    if I_EventCounter lithuania3_mindaugas = 0
    and I_TurnNumber > 200
    log -------------------- Lithuania evolution: (3) MINDAUGAS ----------------------------------------
    historic_event LITHUANIA3_MINDAUGAS factions { hungary, poland, hre, russia, kievan_rus, cumans, norway, denmark, }
    if not I_IsFactionAIControlled lithuania
    inc_event_counter lithuania3_mindaugas_player 1

    if I_EventCounter lithuania5_lithuanian_empire_player = 0
    and I_EventCounter lithuania3_mindaugas = 1
    and I_TurnNumber > 300
    log -------------------- Lithuania evolution: (5) LITHUANIAN_EMPIRE ----------------------------------------
    historic_event LITHUANIA5_LITHUANIAN_EMPIRE factions { hungary, poland, hre, russia, kievan_rus, cumans, norway, denmark, }
    if not I_IsFactionAIControlled lithuania
    inc_event_counter lithuania5_lithuanian_empire_player 1
    if I_EventCounter poland3_first_tourney = 0 log -------------------- Poland evolution: (3) FIRST TOURNEY ----------------------------------------
    ; First Tourney 1243, it impacts on the possibility to build Tourney Fields and on recruitment of some knights
    set_event_counter continue 0

    if I_TurnNumber > 180
    and I_CompareCounter number_tourney_fields_built > 2 ; Poland has built 3 Tourney Fields (Minor City level)
    and I_EventCounter FL_is_crowned_ruler == 1 ; FL has the crown
    and I_SettlementOwner Wroclaw = poland ; first tourney was held in Silesia
    set_event_counter continue 1

    if I_TurnNumber > 240 ; FALL BACK - in case of failure or a bug
    set_event_counter continue 1

    if I_EventCounter continue = 1
    set_event_counter continue 0
    historic_event POLAND3_FIRST_TOURNEY factions { poland, hre, france, england, norway, denmark, hungary, lithuania, kievan_rus, russia, cumans, }
    if not I_IsFactionAIControlled poland
    set_event_counter poland3_first_tourney_player 1

  3. #123

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    September version.

  4. #124

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    And you did not start the campaign in a previous version right?

    Sent from my FP4 using Tapatalk
    Belovèse's Toolbox: export text files to spreadsheet, detailed unit stats
    Stainless Steel Historical Improvement Project (SSHIP) team member.
    Mini-mods: diplomacy and relation/reputation - detailled unit stats

  5. #125

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    No I didn't, fresh install and start on 12th of september. Funny enough played for a couple of turns today and got none of these two events, but also noticed that both Poland and Lithuania got reduced to only one settlement states. The Serbian Nemanja dynasty event also stopped, but that's probably because they got wiped out by Venice and Byzantines. All in all, very fun experience, had only one crash in 300 turns.

  6. #126

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Helped out our allies in Poland. When Byzantines conquered Krakow, I started sending spyes to Krakow and eventually it got reclaimed by the Poles, this is when The First Tourney in Poland started to reappear. I guess this event is bound to the Poland's capitol Krakow. Since Lithuanias capitol Kernave is currently not claimed by their own faction, I guess Mindaugas rising may appear if they reconquer their initial capitol? Just my thoughts. Those prolonged meshes for the shafts of lances still happen with upgraded mailed knights, but also for upgraded, roughly turn 100 to 300, generals guard. Feudal knights don't have those, will wait for imperial knights, once they open up for HRE, to see if those units have this bug. Before I would be bathing in millions of florins, after turn 200 or so, now even with cca 80k per turn, still can't beat the corruption to go above 150.000 florins or so in treasury. I love that But that's HRE, smaller factions may not be so prosperous. Map is still 70% historical around turn 300. Yes, the Byzantines have conquered a lot of the balkans, also a lot of Poland and Ukraine, but at the same time they are losing badly in asia minor to Mongols. Someone said it's a bit less aggressive, but I guess I kind of like that. The invasions I had from english upon Loven were brutal, same with Serbia attacking Freiberg. No amount of florins would convince the attackers to stand down. Had to win those very narrow fights, but the wins made them so much better. It's without a doubt, the best SSHIP version so far. Stable, challenging, and lots of stuff under the hood. Love those new building s BTW.

  7. #127

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    I'm going to have to take a break from this mod before I break my laptop.

    every campaign: Poland, Serbia, Venice, Cumans, Kiev with the 20-turn backstab. Lithuania if we share a border. and then if I'm unlucky, HRE and Romans, too. "work on your diplomacy" - BS. 20 turns of peace against ONE of SEVEN adversaries is laughable. They come with heavy troops they can't even train, heavy cav that wipe out my heavy cav 2:1, heavy archers that can solo wipe out half my army in melee. stacks of troops they can't possibly afford, train, or maintain. and what can I train - garbage. The one unit I used to be able to train that could counter all that nonsense, the Magyar Cavarly, is now restricted, and only ONE province can train it. ONE unit every SEVEN turns. to deal with the endless stacks of idiocy. the guaranteed turn 13 invasion is annoying, but I can usually deal with it. The inevitable turn 22 invasion, a bit of a problem, but I can deal with it. The turn 30 invasion, now I'm spread thin. And then the next one completely wrecks me. while I'm training one useful unit every SEVEN turns.

    One-fourth of my campaigns make it past turn 30. And one-fourth of those make it past the turn 80 dogpile. I make a post about a campaign at turn 200, so "everything must be fine because you made it to turn 200", but I don't mention the two dozen campaigns that completely failed before that point. I'm sick of it.

  8. #128

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    I didn't see it mentioned in this thread, but I remember the last version saying that Norway would be finished soon, is that the case with this update?

  9. #129

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Does this improve the camera zoom?

  10. #130
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Quote Originally Posted by Gaku View Post
    I'm going to have to take a break from this mod before I break my laptop.
    every campaign: Poland, Serbia, Venice, Cumans, Kiev with the 20-turn backstab. Lithuania if we share a border. and then if I'm unlucky, HRE and Romans, too. "work on your diplomacy" - BS. 20 turns of peace against ONE of SEVEN adversaries is laughable. They come with heavy troops they can't even train, heavy cav that wipe out my heavy cav 2:1, heavy archers that can solo wipe out half my army in melee. stacks of troops they can't possibly afford, train, or maintain. and what can I train - garbage. The one unit I used to be able to train that could counter all that nonsense, the Magyar Cavarly, is now restricted, and only ONE province can train it. ONE unit every SEVEN turns. to deal with the endless stacks of idiocy. the guaranteed turn 13 invasion is annoying, but I can usually deal with it. The inevitable turn 22 invasion, a bit of a problem, but I can deal with it. The turn 30 invasion, now I'm spread thin. And then the next one completely wrecks me. while I'm training one useful unit every SEVEN turns.
    One-fourth of my campaigns make it past turn 30. And one-fourth of those make it past the turn 80 dogpile. I make a post about a campaign at turn 200, so "everything must be fine because you made it to turn 200", but I don't mention the two dozen campaigns that completely failed before that point. I'm sick of it.
    Come one, use another AI&diplomacy, not the most recent one by @Macaras. I think he's provided way to revert to the previous, more benevolent, AI.

    Quote Originally Posted by CaesarTheEmperor View Post
    Does this improve the camera zoom?
    no, we haven't changed anything concerning camera.

    Quote Originally Posted by LuckyPistol View Post
    I didn't see it mentioned in this thread, but I remember the last version saying that Norway would be finished soon, is that the case with this update?
    it's not, furthermore: the building specific to Norway (see thread on regional buildings) is not included yet. It has Konungahella event, and you may build special cathedral in Sigtuna, though. In the next version there'll be more, eg.
    {NORWAY0_STARTING_INFO_BODY}\nNorwegian reforms are not fully implemented yet. The faction plays similar as it was in the SSHIP 0.92 or 0.97.\n\nMind, however, a few features already implemented:\n (1) Norway has a special building - Stavkirke - that it can build in each conquered province. This building is cheap, doesn't incur running costs, provides some law, and increases supply of the basic recruits in your barracks.\n (3) At the outset, Norway does not have possibility to recruit a diplomat. If your initial one dies, you'll have to conduct negotiations with your princesses. To get the possibility to recruit a new diplomat, you need to build Jarl's Kirke in Bergen.\n (4) once you conquer Sigtuna, you'll be able to build a special building there.\n (5) Expansion within Scandinavia will not be treated as an aggressive expansion, and the conquered settlements will not display much unrest (they will be "integrated provinces") unless the Faction Leader is a weak one (usurper or lacks authority).{NORWAY0_STARTING_INFO_TITLE}Kingdom of Norway

    {NORWAY2_KONUNGAHELLA_BODY}\nKonungahella was a medieval Viking settlement in southern Bohuslän. According to Snorri Sturluson, it was the location of two important royal summits to conclude peace between Sweden and Norway. It also appears in writings by the English chronicler, Orderic Vitalis, who named the city as one of six Norwegian civitates. During August 1135, the city was attacked and sacked by the Pomeranians. After the destruction, the city was moved to a site slightly to the west of the original site. Snorri Sturluson, writing a century later, said that Konghelle never completely recovered.\n\nThe city was a center of royal authority during the early Middle Ages and especially the 13th century, when it was the Norwegian kingdom's southernmost outpost. At this time the fort on Ragnhildsholmen and a Franciscan monastery were constructed at the site, while Kastelle kloster monastery was rebuilt.\n\nGAME STRATEGY: The military potential of Norway increases in the wake of outrage and mobilization among the elites. The recruitment of Spear Militia is enabled in the Scandinavian towns. In Bergen, a colony of the barbarian foreigners is established, and their small contingent stays at your disposal.
    {NORWAY2_KONUNGAHELLA_TITLE}Konungahella raided!
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; September 24, 2022 at 01:48 AM.

  11. #131

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Jurand about the game strategy in Konungahella event for Norway when you say a colony of barbarian foreigners established in Bergen.... What type of units? And where can you recruit them, in the wonder??
    .I also think that you also wanted to remodel the Scandinavian unit roster, for Danes and Norwegians, with new units and remodel the old ones, I think it was in the thread for Scandinavia, is that right?

    Sign the petition to remove hardcoded limits for M2TW

  12. #132
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Quote Originally Posted by j.a.luna View Post
    Jurand about the game strategy in Konungahella event for Norway when you say a colony of barbarian foreigners established in Bergen.... What type of units? And where can you recruit them, in the wonder??
    .I also think that you also wanted to remodel the Scandinavian unit roster, for Danes and Norwegians, with new units and remodel the old ones, I think it was in the thread for Scandinavia, is that right?
    Chude building. Unit Chudy. Roster review is left for the future.

  13. #133

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    Chude building. Unit Chudy. Roster review is left for the future.
    So chude building available only In Bergen for Norwegians no? Is it historical?
    I mean if the chudes were similar to the Pomeranians... yes it is true that it would add more variety of troops for the Norwegians, having said that do you think that the veteran drenghar unit could also be added as mercenaries in the Scandinavian areas and other areas like Ireland or Northern Scotland? because in these areas the ancient Viking settlers were established and they would be a vestige that would be reflected with these troops at the beginning of the game... (perhaps even when the Saxon huscarls disappear in the game)

    Sign the petition to remove hardcoded limits for M2TW

  14. #134

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    I have a crash that I can't seem to bypass. I've uploaded a save, maybe the devs can help out.

  15. #135
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Near Lyon in France

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Quote Originally Posted by Waluk View Post
    Those prolonged meshes for the shafts of lances still happen with upgraded mailed knights, but also for upgraded, roughly turn 100 to 300, generals guard. Feudal knights don't have those, will wait for imperial knights, once they open up for HRE, to see if those units have this bug
    Thank you for this remark. I once had this bug with my bodyguards in ug1 but couldn't reproduce the bug in custom battle.
    Probably a bad attribution of animation on a point of the mesh. I will try to fix this...

    Indeed, there is a reproducible CTD at home too with your HRE campaign. Curiously, this is where I notice that there is no log folder or full_log file like in previous versions to try to find the cause of the CTD.
    Last edited by kostic; September 25, 2022 at 03:41 AM.

  16. #136

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Quote Originally Posted by Waluk View Post
    I have a crash that I can't seem to bypass. I've uploaded a save, maybe the devs can help out.
    Sorry, I didn't find anything. Seem's there's a problem with a french character, but I can't get around it. Only way to pass the turn is to destroy france using "surrender_regions france" in the console, but then the game CTD on exit.
    Maybe something wrong with the save itself, do you have a previous save you can fallback on?
    Belovèse's Toolbox: export text files to spreadsheet, detailed unit stats
    Stainless Steel Historical Improvement Project (SSHIP) team member.
    Mini-mods: diplomacy and relation/reputation - detailled unit stats

  17. #137

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Sadly no. I quicksave every turn and make a big save every 10 turns. Unlucky for me, I have both saved and quicksaved that very same turn. Nevermind this playthrough was getting stale, will start a new one, probably Novgorod. A quick question, which buildings open up diplomats? I believe I saw theologian guild gives one and than later on universities? Am I right?

  18. #138
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Quote Originally Posted by Waluk View Post
    Sadly no. I quicksave every turn and make a big save every 10 turns. Unlucky for me, I have both saved and quicksaved that very same turn. Nevermind this playthrough was getting stale, will start a new one, probably Novgorod. A quick question, which buildings open up diplomats? I believe I saw theologian guild gives one and than later on universities? Am I right?
    I also failed to move a turn forward, sorry. As usual - quite interesting playthough for me. I'll upload a pic from your campaign in the 2nd entry to this thread, as usual.

    Diplomats in Novgorod - from the Saint Sophia building plus other as follows:

    {INFO_AGENTS_DIPLOMATS_BODY}There are few diplomats in the SSHIP. In the early game, a medium-sized faction is likely to have just one, very rarely two. Later, the number will grow, but only if you ensure a proper infrastructure is built. This is because the number of diplomats you can have increases by 1 with:\n* certain UNIQUE BUILDINGS, in particular located in a STARTING CAPITAL of any faction (this means that if you conquer another faction's starting capital, your limit will increase; mind that for a few factions a City Hall serves this role in SSHIP 098).\n* a UNIVERSITY - but only after a certain, culture- or faction-specific, event will have happened (eg. Anna Comnena for the Byzantines). Mind that this is also valid for the factions that are not able to build the very building by themselves (Cumans, Mongols), but would find the building in a conquered settlement. \n* an EXPLORERS or THEOLOGIANS GUILD building - again, this will be true only after a relevant historical event has occured.\n\nWhere is the optimal place to recruit a diplomat? They usually have better traits if recruited far away from your capital, possibly in a city with a university or at least a library, and with religiously diverse population (a rule of thumb: no more than 60% of the dominant one). Successful missions increase their capabilities, as well as their sight range - a larger one allows using them in the role of spies.\n\nBear in mind that also Princesses can fulfill diplomatic duties. As a matter of fact, they will often be crucial in early stage of the game when diplomats are rare. Note that from mid-12th century, a Noble Lady (i.e. princess from outside your ruling family) will join your faction on average every 20 years - and she is perfectly able to undertake diplomatic missions.
    EDIT: actually Sobor:

    ;=================== Rus Monastery 4 (Lavra with Sobor) =======================================================================

    rus_monastery_4lavrasobor requires factions { kievan_rus, russia, } or factions { byzantium, georgia, serbia, } and not building_present_min_level stavkirke_building stavkirke1 and hidden_resource kievan_rus or hidden_resource russia
    convert_to 3
    happiness_bonus bonus 2 requires factions { russia, kievan_rus, byzantium, georgia, serbia, } and region_religion orthodox 50
    religion_level bonus 3 requires factions { russia, kievan_rus, byzantium, georgia, serbia, }
    religion_level bonus -3 requires factions { middle_eastern, } and event_counter is_the_player 1
    law_bonus bonus 2 requires region_religion orthodox 50
    law_bonus bonus 1 requires not event_counter is_the_player 1

    population_growth_bonus bonus 1 requires factions { russia, kievan_rus, byzantium, georgia, serbia, } and not event_counter FL_policy_thinks_of_his_people 1
    population_growth_bonus bonus 2 requires factions { russia, kievan_rus, byzantium, georgia, serbia, } and event_counter FL_policy_thinks_of_his_people 1

    ;-Diplomat recruitment (Novgorod doesn't have any unique building at this level
    agent diplomat 0 requires factions { russia, } and hidden_resource russia and hidden_resource capital
    agent_limit diplomat 1 requires factions { russia, } and hidden_resource russia and hidden_resource capital

    ;-Bonus for AI
    law_bonus bonus 2 requires event_counter ai_level_hard 1
    law_bonus bonus 4 requires event_counter ai_level_veryhard 1

    income_bonus bonus -200 requires factions { russia, kievan_rus, byzantium, georgia, serbia, }
    income_bonus bonus -50 requires not factions { russia, kievan_rus, byzantium, georgia, serbia, } and region_religion orthodox 50
    material stone
    construction 8
    cost 8000
    settlement_min city
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; September 25, 2022 at 06:14 AM.

  19. #139
    valerius karamanus's Avatar Civis
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    Dec 2018

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Okay so something weird happened in my playthrough. All seats at the college of cardinals are empty. Popes have not promoted any priest as cardinal after the starting generation of cardinals died. I wonder what will happen when the current pope (he was himself a last man standing so no election was made) dies?
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	nocardinals.jpg 
Views:	17 
Size:	104.2 KB 
ID:	368190

  20. #140
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 version 2022/09/08

    Quote Originally Posted by valerius karamanus View Post
    Okay so something weird happened in my playthrough. All seats at the college of cardinals are empty. Popes have not promoted any priest as cardinal after the starting generation of cardinals died. I wonder what will happen when the current pope (he was himself a last man standing so no election was made) dies?
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	nocardinals.jpg 
Views:	17 
Size:	104.2 KB 
ID:	368190
    no idea, it'll be interesting to see!
    upload a save with this situation, it'd be interesting to see other aspects

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