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Thread: Wikipedia Update

  1. #1

    Default Wikipedia Update

    I decided to ask a question about the Wikipedia since it does not seem to have gained traction, i wanted to ask if the community would mind if i just kept it to my own canon for the lore of Thera, (Built off of v4, Boyar's and Redux). Or if you would like me to continue to try and discern between them. The lore i mostly write up isn't heavily covered by the other canons and generally i'm the only one who is writing in depth lore for it. So i wanted to ask about what the Wikipedia should look like and what not.

  2. #2
    Dismounted Feudal Knight's Avatar my horse for a unicode
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    Default Re: Wikipedia Update

    It's somewhat difficult to interpret this out of context, but I do recall you making a post a while back about starting a wiki. Sounds like you made good progress. I think you could drop the 'pedia', since 'wiki' can be and often is more broad while 'Wikipedia' tends to refer to the actual website, Wikipedia. In this case as well I think a link would help so people could review (if the site is clean and all), since it's creative writing related to a hosted mod. I think some people here would like to have a look.

    But, to the point.

    I don't speak for the community but then, there isn't too much community in this section. I think if you are making the in depth stuff, then you should have that first and have a trivia section after which notes any major differences in the original material you base from. It's clear that you're creating this project as your addon with a consistently thought out design, so you can put that front and center while referencing and crediting the original stuff that inspired you.
    With great power, comes great chonky dragons to feed enemies of the state. --Targaryens?
    Spoiler for wait what dragons?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Wikipedia Update

    I think it would be a good idea to discern between the original v4 and the submods. That way we'll manage to avoid conflation of the versions. And it is simple enough to do, you just need to create a bar in the header before "contents" box with a short description that indicates that the content beneath is v4 or respective submods.

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