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Thread: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

  1. #181

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 ver. September 8th, 2022

    You're welcome! Taking Ribe with the initial army Kong Magnus has, moving the capital from Bergvin to Anslo, maintaining peace with Denmark, and keeping taxes at normal indeed grew Anslo and Ribe quickly. Almost as quickly as AI Denmark's Roskilde and Lund with their skilled generals. Denmark wouldn't attack me before all rebel settlements in Scandinavia were taken. Without going the Ribe route Norway is surely slower to build up, as Skara, Sigtuna and Kalmar are all petty settlements, and money would be very tight. I think it would mean disbanding many of the initial troops in the beginning or at latest right after taking Skara, as even with taking Ribe some had to go. I've no idea why AI Denmark doesn't go towards Ribe right from the start, they have the army to do it close.

    Keeping the titles after losing lands isn't really a problem for me, just wanted to make sure it wasn't a bug that two different generals could hold the same title. And even the heavy troop fix will make a lot in the next version, don't need them cardinals for immersion when playing pagan, orthodox or muslim factions

  2. #182

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    I'm playing Leon on hard right now and I have to say the mod is outstanding!

    Warhammer III made me actually want to play the older titles again haha.

    The quality of life coming with this mod is amazing, especially to a returning player: easy install, no crashes, the pop-ups explaining and no sub mods needed! First time I played a mod and didn't feel the need to install several submods, wow!

    You did a good job also making some features of BYG IV more simple, especially the Council thing with only some generals being able to recruit stuff was annoying.

    Can't comment about the lategame since I'm only around turn 35 and unfortunately don't have a lot of time to play anymore. The challenge level is well balanced so far. The moment I allied with HR empire, Portugal (ally) and Aragon attacked me at the same time which was cool. Moores agreed to ceasefire luckily.
    Definitely trying to do a crusade to Jerusalem, (the best feature in M2) and then report back.

    edit: one question : I built the Knight Hospitaller building and the description said I could recruit Knights from there, but I got no Knights Hospitaller after building it, also not grayed out. Do I need additional buildings?
    Last edited by Djangoo; October 13, 2022 at 01:26 PM.

  3. #183
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Djangoo View Post
    I built the Knight Hospitaller building and the description said I could recruit Knights from there, but I got no Knights Hospitaller after building it, also not grayed out. Do I need additional buildings?
    no, no other builiding needed. Perhaps better attitude of the pope (or your reputation). But I don't remember ins and outs.

    Quote Originally Posted by valerius karamanus View Post
    While priest recruitment has been a problem for all factions, Mongols are seemingly capable of deploying them in large numbers, they also use assassins actively
    This will be fixed in the next version throug limiting (or removing) number of priests for Mongols (what seems quite historical.

    BTW, here is nicely shown that growing Paris to a Large City size is possible, but requires special arrangements, including a very good general:

  4. #184

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 ver. September 8th, 2022

    Just wanted to drop and let you know I have been having an amazing time playing this mod! The team is absolutely amazing and I love the community here. Thank you for all of your hard work, it is truly appreciated over here!!!

  5. #185

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 ver. September 8th, 2022

    Thanks a lot for the feedback and encouragements, I'm happing you're having fun!
    Belovèse's Toolbox: export text files to spreadsheet, detailed unit stats
    Stainless Steel Historical Improvement Project (SSHIP) team member.
    Mini-mods: diplomacy and relation/reputation - detailled unit stats

  6. #186
    xxxMoRaVexxx's Avatar Ordinarius
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    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 ver. September 8th, 2022

    Just wanted to say thank you to the creators and how good this mod is. I love the slow-paced campaign and the deep immersion playing with this mod.

    I know this is just a beta (but very playable at that), but I am just wondering if there is any plan to reduce the killing-power of cavalry? Noticed currently that early-era spearmen disintegrates under a heavy cavalry charge. Is there any plans to address this in later versions?

    Once again, thanks for this wonderful mod!

  7. #187
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 ver. September 8th, 2022

    @xxxMoRaVexxx, @Konstantinos - upload your saves.

    Quote Originally Posted by xxxMoRaVexxx View Post
    I know this is just a beta (but very playable at that), but I am just wondering if there is any plan to reduce the killing-power of cavalry? Noticed currently that early-era spearmen disintegrates under a heavy cavalry charge. Is there any plans to address this in later versions?
    No, for the moment not, it already has been nerfed in the SSHIP. The infantry with shaft weapons of high and late eras fight much better against cavalry, and this turn of the tide is historical.

  8. #188

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Turn 108 of my Leon campaign and no Jihad has been called. Crusades seem to be working fine. Called 2 myself, 1 by the pope.
    Crusader states are doing fairly well, holding Jerusalem, expanding a bit even, now at war with Byzantine.

    What is triggering the Jihad? Kind of dissapointed to see none.

    also I need help with the crowning mechanic. If I interpret the picture right, I need to go to Toledo as Leon. But there is no possibility to build a cathedral (description says it is an required building). Do I need to convert it to a town first? Seems a bit counter-intuitive.
    Last edited by Djangoo; October 21, 2022 at 08:37 AM.

  9. #189
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Djangoo View Post
    Turn 108 of my Leon campaign and no Jihad has been called. Crusades seem to be working fine. Called 2 myself, 1 by the pope.
    Crusader states are doing fine, holding Jerusalem, expanding a bit even, now at war with Byzantine.

    What is triggering the Jihad? Kind of dissapointed to see none.
    Me, I've got no idea.
    btw, now, or once you're more advanced in your campaign, upload a save so that I'd add it to this entry.

  10. #190

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    Me, I've got no idea. btw, now, or once you're more advanced in your campaign, upload a save so that I'd add it to"]this entry[/URL].
    Hey, here is the save, I played until turn 150, once I took Tunis, a Jihad was called against it. Unfortunately I never managed to get crowned. Anyways, it was a very enjoyable and balanced experience, the AI was very reasonable. At the endgame I wished I had set the difficulty to very hard, AI could not do anything anymore against the stacks, but I probably would not have survived the early game then.


    - coordinated attack by Portugal and Aragon in the early game (backstabbing me)
    - married heir to a muslim princess while on crusade, this made him a muslim himself and triggered a civil war once he was king
    - war against HRE (they attacked me probably because AI considered me a threat at this point)
    - crusader states holding their own
    -one of the very rare times in (modded) Medieval II times I got kicked out of a region after conquering it in a crusade (Alexandria), I didnt send more support and couldnt hold it (uprising drove the armies out and they defeated me in open battle)

    The historic events make you want to play longer, will definitely try again on very hard with a small faction again and try to go turn 200+.

    Thanks for the mod!
    Last edited by Djangoo; October 22, 2022 at 02:18 PM.

  11. #191
    opaxite's Avatar Foederatus
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    Sep 2022

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 ver. September 8th, 2022

    Turn 200 here. My Faction Leader, a 82-year old dreaded war veteran who used to make whole armies run has been completely senile for almost 20 years now. He insists on getting military education that he keeps forgetting the next turn. The whole family who used to celebrate and respect him now resents him deeply and prays for his demise. The princess I've been stalking to marry to my next heir has grown past child bearing age. 10 out of 10 experience, absolutely recommended.

  12. #192

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 ver. September 8th, 2022

    Played a good amount of France and Hungary, a bit of Serbia and Georgia on the September version, all VH/VH. Playing Pisa has spoiled me.

    Apparent bugs:
    • When playing as Serbia, capturing Zagreb from Hungary spawns a rebel 'resistance' army instead of a Hungary army.
    • When playing as Serbia, I was unable to train a spy after taking Skodron which has a brothel. The settlement had a spy in the recruitment tab, but the game said I was at the agent limit despite not having any spies.
    • The AI has trouble attacking Toulouse as a castle. In two sieges, defending as France vs AI HRE, the AI would not venture past the walls with more than a few of their units. The units assigned to ladders, siege towers, and the ram would attack but the rest would sit outside the walls until time ran out.
    • When playing as France and as Georgia, missions that offered elite troops as a reward did not provide any units when completed despite owning Paris/Tbilsi.

    Other feedback:
    • Please move the 'Luxury Goods' trade good that is currently just to the right of Ragusa to slightly farther from the settlement. I have had merchants on the trade good get pushed into the settlement when moving armies into the settlement.
    • Axe Militia are limited to one armor upgrade, while Spear Militia can get three armor upgrades. I think Axe Militia should also be able to get three.
    • Slav Levies carry spears, but are classed as Light Infantry and have no bonus vs cavalry in their description.
    • Saxons are classed as Light Infantry, but carry spears and have a bonus vs cavalry in their description. Also, their description notes they carry halberds, which the unit presently does not.
    • The Georgian Msakhureuli Spearmen take just one turn to recruit, despite having stats and cost very close to Sergeant Spearmen. I think the Msakhureuli should have their recruitment time increased to two or three turns.
    • Hungary receives Vlach Archers as their elite troops for completing missions. While effective, as a unit that is not hungarian and of their starting regions can only be trained in Zagreb, I am not sure they are entirely fitting. I think a unit that Hungary has wider access to, like Slav Levies or Slavic Javalinmen, would be more appropriate.
    • Hungarian Landowners Guards in more settled regions give access to up to two Magyar Nobles, two Axe Mailed Foot Knights, and two Sword Mailed Foot Knights. I think the foot knights should be limited to one of each, since most factions are getting up to two of just one kind of foot knight instead of two.
    • In the balkans, several mercenary units have a recruitment cost in line with units that are recruited normally from settlements and is much lower than is typical of mercenaries. This includes Slavic Javalinmen, Balkan Archers, and Bulgarian Mercenaries.
    • Utrecht is unable to upgrade from a Town to a Large Town, which feels very strange given how many other regions are able to develop to that tier.
    • The Byzantine AI on VH/VH seems nonsensically cavalier about attacking player Serbia, and will typically accept peace immediately. I think the AI in this situation should respect their alliance with Serbia more until the player has accumulated more threat.
    • The general that spawns with the settlement 'resistance' armies has 0 loyalty, making them very prone to turning rebel. For a force that rose up to fight the invading enemy, I don't think this makes much sense.
    • I think the 'underdog' bonus gold that certain weak factions like Serbia and Lithuania receive for having under three provinces should instead cut off at four provinces, because even with three these factions are still very weak and poor.
      • Serbia: At two provinces probably has Ras and Skodron. At three they have probably taken Vrhbosna. At this stage they are still much poorer and weaker than the neighbors they expect to fight early: Venice, Hungary, and Sicily. Having four provinces means Serbia has likely taken either Zagreb or Rascia, adding a considerable amount of income and production and giving them much better odds at fighting a neighbor.
      • Lithuania: At two provinces they will control Cernave and Goroden. At three they have probably also taken Riga, still leaving the faction nearly helpless against their neighbors Poland and Novgorod.

    On the whole, I like the resistance armies spawning when taking a core faction region. Every major M2 mod has had to reckon with the tendency of the AI to leave settlements poorly garrisoned, and I prefer this solution to the garrison scripts many use instead. The player also benefits, which I think is fair given the intended difficulty of the mod and helps to serve as a bit of a speedbump when the player is on the ropes.

    I also think that the CAI is quite good, by warscape standards. Major AI factions know their strength and will not accept peace just because they got suckerpunched by the player and lost a couple lightly guarded regions. Catholic factions will often but not always avoid excommunication, and will often but not always accept peace after being told by the pope to stop fighting. This bit of unpredictability keeps the AI from being too easy to abuse.

  13. #193
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Djangoo View Post
    Hey, here is the save, I played until turn 150, once I took Tunis, a Jihad was called against it. Unfortunately I never managed to get crowned. Anyways, it was a very enjoyable and balanced experience, the AI was very reasonable. At the endgame I wished I had set the difficulty to very hard, AI could not do anything anymore against the stacks, but I probably would not have survived the early game then.
    - coordinated attack by Portugal and Aragon in the early game (backstabbing me)
    - married heir to a muslim princess while on crusade, this made him a muslim himself and triggered a civil war once he was king
    - war against HRE (they attacked me probably because AI considered me a threat at this point)
    - crusader states holding their own
    -one of the very rare times in (modded) Medieval II times I got kicked out of a region after conquering it in a crusade (Alexandria), I didnt send more support and couldnt hold it (uprising drove the armies out and they defeated me in open battle)
    The historic events make you want to play longer, will definitely try again on very hard with a small faction again and try to go turn 200+.
    Thanks for the mod!
    @Djangoo, how did Alonso Aquado got the Ibn Sina book (Al-Qanun)? Muslim book for a Christian general is possible, iirc, only upon a conquest of certain cities.

    I've also noticed that you've got bonus to public order coming from "Religious expedition" (15%). How did you get it? (you don't own Jerusalem, maybe it was that success in crusade in Alexandria lingering?).

    Besides, with VH you'd have a whole lot more problems with keeping order in the territories outside Iberian Peninsula (and perhaps even already in Al-Andalus). This should have been a bumper on the expansion.

    Another question: what those 3 assassins are doing in Galicia?
    It's interesting you've rebuilt Santiago into a castle and lost access to the cathedral... Why it was so? I think I'll just make a code providing it to both castle and city, I haven't thought somebody would sacrifice the it for additional recruitment. And additional 1% of growth could make Santiago a large town, opening the road to becoming a city...

    Quote Originally Posted by Djangoo View Post
    - married heir to a muslim princess while on crusade, this made him a muslim himself and triggered a civil war once he was king
    -one of the very rare times in (modded) Medieval II times I got kicked out of a region after conquering it in a crusade (Alexandria), I didnt send more support and couldnt hold it (uprising drove the armies out and they defeated me in open battle)
    sounds really good for role-playing
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; October 23, 2022 at 03:15 AM.

  14. #194

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 ver. September 8th, 2022

    Hi there. Quick question: Should I DISBAND landowner's units (elite units) when there's no need of them hanging around tanking my budget? (I just started my first campaign on VH/VH).
    As in ... Is there a pool to which these units return and be available for recruitment immediately or next turn? Or is disbanding them like losing them in battle?

    EDIT: I'm sorry ... I had to test it AFTER I wrote this post. Typical. And yeah, it looks like it works like that. Off I go reloading my turn 1 save to disband these elite units.
    Last edited by benczeb90; October 23, 2022 at 08:34 AM.

  15. #195
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 ver. September 8th, 2022

    Unfortunatelly, we don't have in the SSHIP the disbandment script, making the recruitment pools replenish. I wish we had.
    Maybe you'd be interested in this reading.

    Anyway, upload a save, if you'd play a game of the SSHIP. And choose wisely a faction beforehand, to have fun ;-)

  16. #196
    opaxite's Avatar Foederatus
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    Sep 2022

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 ver. September 8th, 2022

    Is there a chance disbanded units will turn up later as rebels? Had two units of Woodsmen turn up in two different places not far from where I disbanded two units of Woodsment one or two turns before.

  17. #197
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 ver. September 8th, 2022

    Quote Originally Posted by opaxite View Post
    Is there a chance disbanded units will turn up later as rebels? Had two units of Woodsmen turn up in two different places not far from where I disbanded two units of Woodsment one or two turns before.
    No, there's no such mechanism in Med2 engine, afaik.

  18. #198
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Near Lyon in France

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP 0.98 ver. September 8th, 2022

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmalk View Post
    Played a good amount of France and Hungary, a bit of Serbia and Georgia on the September version, all VH/VH. Playing Pisa has spoiled me.

    Apparent bugs:
    • When playing as Serbia, capturing Zagreb from Hungary spawns a rebel 'resistance' army instead of a Hungary army.
    • When playing as Serbia, I was unable to train a spy after taking Skodron which has a brothel. The settlement had a spy in the recruitment tab, but the game said I was at the agent limit despite not having any spies.
    • The AI has trouble attacking Toulouse as a castle. In two sieges, defending as France vs AI HRE, the AI would not venture past the walls with more than a few of their units. The units assigned to ladders, siege towers, and the ram would attack but the rest would sit outside the walls until time ran out.
    • When playing as France and as Georgia, missions that offered elite troops as a reward did not provide any units when completed despite owning Paris/Tbilsi.

    Other feedback:
    • Please move the 'Luxury Goods' trade good that is currently just to the right of Ragusa to slightly farther from the settlement. I have had merchants on the trade good get pushed into the settlement when moving armies into the settlement.
    • Axe Militia are limited to one armor upgrade, while Spear Militia can get three armor upgrades. I think Axe Militia should also be able to get three.
    • Slav Levies carry spears, but are classed as Light Infantry and have no bonus vs cavalry in their description.
    • Saxons are classed as Light Infantry, but carry spears and have a bonus vs cavalry in their description. Also, their description notes they carry halberds, which the unit presently does not.
    • The Georgian Msakhureuli Spearmen take just one turn to recruit, despite having stats and cost very close to Sergeant Spearmen. I think the Msakhureuli should have their recruitment time increased to two or three turns.
    • Hungary receives Vlach Archers as their elite troops for completing missions. While effective, as a unit that is not hungarian and of their starting regions can only be trained in Zagreb, I am not sure they are entirely fitting. I think a unit that Hungary has wider access to, like Slav Levies or Slavic Javalinmen, would be more appropriate.
    • Hungarian Landowners Guards in more settled regions give access to up to two Magyar Nobles, two Axe Mailed Foot Knights, and two Sword Mailed Foot Knights. I think the foot knights should be limited to one of each, since most factions are getting up to two of just one kind of foot knight instead of two.
    • In the balkans, several mercenary units have a recruitment cost in line with units that are recruited normally from settlements and is much lower than is typical of mercenaries. This includes Slavic Javalinmen, Balkan Archers, and Bulgarian Mercenaries.
    • Utrecht is unable to upgrade from a Town to a Large Town, which feels very strange given how many other regions are able to develop to that tier.
    • The Byzantine AI on VH/VH seems nonsensically cavalier about attacking player Serbia, and will typically accept peace immediately. I think the AI in this situation should respect their alliance with Serbia more until the player has accumulated more threat.
    • The general that spawns with the settlement 'resistance' armies has 0 loyalty, making them very prone to turning rebel. For a force that rose up to fight the invading enemy, I don't think this makes much sense.
    • I think the 'underdog' bonus gold that certain weak factions like Serbia and Lithuania receive for having under three provinces should instead cut off at four provinces, because even with three these factions are still very weak and poor.
      • Serbia: At two provinces probably has Ras and Skodron. At three they have probably taken Vrhbosna. At this stage they are still much poorer and weaker than the neighbors they expect to fight early: Venice, Hungary, and Sicily. Having four provinces means Serbia has likely taken either Zagreb or Rascia, adding a considerable amount of income and production and giving them much better odds at fighting a neighbor.
      • Lithuania: At two provinces they will control Cernave and Goroden. At three they have probably also taken Riga, still leaving the faction nearly helpless against their neighbors Poland and Novgorod.

    On the whole, I like the resistance armies spawning when taking a core faction region. Every major M2 mod has had to reckon with the tendency of the AI to leave settlements poorly garrisoned, and I prefer this solution to the garrison scripts many use instead. The player also benefits, which I think is fair given the intended difficulty of the mod and helps to serve as a bit of a speedbump when the player is on the ropes.

    I also think that the CAI is quite good, by warscape standards. Major AI factions know their strength and will not accept peace just because they got suckerpunched by the player and lost a couple lightly guarded regions. Catholic factions will often but not always avoid excommunication, and will often but not always accept peace after being told by the pope to stop fighting. This bit of unpredictability keeps the AI from being too easy to abuse.
    Thank you for all these remarks, they will be useful to improve the game. I noticed a few things of the same order, for example I could not recruit a diplomat (Aragon) while Zaragoza had the building for it. The explanation was the same as yours: "agent limit reached"
    Yet I no longer had a diplomat...
    I believe @Jurand fixed the building, but it's possible other similar cases exist.

  19. #199

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    @Djangoo, how did Alonso Aquado got the Ibn Sina book (Al-Qanun)? Muslim book for a Christian general is possible, iirc, only upon a conquest of certain cities.

    I've also noticed that you've got bonus to public order coming from "Religious expedition" (15%). How did you get it? (you don't own Jerusalem, maybe it was that success in crusade in Alexandria lingering?).

    Besides, with VH you'd have a whole lot more problems with keeping order in the territories outside Iberian Peninsula (and perhaps even already in Al-Andalus). This should have been a bumper on the expansion.

    Another question: what those 3 assassins are doing in Galicia?
    It's interesting you've rebuilt Santiago into a castle and lost access to the cathedral... Why it was so? I think I'll just make a code providing it to both castle and city, I haven't thought somebody would sacrifice the it for additional recruitment. And additional 1% of growth could make Santiago a large town, opening the road to becoming a city...

    sounds really good for role-playing
    During my playthrough I also wondered how he got the book, it surprised me. He was never on a crusade and Im pretty sure it spawned on him directly. Let me load an older save when I am home.
    The 15% probably comes from me conquering Tunis just 1 or 2 turns prior via crusade. Or because it is the target from Jihad? That would be a nice incentive to defend the jihaded settlement. I have a housrule of defedning the target of Jihad with at least 20 units, instead of just abandoning the region in question.
    The three assasins murdered the former Portugese rebel-generals that spawned during an uprising, they were too strong and my generals could not keep up with them.
    Question: will the rebels on very hard also attack AI settlements?
    About Santiago: tbh I never bothered about the western part of the realm so much, my generals went to former muslim cities to keep them under control or to the east to fight or to boost some eastern/central cities into growing with chivalry. Therefore it had some lackluster growth and never went beyond a minor city. At some point I just more or less randomly converted it to a castle, with the vague idea in mind that in some point a naval attack could happen (very unlikely though, given AI tendencies).

    and could you help me with the crowning requirement: if I read the map correctly I need to go to Toledo to crown a king. But Toledo doesn't have a catherdral (another requirement from description). So I tried converting Toledo to a city to build the cathedral, but never managed to do so in the end. I hope this is not the intended way, locking the crowning behind converting a castle to a city seems a bit counter-intuitive.

    edit: found the answer to the crowning mechanic in the crown thread. Converting Toledo to a town, growing it to the next level and building the cathedral basically means that you will not be able to crown any king for a very long time, taking into account the growth needed, conversion time and building the cathedral. Your first faction leader will realistically never be king, even when conquering all the needed settlements. Is there any historical background for this, or only for balancing reasons?
    Last edited by Djangoo; October 24, 2022 at 10:20 AM.

  20. #200
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Djangoo View Post
    During my playthrough I also wondered how he got the book, it surprised me. He was never on a crusade and Im pretty sure it spawned on him directly. Let me load an older save when I am home.
    The 15% probably comes from me conquering Tunis just 1 or 2 turns prior via crusade. Or because it is the target from Jihad? That would be a nice incentive to defend the jihaded settlement. I have a housrule of defedning the target of Jihad with at least 20 units, instead of just abandoning the region in question.
    The three assasins murdered the former Portugese rebel-generals that spawned during an uprising, they were too strong and my generals could not keep up with them.
    Question: will the rebels on very hard also attack AI settlements?
    About Santiago: tbh I never bothered about the western part of the realm so much, my generals went to former muslim cities to keep them under control or to the east to fight or to boost some eastern/central cities into growing with chivalry. Therefore it had some lackluster growth and never went beyond a minor city. At some point I just more or less randomly converted it to a castle, with the vague idea in mind that in some point a naval attack could happen (very unlikely though, given AI tendencies).

    and could you help me with the crowning requirement: if I read the map correctly I need to go to Toledo to crown a king. But Toledo doesn't have a catherdral (another requirement from description). So I tried converting Toledo to a city to build the cathedral, but never managed to do so in the end. I hope this is not the intended way, locking the crowning behind converting a castle to a city seems a bit counter-intuitive.

    edit: found the answer to the crowning mechanic in the crown thread. Converting Toledo to a town, growing it to the next level and building the cathedral basically means that you will not be able to crown any king for a very long time, taking into account the growth needed, conversion time and building the cathedral. Your first faction leader will realistically never be king, even when conquering all the needed settlements. Is there any historical background for this, or only for balancing reasons?
    book: this should have been triggered (I've forgotten how ingenious I was three years ago ;-):
    ;------------------------------------------Trigger conquest_of_Salerno
    WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement

    Condition SettlementName Naples
    and Trait Intelligent > 5

    AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 25
    AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 25
    AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 25
    AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 10

    Trigger conquest_of_Palermo
    WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement

    Condition SettlementName Palermo
    and Trait Intelligent > 5

    AcquireAncillary bookmilit_vegetius chance 40
    AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 10
    AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 10
    AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 5
    AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 5

    Trigger conquest_of_Montpellier
    WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement

    Condition SettlementName Arles
    and Trait Intelligent > 5

    AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 25
    AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 25
    AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 25

    Trigger christian_conquest_of_Kairouan
    WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement

    Condition SettlementName Al-Mahdiya
    and Trait Intelligent > 5
    and not FactionReligion islam

    AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 10
    AcquireAncillary bookpoet_1001nights chance 10
    AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 10

    Trigger conquest_of_Fes
    WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement

    Condition SettlementName Fes
    and Trait Intelligent > 5
    and FactionReligion islam

    AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_albakri chance 40
    AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 5
    AcquireAncillary bookscience_sirr chance 5
    AcquireAncillary bookrelig_maqalat chance 5

    Trigger christian_conquest_of_Fes
    WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement

    Condition SettlementName Fes
    and Trait Intelligent > 5
    and not FactionReligion islam

    AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 10
    AcquireAncillary bookpoet_1001nights chance 10
    AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 10

    15% - yeah, perhaps taking Tunis indeed
    rebel generals and the AI: yes, according to z3n, the EBII chief AI programmer, it's hardcoded. Of course, if they're spawned, there're the same restrictions as for the player, eg:
    log --- Bergen AFTER CAPTURE ARMY SPAWN ----------------------------------------------------

    if I_NumberOfSettlements norway > 0 ; faction that the population is loyal to exists
    and I_EventCounter faction_size_small == 0 ; the conqueror is not a small faction
    and RandomPercent < 66 ; some randomness is always good, also for armies spawned
    and I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel == 4 ; only for VH difficulty
    and I_EventCounter Bergen_turns_in_our_realm > 47 ; to avoid situation of spawning many armies in a loop situation (conquer-retake-conquer...)
    and I_EventCounter faction_turn_norway < 1 ; exempted in core Scandinavian region
    and I_EventCounter faction_turn_denmark < 1 ; exempted in core Scandinavian region
    and I_EventCounter early_era == 1 ; early Middle Ages
    Toledo: the Alkazar of Toled is required! It's possible to build it in a citadel.
    alcazar5_toledo requires factions { spain, portugal, aragon, middle_eastern, } and not building_present_min_level south_italy_building south_italy_building1_fundaments and building_present_min_level builders builders4 and hidden_resource spain and hidden_resource unique1
    ;------------------------------------------- 0->1
    Trigger Crown_spain_Fit
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement

    Condition FactionIsLocal
    and FactionType spain
    and IsFactionLeader
    and SettlementName Toledo
    and SettlementBuildingExists = alcazar5_toledo ; coronation in Toledo
    and not IsUnderSiege
    and GovernorLoyaltyLevel > loyalty_disillusioned
    and Treasury > 20000
    and Trait Crownholder > 1
    and Trait Crownholder < 4

    Affects Fit_Crown_spain 1 Chance 100

    I'm sorry for not having updated the description in the thread, I'll do it now (description in the trait will be present in the next version).

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