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Thread: 098 teaser: AFRICA: BUILDINGS & UNITS

  1. #1
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Icon14 098 teaser: AFRICA: BUILDINGS & UNITS

    I want to collect and analyse here (1) regional buildings that may be built in Africa and are intimately linked to it (ie leaving behind those buildable, but only by certain factions not linked to Africa), (2) units that are recruited in Africa and for which Africa is the core source of recruitment (i.e. not the generic Muslim recruitment, but only those available only in Africa or specially in the desert), (3) recruitment - from the regular barracks and other military building, but also from those regional buildings; an also as mercenaries.


    I. Oasis - available in 9 desert provinces in Africa and Asia, buildable by all factions, provide Bedouin units, trade, and population growth. It will somewhat compensate the inability to build farms and roads in those provinces.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Slavemarket - in certains provinces in the East and Africa, placement to be reviewed. They increase the supply of the Muslim units recruited from slaves.

    III. Silk Road (Caravans) - available in certains provinces in the East, to be reviewed. Does not provide units.

    IV. Ksar - available in 8 Maghrib provinces, buildable by all factions, providing Berber units, trade, and population growth.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    V. Alkazar - available in the Iberic Peninnsula and in Maghrib. Build mainly by the Moors, but also by the Iberic Catholic factions. It has 2 base levels and 7 province-specific buidings (Aljaferia in Zaragoza, Gardens and Castle in Granada, Alkazar of Toledo, Lisbon, Fes, Tunis). In Magrib it provide professional / better troops.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    VI. Italian Traders - available for Italian factions, to be reviewed. Provide only Catholic urban units, ie. Crossbowmen.

    The units below are available to all factions: either thanks to the mercenary_unit attribute, or because @kostic was kind enough to spend his time assigning the units to each faction. Mind that mercenary_unit attribute makes the unit recruitable either as mercenary, or only from the buildings - but not simultaneously. On the other hand, a few units that do not have such an attribute but the necessary files were copied for all factions and the relevant entries were made, are available for all and can be recruited in the both ways (if coded so).

    [I] The Bedouins
    * cavalry (horse and camel) is recruitable as mercenaries in African and Arabian provinces - as far as Persia.
    * the Oasis building and Caravanseray buildings provide them in the desert provinces (hidder_resource desert).
    * the "Bedouins' Raid" armies (occassional scripted invasions on the lands in Africa and the Near East) consist of these troops.
    * the icons seem currently quite ok.
    Bedouin Cavalry - mercenary_unit, melee cavalry (currently: recruitable both from Oasis and Caravanserayand as mercs - this is not right technically, but it should be so historically -> this unit needs to be made AoR).
    Bedouin Camel Riders - mercenary_unit, melee cavalry (currently: recruitable only as mercs in Africa and Near East, around semi-desert and desert provinces - it's ok).
    Camel Gunners - mercenary_unit, gun cavalry; available in the late era. (currently: recruitable only from Oasis, ok).
    Desert Raiders - (in game: Bedouin Infantry) mercenary_unit, melee infantry. (currently: recruitable only from Oasis and Caravanseray, ok).

    [II] The Berbers
    * those without mercenary_unit attribute: recruitable both as mercenaries in Berber provinces and also in Ksar building in 6 provinces with hidder_resource berber.
    * those with mercenary_unit attribute: recruitable from the Ksar building and Alcazar building in the provinces with hidder_resource berber; also in the other areas by the Almoravides as their factional unit from the castle barracks.
    Berber Light Cavalry - available for all; javelin cavalry (thanks, @kostic! - it's ok now).
    Berber Javelinmen - available for all; basic local unit (thanks, @kostic! - it's ok now).
    Berber Archers - mercenary_unit; good archers, basic local unit (currently: recruitable only as AoR from Ranges and Ksars, ok)
    Lamtuna Spearmen (in game: Berber Spearmen) - mercenary_unit; very good spearmen unit (currently: recruitable both from Ksars / Barracks and as mercs what is wrong, it needs to be made AoR so that ).
    Berber Pikemen - mercenary_unit; available in the late era (currently: recruitable only as AoR from Ksars, ok).
    Mind that there's also merc recruitment of these units in Al-Andalus, and in South Italy.

    [III] The Sudan units
    * here most un-historical issues are to be found: we hold colonial 19th century picture of African warriors being black, naked, and painted. In the SSHIP geographical horizon, such warriors would appear only marginally. They wouldn't cross Sahara, they would find it difficult to get eg. to Egypt along the Nile. So let's leave just one unit with such depition.
    * on the other hand, there were Christian kingdoms inhabited by Arabic people south of Egypt (getting islamised in 14-16c.), and these were used in the Egyptian armies. So let's switch back two units from black into Christian Arab.
    African Tribal Warriors (in game: Sudan Warriors) - available for all; armed with javelins but able to fight melee for a short time (currently: recruitable only from Barracks in Africa: 5 provinces and as Mercenaries)
    African Spearmen (in game: Sudan Spearmen, should be transformed into Makurian Spearmen: with padded armour, and rather fair complexion of people: they were more Coptic than black) - mercenary_unit. (currently: recruitable only as Mercenaries - this is a good solution, should be numerous in Egypt once modified)
    African Archers (in game: Sudan Bowmen, should be transformed into Nubian Bowmen: with padded armour, rather fair complexion: they were more Coptic than black people) - mercenary_unit (currently: recruitable only from Ranges in Africa: 5 provinces; should be switched back to merc and recruited in such way)
    Sudanese Gunners - removed because it was ahistoric.
    African Javelinmen - removed because it doubled with the Sudan Warriors unit.

    [IV] Other units
    Mercenary Crossbowmen - mercenary_unit; marginally appearin in the ports of Africa in mercenary recruitment.

    An example of mercenary recruitment:
    ;- Makurian Spearmen - Christians coming from Nubia and Makuria
        unit African Spearmen            exp 0 cost 1804 replenish 0.04 - 0.11 max 2 initial 1 end_year 1347
        unit African Spearmen            exp 1 cost 1804 replenish 0.02 - 0.04 max 2 initial 1 start_year 1348 end_year 1409
        unit African Spearmen            exp 4 cost 1804 replenish 0.04 - 0.11 max 2 initial 1 start_year 1410
    ;- Berber Spearmen - standard in Berber provinces, fewer in African desert provinces
        unit Lamtuna Spearmen            exp 0 cost 2075 replenish 0.04 - 0.11 max 2 initial 1 end_year 1236
        unit Lamtuna Spearmen            exp 1 cost 2075 replenish 0.05 - 0.11 max 2 initial 1 start_year 1237 end_year 1390
        unit Lamtuna Spearmen            exp 4 cost 2075 replenish 0.06 - 0.15 max 2 initial 1 start_year 1391
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; May 23, 2023 at 05:16 AM.

  2. #2
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: 098 teaser: AFRICA: BUILDINGS & UNITS

    Guys, I've spent a lot of time in the past and recently improving buildings and units in Africa (and @kostic also spent some as well)

    In the previous post, there's the current state of affairs. It's ok for now, I think. I'll keep on working at times to finish the buildings - review, improve etc.
    @kostic - in the future you may also have a look, if you'd be interested in armies here. It's not pressing. You may also have a look at the Broken Crescent mod - there's a whole faction Makuria with factional units. The Makurian Spearmen and Nubian Bowmen should not consist of black warriors, but of Medieval Sudanese: Christians with relativelly fair complexion, padded armour etc. Frankly speaking, I don't know if the base Stainless Steel it wasn't got right, I don't remember.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; May 13, 2023 at 06:49 PM.

  3. #3
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: 098 teaser: AFRICA: BUILDINGS & UNITS

    Indeed, these inaccuracies will have to be corrected! I will note them in my list of units to redo.

  4. #4
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: 098 teaser: AFRICA: BUILDINGS & UNITS

    Quote Originally Posted by kostic View Post
    Indeed, these inaccuracies will have to be corrected! I will note them in my list of units to redo.
    For the Berbers, you may use this file.

  5. #5
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: 098 teaser: AFRICA: BUILDINGS & UNITS

    as we are moving towards making the June 2023 version public, here is a sum up of the work on the Maghrib region. Everything is known but to provide you with summary of the information.

  6. #6

    Default Re: 098 teaser: AFRICA: BUILDINGS & UNITS

    Wow really i like this type of threads! With information of buildings and units per "regions".

    As usual in me, I would like to make some remarks and opinions about this post...

    1. First the dropdown of the units cannot be seen in its entirety, it is as if cut off...

    2. Opinions for buildings:
    -Silkroad could provide units as some "Guards or protecting troops of silk roads" maybe camels archers or bedouin cavalry also?
    -Italian traders--- i know that need it a review but catholic urban units is for all factions? Or only for catholics? Finally this building will be for only italians factions? I think that also factions as byzantines and others could have this building in their settlements ( Genoese and Venetian neighborhoods).

    3. Units:
    -Camel gunners--- i think this unit should be removed, very late and maybe fantasy unit from vainilla, could be replaced simply with a sword and a long spear, tuareg camel spearmen ( also you represent tuaregs with them) , see my previous posts,

    -Makurian spearmen and Nubian bowmen--- YEEESSS!!!

    Thanks for your hard work sship team!

    Sign the petition to remove hardcoded limits for M2TW

  7. #7

    Default Re: 098 teaser: AFRICA: BUILDINGS & UNITS

    I've been playing maybe 150 turns on this mod, but I love it.
    The historic info, gameplay, challenge, experience, feel of the game is great.
    You guys deserve a reward.

    Same kind of feeling as when I played EB1 on RTW, before it became absolete.

  8. #8
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: 098 teaser: AFRICA: BUILDINGS & UNITS

    Quote Originally Posted by William the Silent View Post
    I've been playing maybe 150 turns on this mod, but I love it.
    The historic info, gameplay, challenge, experience, feel of the game is great.
    You guys deserve a reward.

    Same kind of feeling as when I played EB1 on RTW, before it became absolete.
    You'll be quoted here. Indeed, I'm coming from the EB1 fan base. Being fan of bartix, ofc.

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