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Thread: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

  1. #41
    NobleWoman's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Xenophon quickly regroups the army. The newly-arrived reinforcements, mainly cavalry, under Captain Achilleon are placed on the right flank. Ajax, thirsty for blood and hungry for revenge, leads the assault once more.

    Attack the same region again with +1.

  2. #42
    Morticia Iunia Bruti's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    I would play the Boii.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction name: The Boii

    Government type: Tribal monarchy

    Faction Leader: Onomaris

    Name of Capital: Boiodurum (in construction)

    Official currency: Boian Gold Stater (Muschel type)

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Official languages(s): Noric/Easten Celtic

    Official religion(s): Continental celtic paganism, mainly Taranis, Epona, Belenus, Latobius.

    Additional lore/history/description (optional):

    The 27 year old Onomaris became ruling queen during a great famine in the land of the Boii, as her family clan was the wealthiest one of all boian great noble families and could relieve the greatest needs of the famine with its grain and cattle.

    Knowing that their rule is based on the manging of the crisis she now wants to expand her realm to subsist their people.
    Last edited by Morticia Iunia Bruti; July 09, 2023 at 06:25 AM.
    Cause tomorrow is a brand-new day
    And tomorrow you'll be on your way
    Don't give a damn about what other people say
    Because tomorrow is a brand-new day

  3. #43

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Quote Originally Posted by Morticia Iunia Bruti View Post
    I would play the Boii.
    Welcome aboard, Morticia! I've added you to the player list. What move would you like to make for this turn? Last turn the Boii started constructing a Great City (of Boiodurum, which you've aptly named), which provides nice bonuses for your faction. You can choose to continue construction to complete the city, or attack a rebel region this turn.

    Quote Originally Posted by High Fist View Post
    What is up nerds good to see ye alive and kicking Thanks for the invite Rogue, I'll take Carthage please
    Yo, if it isn't the High Fist! Great to see you man. Added you to the player list-

    Quote Originally Posted by High Fist View Post
    So, what's the story? Surprised this place is still around, does anyone here still play TW or is everyone just chilling? I play Valorant now instead, god help me
    Nah, I haven't played total war in a bit, just got a hankering to come on here and reconnect with people. I did play Civilization 5, very very fun especially with the overhaul mod Vox Populii. Also played Cities Skylines, and looking forward to the release of Cities Skylines II later this year. City-building is a genre I never knew I enjoyed so much until I tried it.

    Quote Originally Posted by High Fist View Post
    I'll build a great city for the next 12 turns.
    Yeah you did have bad luck in previous RTDs not gonna lie But were a always a good sport - may the dice god have mercy on you this time around!

    Turn 4 NPC Moves

    • If Scythia fails to rid the Black Sea of pirates, Pontus will attack the Black Sea pirates. But if Scythia succeeds, then Pontus will instead attack the rebel region indicated on the map below.
    • Iceni attempts to rid the North Sea of pirates.
    • Macedon attempts to rid the Eastern Mediterranean Sea of pirates.
    • Macedon, Rome, Pergamon, and the Seleucids begin construction of Great Cities in their capitals.
    • Epirus continues construction of the Great City of Ambrasia in its capital.
    • All other NPC factions attempt to conquer rebel regions as indicated in this map:

    NPC Moves map

    Turn 4 results will be poster later today or tomorrow, sorry for the delay guys.
    Last edited by ♞Rogue General♞; July 09, 2023 at 08:23 AM. Reason: fixed map and NPC moves

  4. #44
    Morticia Iunia Bruti's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Thank you.

    The Boii

    Onomaris called the great meeting of the boian freemen together:

    " Boian Freemen, our tribe needs a place , where we come together and celebrate the festivals of Beltane, Lughnasad, Samhain and Midwinter solstice. Let us build together the great oppidum of Boiodurum, as our place where we live, love,celebrate and decide about war and peace."

    Onomaris speech ended with a great cheering of Noble- and Freemen.

    -> Boii continue constructing Oppidum
    Last edited by Morticia Iunia Bruti; July 09, 2023 at 11:05 AM.
    Cause tomorrow is a brand-new day
    And tomorrow you'll be on your way
    Don't give a damn about what other people say
    Because tomorrow is a brand-new day

  5. #45
    Lord of Cats's Avatar Vicarius
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    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Quote Originally Posted by High Fist View Post
    What is up nerds good to see ye alive and kicking

    So, what's the story? Surprised this place is still around, does anyone here still play TW or is everyone just chilling? I play Valorant now instead, god help me
    Hey High Fist! Great to see ya!

    Yeah, I play Rome Remastered as well as Endless Space 2.

    Welcome Morticia!

  6. #46

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    End of Year Report

    269 B.C. (Turn 4)

    The Map

    For map legend click here.


    Dice rolls log (link)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Note: you don't need an account to view this. Just scroll to the bottom and click the "Try Rolz" button:

    And once you enter the dice room, be advised that the default view will not show all dice rolls. To view the entire dice log click this button:

    Greco-Baktrian Kingdom (NobleWoman)

    Quote Originally Posted by NobleWoman View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ♞Rogue General♞ View Post
    The army marches south with the ever-eager Ajax in the vanguard. In the minor skirmishes ensue, Ajax gets the opportunity to bloody his weapons with enemy. [2+1=3] Unfortunately the Persian forces manage to fall back and regroup before the bulk of the Baktrian army arrives (+1 for invading this region next turn).
    Xenophon quickly regroups the army. The newly-arrived reinforcements, mainly cavalry, under Captain Achilleon are placed on the right flank. Ajax, thirsty for blood and hungry for revenge, leads the assault once more. Attack the same region again with +1.
    The Persians had just barely held out against the Baktrian vanguard in recent skirmishes, so when your reinforcements finally arrive the enemy's fate was sealed.
    [4+1=5] Ajax and the Baktrian infantry clash head-on into the enemy lines while Captain Achilleon leads the cavalry into a devastating charge against their flanks. The battle is bloody and, n the opinion of Ajax, too brief. A clear victory! (+1 Prestige) You have conquered the region and assimilated its people into your kingdom.

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.

    The Boii (Morticia Iunia Bruti)
    Quote Originally Posted by Morticia Iunia Bruti View Post
    Onomaris called the great meeting of the boian freemen together:
    " Boian Freemen, our tribe needs a place , where we come together and celebrate the festivals of Beltane, Lughnasad, Samhain and Midwinter solstice. Let us build together the great oppidum of Boiodurum, as our place where we live, love,celebrate and decide about war and peace." Onomaris speech ended with a great cheering of Noble- and Freemen.

    -> Boii continue constructing Oppidum
    Onomaris' speech inspires the freemen to continue building the grand oppidum, and the builders and tradesmen make good progress this year in its construction.
    [3]: 3 build points added.
    Oppidum of Boiodurum progress: [7/10]

    Average roll: [3]

    Republic of Carthage (High Fist)
    Quote Originally Posted by High Fist View Post
    Thanks for the invite Rogue, I'll take Carthage please, and I'll build a great city for the next 12 turns.
    Construction has started on the Great City of Carthage: [1] Good news! It won't take 12 turns to build - just 10 at this rate.

    [1]: 1 build point added.
    City of Carthage progress: [1/10]

    Egypt - Ptolemaic Dynasty (Abdülmecid I)

    Quote Originally Posted by ♞Rogue General♞ View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdülmecid I View Post
    I'm going to be away in the following days, so just keep conquering the southern regions, across the Nile valley.
    [1+1=2] The soldiers, busy celebrating their victory in the local town, appear to be much too disorganized for another campaign at this moment.
    [5] Finally ready to set out, your army marches along the Nile and swiftly integrate the local tribes into the Ptolemaic Dynasty. (+1 Prestige)

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.

    Scythian Confederation (Lord of Cats)

    Quote Originally Posted by ♞Rogue General♞ View Post
    You catch some pirates in the act of pillaging a merchant vessel. This is your chance!
    The Scythians board the enemy vessel and slaughter everyone on it. In the meantime, several Scythian warboats engage the pirates that have boarded the mercantile ship. Caught unawares, the pirates are surrounded and cut down by the Scythians.
    ... the grateful merchants provide you with some intel on another pirate hotspot (which they overhead whilst being plundered). If the Scythians can smash a few more pirate ships perhaps they'll cease activity in this area
    Following the merchants' intel, the Scythians make their way to the far side of the Sea. It's a long voyage... by the time they reach Anatolia the warhorses are clearly unwell and the warriors haven't fared much better.

    As soon as they've arrived at the supposed location of the pirates, Queen Tamyris realizes this is not merely a "hotspot"... this is the infamous pirate strongold of Cystorus (Gideros) Bay! And they've clearly received word of your impending arrival. Queen Tamyris had hoped to disembark the troops and torch the vile town to the ground, but a vast & varied collection of armed Pirate vessels intercept the Scythian warboats near the harbor. This is their stronghold and they'll not give it up without a fight!

    2(+1) +2 + 1 = 6 (Scythia)
    3 + 1 + 6 = 10 (Pirates)

    The enemy warboats and ships converge from all directions. With little room to maneuver in the harbor, the Scythian warboats - though numerous - are easy pickings for the pirates. The steppe warhorses are a burden rather than an asset whilst embarked, and as soon as both sides clash the Scythians realize just how severly they'd underestimated their foe. This was nothing like the previous encounter with the lone pirate vessel.

    The water turns choppy with destroyed warboats, thrashing men and beasts. Lest her entire naval fleet be destroyed, the Queen commands the Scythians to fall back & regroup to fight another day. As the remainder of the once-proud warfleet races to safer waters Queen Tamyris is abruptly reminded of the Shaman's vision:
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of Cats View Post
    A shaman says he has seen a vision of Scythian horsemen galloping across the waves. Tamyris quickly asserts that this means the gods want them to conquer the sea, and asks if her warchiefs are afraid of water. Roaring and cheering, all the warchiefs deny they are cowards and declare they will kill these pirates.
    The horsemen have indeed ridden the waves, and now many will never resurface again. This is a painful defeat that will be remembered for a long time to come... (Average naval attack roll is [2]. Scythia receives -1 penalty to initial Naval Attack roll next turn if engaging Black Sea pirates).

    Average roll: [2]

    Kingdom of Suebi (crispy_kiko)
    Quote Originally Posted by crispy_kiko View Post
    Jade and her forces head north from their newly acquired territory and attack the region bordering the Baltic Sea, hoping their momentum continues!
    You encounter fierce resistance from the local tribes! Jade commands the troops to march ahead while she takes a small contingent to observe the battle from a vantage point. Both friend and foe fight ferociously, the volleys of javelins and thrown weapons during the skirmishes causing heavy casualties for both sides. The battle threatens to lead to a stalemate.

    The sea is just past this stretch of land, the scouts have confirmed it!
    Jade grows frustrated as she senses her warriors are getting fatigued, and refuses to be denied access to the Sea again.

    No, this will not do.
    Jade makes her decision. She abandons her vantage point to charge into the thick of her troops, Hollering insults at the enemy while encouraging her weary warriors. Not all the words are intelligible over the din of battle, but the effect was undeniable. The heavy infantry form a shield wall attempting to shelter their fearless leader from projectiles, while the lightly-armored swordsmen and axe-weilders add to the cacaphony with their own battle cries, crashing into the shaken enemy and splintering their shields. The tides of battle have turned! The enemy tribesmen soon abandon all semblene of cohesion and run for woods... [3+1=4] A pyrrhic victory! Many brave lives are lost, but the region has finally been conquered and the path to the Sea made open.

    Average roll: [4]

    NPC Factions

    [1] Clear defeat. -1 to attack this region next turn. No Prestige penalty as this faction is already at the minimum Prestige level.
    Average roll: [1]

    [4] Pyrrhic Victory! The region is conquered.
    Average roll: [4]

    [4+1=5] Victory! The region is conquered. (+1 Prestige)
    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.
    Construction of City of Ambrasia continues.
    [5]: Construction progress of Great City: 7/10.
    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.

    [3+1=4] Pyrrhic Victory! The region is conquered.
    Average roll: [4]

    [4+1=5] Victory! The region is conquered. +1 Prestige.
    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.

    North Sea naval battle:
    6(+1) + 4(+1) + 6(+1) = 19 (Iceni)
    6 + 4 + 1 = 11 (pirates)
    Average Naval battle roll [6]: +1 Prestige.

    The Pirates have been defeated, and the North Sea is now patrolled by Iceni ships.

    Average roll: [6]. +1 to two dice-rolls next turn.

    Eastern Mediterranean Sea naval battle:
    3(+1) + 6(+1) + 5= 16 (Macedon)
    2 + 4 + 4 = 10 (pirates)
    Average Naval battle roll [5]: +1 Prestige.

    The Pirates have been defeated, and the Eastern Mediterranean Sea is now patrolled by Macedonian ships.

    [5+1=6] Clear Victory! The region is conquered. +1 Prestige.
    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.

    [4+1=5] Victory! The region is conquered. +1 Prestige.
    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.

    Construction of City of Pergamum begins in the capital.
    [6]: Construction progress of Great City: 6/10.
    Average roll: [6]. +1 to two dice-rolls next turn.

    Black Sea naval battle:
    3(+1) + 4(+1) + 2(+1)= 12 (Pontus)
    4 + 1 + 4 = 9 (pirates)
    Average Naval battle roll [4]

    The Pirates have been defeated, and the Black Sea is now patrolled by Pontic ships.

    Average roll: [4]

    Construction of City of Rome begins in the capital.
    [6]: Construction progress of Great City: 6/10.
    Average roll: [6]. +1 to two dice-rolls next turn.

    Seleucid Empire
    Construction of City of Antioch begins in the capital.
    [6]: Construction progress of Great City: 6/10.
    Average roll: [6]. +1 to two dice-rolls next turn.
    [4] Pyrrhic victory. The region is conquered.
    Average roll: [4]

    Faction Scoreboard
    First faction to own 100 regions wins the game.

    Important Prestige Milestones:

    • 1-25 Prestige = 1 Move per turn
    • 26-60 Prestige = 2 Moves per turn
    • 61-65 Prestige = 3 Moves per turn

    Google Docs link


    No Current Treaties

    New players may join the game at any time. Choose one of the unclaimed factions below to start playing:
    Playable Factions

    Turn 5 has started, players may now post their moves.

    That's 4 turns in row for the steppe tribes, good God! This is getting ridiculous. I wonder if we should add a new rule to help out players experiencing really bad luck. I have a thought here, please discuss in the social group if you have any ideas.

    Edit: Btw guys to be clear, even if a different faction has "conquered" a Sea Zone, your faction may still travel through it (i.e. traverse it) to attack regions on the other side. As long as you are not at war with the faction that conquered the sea zone, there is no chance of you being blocked. However, Sea zones that have not been conquered by a faction are infested with Pirates, and these pirates will try block you (50% chance). And hostile factions (meaning factions you are at war with) will similarly have 50% chance to intercept you if they "own" the sea zone. This is mentioned in the rules but just want to make sure everyone is on the same page.
    Last edited by ♞Rogue General♞; July 10, 2023 at 09:49 AM. Reason: rp, pontus map fix

  7. #47
    Morticia Iunia Bruti's Avatar Praeses
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    Deep within the dark german forest

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    The Boii

    Under the vigilant eyes of Queen Onomaris the construction of the Oppidum continues perpetually.
    Cause tomorrow is a brand-new day
    And tomorrow you'll be on your way
    Don't give a damn about what other people say
    Because tomorrow is a brand-new day

  8. #48
    NobleWoman's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Keep Guessing

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Ajax is finding it hard to accept that the battle is already over. Before the depression threatens to consume him again, Xenophon orders the troops to march south. Achilleon leads the cavalry and Ajax, happy, swings his blade at the head of the infantry.

    Attack the region to the south of the freshly conquered region.

  9. #49

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Turn 5 NPC Moves

    Iceni fleets in the North Sea will attack the Celtic Sea pirates and attempt to conquer the sea zone. All other NPC factions attempt to conquer rebel regions as indicated in this map:

    NPC Moves map
    Map Legend (link)

    Reminder: Once turn 5 results are posted, counter-attacks will be enabled in the game. Achievements will also be unveiled.
    Last edited by ♞Rogue General♞; July 10, 2023 at 12:16 PM. Reason: Player faction change (Lord of Cats)

  10. #50
    Lord of Cats's Avatar Vicarius
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    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    I'm switching to playing Pontus.

    ~ Pontus ~

    Faction Name: Mithridatic Kingdom of Pontus
    Government Type: absolute monarchy
    Faction Leader: King Mithridates the Poisoner
    Name of Capital: Amaseia

    It's primarily based on the buying and selling of poisons and antidotes. Other important commodities include cloaks, daggers, and secrets.
    Currency: drachmae (silver coins)

    Pontic culture revolves around the decadent royal court and its complex webs of intrigue and murder. The most cunning spies and assassins are held in high esteem.
    Official Language(s): Persian, and Greek
    Official Religion(s): Greek Polytheism, Anatolian Paganism, and Zoroastrianism

    Armament: iron scale or linothorax armor; bronze helmets; wood shields; iron swords; iron-tipped spears, javelins, and lances; chariots with iron scythe-blades; wood bows and arrows; and catapults.
    Land Units: Spearmen, Pikemen, Archers, Light Horsemen (javelin-throwers), Cataphracts, Scythed Chariots, and Elite Assassins.
    Naval Units: Biremes (missile warships), Triremes (ramming warships), and Quadriremes (boarding warships).

    King Mithridates the Poisoner, aged 44, has become immune to every poison known to man. Now that his throne was secure, Mithridates turned to his ambitions of making Pontus the most powerful kingdom in the world. This began with constructing a mighty navy that now protects the shores of Pontus. Mithridates summons his war council and congratulates his admiral for securing the Sea of Pontus.

    Mithridates declares that his palace must be expanded since the royal court has grown significantly in size. He unrolls the floor plan onto the table. His architects and urban planners inform him that his new palace would be larger than the capital town of Amaseia. "Then expand the town into a magnificent city!" the king commands. At that moment the admiral collapses to the floor, shuddering and foaming at the mouth, before lying still. The council look quizzically at the king. Mithridates shrugs. "He was plotting against me."

    Plans are drafted to expand Amaseia into a great city, with more smokey taverns, seedy red-latern districts, and sizable apothecaries.

    Pontus' Move
    Begin construction of a magnificent city in the capital region.

  11. #51

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    With the path finally open after several hard-fought battles, Jade initiates a push for Suebi to conquer the Baltic Sea.

  12. #52

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    End of Year Report

    268 B.C. (Turn 5)

    The Map

    For map legend click here.


    Dice rolls log (link)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Note: you don't need an account to view this. Just scroll to the bottom and click the "Try Rolz" button:

    And once you enter the dice room, be advised that the default view will not show all dice rolls. To view the entire dice log click this button:

    Greco-Baktrian Kingdom (NobleWoman)

    Quote Originally Posted by NobleWoman View Post
    Ajax is finding it hard to accept that the battle is already over. Before the depression threatens to consume him again, Xenophon orders the troops to march south. Achilleon leads the cavalry and Ajax, happy, swings his blade at the head of the infantry.

    Attack the region to the south of the freshly conquered region.
    [1+1=2] The Hindu-Kush Mountain range proves to be a more formidable foe than any army you've faced thus far. The invasion attempt grinds to a halt, much to the chagrin of Xenophon.

    Average roll: [2]

    The Boii (Morticia Iunia Bruti)

    Quote Originally Posted by Morticia Iunia Bruti View Post
    Under the vigilant eyes of Queen Onomaris the construction of the Oppidum continues perpetually.
    [3]: 3 build points added.
    City progress: [10/10]

    Construction of Oppidum of Boiodurum has been completed! As years pass and news spreads to Kingdoms near and far, your faction's Prestige steadily increases. (As long as you control this city it will grant you +1 Prestige per turn)

    As people now flock to your great civilization hoping to bask in its glory, the influx of foreigners also brings increased security risk. The wise leaders of the Boii are mindful of the opportunities as well as the danger. They decide to err on the side of safety and enact a series of legislation aimed at safeguarding the capital from malicious actors. (A city has been acquired, so an Edict is immediately enacted. Result: [1] = Royal Guard: Your capital has +1 defense when attacked, and enemy Agents have a -2 penalty when conducting Missions in your capital. Additionally, you are able to move your capital for FREE (meaning you don't have to use a Move) once every 10 turns).

    You've acquired a city, so you now unlock the use of a Secret Agent! Read about it in: "Advanced Rules" -> "Secret Agents"

    Average roll: [3]
    You have 1 Secret Agent at your command (from 1 city)
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities (Oppidum of Boiodurum)

    Republic of Carthage (High Fist)
    Quote Originally Posted by High Fist View Post
    I'll build a great city for the next 12 turns.
    The Carthaginian Senate initiates an inquiry into the slow build progress of the city; to noone's surprise they find rampant corruption within the highest levels. After making an example of a few oligarchs and bureaucrats the wheels magically start turning and much better progress is made this year.

    [5]: 5 build points added.
    City of Carthage progress: [6/10]

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.

    Egypt - Ptolemaic Dynasty (Abdülmecid I)

    Quote Originally Posted by Abdülmecid I View Post
    I'm going to be away in the following days, so just keep conquering the southern regions, across the Nile valley.
    [2+1=3] The locals here are a bit more prickly and you meet stiff resistance. You decide to pause the invasion to allow reinforcements and supplies to arrive before continuing further. +1 for invading this region next turn.

    Average roll: [3]

    Mithridatic Kingdom of Pontus (Lord of Cats)
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of Cats View Post
    Mithridates declares that his palace must be expanded since the royal court has grown significantly in size. He unrolls the floor plan onto the table. His architects and urban planners inform him that his new palace would be larger than the capital town of Amaseia. "Then expand the town into a magnificent city!" the king commands. At that moment the admiral collapses to the floor, shuddering and foaming at the mouth, before lying still. The council look quizzically at the king. Mithridates shrugs. "He was plotting against me."

    Plans are drafted to expand Amaseia into a great city, with more smokey taverns, seedy red-latern districts, and sizable apothecaries.

    Pontus' Move
    Begin construction of a magnificent city in the capital region.
    The remaining leadership prefer not to elicit King's ire, and so they do their best in expanding Amaseia into a proper city. Vegetation surrounding the town is cleared so that the borders may be expanded, and decent progress is made in the first year.

    [3]: 3 build points added.
    City of Amaseia progress: [3/10]

    Average roll: [3].

    Kingdom of Suebi (crispy_kiko)
    Quote Originally Posted by crispy_kiko View Post
    With the path finally open after several hard-fought battles, Jade initiates a push for Suebi to conquer the Baltic Sea.
    Baltic Sea:
    5 + 5 + 1 = 11 (Suebi)
    6 + 5 + 3 = 14 (pirates)

    Some warboats are built, but not nearly enough to contest the pirates ravaging these coasts. Work continues on building a proper war fleet.
    Average Naval battle roll [3]: +1 to your initial sea battle roll next turn if attacking the pirates.

    Average roll: [3]

    NPC Factions

    [4] Pyrrhic Victory! The region is conquered.
    Average roll: [4]

    [3] Close defeat. +1 for attacking this region next turn.
    Average roll: [3]

    [4+1=5] Victory! The region is conquered. (+1 Prestige)
    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.

    [3+1=4] Pyrrhic Victory! The region is conquered.
    Average roll: [4]

    [3] Close defeat. +1 for attacking this region next turn.
    Average roll: [3]

    [3+1=4] Pyrrhic Victory! The region is conquered.
    Average roll: [4]

    Celtic Sea naval battle:
    6(+1) + 5(+1) + 3 = 16 (Iceni)
    6 + 2 + 1 = 11 (pirates)
    Average Naval battle roll [5]: +1 Prestige.

    The Pirates have been defeated, and the Celtic Sea is now patrolled by Iceni ships.

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.

    [3+1=4] Pyrrhic Victory! The region is conquered.
    Average roll: [4]

    [2+1=3] Close defeat. +1 for attacking this region next turn.
    Average roll: [3]

    [3+1=4] Pyrrhic Victory! The region is conquered.
    Average roll: [4]

    [5+1=6] Victory! The region is conquered. (+1 Prestige)
    Average roll: [6]. +1 to two dice-rolls next turn.

    Scythian Confederation
    [5] Victory! The region is conquered. (+1 Prestige)
    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.

    Seleucid Empire
    [5+1=6] Victory! The region is conquered. (+1 Prestige)
    Average roll: [6]. +1 to two dice-rolls next turn.

    [4] Pyrrhic victory. The region is conquered.
    Average roll: [4]

    Faction Scoreboard
    First faction to own 100 regions wins the game.

    Important Prestige Milestones:

    • 1-25 Prestige = 1 Move per turn
    • 26-60 Prestige = 2 Moves per turn
    • 61-65 Prestige = 3 Moves per turn

    Google Docs link


    No Current Treaties

    New players may join the game at any time. Choose one of the unclaimed factions below to start playing:
    Playable Factions

    Turn 6 has started, players may now post their moves.

    The 5-turn grace period has expired, and Counterattacks are now enabled: If you roll [1] in land battles (or average of [1] in sea battles) the enemy will try to counterattack and seize your region instead.

    Achievements have been unlocked!

    A player receives rep from all other players if they are the first to obtain an achievement:

    • Supreme Warlord: Own 100 regions (win the game)
    • Naval Dominance: Maintain control of 4 sea zones for 1 full turn.
    • Great Builder: Build 3 cities.
    • Cultured: Maintain control 4 cities for 1 full turn.
    • Great Conqueror: Conquer 4 foreign capitals.
    • Puppeteer: Persuade NPC factions to declare war on each other using diplomacy (5x).
    • Respected Strategist: Persuade NPC faction to conquer a region or sea zone, and they succeed (5x).
    • Proficient Diplomat: Maintain an alliance with 5 NPC factions for 1 full turn.
    • Political Saboteur: Persuade NPC factions to break alliances using diplomacy (5x).
    • Indomitable Spirit: Fight to the death (your faction is destroyed).

    Rule Updates

    Rule Updates
    Pre-emptively adding a rule clarification now:
    Once any faction convinces an NPC to do something that action is locked in. The NPC won't change their mind regarding that action for the current turn.

    Spicy rule update:
    They [NPCs] will not war with a real player, unless they are attacked or an defensive alliance requires them to declare war

    For comments/suggestions please discuss in the social group.
    Last edited by ♞Rogue General♞; July 11, 2023 at 01:00 PM. Reason: formatting

  13. #53
    Morticia Iunia Bruti's Avatar Praeses
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Deep within the dark german forest

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    The Boii

    The construction of Boiodurum was completed at Lughnasad and the Boii celebrated it with a great happy festival for everyone.
    At the festival Onomaris presented the first time her new Royal Guard, which consisted of the retinue of her family, young and old warriors, which owed loyalty to Onomaris clan for food, armour and weapons.

    After the festival Onomaris called Bellovesos, a fifty year old warrior and paternal friend, which she knew from childhoods days on.

    "Uncle its time to unite the Boii in whole
    Boiohæmum. Gather the warriors: the young ones and the noble heavy cavalry and subdue the boiian tribes east of us"

    And Bellovesos left Boiodurum marching east to conquer the land of the there living subtribes of the Boii.
    Cause tomorrow is a brand-new day
    And tomorrow you'll be on your way
    Don't give a damn about what other people say
    Because tomorrow is a brand-new day

  14. #54
    NobleWoman's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Jan 2013
    Keep Guessing

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    King Diodoros orders the building of a great city in Heliopolis, the capital.

    It is time the army prepared better for its march across the Hindukush. Xenophon will now make adequate preparations to cross the mountains..he will be granted time.

    Move--Build great city in the Baktrian capital.

  15. #55
    Lord of Cats's Avatar Vicarius
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    On the computer or inside a book.

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Pontus' move: Construction of the magnificent city of Amaseia will continue.

  16. #56

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Turn 6 NPC moves

    Aorsoi, Getae, Macedon and Sparta begin construction of Great cities in their capital regions. Epirus and Pergamon continue constructing their cities.

    All other NPC factions attempt to conquer rebel regions as indicated in this map:
    NPC Moves map
    Map Legend (link)

  17. #57

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Jade continues Suebi's push for the Baltic Sea with +1 advantage.

  18. #58

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    End of Year Report

    267 B.C. (Turn 6)

    The Map

    For map legend click here.


    Dice rolls log (link)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Note: you don't need an account to view this. Just scroll to the bottom and click the "Try Rolz" button:

    And once you enter the dice room, be advised that the default view will not show all dice rolls. To view the entire dice log click this button:

    Greco-Baktrian Kingdom (NobleWoman)

    Quote Originally Posted by NobleWoman View Post
    King Diodoros orders the building of a great city in Heliopolis, the capital. It is time the army prepared better for its march across the Hindukush. Xenophon will now make adequate preparations to cross the mountains..he will be granted time.

    Move--Build great city in the Baktrian capital.
    [5] Great progress is made on the City of Heliopolis!
    City progress: [5/10]

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.

    The Boii (Morticia Iunia Bruti)

    Quote Originally Posted by Morticia Iunia Bruti View Post
    The construction of Boiodurum was completed at Lughnasad and the Boii celebrated it with a great happy festival for everyone. At the festival Onomaris presented the first time her new Royal Guard, which consisted of the retinue of her family, young and old warriors, which owed loyalty to Onomaris clan for food, armour and weapons.

    After the festival Onomaris called Bellovesos, a fifty year old warrior and paternal friend, which she knew from childhoods days on.

    "Uncle its time to unite the Boii in whole
    Boiohæmum. Gather the warriors: the young ones and the noble heavy cavalry and subdue the boiian tribes east of us"

    And Bellovesos left Boiodurum marching east to conquer the land of the there living subtribes of the Boii.
    [1] Defeat! You are forced to pull back and sustain many losses. The enemy is emboldened by their victory and will fight just as hard against you next time (-1 for attacking this region until next turn, -1 Prestige). The enemy launch a counterattack! [3] They just barely fail in the attempt, and thankfully Boiodurum is safe.

    Average roll: [1]
    You have 1 Secret Agent at your command (from 1 city)
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities (Oppidum of Boiodurum)

    Republic of Carthage (High Fist)
    Quote Originally Posted by High Fist View Post
    I'll build a great city for the next 12 turns.
    [3+1=4]: 4 build points added.
    City of Carthage progress: [10/10]

    Construction of City of Carthage has been completed! As years pass and news spreads to Kingdoms near and far, your faction's Prestige steadily increases. (As long as you control this city it will grant you +1 Prestige per turn)

    With the city complete, Carthaginian leaders now set in motion plans for territorial expansion and possible conflict with other Mediterranean powers. To prepare the Republic for future greatness they decide the time is ripe for funding and training agents in the art subterfuge. (A city has been acquired, so an Edict is immediately enacted. Result: [4] = Advanced Espionage (Revolutionary): Your Agents get +1 bonus when attempting to incite rebellions.).

    You've acquired a city, so you now unlock the use of a Secret Agent! Read about it in: "Advanced Rules" -> "Secret Agents"

    Average roll: [4]
    You have 1 Secret Agent at your command (from 1 city)
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities (Carthage)

    Egypt - Ptolemaic Dynasty (Abdülmecid I)

    Quote Originally Posted by Abdülmecid I View Post
    I'm going to be away in the following days, so just keep conquering the southern regions, across the Nile valley.
    [6+1=7] Upon the arrival of reinforcements your troops march onwards and abosolutely annihilate any remaining resistance in the region. A heroic victory! (+2 Prestige)

    Average roll: [7]. +1 for up to 3 dice-rolls next turn.

    Mithridatic Kingdom of Pontus (Lord of Cats)
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of Cats View Post
    Pontus' move: Construction of the magnificent city of Amaseia will continue.
    The workers are striking! They claim to be mistreated and demand "fair wages" and "time off for injury". Pfft.

    [1]: 1 build points added.
    City of Amaseia progress: [4/10]

    Average roll: [1].

    Kingdom of Suebi (crispy_kiko)
    Quote Originally Posted by crispy_kiko View Post
    Jade continues Suebi's push for the Baltic Sea with +1 advantage.
    Baltic Sea:

    Some more warboats are constructed...
    3(+1) +1 +1 = 6 (Suebi)

    But it appears the defeated enemy tribesmen that escaped into the woods in the last battle are still bitter at having their land seized. The sore losers must have informed the pirates of your intention to conquer their sea, because an odd night-time coastal raid is conducted by the pirates targeting your supplies - specifically warboats and naval equipment.

    3 + 4 + 5 = 12 (pirates)

    This is a major setback! Your advisors say it may be best to avoid the seas for the next several months while the pirates are still on high alert. (Suebi average Naval battle roll [2]: -1 to your initial sea battle roll next turn if attacking the pirates.)

    Meanwhile, some of the Suebi are eager to march along the coast and track down the escaped enemy warriors with loose lips (and conquer more territory for good measure). Others disagree - they say they've heard tales of a large settlement built by a rival tribe in the south, and so they now wish to spend the next year building a grand settlement of their own. What will the Suebi do? Jade must now make a choice...

    Average roll: [2]

    NPC Factions

    Great City construction is started in the capital

    [1]: 1 build points added.
    City progress: [1/10]

    Average roll: [1]

    [2+1=3] Close defeat. +1 for attacking this region next turn.
    Average roll: [3]

    [2+1=3] Close defeat. +1 for attacking this region next turn.
    Average roll: [3]

    Great City construction continues in the capital.

    [1]: 1 build points added.
    City progress: [8/10]

    Average roll: [1]

    [3+1=4] Pyrrhic Victory! The region is conquered.
    Average roll: [4]

    Great City construction starts in the capital.

    [5]: 5 build points added.
    City progress: [5/10]

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.

    [4+1=5] Victory! The region is conquered. (+1 Prestige)
    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.

    Great City construction starts in the capital.

    [4]: 4 build points added.
    City progress: [4/10]

    Average roll: [4]

    [1+1=2] Defeat.
    Average roll: [2]

    Great City construction continues in the capital.

    [3]: 3 build points added.
    City progress: [9/10]

    [5+1=6] Victory! The region is conquered. (+1 Prestige)
    Average roll: [6]. +1 to two dice-rolls next turn.

    Scythian Confederation
    [5+1=6] Victory! The region is conquered. (+1 Prestige)
    Average roll: [6]. +1 to two dice-rolls next turn.

    Seleucid Empire
    [2+1=3] Close defeat. +1 for attacking this region next turn.
    Average roll: [3]

    Great City construction starts in the capital.

    [2]: 2 build points added.
    City progress: [2/10]

    Average roll: [2]

    Faction Scoreboard
    First faction to own 100 regions wins the game.

    Important Prestige Milestones:

    • 1-25 Prestige = 1 Move per turn
    • 26-60 Prestige = 2 Moves per turn
    • 61-65 Prestige = 3 Moves per turn

    Google Docs link


    No Current Treaties

    New players may join the game at any time. Choose one of the unclaimed factions below to start playing:
    Playable Factions

    Turn 7 has started, players may now post their moves.

    For general discussion or comments/suggestions regarding rules please use the social group.
    Last edited by ♞Rogue General♞; July 12, 2023 at 10:58 AM. Reason: updated "faction scoreboard" screenshot

  19. #59
    NobleWoman's Avatar Campidoctor
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Keep Guessing

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    King Diodoros is highly pleased....he announces a bonus for all the workers! Archimedes, the city planner and supervisor of the construction activities, is also rewarded. Overall, the atmosphere is one of good cheer.

    This is not missed by the priests of the various temples...they too offer sacrifices and special worship to the gods. Baktrians throng to the temples to witness these ceremonies, and add in their own prayers that their city sees a greater version of glory.

    Move--continue building the city.

  20. #60

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Finally, a crushing victory! To commemorate this triumph, Chrysippus demands that the food rations of the soldiers to get doubled. They're going to need it, for they are ordered to construct a Great City in the recently conquered province. It's going to be called Chrysippopolis, in honour of His Majesty.

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