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Thread: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

  1. #181

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    As the years continue, Jade recognizes the need to identify a successor. She holds a contest in the capital over the course of a year to test qualities of might, tactics, and leadership. Two men with complementary abilities rise to the top, Hendrik and Jasper.

    In the contest, Hendrik's raw strength and stature served him well, and it was clear that there was no one mightier, while Jasper's strategic approach could overwhelm the most formidable of Suebi's forces.

    They began as rivals but came to appreciate each other's strengths and felt united in their goal of leading Suebi to continuous victory. Jade also recognized this and determined that they would each have a role in leading Suebi alongside her, at least until it was time for her to fully step down.

    Hendrik would become known as the Ax of Suebi, while Jasper earned the title of High Strategist. Alongside Jade the Fisticuff, they would lead Suebi in the coming years.

    Suebi sends forces to attack the region south of their recently conquered region.

  2. #182
    High Fist's Avatar Vicarius
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    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Happy days. Carthage will send it's spy and armies east along the Med coast again.
    The only self-discipline you need is to finish your sandwiches

  3. #183
    Lord of Cats's Avatar Vicarius
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    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    @NobleWoman: Oh, if Baktria didn't officially declare war, then I think Rogue made a mistake. To compensate for this error I think if Baktria wants peace with the Aorsoi it should automatically succeed and Baktria's fleet in the Caspian should be restored.
    If it wasn't a mistake and there's some rule I missed that when attacking a rebel region that was formerly a capital results in war... then nevermind... and Rome just made a huge blunder.

  4. #184
    NobleWoman's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    @Cats--thank you. Yes, I agree. If this was indeed a mistake, then Baktria does deserve compensation compensation. Not only the fleet should be restored, but Campus Aorsi should be restored to Baktria as it was won fair and square after the rebellion succeeded and resulting prestige points per turn added....and if it was a rule we both missed....well! So if it is war, maybe you can reconsider, offer a peace treaty and attack some other NPC as Baktria, because of the alliance, ends up getting drawn in. Anyway I won't be here....

    I won't be around now so I hope this gets sorted by you guys... I sure hope Rogue handles my faction else I would have to quit

  5. #185
    NobleWoman's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    @GM-- if you are willing to do the moves then they would be --
    If war with the Aorsoi was a war, then continue with it. Attack the regions first and the city after all Aorsoi regions have been taken. If the prestige enables me to have two moves, then use both moves to beat the Aorsoi. RP characters are Miltiades, Eurydemos and the Admiral Soreis.

    If it was an error, then please do as I have suggested in my above post.

    After all this is over, please take rebel regions towards Black Sea and south towards Indian Ocean. Build fleets whenever a sea zone is reached. Attack any NPC if possible.


    P.S.--will see you after a long, long time.

  6. #186

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    A Minor Misunderstanding

    Seems the Aorsoi had received bad intel. It turns out Baktria did not declare war on them, the benevolent King Diodoros wished only to land troops in Campus Aorsi to help rid the region of rebels.
    spoiler (oops)
    Quote Originally Posted by NobleWoman View Post
    After the declaration of war, Meleager orders Tigran to prepare his warriors.
    OOC: I saw "declaration of war" and thought Baktria was declaring war on Aorsoi. I see now that was the Rebels "declaration of war" against Aorsoi.

    Aorsoi is sincerely regretful for destroying the Baktrian war fleet (twice). Although the Baktrian ships cannot be brought back from the depths of the sea, the Aorsoi will aid Baktria in constructing a new one. The region of Campus Aorsi also changes hands - the City is now under the ownership of the Greco-Baktrian Kingdom.

    Baktria acquires a City, and so an edict is immediately passed: [3] Advanced Espionage: King-slayer. Your agents get +1 bonus when sent on assassination missions.

    All parties to the Aorsi conflict are no longer at war. Baktria gains the city and 1 fleet, Aorsoi gains 1 free region to the north (for successful conquest moves had gone to waste).


    Rebellion Plot Foiled!

    Quote Originally Posted by UNKNOWN
    [REDACTED] meets with [SUSPECT] in a dark corner of a smokey inn in [REDACTED city]. "Most of the [REDACTED] doesn't believe Epirus is a threat anymore, but I know better. Women who sleep with snakes are never to be trusted."
    "That was the first Olympias, not the second--"
    "Whatever. Listen closely. I need you to foment a rebellion in Ambrasia, capital of Epirus."
    "As you wish, [REDACTED]."
    "Everything depends on the success of this mission. [REDACTED]"

    [SUSPECT] sneaks ashore in the dead of night and attempts to contact enemies of the Molossian Dynasty, to assist them in overthrowing Queen Olympias II.
    The hooded man arrives on the shores of Ambrasia in the dead of the night. His retinue attempts to rendezvous with the contacts they'd been instructed to conspire with. But Queen Olympias II, having received word from the Romans themselves of a possible coup, has put the capital on high alert.

    One of the city patrols now spots the suspicious party --

    "Oi! It's past curfew! By the Queen, identify yourselves!"

    Finding themselves surrounded by many pointy spears, the hooded man and his followers lift up their hands in the universal sign of surrender. Their bags and belongings are searched and the nature of the mission is revealed.

    It is now known that a Roman agent, sent by Censor Maximus himself, has attempted to perform a coup in Ambracia!

    Word travels swiftly and Rome suffers a minor prestige penalty due to its actions (-1 Prestige).

    Political Intrigue!
    Client States

    Aorsoi mourns the loss of its city and cultural hub. It requests the great Baktrian Kingdom to grant it vassalage & protection, and asks them to restore its territorial integrity.
    • Aorsoi is eligible to become a client state of Baktria.

    Athens has suffered severely in the war with Sparta, and its most integral territories have been usurped by other factions. It requests the Seleucid Empire to grant it vassalage & protection, and asks them to restore its territorial integrity.
    • Athens is eligible to become a client state of Seleucid Empire.

    (OOC: I'm revealing a fun new "Client State" mechanic to help add more depth to NPC relations. Details will be posted when this turn ends)

    Quote Originally Posted by NobleWoman View Post
    I won't be around now so I hope this gets sorted by you guys... I sure hope Rogue handles my faction else I would have to quit
    Quote Originally Posted by NobleWoman View Post
    @GM-- if you are willing to do the moves then they would be --
    If war with the Aorsoi was a war, then continue with it. Attack the regions first and the city after all Aorsoi regions have been taken. If the prestige enables me to have two moves, then use both moves to beat the Aorsoi. RP characters are Miltiades, Eurydemos and the Admiral Soreis.

    If it was an error, then please do as I have suggested in my above post.

    After all this is over, please take rebel regions towards Black Sea and south towards Indian Ocean. Build fleets whenever a sea zone is reached. Attack any NPC if possible.


    P.S.--will see you after a long, long time.
    Certainly, your faction is in good hands. Really sad to see you go
    Hope you can rejoin soon, when you return

    Last edited by ♞Rogue General♞; July 30, 2023 at 02:11 PM. Reason: NobleWoman

  7. #187
    Lord of Cats's Avatar Vicarius
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    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Senator Donalus Trumpius Maximus takes the floor upon hearing there is no Aorsoi War. "I knew it! Fake news! I've told lots of people. Lots. You can't trust the Warlords Media," he says, gesticulating wildly.

    The censor, Lordus Catulus Maximus, groans and rubs his temples. "Senator Trumpius, please, for the love of Jupiter, sit down and shut up!"

    The Praetor, Gaius Aurelius Cotta, accompanied by several Praetorian guardsmen, enter the Curia. The Praetorians throw a bound man to the floor in front of Catulus Maximus. The censor cries out in terror. It's Lucius Silvius, his secret agent!

    "This man attempted to incite a rebellion in Epirus against Queen Olympias II. After interrogation, he confessed to working for the censor." Turning, Cotta says, "Lordus Catulus Maximus, for conspiring against a neighboring state without the Senate's approval and damaging Rome's prestige, you are under arrest."

    Lordus Catulus Maximus immediately discards his toga and flees from the chamber as Senator Trumpius shouts "Lock him up!" The Praetorians pursue him, but he disappears in an alleyway. "He runs as fast as a cat."

    The Roman Republic is in crisis as senators accuse each other of not being legitimate senators if they had been appointed by the disgraced censor. The praetor restores order and calls for a special election for a new censor. After a tight election, Donalus Trumpius Maximus is elected Censor. "We need someone of honesty and integrity overseeing the Senate after the corrupt censorship of Crooked Catulus," an average Roman citizen says after casting his vote.

    The Senate offers an official apology to Epirus. Censor Trumpius promises that Rome will not interfere in Greece anymore and that he will make the Senate great again.

    Rome's updated moves
    1. Rome will conquer Bruttium with the +1 bonus.
    2. If Bruttium was not conquered, Rome will conquer Bruttium. If Bruttium was conquered, Rome will conquer the furthest west region between the Alps and the sea.

    Last edited by Lord of Cats; July 31, 2023 at 05:26 PM.

  8. #188

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Turn 21 NPC moves

    NPC moves

    Aorsi War (aka the "Aorsi Oopsi")
    The war has ended, and Aorsoi will attack rebels to the north. Epirus will conquer Eastern Crete.

    Greco-Levantine War
    Sparta and Athens will roll dice for initiative - whoever rolls higher will make their move first. GM rolls dice.

    Athens will attempt the following (in order of priority):
    1) Conquer City of Sparta by land.
    2) Conquer City of Sparta by sea (with Ionian fleet).

    Sparta will attack an Athenian region closest to the City of Sparta (including the City itself, if it falls into enemy hands). It will send a secret agent to spy on the region it's attacking this turn.

    Other NPC moves

    All other NPCs will attack the regions indicated on the map, using Drillmaster Edict for an extra move if able. They will prioritize +1 bonus regions and avoid -1 penalty regions.

    (NPC Attacks are indicated in cyan)

    Turn Results will be posted soon(ish). I know its been a slow couple of days, have some IRL stuff I'm taking care of. Appreciate your guys patience.

  9. #189

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    End of Year Report
    252 B.C. (Turn 21)

    Dice log

    Current Map

    The Greco-Levantine War
    Pontus and Sparta - VS - Seleucid Empire and Athens

    Timeline of Events
    262 BC (Turn 11): Pontus declares war on Seleucid Empire.
    262 BC (Turn 11): Seleucids allys with Athens. Athens joins the war.
    261 BC (Turn 12): Pontus allys with Sparta. Sparta joins the war.
    260 BC (Turn 13): Pontus and Seleucids sign a Peace Treaty.
    254 BC (Turn 19): Seleucids and Sparta sign a 5-year ceasefire.

    Pontus signed a Peace Treaty with the Seleucid Empire (on turn 13) and is no longer interested in conflict.

    Pontus continues to conquer rebel regions in Anatolia...
    [6] Victory! The region is conquered. +1 Prestige

    Average roll: [6]. +1 to two dice-rolls next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Amaseia (Advanced Espionage: Revolutionary)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now

    The city of Sparta has been conquered by Athens! Sparta attempts to reconquer its city [2+1=3] and is unable to do so, but they do manage to severely weaken the Athenian garrison. (+1 for attacking the City of Sparta next turn)

    Average roll: [3].
    +0 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Great Cities and Edicts:
    --None (Sparta city owned by another faction)

    --Drillmaster edict can be used again when turn 23 starts. Edict is lost due to loss of Great City.

    The Seleucid Empire, having signed a Peace treaty with Pontus (on turn 13) and Ceasefire treaty with Sparta (which expires on turn 24), uses this brief respite to attack rebels in Anatolia...

    [3+1=4] Victory, the region is conquered.

    Average roll: [4].
    +2 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Antioch (Maritime Supremacy)
    --Thebes (Advanced Espionage: Revolutionary)

    --2 agents can be used starting turn 23
    --Free fleet movement from "Maritime Supremacy" Edict can be used again starting Turn 19

    [6+1=7] ATHENS successfully conquers the City of Sparta! (+2 Prestige). Sparta attempts to reconquer the city [2+1=3] but is ultimately unsuccessful.

    City acquired, Edict passed: [2] Advanced Espionage (Double-agent): Your agents get +1 bonus when sent on spy missions.

    Average roll: [7]. +1 for up to three dice-rolls next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Sparta (Advanced Espionage: Double Agent)
    --(Thebes is controlled by another faction)

    The Aorsi War
    Baktria and Epirus - VS - Aorsoi Confederation

    Timeline of Events
    254 BC (Turn 19): Baktria declares war on Aorsoi. Epirus joins the war.
    252 BC (Turn 21): The war has concluded with Baktria gaining control of Aorsoi's Great City (Campus Aorsi).

    Other Move Results

    Greco-Baktrian Kingdom (NobleWoman)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Quote Originally Posted by NobleWoman View Post
    @GM-- if you are willing to do the moves then they would be --
    If war with the Aorsoi was a war, then continue with it. Attack the regions first and the city after all Aorsoi regions have been taken. If the prestige enables me to have two moves, then use both moves to beat the Aorsoi. RP characters are Miltiades, Eurydemos and the Admiral Soreis.

    If it was an error, then please do as I have suggested in my above post.

    After all this is over, please take rebel regions towards Black Sea and south towards Indian Ocean. Build fleets whenever a sea zone is reached. Attack any NPC if possible.


    P.S.--will see you after a long, long time.

    This faction is GM-controlled until the player returns.

    Having achieved peace with the Aorsoi, Baktria now attempts to land troops on the western shores of the Caspian sea. They will cut a path to the Black Sea.

    The newly-built fleet (constructed with Aorsoi's assistance) proves useful in the campaign. The invasion is a success [4] and Baktria has now gained a foothold on the western shores of the Caspian Sea.

    Average roll: [4]. (average includes offensive sea battle rolls)
    +2 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts
    --Heliopolis (Royal Guard)
    --Ambracia (Advanced Espionage: King-slayer)

    --You have 2 secret agents
    ----1 Secret Agent can be used now
    ----1 Secret Agent can be used when turn 24 starts

    The Boii (Morticia Iunia Bruti)
    Because you have 26+ Prestige you may perform 2 moves per turn.

    Quote Originally Posted by Morticia Iunia Bruti View Post
    While the Brigantii conquered the territory of the Vindelici Onomaris fled north to the territory of the Volcae of the Moenus river. During her flight she gave birth to her youngest daughter Katua (= battle, fight). There she met Segovesos, who had retreated to the Volcae with the rests of his army too.

    "I swear by the Gods, i will take bloody revenge!" Onomaris vowed.

    They send messengers to the Volcae, Taunensii, Helvetii and Boii and gathered two great armies with many footwarriors, heavy and light horsemen.

    Then they marched into the enemy territory back. The light cavalry in front for scouting and pillaging, leaving burnt ground behind them.
    The tribes you've subjugated provide many fine warriors for the new Boii armies. Two great armies now march south to reconquer the Vindelici territory and punish the rebellious tribes who have caused the Boii so much misery.

    The first army arrives in the Vindelici territory to drive out the raiding Brigantii. The light cavalry is able to disrupt the enemy's hit and run tactics, while the footwarriors capture and hold the strategic points to force the enemy to withdraw. [3] Victory! The region is conquered.

    The second army marches south to finally put an end to the Rhaetian resistance. The battle is fiercely fought with both sides utilizing ranged projectiles to soften each other up. There is frustratingly little progress... until one of the Boii light cavalry divisions reports that the enemy skirmishers have become emboldened and left their flanks exposed. The order is sent - and hundreds of thundering Boii heavy cavalry charge into the overextended enemy. All hell breaks loose as the stalemate is finally broken! One of the enemy flanks crumple, and your foot warriors now charge one last time and hack away at the fleeing enemy. [4-1=3] Victory! The enemy is defeated, your fallen warriors avenged, and the region finally conquered.

    Average roll: [3].
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Oppidum of Boiodurum (Royal Guard)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used when Turn 23 starts

    Republic of Carthage (High Fist)

    While your agent did not glean any useful intel this time [2], the Carthaginian Mercernaries continue to march through the vast Tripolitania region and extend Carthaginian influence to the east. [4] Victory! Leptis Magna is conquered.

    Average roll: [4].
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Carthage (Maritime Supremacy)

    -- Free fleet movement from Maritime Supremacy Edict may be used again after turn 24 starts.
    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used when turn 24 starts.

    Egypt - Ptolemaic Dynasty (Abdülmecid I)
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdülmecid I View Post
    For the coming days I will be away, so just keep attacking the regions southwards along the Nile valley.
    Under the orders of King Chrysippus, the army continues to expand the kingdom's influence throughout the Nile valley...

    The army requires a bit of rest. The soldiers make camp on the east bank of the river and idly watch the crocodiles laze about. [2] +1 for invading next turn.

    Average roll: [2].
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Chrysippopolis (Advanced Espionage: Revolutionary)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now

    Roman Republic (Lord of Cats)
    Because you have 26+ Prestige you may perform 2 moves per turn.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of Cats View Post
    Senator Donus Trumpus Maximus takes the floor upon hearing there is no Aorsoi War. "I knew it! Fake news! I've told lots of people. Lots. You can't trust the Warlords Media," he says, gesticulating wildly.

    The censor, Lordus Catulus Maximus, groans and rubs his temples. "Senator Trumpus, please, for the love of Jupiter, sit down and shut up!"

    The Praetor, Gaius Aurelius Cotta, accompanied by several Praetorian guardsmen, enter the Curia. The Praetorians throw a bound man to the floor in front of Catulus Maximus. The censor cries out in terror. It's Lucius Silvius, his secret agent!

    "This man attempted to incite a rebellion in Epirus against Queen Olympias II. After interrogation, he confessed to working for the censor." Turning, Cotta says, "Lordus Catulus Maximus, for conspiring against a neighboring state without the Senate's approval and damaging Rome's prestige, you are under arrest."

    Lordus Catulus Maximus immediately flees from the chamber as Senator Trumpus shouts "Lock him up!" The Praetorians pursue him, but he disappears in an alleyway. "He runs as fast as a cat."

    The Roman Republic is in crisis as senators accuse each other of not being legitimate senators if they had been appointed by the disgraced censor. The praetor restores order and calls for a special election for a new censor. After a tight election, Donus Trumpus Maximus is elected Censor. "We need someone of honesty and integrity overseeing the Senate after the corrupt censorship of Crooked Catulus," an average Roman citizen says after casting his vote.

    The Senate offers an official apology to Epirus. Censor Trumpus promises that Rome will not interfere in Greece anymore... and that he will make Rome great again.

    Rome's updated moves
    1. Rome will conquer Bruttium with the +1 bonus.
    2. If Bruttium was not conquered (and there's no penalty in attacking it again), Rome will conquer Bruttium. If Bruttium was conquered (or not but there's now a penalty in attacking it again), Rome will conquer the furthest west region between the Alps and the sea.

    -1 Prestige for failed agent mission.

    The conquest of Bruttium goes just peachy [3+1=4]. Meanwhile the Roman war fleet in the Balaeric Sea lands troops near the Alps to secure Italia against any barbarian incursion; [6] the minor resistance they meet is utterly crushed (+1 Prestige). Some of the soldiers now voice their desire to build a wall here to keep out the uncivilized barbarians. Word reaches the newly-elected Censor Trumpus, who is reportedly extremely enthused with the idea!

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one move next turn.
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Roma (Royal Guard)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used again when Turn 26 starts

    Kingdom of Suebi (crispy_kiko)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Quote Originally Posted by crispy_kiko View Post
    As the years continue, Jade recognizes the need to identify a successor. She holds a contest in the capital over the course of a year to test qualities of might, tactics, and leadership. Two men with complementary abilities rise to the top, Hendrik and Jasper.

    In the contest, Hendrik's raw strength and stature served him well, and it was clear that there was no one mightier, while Jasper's strategic approach could overwhelm the most formidable of Suebi's forces.

    They began as rivals but came to appreciate each other's strengths and felt united in their goal of leading Suebi to continuous victory. Jade also recognized this and determined that they would each have a role in leading Suebi alongside her, at least until it was time for her to fully step down.

    Hendrik would become known as the Ax of Suebi, while Jasper earned the title of High Strategist. Alongside Jade the Fisticuff, they would lead Suebi in the coming years.

    Suebi sends forces to attack the region south of their recently conquered region.

    The Suebi now march south into the territory of the Nuithones . Helping to plan & lead the assault is Jasper the High Strategist and Hendrik, Ax of Suebi.

    Though the invasion faced some initial logistical issues, with Jasper's preparation and Jade's guiding hand the problems were soon resolved.

    Finally, the day came when one of the minor sub-tribes of the Nuithones met the Suebi on an even field prepared to fight! The battle lines were drawn and each side settled in and fortified their camps. Over the course of the next several days skirmishes ensued with loss of life on both sides. Finally, a message arrived from the enemy: they demand a single duel to the death between champions to determine the victor of the battle.

    Jade suspects the enemy's resolve is weakening, but ultimately she grants the requests - if this will save lives and preserve the rest of her troops, so be it. And if her champion fails, Suebi will simply invade next year with even more troops.

    Hendrik, Ax of Suebi was naturally chosen as Suebi's champion, while the enemy's champion was a massive warrior they called "Tusky" (probably named for his unique facial structure).

    War drums started beating as the champions approached each other. Hundreds of warriors on both sides raised their weapons up high, banging their own shields to add to the percussion. Words of encouragement reached the champions - and insults, too, from the opposing side. The roars and cheers reached a fever pitch as the first blows were exchanged between the champions, and thereafter the OOOHS and AAAHS ebbed and flowed with each lunge and swing of a weapon. Their deadly dance continued until finally the killing blow was struck! Tusky the great warrior has fallen, and Hendrik the Ax rises to great cheers from the Suebi! Jade notices he's clutching his side, and hopes the injury is not too serious. [3] Victory for the Suebi! The subtribe surrenders, and the remainder of the Nuithaones in the surrounding regions have been put on notice.

    Average roll: [3]
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Rugium (Advanced Espionage: Double-Agent)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used when Turn 23 starts

    NPC Faction Moves

    NPC moves (click to expand)

    Aorsoi Confederation

    Aorsoi attacks rebels to the north. [4+1=5] Victory! The region is conquered. (+1 Prestige)

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.
    +0 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --None (Campus Aorsi is controlled by another faction)

    [5+1=6] Victory! The coastal region is conquered. +1 Prestige
    [1] Defeat! -1 Prestige, -1 for attacking the region bordering the capital next turn.

    Average roll: [4].
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Gergovia (Drillmaster)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now
    -- Drillmaster Edict can be used again once Turn 26 starts.

    See results above in: "The Greco-Levantine War" contentbox.

    Attacks rebels in eastern Crete.
    [1+1=2] Close defeat. +1 for invading here next turn.

    Average roll: [2].
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Ambracia (Advanced Espionage: Double-Agent)

    [1] Defeat! -1 Prestige, -1 for attacking the region bordering the capital next turn.
    Average roll: [1]
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Tyde (Maritime Supremacy)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now

    [5+1=6] Clear victory! The region is conquered +1 Prestige.
    Average roll: [6]. +1 to two dice-rolls next turn.
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Sarmizegetusa Regia (Royal Guard)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now

    Faction has 26+ prestige and can perform 2 moves per turn

    [2+1=3] Pyrrhic Victory! The region is conquered.
    [4] Close Victory! The region is conquered.

    Average roll: [4].
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Camulodunum (Royal Guard)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now

    Attacks rebels along the Aegean Sea. [2+1=3] Pyrrhic victory! The region is conquered.

    Average roll: [3].
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Pella (Advanced Espionage: King-slayer)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now

    [3+1=4] Victory! The region is conquered.

    Average roll: [2].
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Nisa (Royal Guard)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now


    [2+1=3] Pyrrhic victory! The regions is conquered.

    Average roll: [3].
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Pergamum (Maritime Supremacy)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now

    See results above in: "The Greco-Levantine War" contentbox.

    Scythian Confederation
    Drillmaster Edict is used for an extra move this turn.
    [6+1=7] Heroic Victory! The region is conquered. +2 Prestige
    [2+1=3] Pyrrhic victory, the region is conquered.

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Gelonus (Drillmaster)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now
    -- Drillmaster edict can be used again once turn 26 starts

    Seleucid Empire
    See results above in: "The Greco-Levantine War" contentbox.

    See results above in: "The Greco-Levantine War" contentbox.


    Detailed diplomacy status of all NPCs can be found in the social group: Link


    Greco - Levantine war (start turn 11) - ONGOING
    --Kingdom of Pontus, Sparta -VS- Seleucid Empire, Athens
    --Pontus and Seleucids sign Peace Treaty (turn 13)

    Aorsi War, aka the "Aorsi Oppsie" (turn 19-21) - finished
    --Baktria, Epirus -VS- Aorsoi
    --Conclusion: Baktria gains the City of Campus Aorsi.

    Baktria - Epirus (est. turn 18)
    Rome - Pergamon (est. turn 18)
    Rome - Boii (est. turn 16)
    Pontic-Spartan alliance (est. turn 12)
    Seleucid-Athenian alliance (est. turn 11)

    Non-Aggression Pacts
    Rome-Carthage (est. turn 20, expires turn 40)
    Seleucid-Pergamon (est. turn 20, expires turn 25)
    Baktria-Parthia (est. turn 17, expires turn 22)

    Achievements & Scoreboard
    ★Achievements A player receives rep from all other players if they are the first to obtain an achievement. They will also receive a badge in the game, depending on the achievement unlocked.
    King of Kings: Own 3 client states.
    • -

    Naval Dominance: Own a fleet in 12 sea zones.
    • Rome (4/12)

    Great Builder: Build 3 cities.
    • Baktria, Boii, Carthage, Egypt, Rome, Suebi built 1 city

    Cultured: Maintain control of 4 cities for 1 full turn.
    • Baktria (2/4)

    Great Conqueror: Conquer 4 foreign capitals.
    • -

    Proficient Diplomat: Maintain alliance with 5 NPC factions for 1 full turn.
    • Baktria (1/5), Rome (1/5)

    Political Saboteur: Persuade NPC factions to break alliances using diplomacy (3x).
    • -

    Puppeteer: Persuade NPC factions to declare war on each other using diplomacy (5x).
    • -

    Respected Strategist: Persuade NPC faction to conquer a region, and they succeed (5x).
    • -

    Indomitable Spirit: Fight to the death (your faction is destroyed).
    • -

    Supreme Warlord: Own 100 regions (win the game)
    • -

    Current stats (Google docs link):

    Important Milestones (click to expand)

    • 1-25 Prestige = 1 Move per turn.
    • 26-60 Prestige = 2 Moves per turn.
    • 61-65 Prestige = 3 Moves per turn.

    • 1-25 regions = can build 1 City.
    • 26-50 regions = can build 2 Cities.
    • 50+ regions = can build 3 Cities.

    Additionally, a faction can build 1 fortification for every 15 regions it owns.

    Turn 22 has started, players may now post their moves.

    - Rules Changes/Proposal discussion thread.
    - NPC Diplomacy thread.
    - Link to social group.

    New players may join the game at any time. Choose one of the unclaimed factions to start playing:
    Playable Factions
    Aorsoi Confederation - Available
    Arverni - Available
    Athens - Available
    Baktria (NobleWoman)
    The Boii (Morticia Iunia Bruti)
    Carthage (High Fist)
    Egypt (Abdülmecid I)
    Epirus- Available
    Gallaeci - Available
    Getae - Available
    Iceni - Available
    Macedon- Available
    Parthia - Available
    Pergamon - Available
    Pontus - Available
    Rome (Lord of Cats)
    Scythian Confederation - Available
    Seleucid Empire - Available
    Sparta - Available
    Suebi (crispy_kiko)

    Current faction info here: Google Docs link

    New Game Mechanic: Client States

    This wouldn't have made sense in previous games where most factions were player-controlled. But now with so many NPCs ripe for harvesting, I now introduce... Client States!

    Client States
    Client States and Overlords

    You can force an NPC faction to become your Client State, thus making them subservient to you. This will grant your faction powerful bonuses. It will also guarantee your protection to the client state.

    Overlord Benefits
    For each Client State that is subservient to you, your faction (the Overlord) gains:
    • +1 Prestige per turn
    • A free Edict
    • The ability to dictate the Client State's military and construction moves (for free) once every 5 turns.
    • Both overlord faction and the Client State gain military access with each other (meaning they can "travel" across each others territory to attack an enemy region on the other side)
    • Overlord also gains full control of the Client State's foreign policy.

    When a faction becomes a Client State, any treaties they've previously established become null and void. The client state's diplomatic status with other factions is reset. Whoever the Overlord is allied with will now become the client state's allies, and the Overlord's enemies become the client state's enemies.

    A client state cannot establish alliances, declare war, or sign ceasefire/non-aggression/peace treaties with other factions. The overlord faction now manages these decisions; Client States will declare war with whoever the overlord faction declares war on, make peace with whoever the overlord faction makes peace with, and so on.

    Overlord Responsibilities
    There are many benefits to being a King of Kings, but this power comes with certain responsibilities. Since a Client State cannot conduct diplomacy on its own accord, they rely on the Overlord faction to ensure its safety. If a client state is attacked, the Overlord faction is expected to help protect it.

    Client States understand that wars are unpredictable. They will tolerate their fleets being destroyed, territory taken, and even their capital being captured... if any (or even all!) of these tragedies occur they will still remain loyal to their Overlord. But the one thing they cannot overlook is the loss of their original Great Cities (meaning any city they originally built).

    If a Client State loses control of their original city (or cities), they will expect their Overlord to help them reconquer it.

    If the city is not reconquered & returned to the client state within 3 turns, the contract with their overlord is considered broken, and 2 things will immediately happen:
    1. The Client State breaks free: it is no longer subservient to the overlord faction. It is now a fully-independent faction once again, and its diplomatic status with all other factions is reset to neutral.
    2. The (former) client state is then immediately put into a state of war against any faction that controls any of its original cities.

    How to acquire a Client State

    Step 1: Acquire a Great City that was originally built by an NPC faction.
    Step 2: Inform the GM that you wish to return the City to its original NPC owner, in exchange for that NPC becoming your Client State. If that NPC is currently at Peace with you, and is not already a Client State, this diplomatic move is successful. You have now acquired a Client State!

    There is no dice-roll or luck involved in creating a Client State. If you meet the requirements above, you can turn an NPC into your client state.

    To avoid a Matryoska "nesting doll" situation of client states within client states (though entertaining it might be):
    • Client States that are subservient to an Overlord cannot have clients states themselves.
    • If an NPC "Overlord" suddenly becomes a "Client State" to another faction, the former-Overlord immediately loses control of all its client states (meaning they become independent factions again).

    And along with it, a couple rule changes to make everything run more smoothly:

    Prestige and War

    • There is no longer a Prestige penalty for attacking a faction the same turn you declare war on it. (Previously -5 prestige) I originally had this rule in place to prevent players from blitzkrieging each other, but it's kinda clunky so I'm getting rid of it.
    • There is no longer a Prestige bonus for standing by an Ally in war (previously +1 prestige).

    Invading a rebel-controlled Great City

    If a faction invades a "rebel" Great City, they must specify whether they wish to "Liberate" or "Conquer" it when they post their move.
    • "Liberate": If invasion is successful, this will return the City back to its original owner (meaning the faction that built the city). If the original owner happens to be an NPC, that NPC will become a client state of the gifting faction (only if the 2 factions are at peace with each other, and neither is already a Client State).
    • "Conquer": If invasion is successful, the invading faction keeps the city for itself. Choosing this option is considered a declaration of war against the original owner of the city (i.e. the faction that built the city).

    EDIT: Please discuss these client state rules here (link). They'll be implemented in the next turn or so, after I get some player feedback.
    EDIT 2: Also updated the achievements, pending Client States rule implementation:
    • New achievement King of Kings: Own 3 client states.
    • Updated achievement Political Saboteur: reduced number of broken alliances from 5 -> 3.
    Last edited by ♞Rogue General♞; August 02, 2023 at 05:40 PM. Reason: Rome agent cooldown. Achievement fix. formatting

  10. #190

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    The Nile farmers seem to lack the enthusiasm necessary to fulfill their fiscal duties to the blossoming Chrysippean Empire. In one of his usual strokes of genius, Chrysippus orders Big Crockie to accompany the expedition, in an effort to excite the soon-to-be subjects over their bright perspectives as loyal tax-payers.

  11. #191

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Turn 22 NPC moves

    NPC moves

    Greco-Levantine War
    Sparta and Athens will roll dice for initiative - whoever rolls higher will make their move first. GM rolls dice.

    Athens will attempt the following (in order of priority), and use a spy if able:
    1) Re-conquer the City of Sparta by land (or sea) if it falls into enemy hands.
    2) Attack the current Spartan Capital

    Sparta will attempt to reconquer its city.

    Seleucid Empire invades Cyprus with its fleet in the Aegean Sea.

    Pontus attacks rebels along the Black Sea coast.

    Other NPC moves

    Baktria and Aorsoi attack rebels towards the Black Sea.
    Epirus attacks eastern Crete again.

    All other NPCs will attack the regions indicated on the map, using Drillmaster Edict for an extra move if able. They will prioritize +1 bonus regions and avoid -1 penalty regions.

    (NPC Attacks are indicated in cyan)

  12. #192
    Morticia Iunia Bruti's Avatar Praeses
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Deep within the dark german forest

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    The Boii

    Onomaris gave Belovesos and Segovesos the following orders for this year campaign:

    Bellovesos should subjugate the rhaetian tribes of the Vennones and Calucones, who dwelled around the sources of the Rhenos river, for supporting the Brigantii with supplies during the last campaign.

    Segovesos should conquer the territory of the rhaetian tribes of the Venostes, Brixentes and Isarci, which controlled the great mountain pass through the rhaetian Alpes to Gallia Cisalpina.'

    Onimaris put softly her hand on her husband' s right shoulder.

    "Your order is the most important, Darling. As you know the one, which controlls the passes controlls the trade." she said softly. "May the Gods bless you."

    In the next day the two armies, which consisted mostly of light and medium armed
    footwarriors and a reserve of some heavy armed footwarriors and some light cavalry in front and in the rear of the armies left the Camps towards their destinations...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1sC9fWM.png 
Views:	4 
Size:	7.0 KB 
ID:	369286
    Last edited by Morticia Iunia Bruti; August 02, 2023 at 06:08 PM.
    Cause tomorrow is a brand-new day
    And tomorrow you'll be on your way
    Don't give a damn about what other people say
    Because tomorrow is a brand-new day

  13. #193
    Lord of Cats's Avatar Vicarius
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    On the computer or inside a book.

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)


    Quote Originally Posted by ♞Rogue General♞
    The conquest of Bruttium goes just peachy (3+1=4).
    Meanwhile the Roman war fleet in the Balearic Sea lands troops near the Alps to secure Italia against any barbarian incursion; (6) the minor resistance they meet is utterly crushed (+1 Prestige). Some of the soldiers now voice their desire to build a wall here to keep out the uncivilized barbarians. Word reaches the newly-elected Censor Trumpius, who is reportedly extremely enthused with the idea!

    Average roll: (5). +1 to one move next turn.
    Despite domestic turmoil, Rome’s armies continue to bring glory for her. Both consuls are applauded for their victories. The wild Bruttians have been subdued and the Alpine pass has been (mostly) secured for Rome. Marcus Atilius Regulus and Lucius Cornelius Scipio will likely win re-election for a third and final term. A new legion, Legio VII Bruttium, is raised.

    The Senate debates Rome’s next course of action. Censor Donalus Trumpius Maximus eagerly proposes fortifying the Alpine pass.
    “We must build a big, beautiful wall along the border there. The biggest. And we will make the filthy Arverni pay for it!”
    “Um… how?” Senator Julia Antonia asks.
    “By conquering the Arverni and using the loot.”
    “But if we conquered the Arverni, we wouldn’t need a wall to keep them out. They’d be our slaves.”
    “Oh, uh, err…”
    Marcus Atilius Regulus stands. “Noble senators, I’m afraid Rome is not ready to conquer the stinking Gauls. And building a wall would be pointless at the moment since our legions have not fully taken control of the pass.”
    “Then why are we even debating this?”
    “I was only giving a report on the current situation, Censor Trumpius.”
    “So you haven’t won the entire pass yet?”
    “That’s correct, sir.”
    “Well, I only like commanders who win. You come back a winner, Consul Regulus, then we’ll discuss building the wall.”
    The Senate then discusses the Seleucid presence in Greece and how Sparta will likely fall. “It’s a mess over there,” Senator Fabius Cicero says, shaking his head. “Why Crooked Catulus wanted us to get involved in Greece is beyond me.”
    “Our policy should be Rome First, not Greece First,” Censor Trumpius declares.
    “Whoever unifies Greece will control several large cities and the Aegean Sea trade,” Senator Julia Antonia says patiently. “Such a large population base and incredible wealth could enable a warlord to conquer the world, as Alexander III of Macedon did.” She looks uncomfortable as she says, “Catulus wasn’t wrong that we should be concerned about any rising power in Greece and that we should keep the Greek states weak by encouraging them to fight each other. He was just a bit… too obsessed with it.”
    “I see your point,” Senator Tullius Cato says. “But I think we should stick by Censor Trumpius’ Rome First policy. I think we need to make Italia and neighboring lands like Sicilia and Dalmatia unassailable by any Greek power. And that means having a strong navy.” Cato stands and declares loudly, “I propose building a large naval base at Tarentum as well as extensive fortifications around—”
    “You mean a wall?” Censor Trumpius says excitedly.
    “Uh, yes, mighty walls of stone around the city of Tarentum and its expanded shipyards and harbors. A canal should also be built between the Adriatic and Ionian seas so warships can be quickly repaired and deployed in both seas.”
    Most senators voice their approval and, after a vote, the motion is passed. Marcus Atilius Regulus, after paying respects at the temple of Fortuna, sails for the Alpes Maritimae again. Lucius Cornelius Scipio prays to Fortuna before overseeing the construction of the fortress.

    Rome’s Moves
    1. Rome will conquer the eastern half of Alpes Maritimae (the regions between the Alps and the sea) with the +1 bonus.
    2. Rome will build a fortification in Apulia (the heel of Italy that straddles the Adriatic and Ionian seas) named Tarentum.

    Quote Originally Posted by ♞Rogue General♞
    1 Secret Agent can be used again when Turn 21 starts.
    Since the agent was used on Turn 21 to incite a rebellion, isn’t Rome’s agent not available until Turn 26 starts? Also, for Naval Dominance, Rome has fleets in four seas: the Adriatic, Ionian, Tyrrhenian, and Balearic seas. And for Cultured, Baktria owns 2, not 1, cities (unless it gives it back to Aorsoi to obtain a client state).

  14. #194

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Political Intrigue
    Dice Log (turn 22)

    Athens, after seizing control of the City of Sparta, offers the Spartans a peace treaty: "No hard feelings bro?"
    In response, the Spartans kick the Athenian diplomat down a well and lay siege the Athenian-held City of Sparta...
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    [2] Treaty rejected

    Pontus once again offers an olive branch to Athens. [3] The Athenians, in their incomprehensible wisdom, refuse.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of Cats View Post
    Since the agent was used on Turn 21 to incite a rebellion, isn’t Rome’s agent not available until Turn 26 starts? Also, for Naval Dominance, Rome has fleets in four seas: the Adriatic, Ionian, Tyrrhenian, and Balearic seas. And for Cultured, Baktria owns 2, not 1, cities (unless it gives it back to Aorsoi to obtain a client state).
    Correct on all accounts, and fixed! I hereby pronounce you the official deputy GM: You are tasked with finding my mistakes and making sure I don't screw up too badly.

  15. #195

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    End of Year Report
    251 B.C. (Turn 22)

    Dice log

    Current Map

    The Greco-Levantine War
    Pontus and Sparta - VS - Seleucid Empire and Athens

    Timeline of Events
    262 BC (Turn 11): Pontus declares war on Seleucid Empire.
    262 BC (Turn 11): Seleucids allys with Athens. Athens joins the war.
    261 BC (Turn 12): Pontus allys with Sparta. Sparta joins the war.
    260 BC (Turn 13): Pontus and Seleucids sign a Peace Treaty.
    254 BC (Turn 19): Seleucids and Sparta sign a 5-year ceasefire.

    Pontus signed a Peace Treaty with the Seleucid Empire (on turn 13) and is no longer interested in conflict.
    Pontus again offers Athens a Peace Treaty: [3] Athens refuses.
    (-1 Prestige for negotiating with NPC)

    Meanwhile, it sends armies to conquer the Black Sea coast...

    [1+1=2] Close defeat! +1 for attacking here next turn.

    Average roll: [2].

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Amaseia (Advanced Espionage: Revolutionary)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now

    Word arrives that the capital has fallen into enemy hands! (-3 Prestige)
    Sparta once again attempts to reconquer its great city [1+1=2] but is unable to do so.

    Average roll: [2].
    +0 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Great Cities and Edicts:
    --None (Sparta city owned by another faction)

    --Drillmaster edict can be used again when turn 23 starts. Edict is lost due to loss of Great City.

    Faction has 26+ prestige and can perform 2 moves per turn

    The Seleucid Empire, having signed a Peace treaty with Pontus (on turn 13) and Ceasefire treaty with Sparta (which expires on turn 24), attacks rebels in Cyprus...

    [3] Pyrrhic victory, the region is conquered.

    Average roll: [3].
    +2 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Antioch (Maritime Supremacy)
    --Thebes (Advanced Espionage: Revolutionary)

    --2 agents can be used starting turn 23
    --Free fleet movement from "Maritime Supremacy" Edict can be used again starting Turn 19


    Athens offers Sparta a Peace Treaty, [2] Sparta rejects it.
    (-1 Prestige for negotiating with NPC)

    Athens now invades the current Spartan capital. [2+1=3] The spy they send fails to obtain any useful information this time (+1 for the next spy missoin within 3 turns) [5+1=6] But the invasion is successful, and the region is conquered. (+1 Prestige) Sparta loses its capital once more...

    Average roll: [6]. +1 for up to two dice-rolls next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Sparta (Advanced Espionage: Double Agent)
    --(Thebes is controlled by another faction)

    -- Agent can be used again once turn 25 begins.
    -- +1 bonus to spy mission expires when turn 25 ends.

    Other Move Results

    Greco-Baktrian Kingdom (NobleWoman)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Quote Originally Posted by NobleWoman View Post
    @GM-- if you are willing to do the moves then they would be --
    After all this is over, please take rebel regions towards Black Sea and south towards Indian Ocean. Build fleets whenever a sea zone is reached. Attack any NPC if possible.


    P.S.--will see you after a long, long time.

    This faction is GM-controlled until the player returns.

    Baktria attacks towards the Black Sea. [2] Close defeat, +1 for invading here next turn.

    Average roll: [2].
    +2 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts
    --Heliopolis (Royal Guard)
    --Ambracia (Advanced Espionage: King-slayer)

    --You have 2 secret agents
    ----1 Secret Agent can be used now
    ----1 Secret Agent can be used when turn 24 starts

    The Boii (Morticia Iunia Bruti)
    Because you have 26+ Prestige you may perform 2 moves per turn.

    Quote Originally Posted by Morticia Iunia Bruti View Post
    Onomaris gave Belovesos and Segovesos the following orders for this year campaign:

    Bellovesos should subjugate the rhaetian tribes of the Vennones and Calucones, who dwelled around the sources of the Rhenos river, for supporting the Brigantii with supplies during the last campaign.

    Segovesos should conquer the territory of the rhaetian tribes of the Venostes, Brixentes and Isarci, which controlled the great mountain pass through the rhaetian Alpes to Gallia Cisalpina.'

    Onimaris put softly her hand on her husband' s right shoulder.

    "Your order is the most important, Darling. As you know the one, which controlls the passes controlls the trade." she said softly. "May the Gods bless you."

    In the next day the two armies, which consisted mostly of light and medium armed footwarriors and a reserve of some heavy armed footwarriors and some light cavalry in front and in the rear of the armies left the Camps towards their destinations...

    Word soon arrived from Bellovesos that Boii forces were successful in subjugating the Rhaetian tribes of Vennones and Calucones; the tribes have finally faced retribution for their actions [5] (+1 Prestige).

    But Segovesos mission was the more crucial one, and likely more difficult too - Onimaris could hardly wait for news on that campaign. A messenger eventually arrived with the situation: there was much resistance from the tribes of Venostes, Brixentes and Isarci which jelously guarded the mountain pass, so it had taken time to methodically secure supply lines through the mountains while battling the opposing tribes. But the mission was eventually successful! [5] The rhaetian tribes here are now forced to submit to the Boii, and your forces are now the guardians of this mountain pass. (+1 Prestige)

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Oppidum of Boiodurum (Royal Guard)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used when Turn 23 starts

    Republic of Carthage (High Fist)

    No move posted.

    Average roll: [n/a].
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Carthage (Maritime Supremacy)

    -- Free fleet movement from Maritime Supremacy Edict may be used again after turn 24 starts.
    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used when turn 24 starts.

    Egypt - Ptolemaic Dynasty (Abdülmecid I)
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdülmecid I View Post
    The Nile farmers seem to lack the enthusiasm necessary to fulfill their fiscal duties to the blossoming Chrysippean Empire. In one of his usual strokes of genius, Chrysippus orders Big Crockie to accompany the expedition, in an effort to excite the soon-to-be subjects over their bright perspectives as loyal tax-payers.
    [6+1=7] Big Crockie is a big hit! (+2 Prestige) The locals pay very close attention now to your dignitaries' proposals and the farmers are very agreeable on the terms of their servitude to the Chrysippean Empire.

    Average roll: [7]. +1 to three dice-rolls next turn.
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Chrysippopolis (Advanced Espionage: Revolutionary)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now

    Roman Republic (Lord of Cats)
    Because you have 26+ Prestige you may perform 2 moves per turn.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of Cats View Post
    Despite domestic turmoil, Rome’s armies continue to bring glory for her. Both consuls are applauded for their victories. The wild Bruttians have been subdued and the Alpine pass has been (mostly) secured for Rome. Marcus Atilius Regulus and Lucius Cornelius Scipio will likely win re-election for a third and final term. A new legion, Legio VII Bruttium, is raised.

    The Senate debates Rome’s next course of action. Censor Donalus Trumpius Maximus eagerly proposes fortifying the Alpine pass.
    “We must build a big, beautiful wall along the border there. The biggest. And we will make the filthy Arverni pay for it!”
    “Um… how?” Senator Julia Antonia asks.
    “By conquering the Arverni and using the loot.”
    “But if we conquered the Arverni, we wouldn’t need a wall to keep them out. They’d be our slaves.”
    “Oh, uh, err…”
    Marcus Atilius Regulus stands. “Noble senators, I’m afraid Rome is not ready to conquer the stinking Gauls. And building a wall would be pointless at the moment since our legions have not fully taken control of the pass.”
    “Then why are we even debating this?”
    “I was only giving a report on the current situation, Censor Trumpius.”
    “So you haven’t won the entire pass yet?”
    “That’s correct, sir.”
    “Well, I only like commanders who win. You come back a winner, Consul Regulus, then we’ll discuss building the wall.”
    The Senate then discusses the Seleucid presence in Greece and how Sparta will likely fall. “It’s a mess over there,” Senator Fabius Cicero says, shaking his head. “Why Crooked Catulus wanted us to get involved in Greece is beyond me.”
    “Our policy should be Rome First, not Greece First,” Censor Trumpius declares.
    “Whoever unifies Greece will control several large cities and the Aegean Sea trade,” Senator Julia Antonia says patiently. “Such a large population base and incredible wealth could enable a warlord to conquer the world, as Alexander III of Macedon did.” She looks uncomfortable as she says, “Catulus wasn’t wrong that we should be concerned about any rising power in Greece and that we should keep the Greek states weak by encouraging them to fight each other. He was just a bit… too obsessed with it.”
    “I see your point,” Senator Tullius Cato says. “But I think we should stick by Censor Trumpius’ Rome First policy. I think we need to make Italia and neighboring lands like Sicilia and Dalmatia unassailable by any Greek power. And that means having a strong navy.” Cato stands and declares loudly, “I propose building a large naval base at Tarentum as well as extensive fortifications around—”
    “You mean a wall?” Censor Trumpius says excitedly.
    “Uh, yes, mighty walls of stone around the city of Tarentum and its expanded shipyards and harbors. A canal should also be built between the Adriatic and Ionian seas so warships can be quickly repaired and deployed in both seas.”
    Most senators voice their approval and, after a vote, the motion is passed. Marcus Atilius Regulus, after paying respects at the temple of Fortuna, sails for the Alpes Maritimae again. Lucius Cornelius Scipio prays to Fortuna before overseeing the construction of the fortress.

    Rome’s Moves
    1. Rome will conquer the eastern half of Alpes Maritimae (the regions between the Alps and the sea) with the +1 bonus.
    2. Rome will build a fortification in Apulia (the heel of Italy that straddles the Adriatic and Ionian seas) named Tarentum.

    The Roman legions march swiftly and take control of the eastern half of the mountain pass [5+1=6] +1 Prestige.

    There is a shortage of supplies in Apuila... some of your advisors blame the war in Greece and the increased piracy it has caused. [2] Whatever the true reason, no fortification is constructed.

    Average roll: [4].
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Roma (Royal Guard)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used again when Turn 26 starts

    Kingdom of Suebi (crispy_kiko)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    As the years continue, Jade recognizes the need to identify a successor. She holds a contest in the capital over the course of a year to test qualities of might, tactics, and leadership. Two men with complementary abilities rise to the top, Hendrik and Jasper.

    In the contest, Hendrik's raw strength and stature served him well, and it was clear that there was no one mightier, while Jasper's strategic approach could overwhelm the most formidable of Suebi's forces.

    They began as rivals but came to appreciate each other's strengths and felt united in their goal of leading Suebi to continuous victory. Jade also recognized this and determined that they would each have a role in leading Suebi alongside her, at least until it was time for her to fully step down.

    Hendrik would become known as the Ax of Suebi, while Jasper earned the title of High Strategist. Alongside Jade the Fisticuff, they would lead Suebi in the coming years."

    No move posted.

    Average roll: [n/a]
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Rugium (Advanced Espionage: Double-Agent)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used when Turn 23 starts

    NPC Faction Moves

    NPC moves (click to expand)

    Aorsoi Confederation
    Aorsoi attacks rebels towards the Black Sea. [5+1=6] Victory! The region is conquered. (+1 Prestige)

    Average roll: [6]. +1 to two dice-rolls next turn.
    +0 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --None (Campus Aorsi is controlled by another faction)

    [6+1=7] Victory! The region is conquered. +2 Prestige

    Average roll: [7]. +1 to three dice-rolls next turn.
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Gergovia (Drillmaster)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now
    -- Drillmaster Edict can be used again once Turn 26 starts.

    See results above in: "The Greco-Levantine War" contentbox.

    Attacks rebels in eastern Crete.
    [4+1=5] Victory! Crete is conquered. (+1 Prestige)

    Average roll: [2].
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Ambracia (Advanced Espionage: Double-Agent)

    [1] Defeat! -1 Prestige, -1 for attacking this region next turn.
    Average roll: [1]
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Tyde (Maritime Supremacy)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now

    [1+1=2] Close defeat. +1 for attacking this region next turn.
    Average roll: [2].
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Sarmizegetusa Regia (Royal Guard)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now

    Faction has 26+ prestige and can perform 2 moves per turn

    [4] Victory! The region in the north is conquered.
    [2] Close defeat! +1 for attacking the southern region next turn.

    Average roll: [4].
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Camulodunum (Royal Guard)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now

    Attacks rebels along the Aegean Sea. [6] Clear victory! The region is conquered. +1 Prestige.

    Average roll: [6]. +1 to two dice-rolls next turn.
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Pella (Advanced Espionage: King-slayer)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now

    [3] Pyrrhic victory! The region is conquered.

    Average roll: [3].
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Nisa (Royal Guard)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now


    [3] Pyrrhic victory! The region is conquered.

    Average roll: [3].
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Pergamum (Maritime Supremacy)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now

    See results above in: "The Greco-Levantine War" contentbox.

    Scythian Confederation
    [1+1=2] Close defeat. +1 for attacking this region next turn.

    Average roll: [2].

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Gelonus (Drillmaster)

    -- 1 Secret Agent can be used now
    -- Drillmaster edict can be used again once turn 26 starts

    Seleucid Empire
    See results above in: "The Greco-Levantine War" contentbox.

    See results above in: "The Greco-Levantine War" contentbox.


    Detailed diplomacy status of all NPCs can be found in the social group: Link


    Greco - Levantine war (start turn 11) - ONGOING
    --Kingdom of Pontus, Sparta -VS- Seleucid Empire, Athens
    --Pontus and Seleucids sign Peace Treaty (turn 13)

    Aorsi War, aka the "Aorsi Oppsie" (turn 19-21) - finished
    --Baktria, Epirus -VS- Aorsoi
    --Conclusion: Baktria gains the City of Campus Aorsi.

    Baktria - Epirus (est. turn 18)
    Rome - Pergamon (est. turn 18)
    Rome - Boii (est. turn 16)
    Pontic-Spartan alliance (est. turn 12)
    Seleucid-Athenian alliance (est. turn 11)

    Non-Aggression Pacts
    Rome-Carthage (est. turn 20, expires turn 40)
    Seleucid-Pergamon (est. turn 20, expires turn 25)
    Baktria-Parthia (est. turn 17, expires turn 22)

    Achievements & Scoreboard
    ★ Achievements
    A player receives rep from all other players if they are the first to obtain an achievement. They will also receive a badge in the game, depending on the achievement unlocked.
    King of Kings: Own 3 client states.
    • -
    Naval Dominance: Own a fleet in 12 sea zones.
    • Rome (4/12)
    Great Builder: Build 3 cities.
    • Baktria, Boii, Carthage, Egypt, Rome, Suebi built 1 city.
    Cultured: Maintain control of 4 cities for 1 full turn.
    • Baktria (2/4)
    Great Conqueror: Conquer 4 foreign capitals.
    • -
    Proficient Diplomat: Maintain alliance with 5 NPC factions for 1 full turn.
    • Baktria (1/5), Rome (1/5)
    Political Saboteur: Persuade NPC factions to break alliances using diplomacy (3x).
    • -
    Puppeteer: Persuade NPC factions to declare war on each other using diplomacy (5x).
    • -
    Respected Strategist: Persuade NPC faction to conquer a region, and they succeed (5x).
    • -
    Indomitable Spirit: Fight to the death (your faction is destroyed).
    • -
    Supreme Warlord: Own 100 regions (win the game)
    • -

    Current stats (Google docs link):

    Important Milestones (click to expand)

    • 1-25 Prestige = 1 Move per turn.
    • 26-60 Prestige = 2 Moves per turn.
    • 61-65 Prestige = 3 Moves per turn.

    • 1-25 regions = can build 1 City.
    • 26-50 regions = can build 2 Cities.
    • 50+ regions = can build 3 Cities.

    Also, a faction can build 1 fortification, plus an addition fortification for every 15 regions it owns. So 1-15 regions = 1 fortification can be built, 16-30 regions = 2 fortifications can be built, and so on.

    Turn 23 has started, players may now post their moves.

    - Rules Changes/Proposal discussion thread.
    - NPC Diplomacy thread.
    - Link to social group.

    New players may join the game at any time. Choose one of the unclaimed factions to start playing:
    Playable Factions
    Aorsoi Confederation - Available
    Arverni - Available
    Athens - Available
    Baktria (NobleWoman)
    The Boii (Morticia Iunia Bruti)
    Carthage (High Fist)
    Egypt (Abdülmecid I)
    Epirus- Available
    Gallaeci - Available
    Getae - Available
    Iceni - Available
    Macedon- Available
    Parthia - Available
    Pergamon - Available
    Pontus - Available
    Rome (Lord of Cats)
    Scythian Confederation - Available
    Seleucid Empire - Available
    Sparta - Available
    Suebi (crispy_kiko)

    Current faction info here: Google Docs link

    The new Client States rules are now active. Please read below for details. It's also been added to the OP under Advanced Rules > Client States.

    Rules taking effect this turn
    New Client States mechanic:
    Client States
    Client States and Overlords

    You can force an NPC faction to become your Client State, thus making them subservient to you. This will grant your faction powerful bonuses. It will also guarantee your protection to the client state.

    Overlord Benefits
    For each Client State that is subservient to you, your faction (the Overlord) gains:
    • +1 Prestige per turn
    • A free Edict
    • The ability to dictate the Client State's military and construction moves (for free) once every 5 turns.
    • Both overlord faction and the Client State gain military access with each other (meaning they can "travel" across each others territory to attack an enemy region on the other side)
    • Overlord also gains full control of the Client State's foreign policy.

    When a faction becomes a Client State, any treaties they've previously established become null and void. The client state's diplomatic status with other factions is reset. Whoever the Overlord is allied with will now become the client state's allies, and the Overlord's enemies become the client state's enemies.

    A client state cannot establish alliances, declare war, or sign ceasefire/non-aggression/peace treaties with other factions. The overlord faction now manages these decisions; Client States will declare war with whoever the overlord faction declares war on, make peace with whoever the overlord faction makes peace with, and so on.

    Overlord Responsibilities
    There are many benefits to being a King of Kings, but this power comes with certain responsibilities. Since a Client State cannot conduct diplomacy on its own accord, they rely on the Overlord faction to ensure its safety. If a client state is attacked, the Overlord faction is expected to help protect it.

    Client States understand that wars are unpredictable. They will tolerate their fleets being destroyed, territory taken, and even their capital being captured... if any (or even all!) of these tragedies occur they will still remain loyal to their Overlord. But the one thing they cannot overlook is the loss of their original Great Cities (meaning any city they originally built).

    If a Client State loses control of their original city (or cities), they will expect their Overlord to help them reconquer it.

    If the city is not reconquered & returned to the client state within 3 turns, the contract with their overlord is considered broken, and 2 things will immediately happen:
    1. The Client State breaks free: it is no longer subservient to the overlord faction. It is now a fully-independent faction once again, and its diplomatic status with all other factions is reset to neutral.
    2. The (former) client state is then immediately put into a state of war against any faction that controls any of its original cities.

    How to acquire a Client State

    Step 1: Acquire a Great City that was originally built by an NPC faction.
    Step 2: Inform the GM that you wish to return the City to its original NPC owner, in exchange for that NPC becoming your Client State. If that NPC is currently at Peace with you, and is not already a Client State, this diplomatic move is successful. You have now acquired a Client State!

    There is no dice-roll or luck involved in creating a Client State. If you meet the requirements above, you can turn an NPC into your client state.

    To avoid a Matryoska "nesting doll" situation of client states within client states (though entertaining it might be):
    • Client States that are subservient to an Overlord cannot have clients states themselves.
    • If an NPC "Overlord" suddenly becomes a "Client State" to another faction, the former-Overlord immediately loses control of all its client states (meaning they become independent factions again).

    These rule changes are also taking effect this turn to make everything run more smoothly:
    Prestige and War

    • There is no longer a Prestige penalty for attacking a faction the same turn you declare war on it. (Previously -5 prestige) I originally had this rule in place to prevent players from blitzkrieging each other, but it's kinda clunky so I'm getting rid of it.
    • There is no longer a Prestige bonus for standing by an Ally in war (previously +1 prestige).

    Invading a rebel-controlled Great City

    If a faction invades a "rebel" Great City, they must specify whether they wish to "Liberate" or "Conquer" it when they post their move.
    • "Liberate": If invasion is successful, this will return the City back to its original owner (meaning the faction that built the city). If the original owner happens to be an NPC, that NPC will become a client state of the gifting faction (only if the 2 factions are at peace with each other, and neither is already a Client State).
    • "Conquer": If invasion is successful, the invading faction keeps the city for itself. Choosing this option is considered a declaration of war against the original owner of the city (i.e. the faction that built the city).

    For questions/discussion regarding this update please click here (link)
    Last edited by ♞Rogue General♞; August 03, 2023 at 11:33 AM. Reason: formatting

  16. #196
    High Fist's Avatar Vicarius
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    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Carthage will build a fleet in the gulf of Sirte
    The only self-discipline you need is to finish your sandwiches

  17. #197

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    (Peace Treaty Expired)
    Seleucid Empire - Kingdom of Pontus

    10 years have passed since the signing of the Pontic-Seleucid peace treaty, and the factions may now declare war on each other.
    And so in defense of their respective allies, the Seleucid Empire and Pontus mutually declare WAR on each other.

    Kingdom of Pontus - Seleucid Empire
    Dice log (turn 23)

    However, thanks to King Mithridates' extensive diplomatic efforts this renewed conflict is short-lived: Pontus offers the Seleucid Empire a peace treaty, [4] which is accepted. The factions may not declare war on each other until Turn 33 begins.

    Rebellion Attempt Foiled!
    Dice log (turn 23)

    An unknown agent has attempted to incite a rebellion in the City of Pergamum! The agent managed to escape unscathed and remains anonymous...
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    The Seleucid Empire secretly sent an agent to incite a rebellion, utilizing +1 bonus from its "Advanced Espionage: Revolutionary" Edict.

    [2+1=3] Attempt fails, +1 for Seleucid empire's next Rebellion mission within 5 turns.

    Dice log (turn 23)

    An unknown agent has convinced Aratos of Sicyon to lead a rebellion against King Antigonus of Macedon! It appears the one-legged King did not have as tight a grip on the kingdom as he thought, for Aratos' forces not only seized control of the Great City of Pella, but were even able to overthrow Antigonus loyalists in nearby Chalkidiki! (-3 prestige for Macedon losing capital)

    Updated map for Macedon:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    The Seleucid Empire secretly sent an agent to incite a rebellion, utilizing +1 bonus from its previous close failure, and an additional +1 bonus from its "Advanced Espionage: Revolutionary" Edict.

    [6+1+1=8] Legendary success: The targeted region falls into rebel control, and so does another bordering region. +1 for Seleucid empire's next Rebellion mission within 5 turns.

    Last edited by ♞Rogue General♞; August 03, 2023 at 02:11 PM. Reason: formatting

  18. #198
    Lord of Cats's Avatar Vicarius
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    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)


    Quote Originally Posted by ♞Rogue General♞
    The Roman legions march swiftly and take control of the eastern half of the mountain pass (5+1=6). +1 Prestige.

    There is a shortage of supplies in Apulia... some of your advisors blame the war in Greece and the increased piracy it has caused. (2) Whatever the true reason, no fortification is constructed.

    Average roll: (4).
    Censor Trumpius is devastated to hear this news. As part of his Rome First policy, he proposes opening new stone quarries and establishing new logging camps in Italia. After a vote, the Senate passes these motions.

    Consul Marcus Atilius Regulus returns home a winner. The Senate then approves the construction of the Wall since a horde of smelly Arverni has been seen moving east.
    Consul Lucius Cornelius Scipio is ordered to resume construction of Tarentum’s fortifications. Massive tariffs are slapped on Carthaginian and Epirote imports in order to pay for these construction projects.
    Tarentum’s fortification is given top priority since the Senate is increasingly agitated about the Seleucid-Athenian Alliance conquering Sparta. The Senate condemns the Seleucid Empire for attempting to incite a rebellion in Pergamon against King Attalus the Good, a Friend of Rome.

    Rome’s relations with the Seleucid Empire deteriorate from bad to hostile. Rome’s relations with Athens deteriorate from good to neutral.

    To prepare for war against the Arverni, the Senate sends Marcus Fabius Cato to secure an alliance with Queen Boudicca the Brave of the Iceni.
    To weaken the Seleucid Empire, the Senate sends Aemilia Cotta to Epirus to convince Queen Olympias II to attack the Seleucids and drive them out of Greece.

    Rome’s Moves
    1. Rome will build a fortification in Apulia named Tarentum.
    2. If no fortification was built in Apulia, Rome will build one there. If a fortification was built in Apulia, then Rome will build a fortification in west Alpes Maritimae called the Wall.

    Diplomacy: Rome spends 1 prestige to form an alliance with the Iceni. Rome spends 1 prestige to persuade Epirus to declare war on the Seleucid Empire.

  19. #199

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    @rogue I will be out for the next several days but please continue attacking regions bordering the capital and up the peninsula.

    I would also like to continue sending spies whenever possible if that's alright.

  20. #200
    Lord of Cats's Avatar Vicarius
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    On the computer or inside a book.

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    250 BC
    Roman Republic

    Election Results

    Roman citizens have gathered in their assemblies at the Forum and cast their votes for candidates for the different magistracies. The results are in!

    Pontifex Maximus: Valeria Vestella (age 50)
    “I am humbled to continue serving as the high priestess for the state. Praise Fortuna!”

    Censor: Donalus Trumpius Maximus (age 60)
    “We’ve done tremendous things for this country. And we’re going to build not one, but two, big, beautiful walls. It’s incredible. We’re going to keep the filthy Arverni and the diabolical Greeks out of our country. Now that Crooked Catulus is gone, the Senate is working for the Roman people. And with my re-election – which was won bigly, I got more votes than anyone – I will keep the Senate working for the Roman people.”

    Marcus Atilius Regulus (age 40)

    “I am honored to be given one last term. Despite the Ligurian disaster and my injury, you, my fellow countrymen, continue to put your trust in me. Words fail to do justice when I say I love you all.”

    Lucius Cornelius Scipio (age 42)

    “Lucania. Apulia. Samnium. Bruttium! Those were my victories in my previous term as consul. And by Jupiter, in my last term I will lead our legions to many more victories!”

    Rome’s faction leaders remain the same.

    Praetor: Gaius Aurelius Cotta (age 35)
    “I will find Lordus Catulus Maximus and bring him to justice. You hear me, Catulus? I. Will. Find. YOU!”

    Aemilia Cotta (age 38)
    “While Cornelia Metella focused on maintaining the roads, basilicas, and sewers, she neglected our baths, arenas, and monuments. Under my aedileship, our priorities will be set straight!”

    Manius Claudius Festivus (age 37)
    “Let’s keep on partying!”

    Quaestor: Scribonia Numina (age 48)
    “Tariffs! Tariffs everywhere!”

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