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Thread: Question about forced diplomacy

  1. #1

    Default Question about forced diplomacy

    How does this forced diplomacy works? I tried with "shom me how button" but it doesn't work at all. AI never exepcts offer. So how does this works or it doesn't work at all?
    Also how come that your diplomatic relations with neighbours get deteriorate with every turn worse and worse?

  2. #2
    Wallachian's Avatar Citizen
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    Nov 2009
    Bucharest, Romania

    Default Re: Question about forced diplomacy

    Forced diplomacy works by clicking on show me how and then making a proposal. it works, i tested it the other day.

    In regards to diplomatic relations, everyone has been complaining they are getting better. Not sure why in your case they deteriorate every turn. Are you sacking settlements? That usually causes relations to go down with everyone no matter who you do it to (including rebel settlements).

  3. #3

    Default Re: Question about forced diplomacy

    Yes I had "bang a few heads" in settlements. BUt this forced diplomacy works only in Tsardom "Fall of Constantinople" campaign or also in also in old Tsardom 2.2 campaign?

  4. #4
    Wallachian's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Question about forced diplomacy

    It is only in the new campaign.

    And yes banging a few heads will reduce relations every time

  5. #5

    Default Re: Question about forced diplomacy

    How do you improve your diplomatic reputation?

  6. #6
    Wallachian's Avatar Citizen
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    Bucharest, Romania

    Default Re: Question about forced diplomacy

    Its kind of hard cause AI is stupid. Usually gifting money.

    But best is to never decrease it like never break alliance, never sack, never trespass etc

  7. #7

    Default Re: Question about forced diplomacy

    Quote Originally Posted by Wallachian View Post
    Its kind of hard cause AI is stupid. Usually gifting money.

    But best is to never decrease it like never break alliance, never sack, never trespass etc
    Yes, playing with both arms tight behind back and be blind.
    Last edited by peltast147; September 05, 2023 at 07:52 AM.

  8. #8
    Antiokhos Euergetes's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Sep 2011

    Default Re: Question about forced diplomacy

    Oops I had to invade Bohemia, they were building forces.
    Plus in my game my Jus ad bellum is because of the Albert V inheritance from Sigismund. Least that's my Casus belli.
    Nevertheless I have great a relationship with the Bohemians former allies.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Question about forced diplomacy

    Quote Originally Posted by peltast147 View Post
    How does this forced diplomacy works? I tried with "shom me how button" but it doesn't work at all. AI never exepcts offer. So how does this works or it doesn't work at all?
    Also how come that your diplomatic relations with neighbours get deteriorate with every turn worse and worse?
    Your issue has nothing to do with this mod or mods by the way, it's a vanilla problem. There are old guides and videos on Youtube if you search for it that explain how diplomacy works in Medieval 2 in general. And the fact is that diplomacy was always badly balanced. I haven't watched a guide in a long time so I dont remember everything but what I do remember is that the main thing you can do about your relations getting worse and worse like you say is to be careful on the difficulty level you choose for Campaign when you start a new campaign. The diplomacy values range from -1.0 to 1.0 and if you start a campaign on Easy your diplomacy value will get a slow tick over time towards 1.0 value. If you choose medium difficulty your value never changes on it's own, which in a way is kinda bad for you as well since even when you stay at peace for many years and do nothing wrong you are not being rewarded for it in any way. By being a peaceful neighbour or even having trade agreements is not rewarding. And of course on Hard is the worst, when you get a permanent slow tick towards the -1.0 value and even if you constantly work hard at keeping relations up using all kinds of methods you still end up losing relations.
    So if you say you are getting worse and worse relations the first thing you need to check is at what difficulty are you playing your games. I personally for years was always playing on medium which i considered ok as I was hoping to avoid the super annoying AI behavior constant border violation, besieging your settlements whenever they are not fully stacked, allies randomly betraying you without any serious consequence to themselves, or randomly blockading you for no valid reason at all after you've made a peace treaty 2 turns ago. But in the end because of the diplomacy issue recently I started playing my games on Easy and it has been quite rewarding. Ai behavior is at its most controllable and seems to respect alliances, and also the size of your nation( aka not declaring suicide wars) and diplomacy of course is at it's most balanced. And yet even on Easy I also noticed it's still very hard to get relations up so imagine.. But at least they are not getting worst, like they even did on medium and staying bad forever. So my recommendation would be without having the need to modify files you can try and play on Easy difficulty and see how you like it.

    The second point I was gonna make is the that there is a way I think you improve diplomacy in the files but I could be wrong so don't take my word for it. I just remember I might have watched a video on Youtube of a guy who did some basic guides to Medieval 2 modding. And he may have explained some tricks on how to modify the files in order to prevent your relations ticking towards the -1.0 value so easily and why medieval 2 vanilla coding is so bad. But honestly I cant remember and I could be wrong so if you search for him you might find out something.

    Thirdly and most important point I wanted to make is that you may not have to resort in trying to tamper with the files or even play on Easy because there may be a very easy way to improve relations even if you play on Hard difficulty. Money. You simply give bribes to nations. What is interesting about Tsardoms mod is that it includes so many buildings for you to build in your settlements and make your trade income especially, skyrocket at some point in the game and soon you may be making tens of thousands of florins per turn. Even close to game start, if you set several thousands of florins on the side if you feel desperate to improve your reputation and diplomacy and go around with your diplomat and give gifts of 5,000 or even 10,000 florins to nations you will see how you will get relations skyrocket with said nation to Excellent or Very good instantly. Your global reputation is an average of all your relations with all nations. Soon, if you start giving money gifts to one nation after another turning each relation you have with each nation into Very Good your average reputation will increase fast. But before you go around spending money my recommendation as a first step for you always is to go and make alliances which might cost you 0 money. An alliance gives the biggest boost to relations and if you start as a non-catholic nation for example you can go and make multiple alliances with the catholic nations of the west, which are most likely far away from your borders and not going to want to attack you. They make the biggest number of nations in Tsardoms and if you keep up good relations with them it will really help your average reputation score.
    But dont forget money gifts are so powerful that even if you go around "banging heads" which is sacking actually and exterminating which is even worse, you can still do those actions if you wish to as you can easily fix your reputation with money bribes if you can afford it.
    Last edited by oorestis; August 29, 2023 at 03:45 AM.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Question about forced diplomacy

    Quote Originally Posted by oorestis View Post
    Your issue has nothing to do with this mod or mods by the way, it's a vanilla problem. There are old guides and videos on Youtube if you search for it that explain how diplomacy works in Medieval 2 in general. And the fact is that diplomacy was always badly balanced. I haven't watched a guide in a long time so I dont remember everything but what I do remember is that the main thing you can do about your relations getting worse and worse like you say is to be careful on the difficulty level you choose for Campaign when you start a new campaign. The diplomacy values range from -1.0 to 1.0 and if you start a campaign on Easy your diplomacy value will get a slow tick over time towards 1.0 value. If you choose medium difficulty your value never changes on it's own, which in a way is kinda bad for you as well since even when you stay at peace for many years and do nothing wrong you are not being rewarded for it in any way. By being a peaceful neighbour or even having trade agreements is not rewarding. And of course on Hard is the worst, when you get a permanent slow tick towards the -1.0 value and even if you constantly work hard at keeping relations up using all kinds of methods you still end up losing relations.
    So if you say you are getting worse and worse relations the first thing you need to check is at what difficulty are you playing your games. I personally for years was always playing on medium which i considered ok as I was hoping to avoid the super annoying AI behavior constant border violation, besieging your settlements whenever they are not fully stacked, allies randomly betraying you without any serious consequence to themselves, or randomly blockading you for no valid reason at all after you've made a peace treaty 2 turns ago. But in the end because of the diplomacy issue recently I started playing my games on Easy and it has been quite rewarding. Ai behavior is at its most controllable and seems to respect alliances, and also the size of your nation( aka not declaring suicide wars) and diplomacy of course is at it's most balanced. And yet even on Easy I also noticed it's still very hard to get relations up so imagine.. But at least they are not getting worst, like they even did on medium and staying bad forever. So my recommendation would be without having the need to modify files you can try and play on Easy difficulty and see how you like it.

    The second point I was gonna make is the that there is a way I think you improve diplomacy in the files but I could be wrong so don't take my word for it. I just remember I might have watched a video on Youtube of a guy who did some basic guides to Medieval 2 modding. And he may have explained some tricks on how to modify the files in order to prevent your relations ticking towards the -1.0 value so easily and why medieval 2 vanilla coding is so bad. But honestly I cant remember and I could be wrong so if you search for him you might find out something.

    Thirdly and most important point I wanted to make is that you may not have to resort in trying to tamper with the files or even play on Easy because there may be a very easy way to improve relations even if you play on Hard difficulty. Money. You simply give bribes to nations. What is interesting about Tsardoms mod is that it includes so many buildings for you to build in your settlements and make your trade income especially, skyrocket at some point in the game and soon you may be making tens of thousands of florins per turn. Even close to game start, if you set several thousands of florins on the side if you feel desperate to improve your reputation and diplomacy and go around with your diplomat and give gifts of 5,000 or even 10,000 florins to nations you will see how you will get relations skyrocket with said nation to Excellent or Very good instantly. Your global reputation is an average of all your relations with all nations. Soon, if you start giving money gifts to one nation after another turning each relation you have with each nation into Very Good your average reputation will increase fast. But before you go around spending money my recommendation as a first step for you always is to go and make alliances which might cost you 0 money. An alliance gives the biggest boost to relations and if you start as a non-catholic nation for example you can go and make multiple alliances with the catholic nations of the west, which are most likely far away from your borders and not going to want to attack you. They make the biggest number of nations in Tsardoms and if you keep up good relations with them it will really help your average reputation score.
    But dont forget money gifts are so powerful that even if you go around "banging heads" which is sacking actually and exterminating which is even worse, you can still do those actions if you wish to as you can easily fix your reputation with money bribes if you can afford it.
    Finally some useful informations. Thanks.

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