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Thread: Do we think we'll get a remastered Medieval 2?

  1. #1
    SenseiJT92's Avatar Decanus
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    Default Do we think we'll get a remastered Medieval 2?

    With the (in my opinion) success of the Remastered Rome (sadly the only let-down for me was the lack of multiplayer campaign functionality), do you think we'll get a remastered Medieval game at some point in the future? I'd certainly buy it for one, as it's the Total War I go back to most due to the historic, intense modding community and some of the overhauls that were made. Sadly, the latter games didn't seem to ever reach the same heights in terms of modding (thanks CA, very cool!).
    Previously taylorj2, Allu X, Grandmaster Ryu, Dauntless Commandant & Sensei Kiisu

    Creator of the "Perfectly Polished" sub-mod for Stainless Steel (M2:TW), contributing to LOTR:TW (R:TW) and many other modifications over time, now long-forgotten

    Original join date, Feb 2007.

  2. #2
    Sana Kan's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Do we think we'll get a remastered Medieval 2?

    Yes...and I honestly think MTW2 remastered would be a success if they keep the original UI format. A Steam ModWorkshop dedicated to it would do wonders for replayability too!

  3. #3
    SenseiJT92's Avatar Decanus
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    Merseyside, United Kingdom

    Default Re: Do we think we'll get a remastered Medieval 2?

    Yes, the UI was great, it just needs modern tech behind it (resolution scale etc)
    Previously taylorj2, Allu X, Grandmaster Ryu, Dauntless Commandant & Sensei Kiisu

    Creator of the "Perfectly Polished" sub-mod for Stainless Steel (M2:TW), contributing to LOTR:TW (R:TW) and many other modifications over time, now long-forgotten

    Original join date, Feb 2007.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Do we think we'll get a remastered Medieval 2?

    I hope so

  5. #5
    Dismounted Feudal Knight's Avatar my horse for a unicode
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    Default Re: Do we think we'll get a remastered Medieval 2?

    Feral has been bugged about this for years and I've seen screenshots floating around of them finally giving pointed (but polite) "no" in one form or another, such as "Anything is possible, except for a remaster of MEDIEVAL II "

    I wouldn't hold my breath for it. You'd more likely see a Medieval 2 mod superproject using the engine overhaul project and other things in the wild like the freecam mod.

    Now, if you look into the volound circles on reddit (I know - take it as you will), this was the plan but Rome Remastered's muted reception including from CA did not inspire the effort to continue.
    Last edited by Dismounted Feudal Knight; November 01, 2023 at 09:09 AM. Reason: found the wording, only got a screenie so can't link it properly I'm afraid
    With great power, comes great chonky dragons to feed enemies of the state. --Targaryens?
    Spoiler for wait what dragons?

  6. #6
    Sana Kan's Avatar Libertus
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    Jul 2018

    Default Re: Do we think we'll get a remastered Medieval 2?

    Well, after some months, this really seems the case, sadly. M2 with unlimited factions would be so cool...
    Anyway, sorry for the necro

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