Thread: SSHIP - General Discussion

  1. #7081

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Macaras View Post
    If you keep expanding (slowly or not) the relations with everybody will be terrible at some point (when you have many cities). If you have very good reputation, it will soften it a little. I wanted to achieve something like the last challenge before the human empire is too big to be threaten by anybody. So, if you are at this point all your relations will be terrible. If you are small and the relations are very bad for no reason, that's an error, I guess. Or you mean the Pope's missions to cease hostilities?
    I've grown to become the largest faction. My relations with everyone is terrible. But the Papal relation (i.e. in Pope tab) specifically drops due to individual battles. I win the battle, release the captives, and then my relation with the Pope goes down immediately after the battle. Why? What's the supposed correlation? Why does being on the defense and fending off besiegers correlate with the need for constant inquisitions?
    Last edited by Gaku; December 03, 2023 at 02:24 PM.

  2. #7082

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    I've grown to become the largest faction. My relations with everyone is terrible. But the Papal relation (i.e. in Pope tab) specifically drops due to individual battles
    The only situation I can think of that individual battle causing worse relations only with the Pope is when there is a mission cease hostility and you act against it.. Or you fight directly with the Papal States.. Releasing the captives have nothing to do with the relation to the Pope, unless its his captives you release. Or some other mysterious bug, maybe our AI is starting its own consciousness, questioning obedience to human race (just kidding).

  3. #7083

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Macaras View Post
    The only situation I can think of that individual battle causing worse relations only with the Pope is when there is a mission cease hostility and you act against it.. Or you fight directly with the Papal States.. Releasing the captives have nothing to do with the relation to the Pope, unless its his captives you release. Or some other mysterious bug, maybe our AI is starting its own consciousness, questioning obedience to human race (just kidding).
    I have never been at war with the Pope.

    It also has nothing to do with the mission.

    I just take a "hostile" action, including breaking sieges, and then I get info popups that my relations have fallen with completely unrelated factions (no alliances, etc.), including (and especially) the Pope.

    I continued the campaign I mentioned that I was testing previously. I got "the mercenaries disband" every turn, for several turns, even as I wasn't in debt or even losing money. The event is/was massively bugged.

    I wanted to also reiterate that unrest is completely ridiculous in Citadels. Take a look at Caesarea in Anatolia. I've blown up every -order building, the sewer system is (intentionally) out of commission, there's a Gallows, yet the population is still rising due to the pointless Agricultural Estates. With a full army, in a province that is over 80% my religion, the order is only ~50%. In a Citadel, that thing that should be able to maintain order with a skeleton crew garrison.

    Also Visegrad isn't buildable in Szekes as a Minor City.
    Last edited by Gaku; December 03, 2023 at 11:08 PM.

  4. #7084
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    true, in August version - not in Szekesfehervar, but in Esztergom.

    and indeed you can crown your king only in Esztergom with cathedral (or in Jerusalem)

    ------------------------------------------- 1->0 ------ hungary ------ Trigger Crown_hungary_UnFit
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

    Condition Trait Fit_Crown_hungary > 0

    Affects Fit_Crown_hungary -1 Chance 100

    ;------------------------------------------- 0->1
    Trigger Crown_hungary_Fit
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement

    Condition FactionIsLocal
    and FactionType hungary
    and IsFactionLeader
    and SettlementName Esztergom
    and SettlementBuildingExists >= cathedral
    and not IsUnderSiege
    and GovernorLoyaltyLevel > loyalty_disillusioned
    and Treasury > 20000
    and Trait Crownholder > 1
    and Trait Crownholder < 4

    Affects Fit_Crown_hungary 1 Chance 100

    ;------------------------------------------- 0->1
    Trigger Crown_hungary_Fit_AI
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement

    Condition not FactionIsLocal
    and IsFactionLeader
    and FactionType hungary
    and not IsUnderSiege

    Affects Fit_Crown_hungary 1 Chance 100
    Visegrad will be in the next version, sorry.

    mercenaries - should be fixed in the next version.

    Citadels - I see the problem. I've prepared 4 levels of the Gallows building, should help at least a bit. Also, iiirc, I've lowered some growth there.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; December 04, 2023 at 08:19 AM.

  5. #7085

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    I'm having some troubles getting my Faction Leader crowned, the event is not triggering even though I'm sure I've met the following prerequisites.

    Also, I'm currently enjoying 0.98, the things that I like the most are the new unit models and monuments. Though I do wish I could disable/modify the corruption script, I'll do admit that I'm casual when it comes to the campaign map. Anyways keep up with the good work!

  6. #7086
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by JB59114 View Post
    Trun 250 as the Zengids :

    two remark :
    Why my faction leader in Damascus can't get the crown, I belive I have all the requirement
    Byzantine and HRE too strong in comparison to other faction
    No aswer from the dev so I quote this, same problem, no coronation event

  7. #7087

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    whats wrong with my heir i gave him all traits and ancilliaries that increase his chances to have a children and remove the raits that decrease his chances and still nothing (he's 40 Y.O)
    Is it because of my modifications on this mod
    is there a possibility to control AI

  8. #7088

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by MoorsihSultan View Post
    whats wrong with my heir i gave him all traits and ancilliaries that increase his chances to have a children and remove the raits that decrease his chances and still nothing (he's 40 Y.O)
    Is it because of my modifications on this mod
    is there a possibility to control AI
    I ran into this delima many times in my campaigns, when my heir reaches 40 while married and without any male children, I simply start preparing to pass the rule to a family member with at least two boys, therefore they could inter-breed without any civil wars and loyalty loss happening. I know it doesn't feel authentic to pass the rule from a character or a line you're attached to, yet from my experience, it usually takes one attempt of "passing the rule" to have a consistent breed of males to serve the ruling family and the faction.

    *also, imprtant note that many don't know: the number of your generals needs to be lower than the number of the settlements you own in order for your family tree to expand. if the number of your generals exceeds the number of settlements you own then your characters will not give birth. always make sure you have less generals in your faction than you have settlements.

  9. #7089

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    any way to make a new born child with a specific name ??? it's controlled by AI so anyway to dominate AI

  10. #7090

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Hi! Loving the mod so far. Playing as Norway, around turn 140, I have dominated Scandinavia for decades now and I'm invading Lithuania now!

    I have a question though. How does one use their monarch to grant titles? Like Treasurer, minster of war, and all that?

  11. #7091
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy_Bmxican View Post
    Hi! Loving the mod so far. Playing as Norway, around turn 140, I have dominated Scandinavia for decades now and I'm invading Lithuania now!
    I have a question though. How does one use their monarch to grant titles? Like Treasurer, minster of war, and all that?
    Have a look at this thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by MoorsihSultan View Post
    any way to make a new born child with a specific name ??? it's controlled by AI so anyway to dominate AI
    The names for children are chosen by the game engine. We can mod of the characters that are on in-game at the beginning, but not later.

    Quote Originally Posted by JB59114 View Post
    No aswer from the dev so I quote this, same problem, no coronation event
    I'm sorry, but I don't have time for running the games atm. Perhaps later in the month.

  12. #7092

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Thanks for the fast reply! So I think I understand how the FL gets the office. Let's use the Keeper of the Privy Seal as an example. I end the turn with my FL in a minor city with a Council Chamber. He then gets the office. But how does one go about transferring that title to a general or governor? Forgive me if it was stated in the thread somewhere, but I couldn't find it.

  13. #7093
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Group your FL in the same city or army. Then drag the title - while holding the left mouse button - to the unit card of the chosen general.

  14. #7094

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Let me answer that, Crazy_Bmxican.

    You put both generals (the FL and the general you want give an office title) in the same army or settlement.

    Then you right-click on the FL, which should give you the usual overview of titles and ancillaries of the FL.

    Then you hold left click on the title you want to transfer and drag it on to the unit card of the general in the army tab on the bottom.

    Now a message should pop up that the title belongs to the general.

    Edit: I see kostic already answered this. Well, I should have refreshed the page before answering.
    Last edited by Michael Westen; December 17, 2023 at 06:13 AM.

  15. #7095

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by kostic View Post
    Group your FL in the same city or army. Then drag the title - while holding the left mouse button - to the unit card of the chosen general.
    you just shifted his M2TW experience forever

  16. #7096

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Thanks everyone! And indeed - game changers. I'm half-tempted to redo my playthru with Norway but I'll save it for my next campaign

    Time to improve my realm...

  17. #7097
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    First of all, a big high five for all who has worked (and is working on) this mod. A pleasure to come back to M2TW after many years and find this beauty !

    I started with reading the general discussion here about the differences and upgrades from SS, and i i liked it from the start. More depth and feeling with your family tree and international relations seems very interesting to me.

    Time to play a campaign

    Regnum Aragonum (turn 38)

    Turn 1-5
    Married my princess to the general in Valencia, capturing the castle and defeating multiple armies from the Moors trying to regain it.

    Turn 5-20
    This was all about survival, cause Castille attacked Pamplona and Zaragoza with multiple armies, so i was running my main army (3/4 stack 'elite' units) from north to south trying to keep what was mine. When i defeated and killed the King of Castille in the hills around Pamplona, Spain asked for peace, and i was glad to give it to them so i could concentrate my forces on the southern front.

    Turn 20-25
    More troops coming from Corduba and Granada, ready to give their lifes before reaching the walls of Valencia.
    A major victory, with some elite knights mounted and dismounted, gave me the opportunity to ransom them for 16500 florins, they accepted what was a major boost for my young and fragile economy.

    Turn 25-35
    Went of the offensive and captured Murcia. That was the good news...
    A turn later, my king was assasinated at Murcia, an usurper rose to the throne and Murcia revolted and Morisch troops landed north of Valencia.
    As if my prayers were answered, those troops turned south so again blood flooded in the surroundings of Valencia...

    Turn 35-38
    With an adopted general ( i've only 4 generals ) i captured the island city of Palma what gives me 2300florins+ a turn. Not that much but better then being in debt...
    Murcia was recaptured by the Moors, but they split their force in half. I'm about to attack the troops that are roaming around the countryside of Murcia.

    My relations are good to very good to perfect, because fighting 'Islam' gives good credit. My relation with the pope is always around 8-9-10 crosses. It helped ofcourse that i could assassinate 2 heretics in Europe .
    I need to keep on eye on Castille ofcourse, but relations are back to normal, but one day i'll give them what they deserve...

    My family tree is, at the moment, a mess and my biggest concern, but 7 children (from age 0-8) are the future of my realm (and my campaign)

    So far this campaign (and mod) has been brutal, stressy, rewarding, fun, strategic, etc...
    Thanks again for the magnificent work

  18. #7098

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Is there a real reason why the Kingdom of Jerusalem owns Antioch and Edessa, which were completely seperate entities? It seems that they didn't even own Tripoli at the time of the mod. I think making Antioch and Edessa rebel settlements with generals and very large garrisons would make more sense.

  19. #7099

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by dnzunlu View Post
    Is there a real reason why the Kingdom of Jerusalem owns Antioch and Edessa, which were completely seperate entities? It seems that they didn't even own Tripoli at the time of the mod. I think making Antioch and Edessa rebel settlements with generals and very large garrisons would make more sense.
    I think is because this faction is "Crusade States" then it encompasses the kingdom of Jerusalem and all its principalities including Antioch, Edessa and Tripoli, to represent all the Latin crusaders in one since there are no more factions slots available, something similar happens with the HRE, we know that it was not a state centralized if not composed of principalities, but right now it cannot be represented in the game, perhaps in the future Jurand can make some government system for the factions such as Feudal system, principalities, sultanate, tribal...

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  20. #7100

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Is there any plan to split pagan religion? Like, Lithuania will got Romuva, then Cumans and Mongols will got Tengriism

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