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Thread: SSHIP ver. 0.98 - April 25th, 2024 - DOWNLOAD HERE

  1. #761

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Canzoli View Post
    Hello, I can confidently say that this is probably the best mod for M2TW out there. How close is the developing team to releasing the next version?
    Thank you! Very close, just some members of the team are very busy, but hopefully soon it is coming..

  2. #762

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    Quote Originally Posted by Макарас View Post
    Спасибо! Очень близко, просто некоторые члены команды очень заняты, но, надеюсь, скоро это наступит..
    Why don't you partlymonetize to pay for the services of designers? For example, like the Bulat Steel 2.1.5 mod, it is free, but you can donate to Patreon and Boosty. The Bulat Steel mod comes from Stainless Steel 6.4.

    Tell me, will there be errors in the fashion if you don’t save after move 50?

  3. #763

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    Quote Originally Posted by Макарас View Post
    Спасибо! Очень близко, просто некоторые члены команды очень заняты, но, надеюсь, скоро это наступит..
    Why don't you partlymonetize to pay for the services of designers? For example, like the Bulat Steel 2.1.5 mod, it is free, but you can donate to Patreon and Boosty. The Bulat Steel mod comes from Stainless Steel 6.4.

    Tell me, will there be errors in the fashion if you don’t save after move 50?

  4. #764

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    hi sship team, here my Rus campaign with the August 2023 version. For now I'm going to pause it until the new version comes out with the bugs corrected...
    I'll tell you a little, I'm currently in the year 1222 in the middle of the Mongol invasion that hasn't affected me yet but I have to say that playing with the Rus is quite difficult, after finally finishing off my Cuman enemy and destroying him, my most reliable allies betrayed me. (Novgorod) together with the immense and endless hordes of the Polish army, the steppes are almost ungovernable, I think it is necessary to modify the first levels of the barracks so that you can at least recruit AOR units as steppe soldiers and basic units. I have had to abandon and destroy all the buildings in Volga-Bulgaria and other steppe settlements to make it profitable...

    The Poles are tireless, they bring entire armies of sergeant at arms that are quite expensive, together with their landowner units, it is unsustainable to be like this for almost 20 continuous turns... I think that if you download my save you will be able to appreciate my campaign, it is necessary to limit the armies more enemies, it is incomprehensible that it is difficult for me to maintain 1 or 2 entire armies with more settlement and the Poles have 4 or 5 entire armies and replace them in 2 turns...

    As for marriage alliances, I think they are very useful, I have been marrying my family members with other foreign bloods and the truth is that they are very good, it is immersive and gives good attributes, what is true is that you have to be careful with religions that are not your faction because they cause riots...

    Looking forward to hearing about the new upcoming version and hopefully it will be better than the previous one! Good job guys!



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  5. #765

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    Hello! It had been a while I hadn't played SSHIP. Last time was more than a year ago, so I was still playing sship 0.97.
    Yesterday I tried 0.98 with Sicily, and it seemed that they were some bugs, more than in 0.97: for instance every start of turn I had an event to 'invite' saxon migrants into my kingdom, but it looked to be an event for another faction. Also, I had a situation where I chose to abandon a city and destroy/sell the buildings, but when I did that, the income of the city increased ! Seemed like a bug because the income of the city should collapse with all the economic building being destroyed...
    I had a feeling this version was less perfect, less finished than the feeling I had w. 0.97 (overall perfect feeling).

    Anyway, my question is: do you recommand to play version 0.98 or to keep at 0.97 still? is 0.98 'finished enough' as compared to 0.97?

    All that said, I still believe SSHIP is the greatest mod ever, not to say the greatest game ever (for me it is), and the work of the modders is insane. So a huge thanks to all the modders!

  6. #766

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    0.98 from august 2023 is significantly more stable and balanced than 097. Invite Saxons is a bug, but will stop terrorizing you after awhile

  7. #767
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    SSHIP 098 of August is more stable and richer. In this version - in VH - the player's reputation counts a lot, particularly in being able to negotiate peace treaties or others.
    By destroying a city, you lower your reputation. That said, it is indeed curious that the city earns more after being destroyed... does this continue in the following turns?

  8. #768

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    Can't tell you, I've given up this campaign... But the situation was: I occupied Bologna with Sicily, but Pisa comes with big armies to take it back. Because of their presence on the land, devastation is huge and the income of the city drops from around 1800 to 440. Being surrounded, I decide to give up Bologna, destroying the buildings to hurt Pisa (that will take it back) and get some coin. But as I destroyed the buildings, the income rose up to 1250!
    Anyway, not a big deal . I started a campaign with France, and everything seems just perfect.

  9. #769

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    Quote Originally Posted by kostic View Post
    SSHIP 098 of August is more stable and richer. In this version - in VH - the player's reputation counts a lot, particularly in being able to negotiate peace treaties or others.
    By destroying a city, you lower your reputation. That said, it is indeed curious that the city earns more after being destroyed... does this continue in the following turns?
    How do you like this mod and the Bulat Steel mod 2.1.5? Which one is more historical and realistic?

  10. #770
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    Quote Originally Posted by nurker View Post
    How do you like this mod and the Bulat Steel mod 2.1.5? Which one is more historical and realistic?
    I've played v. 2.1.3 and my impressions were:
    - there's no translation at that time and playing with Russian alphabet was difficult for me
    - graphically it is a pleasant mod
    - music was assembled from many games - and it was very ackward to listen to The Witcher or Civilisation music in such mod.
    - traits are not so interesting as in the SSHIP
    - gameplay is far better in the SSHIP (but I haven't played BS too long, so it might be a wrong conclusion)
    - Rus factions are very nice, and worth playing
    - the rest of the factions are very un-historical
    - so were many scripts (and there's plethora of options of the scripts)
    - iirc, the BGR submod was there, but it was so unbalanced, that I've given up soon.

    Mod leader of the SSHIP: traits, ancillaries, scripts, buildings, geography, economy.
    If you want to play a historical mod in the medieval setting the best are:
    Stainless Steel Historical Improvement Project and Broken Crescent.
    Recently, Tsardoms and TGC look also very good. Read my opinions on the other mods here.
    Reviews of the mods (all made in 2018): SSHIP, Wrath of the Norsemen, Broken Crescent.
    Follow home rules for playing a game without exploiting the M2TW engine deficiencies.
    Hints for Medieval 2 moders: forts, merchants, AT-NGB bug, trade fleets.
    Thrones of Britannia: review, opinion on the battles, ideas for modding. Shieldwall is promising!
    Dominant strategy in Rome2, Attila, ToB and Troy: “Sniping groups of armies”. Still there, alas!

  11. #771
    Sana Kan's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    Hey guys, have you considered making a late era campaign in the future? If so, which starting date did you consider?
    Just out of curiosity, because imo there are few mods that tackle the late middle ages with a full Europe-MENA Map.

  12. #772
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    Quote Originally Posted by Edofcan View Post
    Wanted to say thanks for the great mod you guys created!
    I have been playing Total War games since Shogun 1 came out and enjoy your mod very much!
    In particular, I like that you care about historical accuracy, the depth you put into the game, and that it is made fun to just stop conquering and building up the realm.

    This upload is a game as the HRE with SSHIP0.98, August version, on vh/vh.
    I stopped on turn 134 with 41 provinces and income of 180k, just as I received the crown for the first time.
    This last turn, I took Rouen from England and the plan would be now, as crowned HRE, to conquer France and Italy, secure the Spanish Mark, and finally move against the ERE.

    Other notes: There was a civil war, which was a nice flavour; I could reconquer lost territories (5 cities revolted) fast as my border armies were at hand; however, this created aggressiveness points, which I had been trying to reduce for ages.
    My borders are safe and easily defensible; I refrained from taking any Hungarian settlements to keep a buffer to orthodox Serbia and the ERE; kept a Venetian buffer to Sicily and Serbia; and a Aragonese buffer to the Muslims in Spain. Also left the Danish capital intact so as to not create an imbalance in Scandinavia. The only nation I had to destroy was Poland, as it kept declaring war and sending large stacks of very capable troops, even after it only had a town (Danzig) and the castle at Plock left.
    I love the idea of creating bloodlines with all the benefits, so my Habsburg line has now French, Nordic and Italian bloodlines incorporated. Sadly, when I tried Eastern Orthodox marriages, this ruined my heir's ability to be crowned (he had zero piety as he converted to orthodox), so I reloaded an earlier save-game pre marriage. Would be nice if I could re-convert him or increase the chances of his wife converting instead somehow but haven't found out if/how this would be possible.
    In the beginning I expanded fast into rebel territory; I never declared war. Still I had constant warfare from around turn 14 to turn 83, at which point my borders where solid and nobody attacked me for long. I like that I had to fight for this.
    Thanks, @Edofcan, for uploding the pics - this makes my task of updating the list of the games in the 5th entry much easier.
    Thanks for reporting. Indeed, the mixing of the bloodlines is one of the features I was interested in. When I'd have time to come back to the traits, I'd make intermarriages with the other faiths easier.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sana Kan View Post
    Hey guys, have you considered making a late era campaign in the future? If so, which starting date did you consider?
    Just out of curiosity, because imo there are few mods that tackle the late middle ages with a full Europe-MENA Map.
    Yes, we have. 1390. From my part - I'd need to lose my RL job to devote time to further work on the High and Late eras.

  13. #773
    Sana Kan's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    Yes, we have. 1390. From my part - I'd need to lose my RL job to devote time to further work on the High and Late eras.
    Awesome Jurand, thanks again. I just asked out of curiosity, because I know modding M2TW can be very frustrating, and real life stuff should always have priority.

  14. #774
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    Quote Originally Posted by Sana Kan View Post
    Awesome Jurand, thanks again. I just asked out of curiosity, because I know modding M2TW can be very frustrating, and real life stuff should always have priority.
    Modding is fun, RL can be frustrating - but still you need to eat something real ;-)

  15. #775

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    Я играл в v. 2.1.3 и впечатления такие:
    - перевода на тот момент не было и играть с русским алфавитом мне было сложно
    - графически мод приятный
    - музыка собрана из многих игр - и слушать музыку Ведьмака или Цивилизации в таком моде было очень неприятно.
    - черты не так интересны, как в SSHIP
    - геймплей в SSHIP намного лучше (но я не слишком долго играл в BS, так что это может быть неправильный вывод)
    - Русские фракции очень хороши, и в них стоит поиграть
    - остальное фракции очень неисторичны
    - как и многие скрипты (а вариантов скриптов множество)
    - iirc, субмод BGR был, но он был настолько несбалансирован, что я вскоре сдался.

    The latest version of the BS on moddb has an English translation.

    In the SSHIP mod, is it possible to replace Pisa with Florence or Milan? After all, these 2 states played a big role until the 16th century.

    I understand that Pisa is historical in this period of time, but it seems to me that the Duchy of Milan and the Florentine Republic will have greater power potential.

    Unlike the BS 2.1.5 mod, in your mod I like that the King of France does not own Gascony, Provence, that is, the southern half of France.

    It was Eleanor of Gascony who married the king of France, and then married the king of England, thereby creating the Angevin Empire, which of course is just a feudal formality, not an empire.

  16. #776

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    hi Jurand, any news or preview about the upcoming new release? I realized that the "what is in preparation for the next release" section has not been updated in months, I guess you are very busy with your RL... I hope everything goes well, keep up the good work guys! you are very cool!

    Sign the petition to remove hardcoded limits for M2TW

  17. #777

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    I think Novgorod would benefit from a Baltic sea power crown instead of/ or along with a unite the rus crown (similar to how some other factions have it). Their campaign is a fun challenge but considering how hyper-aggressive Lithuania is, it almost impossible to focus on taking the rus faction lands. Once I took that castle at the start, Lithuania declared an eternal war on me and will never surrender. The only peace I get is when I kill the faction leader, but that lasts 5 turns max. I have no choice but to push into their lands and the player aggressive penalty from that hurts. The only reason my eastern borders are secure during this endless war is because I accepted vassalage from the cumans lol

  18. #778
    Nemesis2345's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    Im quietly waiting for the new release, looks like it's that time of the year where i feel like returning to Medieval 2

  19. #779
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    Quote Originally Posted by j.a.luna View Post
    hi Jurand, any news or preview about the upcoming new release? I realized that the "what is in preparation for the next release" section has not been updated in months, I guess you are very busy with your RL... I hope everything goes well, keep up the good work guys! you are very cool!
    Quote Originally Posted by Nemesis2345 View Post
    Im quietly waiting for the new release, looks like it's that time of the year where i feel like returning to Medieval 2
    In the first entry to this thread, there's a kind of preview of the next version. The release is approaching, it's closer than you think.

    What does this update really change:
    - a number of units' appearance (KCC mod continuation).
    - Camp Sacked mechanism adjusted: money gained from the battles personally foughts increased more than 5-fold. This income should now become important for the gameplay.
    - Military Orders' buildings and mechanisms reworked.
    - regional buildings added for the Muslims and the HRR.
    - map has been redesigned for Hungary and in a few other places.
    - texts proof-read.

    - a few changes of the names of the units (Kasogi -> Steppe Infantry, Dismounted Cuman Militia -> Cuman Warriors, etc.).
    - descriptions proof-read by @Michael Westen, @j.a.luna, @ birdie.

    - improved recruitment from Castle Barracks for France, England and especially Hungary.
    - improved recruitment for a few units from Stables (Scouts, Turkopoles, Turkmen).
    - Military Orders recruitment re-coded etc. No big changes in overall availability but now it's much different: every unit from the same building.

    - Camp Sacked mechanism adjusted: money gained from the battles personally foughts increased more than 5-fold. This income should now start playing an important role in the early game: wars are fought not only for conquest of new provinces, but also to win victories that give good traits for the generals and money for an investment surplus.
    - added script destroying Tourney buildings, Military Orders' buildings, Art buildings and Iconers in the settlement conquered by the Muslim factions.
    - possible bug of adding too much support for the AI in additional units (related to leap_year_counter) fixed.
    - notifications on both embezzlement (ie funds taken out of the treasury if there's too much in it), and on costly army abroad limited to 1 every 4 turns.
    - texts proof-read by @Michael Westen, @j.a.luna, @ birdie.

    - Kaiserpfalz - only for HRR: 5 levels plus 2 unique buildings (Aachen, Ingelheim)
    - Holy Place - only for the Muslim factions: 3 levels plus 3 unique buildings (Kubbat as-Sahra in Jerusalem, Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, Mosque in Mosul)
    - Chapter Houses - only for the Catholic factions: instead of 4 different 2-level building chains there'll be one chain "Military Orders" consisting of 4 levels. This will result in less congestion in the settlement that were meant to host 3 different orders. Everything re-coded in: script, EDB, EDA, EDCT. Phasing-in of various Orders coded. The Templar-destroyed script removed, but the increase of negative effects of the Orders when the faction grows should prompt the player to destroy the building himself. See here.
    - slight changes to the icons for buildings in the chains: Water Supply (Wells, Cisterns), Var (various levels), farms, River Ports (new pics for the ME), builders ME, chapels NE, the Kiev cathedral, the Vienna cathedral, the Mont St Michel.
    - increased benefits from Autonomy buildings.
    - prices and building times of churches/masjids adjusted.
    - descriptions proof-read by @Michael Westen, @j.a.luna, @ birdie.

    - additional places for crowning: Rome province (HRE), Var lvl 9 Visegrad (Hungary), Mosul (Zenghid), Cologne (HRE).
    - some PTs adjusted to the recent changes in the provinces' capitals.
    - Stripped of Titles mechanism fixed, gain messages added, additional pop-out window added.
    - Oriflame relic for the French FL added.
    - descriptions proof-read by @Michael Westen, @j.a.luna, @ birdie.

    - parameters for the assassins have been nerfed, see here.

    --- have a look at this entry with maps
    - in a few places passages opened (Olomóc to the west, Poznan to Stetin, Kutatisi to Samtshe, Arta to Peloponesus and to Boitia, Arta to Thessaly), and also the 20c. lakes are are cut down (next to Sarkil).
    - significant re-designing of Hungary: Esztergom changes into the castle of Eger (with much lower population), Szekesfehervar, Varad and Gyulafehervar moved a bit on the map, Szekesfehevar is now the capital and home to the Var unique building.
    - some re-desing of Ruthenia: the Bug river moved west (4 space), and Volodymyr moved there as well, borders the Volodymyr, Turov and Halych provices adjusted - as a result it looks more historical, and the roads created by the engine are better in my eyes (more like a grid, with more map now potentially involved into play).
    - Poznan (Wielkopolska) got a chunk of land to the west (Ziemia Lubuska) and has a border with and a road to Brandenburg - what is very historical, plus adds a trade connection (at the expense of Wroclaw, but it is already rich enough);
    - adjustments in borders: deep Scandinavia (between Bergen and Sigtuna, also Sigtuna-Kalmar), Finland has border with Rostow (a special plot of land in the north of Novgorod), small changes in borders between Thessaly and Beotia, Adrianople extends now over the Hellespont to have land trade with both Nikaia and Smyrna, borders of Ankyra with Nikaia moved west, and Ankyra with Sinope as well (there's now a road from Ankyra to Sivas, adjustments of Attalaia borders (there's a road from Attalaia to Konya) - in general the movement accross Anatolia should be easier and this part should stop being a dead end;
    - borders of Hasankeyf and Edessa provinces adjusted, and also cutting the trans-desert road from Baghdad to Al-Ahsa.
    - rivers: Nysa (Neisse) added in Lusatia, Veria in Macedonia, a few rivers slightly redesigned (Elbe, Maros, Tisa, Hermos, Prut), a few fords added or moved to enable the roads or simply passing of forces.
    - an invisible river between Barqa (or rather Alexandria) and Tripolitania will prevent the AI armies travlling along the coast.
    - also moved: Kalmar one space direction to the sea (it's truly on the shore now), Brandenburg one space North.
    - a number of resources moved so that they are (at the same time) (1) (more-or-less) historical, (2) are not staying on the road, (3) are located rather deeper in the interior to make as much of the map living as possible.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; March 26, 2024 at 11:57 AM.

  20. #780

    Default Re: [DOWNLOAD] SSHIP ver. 0.98 - August 10th, 2023

    agree Jurand, I see good progress! Will the garrison script and the 4 garrison units from kostic also be included?Also, I don't know if you can include the unique buildings for the military orders such as Calatrava La Vieja and the Crac de Chevallier...
    On the other hand, looking forward to playing the new version now!

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