The Tarraco Invasion

"Solangart" was without doubt the unique creature. But after he got the control of the military systems, he decided to show his force. Before the capture of the base robots and battle vehicles, he offered the general Serkan to cease his service and retire. Serkan of course rejected this strange and non-ordinary offer. And then when the dialogue between Coalition officers and AI failed, "Solangart" attacked the humans and other race representatives in the base. Serkan tried to turn off the Core and destroy the rebellious AI. But AI knew all his actions. One of the trash-cleaning drones simply broke the body of Serkan. General and his high officers were killed in terrible battle.
One of officers with name John Terin before his death sent the SOS signal to the orbital base. But some robots of "Solungart" already were there. They destroyed operators of the orbital ion cannons and took control on the stations.
The whole Tarraco-Gamma was in serious danger. After the rebellion in base, AI started to take control on the planetary network systems (internet) and all "brained" machines. Many battle vehicles were hacked by the Ai and transformed to his servants.