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Thread: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    Terrorist will go to hell. Because even in the Khaleej, we don't like Bin-Ladins way and George Bush ways. Even they almost blow up Ibn-Battuta Mall in Dubai. Don't think that we arabs are coorperated with pakistanis and bin-ladin. Okay, Bin-Ladin did something good destroying the twin towers. But still, it's cruel. We are different, they speak kurdish and I speak arabic.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    What good came out of destroying the twin towers?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    OH wow. You wanted the twin towers to go down just like Bin Laden, but you are not like him. I am too Muslim and what he did to the twin towers was terrible and evil. Plus, if you think Pakistanis are terrorists, then you are not very bright are you. You are generalizing just like those who this your post is addressing.

    Salaam bro,

  4. #4
    AnCeallach's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    Why was the twin towers going down a good thing? It just mad e lots of Americans hate Muslims and caused the death of 1000s of Americans and indercetly (since it inspired Bush to incade Afghanistan and Iraq) caused the death of over 1000000 Iraqiis and 1000s of Afghaniis. I don't consider that to be a good thing.
    Tír gan teanga tír gan anam!
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  5. #5

    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by Emperor View Post
    Terrorist will go to hell. Because even in the Khaleej, we don't like Bin-Ladins way and George Bush ways. Even they almost blow up Ibn-Battuta Mall in Dubai. Don't think that we arabs are coorperated with pakistanis and bin-ladin. Okay, Bin-Ladin did something good destroying the twin towers. But still, it's cruel. We are different, they speak kurdish and I speak arabic.
    Who speaks Kurdish? What? Are you saying the terrorists speak Kurdish and not Arabic? I'm confused.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by Emperor View Post
    Terrorist will go to hell. Because even in the Khaleej, we don't like Bin-Ladins way and George Bush ways. Even they almost blow up Ibn-Battuta Mall in Dubai. Don't think that we arabs are coorperated with pakistanis and bin-ladin. Okay, Bin-Ladin did something good destroying the twin towers. But still, it's cruel. We are different, they speak kurdish and I speak arabic.
    Kurdish?! WTF?! Bin laden's family are from Saudi Arabia and Yemen, I didn't think he spoke kurdish, infact, didn't Zarquaawi kill kurds before America invaded Iraq.
    Also, twin towers good? I think you need to lay off the Shisha.

  7. #7
    mocker's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    I repeat to myself:
    "Do not mock Emperor. Enough infractions already."
    "Do not mock Emperor. Enough infractions already."
    "Do not mock Emperor. Enough infractions already."
    "Do not mock Emperor. Enough infractions already."
    "Do not mock Emperor. Enough infractions..."

  8. #8
    jimkatalanos's Avatar 浪人

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    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by Emperor View Post
    Terrorist will go to hell. Because even in the Khaleej, we don't like Bin-Ladins way and George Bush ways. Even they almost blow up Ibn-Battuta Mall in Dubai. Don't think that we arabs are coorperated with pakistanis and bin-ladin. Okay, Bin-Ladin did something good destroying the twin towers. But still, it's cruel. We are different, they speak kurdish and I speak arabic.
    What do you mean he did something good destroying the twin towers? What are you, a terrorist?
    Ερωτηθεὶς τι ποτ' αυτώ περιγέγονεν εκ φιλοσοφίας, έφη, «Το ανεπιτάκτως ποιείν ά τινες διά τον από των νόμων φόβον ποιούσιν.

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  9. #9

    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    It means that he, like most angry people with an issue in the Middle East, just doesn't like the United States and that such a physical attack was a desirable thing, although he acknowledges the cruelty of the attack itself.

    I guess to put it into something most here could understand, it'd be like saying you don't like Hitler, but thought he did a relatively good thing attacking Stalin's communist regime like he did.

  10. #10
    Beowulf47's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by Emperor View Post
    Terrorist will go to hell. Because even in the Khaleej, we don't like Bin-Ladins way and George Bush ways. Even they almost blow up Ibn-Battuta Mall in Dubai. Don't think that we arabs are coorperated with pakistanis and bin-ladin. Okay, Bin-Ladin did something good destroying the twin towers. But still, it's cruel. We are different, they speak kurdish and I speak arabic.
    there are so many things wrong with that I don't even know were to start. Let me just say that MOST of the hijackers were Arab and NONE were Kurdish.
    It is better to take bloody action then to weep -the Poet

  11. #11
    boofhead's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by Emperor View Post
    Bin-Ladin did something good destroying the twin towers.
    Hmmm, Emperor may just have made himself TWC's mascot PARIAH.

    I wonder if you read the post I made about 1 hour before you posted this strange, illogical nonsense:

    If someone here said they supported 9-11 so what? That is not hate speech, but it certainly would be a stupid belief.

  12. #12
    Who's Avatar Biarchus
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    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    I don't think it is ever good to go after civilians, even if it is for a "good" cause. The civilians have done nothing wrong, so why are they the targets? At least the Japanese had the good sense to go after the people they were actually fighting during Pearl Harbor.

  13. #13
    boofhead's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    I wonder if the esteemed Emperor would think 9/11 was a good thing if he had family working in one of those towers? Oh, that's right, it would be okay as the victim would go to Paradise as a martyr

    Also, if the act of the terrorists was a "good" thing, then why would they go to hell for having perpetrated it? The logic escapes me completely, to the point where I think Emperor may have broken the rules of his own religion and imbibed a large quantity of alcohol.

  14. #14
    Who's Avatar Biarchus
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    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    He never said they would go to hell, he just said it was a cruel act. The thing is most people have trouble empathising with that area because of 9/11. But try to put yourself in one of their positions. (I am going to use a Palestinian comparison because I am less educated about Saudi Arabia.) Imagine being eating in your house one day, and the US saying, look, your house is now Israeli property, and you are under their governent. Great. Several years later there is an attack on Israel you knew nothing about, but Israel wins over the land you live on now, and kicks you out, putting you in a refugee camp. I do not condone any act of terrorism, but I can understand where all the anger comes from. Somewhere, however, it has to stop. As Gandhi once said, "An eye for and eye makes the world blind."

  15. #15
    boofhead's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by Who View Post
    He never said they would go to hell, he just said it was a cruel act.
    He said in his first sentence

    Terrorist will go to hell
    Concerning your hypothetical, sure I would be pissed off and tempted to act, but any target of mine would be (1) a soldier or (2) a government minister. Certainly not a bunch of innocent people on a bus or at work.

  16. #16
    Who's Avatar Biarchus
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    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaah!!! Lol! I completely missed that and skipped over it!

  17. #17
    boofhead's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    MasterAdnin, Ibn Rushd, jankren and various others here are passionate muslims, but have managed not to make themselves a literal enemy of many people here with one single post.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    I take this to say that in his opinion Islam can do no wrong. How dare we call them terrorists. They are only defending their faith.
    I have nothing against the womens movement. Especially when Im walking behind it.

  19. #19
    Chevalier IX's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    could it not be said that in fact those that perpetrate so called terrorism are in fact doing so in the light that it is not terror but in fact an act of war which Mohammad himself partook in being a general of the field himself,therefore they feel they are waging ware with the means which they have...which anyone would do placed in a position such as theres...and might say that any violent act is a means of spreading terror...sure as hell not cheer

  20. #20

    Default Re: Terrorisim doesn't include in Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by Rush Limbaugh View Post
    I take this to say that in his opinion Islam can do no wrong. How dare we call them terrorists. They are only defending their faith.

    I don't think we're talking about the same OP now. He himself called them terrorists who deserve hellfire and damnation.

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