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Thread: Test 5.8 Openbeta_2 (12\13\2008 )

  1. #201
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Default Re: Test 5.8 Openbeta_2 (12\13\2008 )

    1. I will if Repman tells me to, it will badly affect the Mongols when they are played by AI. They have an important role for most players as a fearsome foe, anything I do to nerf them will reduce that fear and so the fun that goes with it.

    2. Sorry, I don't know.

    You're right that they don't seem set up well for a human player, I'd suggest playing a different faction.

  2. #202

    Default Re: Test 5.8 Openbeta_2 (12\13\2008 )

    Hello great mod... Have just recently started playing this mod. Got an "unspecified error will now exit" while playing france in historical campaign were moving one stack of peasant crossbowmen back to the southern most castle when this happened. Got dlv 5.0+5.6+5.74+open beta v2 installed in that order

  3. #203

    Default Re: Test 5.8 Openbeta_2 (12\13\2008 )

    Anyone have any luck yet tracking down that pesky CTD when the AI's turn switches to Hungary? Every few turns I get this bug, and it is annoying to constantly restart the game.
    Former Historian & Dev Member for Broken Crescent Mod
    Dual-Major BA in Medieval History / Political Science, Adelphi University Aug. 1989
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    If you like my post, please +Rep...if you dislike my post, please +REP me twice

  4. #204

    Default Re: Test 5.8 Openbeta_2 (12\13\2008 )

    In the next version can we get rid of the cost of the war draft. I can understand it making your cities unhappy but having it cost so much when you are already generally losing money due to lack of trade with the person you are at war with, makes battles on 2 fronts hard to take on. You still have to buy units and the unhappy cities you have to lower taxes on so that is penalty enough,IMO.

  5. #205

    Default Re: Test 5.8 Openbeta_2 (12\13\2008 )

    This is the last reference I can find in the change logs regarding battle AI changes:

    Patch 5.73  not savecompatibel to older betas
    -bugfixing anfd little changes
    - accelerated campaign turns
    - added penalties -10, -20 gov_points for offensive_to_nobles, inspire_civil_war traits of the factionleader
    - added boni +1 gov_point for ancillaries: ring, coin, key of the governors
    - fixed crashes: dungeon, sardinia, 100 gov points
    - some new Tokus Graphics
    - more historical decriptions: thanks to Hekk
    - more fire, explosions, dust, 
    - included Real Horses 1.0: thanks to Argent Usher
    - 3 piece artillery:  thanks to Furin
    - reduced cavalry spread
    - fixed 5.6 bugs: education, units thanks to Dave Scarface, names,...
    - Crimson Tide Bloodmud-mod 3.0 (partially): thanks to Magus
    - reduced unrest effects of jewish temple and requirement for merchants: 3,5,10,15,15 %
    - changed Campaign\Battle AI parameters
    - new pics for: well, synagogue
    - extracosts for besieging a fort in home territory: 1000 Fl.
    - new punishment buildings: dungeon->execution place->torture chamber (only in metropolis settlements)
    - refined hording: thanks to Furin
    - added fieldcosts for diplomats\princess: 300 p.turn in enemy land
    - 2 orthodox monk groups: Cenobitic Monasticism (=dominicans), Hesychast Monasticism (=Fransiscan) + buildings\traits
    - 2 islam priest groups: Sunni (=dominicans), Sufi (=Fransiscan) + buildings\traits
    - changed garrison script: faster, only player-AI not AI-AI, only every 10 turns possible
    - deleted vanilla custom campaign
    - included warhorn sounds from BBW Mod
    - reduced population requirement for huge cities
    - big stone castles for greek and middle_eastern: thanks to Agart
    - 2 rank point systems : governmental + military

    I really like this AI, it's doing some really good things I like to see...( Flanking, Covering Archers)... There are even less problems with charging enemy generals...But it seems we are still getting some battle freezes with Unlimited Men On BattleField (Multi Stack AI reinforcements)......Not sure how you want to deal with this..but thought you should know as that kinda thing tends to upset people. Maybe People should leave unlimited off for now? Or use other AI if they are going to use that feature. I know this problem is a little hard to track down as it doesn't happen in the game often thus not a lot of reports....and who wants to go back and do a "trace" error if it's going to force them to reboot their computer a second time!


    For everybody playing....Have you experienced these freezes with multi-stack AI Reinforcement battles? If you are using alternative AI....What is it and how is it performing? It would be very nice if we could get to the bottom of this for the official 5.8 release! As multi-stack battles rule!

  6. #206

    Default Re: Test 5.8 Openbeta_2 (12\13\2008 )

    Ending first turn and ai switching to hungary "unspecified error will now exit". Was playing as Normands
    Last edited by arostine; December 28, 2008 at 12:15 PM.

  7. #207
    Kjertesvein's Avatar Remember to smile
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    Default Re: Test 5.8 Openbeta_2 (12\13\2008 )

    Hey Rep, great openbeta_2


    Playing Spain Vh/Vh. Main Campaign
    Field cost [ON]
    garrison script [ON]
    Settlemet script[ON]

    1266(Turn number:172):
    • Money:750 000f.(50 000f. profit/turn)
    • 19 regions (1Huge wall, 1Citedal)
    Spanish Empire

    Portugal and the Moors is knocked out cold through fierce diplomacy(bribing & giving money to the papacy) and help from my Grand Cross general. Great challange, diplomacy worked perfectly in the beginning.
    Dark ages. Infact I liked the Dark Ages and the plauge. It restored the population and gave me time to build buldings. It was fairly easy for me, maybe because I had already conquerd Ibera and had my borders closed. I think it should be more destructable in the future.
    I also got a very bad leader, who started a civil war. No big poroblem tho, only 5(15total) generals shifted. I locked them all up, but they are still pist and unmove-able. Im thinking about moving the Regnent King into a bording ship, and get a new one. Maybe it will help?
    Right now(1266, 170turns) I'm positivly suprised by all the historical popups, still popping up. I also excited of the huge stacks of americas waiting for battle in the new world. Americas took back my 1st foot-hold in the new world. They killed my experienced troop and generals. Right now Im waiting for the gunpowder age, when is it?:hmmm:

    Great fun in the early ages, I hope I there will be many more challanges before I conquer the world. Other then that, I dont got much challange, for now. Im an experienced DLVer, maybe thats why...

    When do the popup ends?

    After the dark ages ended , I have been having theese "Unspecified error will now exit" poping up every 4-5-6 turns. In no specific order. Quite irritating.

    11:59:15.546 [system.rpt] [always] CPU: SSE2
    11:59:15.562 [system.rpt] [always] ==== system log start, build date: Aug 3 2007 version bld-medieval2-kingdoms-104 (45562) ===
    11:59:15.656 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_0.pack
    11:59:15.750 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_1.pack
    11:59:15.828 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_2.pack
    11:59:15.906 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_3.pack
    11:59:16.000 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_4.pack
    11:59:16.015 [] [always] mounted pack packs/localized.pack
    11:59:33.250 [game.script] [error] Condition parsing error in DLV_ext/data/export_descr_character_traits.txt, at line 15195, column 46
    trigger not found
    14:11:23.937 [system.rpt] [error] Medieval 2: Total War encountered an unspecified error and will now exit.
    Last edited by Kjertesvein; December 27, 2008 at 09:28 AM.
    Thorolf was thus armed. Then Thorolf became so furious that he cast his shield on his back, and, grasping his halberd with both hands, bounded forward dealing cut and thrust on either side. Men sprang away from him both ways, but he slew many. Thus he cleared the way forward to earl Hring's standard, and then nothing could stop him. He slew the man who bore the earl's standard, and cut down the standard-pole. After that he lunged with his halberd at the earl's breast, driving it right through mail and body, so that it came out at the shoulders; and he lifted him up on the halberd over his head, and planted the butt-end in the ground. There on the weapon the earl breathed out his life in sight of all, both friends and foes. [...] 53, Egil's Saga
    I must tell you here of some amusing tricks the Comte d'Eu played on us. I had made a sort of house for myself in which my knights and I used to eat, sitting so as to get the light from the door, which, as it happened, faced the Comte d'Eu's quarters. The count, who was a very ingenious fellow, had rigged up a miniature ballistic machine with which he could throw stones into my tent. He would watch us as we were having our meal, adjust his machine to suit the length of our table, and then let fly at us, breaking our pots and glasses.
    - The pranks played on the knight Jean de Joinville, 1249, 7th crusade.

    Quote Originally Posted by Finn View Post
    This is the only forum I visit with any sort of frequency and I'm glad it has provided a home for RTR since its own forum went down in 2007. Hopefully my donation along with others from TWC users will help get the site back to its speedy heyday, which will certainly aid us in our endeavor to produce a full conversion mod Rome2.

  8. #208

    Default Re: Test 5.8 Openbeta_2 (12\13\2008 )

    Got an odd little happening. At various points my leader will game max Command and max Authority... actually, over max Authority, you can see the forming of an 11th star. Playing Byzantium each time. The first time happened in 1180 after I killed off the emperor, his son became faction leader and super loved! Then the second time was in 1181 after I killed the emperor in 1180 (What? Regacide is good!) and he was on his way back to the Capitol. The third time was in 1183 after I killed the emperor in 1180 (notice a trend?) after the new Emperor was crowned but oddly he also had offends the nobility.... but over maxed Authority... weird!

    After that third time I said to hell with it and stopped playing. It's no fun when your general is bugged to become super awsome. Right? Anyone else have had this? Any idea what to do about this? I've already looked over the traits and ancillaries and nothing seems out of the ordinary, his command should have been around 7 and authority only about 5 (it was yesterday morning, memory isn't 100%).


  9. #209
    Brips's Avatar Ducenarius
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    Belgium (Bruxelles)

    Default Re: Test 5.8 Openbeta_2 (12\13\2008 )

    It's true, the Byzantium Empire is very very strong and rich, in 1245 I have +290 000 in my pocket! No wars, lots of trade right, more than 15 regions. I've never had that of my life with dlv^^
    But, with the Flanders! -40 000 in 1212........................

    During the medieval period, generals, kings etc... often escaped from their city during the assault of this one. That deprives me a little to be not able to make the same thing when the city is going to be lost....
    Last edited by Brips; December 29, 2008 at 09:28 AM.
    All map textures improved mod(MTW2,DLV):
    Real crazy medieval music (4pages!):
    More war horn sounds(MTW2,DLV)!
    More Loading screens MEGA pack Team!(MTW2,DLV):
    Mods Oblivion and Fallout3:
    Tape "Brips" on nexus then go to author name "Brips".

  10. #210

    Default Re: Test 5.8 Openbeta_2 (12\13\2008 )

    ...cowards. A captain always goes down with his ship so a governer, king, or general should go down with their city, kingdom, army.

  11. #211

    Default Re: Test 5.8 Openbeta_2 (12\13\2008 )

    a captain is a captain, not someone with blue blood.

    in battle shields with drawn arms were used so the enemy wont kill the guy, but imprison him and exchange him for a wealthy reward.

    not a reward you will get for a ship captain, thats for sure.

    also that kind of code was assumed primarily with the commercial ships, if the captain tried to escape his luck, chances were that if he survived he would be deep into unpayable debts with many people, turning himself into slavery most probably, with all his family to follow. remember, most captains owned but one ship, and invested more than they owned in order to fill the boat. one successfull travel would allow them to pay their loans, interest and any expenses their family would have incurred upon.. most of the time. so when they leave port they do so as an adventure everytime. (until they got really lucky and were allowed to buy another boat or things like that, but most of the time they borrowed money to fill their boats even when owning a small fleet)
    if he commited suicide, as i recall now, debts were cancelled upon his death, or in the worst cases reduced plus a large delay in payment times. (so to allow the family to recover some of their economic strenght)

    commercial and military captains were normally related, in a fleet you wont find more than three or four of the ships being driven by a noble captain, most were lead by less "gentle" men, so their way of thinking was quite related.

    a simple general head was not so precious.. but they were normally the first ones to escape if retreat was inminent, thanks to being on horse. (except those of royal blood that had not much fear about their future, or those reckless individuals... too hungry for glory)

    and for brips suggestion, you can ransom your generals, so far the AI allow you (wich i remember to be more or less randomized)
    Last edited by ivanhoex; December 29, 2008 at 10:28 AM.

  12. #212
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Default Re: Test 5.8 Openbeta_2 (12\13\2008 )

    Here is a fixed projectiles file:
    Attachment 26190

    Hope that one works...

  13. #213

    Default Re: Test 5.8 Openbeta_2 (12\13\2008 )

    Quote Originally Posted by Brips View Post
    It's true, the Byzantium Empire is very very strong and rich, in 1245 I have +290 000 in my pocket! No wars, lots of trade right, more than 15 regions. I've never had that of my life with dlv^^
    But, with the Flanders! -40 000 in 1212........................

    During the medieval period, generals, kings etc... often escaped from their city during the assault of this one. That deprives me a little to be not able to make the same thing when the city is going to be lost....

    Well the same for me. I am playing as Siciliy on vh/vh with 5.8 beta 2. i own about 10 provinces including venice. playing civ style dlv without additional field costs as i dont think that its reasonable (only my opinion). anyways i have 230.000 on the bank..

    this might have several reasons.

    1. i have never seen a foreign merchant challenging one of my merchant.. economic behaviour of the campaign ai should definately be improved.

    2. gains through merchants seem quite high with more than 700 for a "level" 4 merchant at this gold mine near Zadar in Hungary (Croatia). maybe these should be altered too.

    3. i only have friends.. just needed one army to conquer all rebel settlements on the surrounding islands because noone threatened me. (ok all factions around are my allies except muslims.

    as some positive criticism, may i suggest that some scripting is introduced like in Europa Barbarorum. what i mean is, that e.g. when you play as sicily and attack kerkyra (the small castle next to greece) the byzantine empire will attack you because you go into their sphere of influence (or interest).

    this way factions would not be able to expand too fast and historic realism would be kept. please adopt it!

  14. #214

    Default Re: Test 5.8 Openbeta_2 (12\13\2008 )

    If standard DLV is too peaceful you can choose during start the popup a Total War playstyle.
    DLV is balanced with all scripts on. If you have denied certain cost scripts then you will have too much money.


    BareBonesWars 8.1 for RTW 1.5
    Integration Mod which combines unique strategic challenges due to a 4 Season scripted campaign from 280 BC - 180 AD on several big/small maps and with an ruthless AI on the battlefield.
    Deus lo Vult DLV 6.2 for MTW II Kingdoms
    Norway+Ireland+Flanders+Kiev+Lithuania+Teutonic_Order+Armenia+Crusader+Georgia,1y2t script, army field costs, Ultimate AI 1.6, big map, military career, economic system, age simulation, heraldic system, new factions, garrison script, Crowns + Swords, Trait bugfixer, religion dependent recruiting, ancillary enhancements, darth battle mechanics

  15. #215
    Kjertesvein's Avatar Remember to smile
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    Default Re: Test 5.8 Openbeta_2 (12\13\2008 )

    @ Repman/Taiji

    Hey I'm no good with bug testing/CTDs, but do you know why? And I have heard you could delete some files in a flder to fix most of the CTDS, atleast for a moment.

    Log is posted few posts up
    Last edited by Kjertesvein; December 29, 2008 at 03:56 PM.
    Thorolf was thus armed. Then Thorolf became so furious that he cast his shield on his back, and, grasping his halberd with both hands, bounded forward dealing cut and thrust on either side. Men sprang away from him both ways, but he slew many. Thus he cleared the way forward to earl Hring's standard, and then nothing could stop him. He slew the man who bore the earl's standard, and cut down the standard-pole. After that he lunged with his halberd at the earl's breast, driving it right through mail and body, so that it came out at the shoulders; and he lifted him up on the halberd over his head, and planted the butt-end in the ground. There on the weapon the earl breathed out his life in sight of all, both friends and foes. [...] 53, Egil's Saga
    I must tell you here of some amusing tricks the Comte d'Eu played on us. I had made a sort of house for myself in which my knights and I used to eat, sitting so as to get the light from the door, which, as it happened, faced the Comte d'Eu's quarters. The count, who was a very ingenious fellow, had rigged up a miniature ballistic machine with which he could throw stones into my tent. He would watch us as we were having our meal, adjust his machine to suit the length of our table, and then let fly at us, breaking our pots and glasses.
    - The pranks played on the knight Jean de Joinville, 1249, 7th crusade.

    Quote Originally Posted by Finn View Post
    This is the only forum I visit with any sort of frequency and I'm glad it has provided a home for RTR since its own forum went down in 2007. Hopefully my donation along with others from TWC users will help get the site back to its speedy heyday, which will certainly aid us in our endeavor to produce a full conversion mod Rome2.

  16. #216

    Default Re: Test 5.8 Openbeta_2 (12\13\2008 )

    Thanks for all the feedback.

    We continue in a new thread for openbeta3


    BareBonesWars 8.1 for RTW 1.5
    Integration Mod which combines unique strategic challenges due to a 4 Season scripted campaign from 280 BC - 180 AD on several big/small maps and with an ruthless AI on the battlefield.
    Deus lo Vult DLV 6.2 for MTW II Kingdoms
    Norway+Ireland+Flanders+Kiev+Lithuania+Teutonic_Order+Armenia+Crusader+Georgia,1y2t script, army field costs, Ultimate AI 1.6, big map, military career, economic system, age simulation, heraldic system, new factions, garrison script, Crowns + Swords, Trait bugfixer, religion dependent recruiting, ancillary enhancements, darth battle mechanics

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