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Thread: Slow slow slow....

  1. #1
    ♔Greek Strategos♔'s Avatar THE BEARDED MACE
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    Default Slow slow slow....

    Help Please.... i did everything ok and test it again and again but my campaign loads extremely slow... my turns and the loading screens also and everything in the map goes slow.... anyone with the same problem????? but my battles are perfectly ok....

  2. #2
    PrivateJoh's Avatar Tiro
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    Default Re: Slow slow slow....

    Define slow. If you mean it is slower than vanilla M2TW, yes, it should be. How much slower will depend on your computer (30 seconds to 3 minutes).

    To speed things up in the campaign map, scroll wise I mean, deselect any character and it will scroll much faster. Turning shadows off will help you marginally.

    It is basically the price you pay for playing DLV (if you ever played Europa Barbarorum for RTW you know what I mean).

    There are a few threads about that, try to search a bit.


  3. #3
    ♔Greek Strategos♔'s Avatar THE BEARDED MACE
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    Default Re: Slow slow slow....

    Joh thanks for the reply.... I mean its almost unplayable..... i am playing DLV for a long time... (I have played also EB) and i know what you mean bur this is something else.... its like when you change the files from error to tracing when you want to repair a ctd but i didnt do that.... my computer its almost new and i have a strong card 8800GTX 768mb DDR3 2GIGS RAM and a 3GIGS dual corre... so i dont think its a hardware problem something with the files maybe.... i am desperate to play the new version of DLV.... any other ideas.... thanks again.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Default Re: Slow slow slow....

    Greek Strategos,

    You tried removing DLV and then reinstalling?

    All other games work fine?

    Are you using XP?

    This is the best version of DLV yet, I hope you can get it working properly

  5. #5
    PrivateJoh's Avatar Tiro
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    Default Re: Slow slow slow....

    I do not know. I have experienced a very slow loading time for the first turn of the campaign, just after choosing the faction. But afterwards, everything runs normal (as in 5.74 I mean).

    I could only suggest defragmenting your hard-disk, or checking whether it is some problem with the antivirus checking each file you access.

    Sorry man.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Slow slow slow....

    That initial slow loading period after you choose a faction is the .rwm file generating the campaign map for the first time. It should load faster after the first turn.

  7. #7
    ♔Greek Strategos♔'s Avatar THE BEARDED MACE
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    Default Re: Slow slow slow....

    I tried everything.... all other games work fine... Yes im using XP... i also hope to find a solution thanks....
    musicdemon and joh thanks for the tips guys.....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Default Re: Slow slow slow....

    Well it can't really be a problem with the mod, because we'd all have it if it was. So it's something to do with your system.

    Try disabling any software you have running in the background including antivirus and firewall (disconnect from the net first).

    I have no way of knowing what it is you are doing or have done with your computer that is making it run the mod this way but I hope it's just some of your software playing up.

  9. #9
    ♔Greek Strategos♔'s Avatar THE BEARDED MACE
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    Default Re: Slow slow slow....

    Good idea about the backround software.... thanks very much.... i think a certain program can disable them automaticaly and enable them again if you want....but i dont remember the name.... i will try it anyway... thanks again...

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