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Thread: Mod proposal

  1. #1

    Icon3 Mod proposal

    I'm waiting quite anxiously the release of the new patch but at the same time I'm thinking that I don't like too much the choice of the playable factions.
    This is only my opinion but looking at the map you can notice that there are too many factions on the empire zone, and these factions are all the empire ones.
    This choice has a sense to me in the base mod of call of warhammer, but in this submod version, which increase the size of the map, is not the most efficient solution.
    I have read of people suggesting to take out some minor empire factions like hotchland to regain some free slots and use them to create new factions and I saw also the mod that create an only one empire faction. This last mod can be a valid way where to start (but probably taking out the generic empire units).
    I know also that the modders of Botet don't want to change the factions composition so what I'm going to propose is a sort of survey to understand others opinions.

    In my conception this mod should have, taking inspiration from what in the forum some of you have written, an only empire faction and a don't playable empire secessionist one. In this way you can gain 8 faction slots.
    Looking at the map as I said before there are too many empire factions, that have sense in a more restrict map like in Cow where you have more settlements to conquer, but in Botet if you play for example Talabchland you haven't the possibility to expand. Having an only empire faction you will have instead the possibility to have a civil war anyway, fighting against the secessionist faction (in my mind it starts the game with some little settlements and you have to defeat it like in Warhammer TW and then there will be the possibility to see it re-emerge with some conditions of low public order or with some scripts) and the possibility to expand without limitations.
    But nothing new up to here I suppose, I'm only summarizing a lot of ideas read and saw here and there and making order.
    And with the new 8 free slots?
    Yes, here I am. The south of the Botet's map is quite desolate. -Estalia, Tilea and Border Princes, where are you?- I know that they are not factions but only territories made by indipendet cities that fight each other. But I think that this game have some hardcoded limits and we should make a compromise between the lore and the playability. That territories have not a sense if not to see them as zones in which Bretonnia or Skaven or Dogs of War can easily expand. Yes, cool, but if there were real factions there? Shouldn't it be better? Shouldn't the game be more equally divided and give a sense of competitiveness everywhere?
    So, these are my motivations. Maybe making factions called "Tilea" and "Estalia" that have the aim to conquer Estalia and Tilea and wich at the start game haven't conquered all the settlements of their native place yet. In this way we will spend 2 of our 8 free slots making Tilea and Estalia. The Border Princes one will be obtained by reconverting Dogs of War. Then one slot to make a faction that will represent Araby (also to unify and already conquered) and making the southern part of the map more competitive. Should be also cool to create Marienburg faction because it is one of the most populated and rich city and making in this way some pression to Empire on the west side. At this point we can take out some empire minor settlements and redistribute them where necessary.
    We have at this point 4 solts to use. I think that the dwarfs have too many settlements and I heard of someone saying that dwarf campaign is too easy cause they gain a lot of money. I haven't had time to try a campaign with them but starting from this point and also by the fact they have several settlements in very distant positions, we could create different dwarfs families, one in the southern zone, one in the middle and one in the north, looking at the lore as much as possible.
    So we will maintain the dwarf faction changing its name with the one of a dwarf clan and creating two new ones.
    Now we have 2 other free slots. Why not doing the same with the orcs? But here I was thinking to add only one more orc clan.

    With the last one instead I don't know. Maybe beastman? Yes but they are an orde faction and is not possible represent them properly. About this I was thinking we could create two settlements, one in Empire zone near Middenheim and one in Bretonnia. In this 2 settlements take out the possibility to build buildings and to destroy the existing ones.
    These 2 settlements should be the beastman bases from wich recruit beast warriors (and only there). The buildings inside should be the ones wich will recruit them. Something like one for the little and weak units and one for the stronger. These settlements should be part of Chaos undivided dominion and only using it you can recruit beastman. If Empire for example conquer that settlment, the only benefit will be that it have no more to face beastman (until chaos undivided reconquer it). These settlements are not important money maker but are made only to represent the beastman presence.

    Finally, there is one more free slot because my representation of beastman work using the existing chaos undivided faction.

    My competence in modding doesn't allow me to give life to this project but I was wondering if someone one day will do it, or something like this. I'm not sure but maybe I have read somewhere that someone of Botet team will do their own submod one day in the future when they will have finished the most of their work on the current submod, but I repeat, I'm not sure of this. In case, are you planning to do something similar? Could my idea give some inspirations?

    Now I would like to know if some of you think like me about my proposal of modification. What is your opinion? Any suggestions?
    What could we do with the last free faction slot?

    Sorry for the long post but I had the need to write it because I love this mod and Warhammer TW is not satisfying at all (and not completed yet).
    And sorry for the grammar errors too.

    I will clarify any points you don't understand if you will request and if I will have the time to do it.

  2. #2
    Julianus Flavius's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Mod proposal

    Well if you're going to drop some settlements and factions from the Empire area, that would also open up the possibility of including ind, Cathay and Nippon if you know how to make the necessary modifications to the map. In that case, the 8 faction slots could go to:

    Of course, that would come with the problem of having to free up unit slots for Ind, Cathay and Nippon, as well as fill out the Tilean, Estalian, Dogs of War and Araby unit roster (unless leaving them with just the AAR troops from their area but recruitable everywhere for the appropriate faction is enough) so you may have to drop the cool faction-specific Empire special troops to make room (which would be sad, there's a lot of really cool units in there)
    As for Cathayan, Ind and Nipponese units, you could ask permission to use the ones from the Lao Che Khanate in the Thera mod for M2, they have a lot of appropriate far eastern themed units.
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    ~ Hypatia, as represented in the film 'Agora'

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Mod proposal

    Quote Originally Posted by Julianus Flavius View Post
    Well if you're going to drop some settlements and factions from the Empire area, that would also open up the possibility of including ind, Cathay and Nippon if you know how to make the necessary modifications to the map. In that case, the 8 faction slots could go to:

    Of course, that would come with the problem of having to free up unit slots for Ind, Cathay and Nippon, as well as fill out the Tilean, Estalian, Dogs of War and Araby unit roster (unless leaving them with just the AAR troops from their area but recruitable everywhere for the appropriate faction is enough) so you may have to drop the cool faction-specific Empire special troops to make room (which would be sad, there's a lot of really cool units in there)
    As for Cathayan, Ind and Nipponese units, you could ask permission to use the ones from the Lao Che Khanate in the Thera mod for M2, they have a lot of appropriate far eastern themed units.
    For units of Nippon faction may ask the mods teams:
    Imjin War of Korea
    Shizoku no Sensō

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Mod proposal

    Quote Originally Posted by Julianus Flavius View Post
    Well if you're going to drop some settlements and factions from the Empire area, that would also open up the possibility of including ind, Cathay and Nippon if you know how to make the necessary modifications to the map. In that case, the 8 faction slots could go to:

    I agree for the 8 factions.

    You could do a sub-mod of "Botet", after the 1.5 patch release.

    They are available to change units Ashigaru and Samurai of mods "Imjin War of Korea" and "shizoku no Senso", if you have their permission to use their materials (models, textures etc ...).
    Last edited by Crociato78; March 25, 2017 at 11:14 AM.

  5. #5
    Mr_Nygren's Avatar Berserkir
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    Default Re: Mod proposal

    I don't agree with those eight lol. Should have Norsca also.
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Mod proposal

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr_Nygren View Post
    I don't agree with those eight lol. Should have Norsca also.
    Without creating the empire secessionist faction.

    In this way you can gain 9 faction slots.

    The 9 faction slots could go to:


  7. #7
    Mr_Nygren's Avatar Berserkir
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    Default Re: Mod proposal

    Quote Originally Posted by Crociato78 View Post
    Without creating the empire secessionist faction.

    In this way you can gain 9 faction slots.

    The 9 faction slots could go to:

    Would be a great idea.
    Be your friend's, true friend. Return gift for gift. Repay laughter, with laughter again
    but betrayal with treachery.

    - The Havamal

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Mod proposal

    For the existing map we can add 6 factions.

    The 6 faction slots go to:


    In the future with a more complete map the other 3 factions (Cathay, Ind and Nippon).

  9. #9

    Default Re: Mod proposal

    I'm not entirely on the boat about Ind, Cathay and Nippon. But if I were to consider the mapping for this mod, I would think that one of the ways to keep the empire still fairly balanced would be to make huge changes to it.

    - Taking out a lot of locations such as minor villages and 'filler' settlements. Leaving only the capitals of provinces, and one or two more settlements per province.

    - Using those freed slots to instead place rebel settlements like orc camps, beastmen strongholds, and ruins infested with all sorts of monsters. Mostly undead and chaos.

    - Empire Secessionist faction, and maybe even more scripted armies. More lords trying to become emperor (rouge elector counts?) and bands of heretics or armies of ulfric worshipers trying to convert the empire. All
    these dangers combine into a large faction you play as but rarely get to utilize properly until late game as you struggle to find breathing space due to your civil war issues. Not to mention a potential attack from outsiders.
    Otherwise, it would be far too easy.

    Placing a few more settlements shouldn't be an issue for the minor factions.

    I believe the map size is already maxed out for botet. Including these new regions would involve shrinking the map, meaning making the elves and lizard men closer to the oldworld and probably smaller as wholes.
    Shrinking EVERYthing slightly to give more space to the new factions. I'm no expert in modding or even super experienced in mapping but even shrinking the map isn't as simple as it sounds either. I think it would require an entirely new map
    that you would be essentially tracing with help of the other map. Then drawing in the new regions.

    That's my opinion on the whole matter anyways. I think its a great idea and I often find myself completely ignoring everything except for the expectional empire factions. Reikland for the emporor, wissenland for the firearms, and ostland or the nordland for their positions and potential relations with other factions. I would love to see the empire as a fragmented empire slowly climbing and to also play as Estalla and Araby. Even defending against Brettonian crusades.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Mod proposal

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Jester View Post
    I'm not entirely on the boat about Ind, Cathay and Nippon. But if I were to consider the mapping for this mod, I would think that one of the ways to keep the empire still fairly balanced would be to make huge changes to it.

    - Taking out a lot of locations such as minor villages and 'filler' settlements. Leaving only the capitals of provinces, and one or two more settlements per province.

    - Using those freed slots to instead place rebel settlements like orc camps, beastmen strongholds, and ruins infested with all sorts of monsters. Mostly undead and chaos.

    - Empire Secessionist faction, and maybe even more scripted armies. More lords trying to become emperor (rouge elector counts?) and bands of heretics or armies of ulfric worshipers trying to convert the empire. All
    these dangers combine into a large faction you play as but rarely get to utilize properly until late game as you struggle to find breathing space due to your civil war issues. Not to mention a potential attack from outsiders.
    Otherwise, it would be far too easy.

    Placing a few more settlements shouldn't be an issue for the minor factions.

    I believe the map size is already maxed out for botet. Including these new regions would involve shrinking the map, meaning making the elves and lizard men closer to the oldworld and probably smaller as wholes.
    Shrinking EVERYthing slightly to give more space to the new factions. I'm no expert in modding or even super experienced in mapping but even shrinking the map isn't as simple as it sounds either. I think it would require an entirely new map
    that you would be essentially tracing with help of the other map. Then drawing in the new regions.

    That's my opinion on the whole matter anyways. I think its a great idea and I often find myself completely ignoring everything except for the expectional empire factions. Reikland for the emporor, wissenland for the firearms, and ostland or the nordland for their positions and potential relations with other factions. I would love to see the empire as a fragmented empire slowly climbing and to also play as Estalla and Araby. Even defending against Brettonian crusades.

    Ok, your opinions are good.

    Surely it would be ideal to keep the current map of Botet.

    But how to have a fragmented empire and new factions (Estalia, Tilea, Araby, Marienburg, Norsca and Beastmen)?

    Maximum 30 playable factions + the rebel faction.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Mod proposal

    Well the fragmented empire idea is obviously one empire faction and probably a new secessionist faction. That still leaves all the other freed slots for whatever new factions you'd like to put in. All the other rebels and armies I talked about are just that, rebels.

    It WOULD be very ideal to keep the current map of botet, but where to put Ind, Cathay, or Nippon is a good question. Simply giving them a settlement on the corners and calling them colonies would be easy but.. Who knows?

  12. #12
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    Im not an expert in Warhammer but you can add the Amazons and Albion too without change the map. Some other army book I have already looked online too are Fimir and Hobgoblins and Halfling and Nauticans.

  13. #13
    ♔atthias♔'s Avatar dutch speaking

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    Default Re: Mod proposal

    wrong thread delete please
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