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Thread: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

  1. #61

    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    1 - No cinematics for agents, events and faction intros. The cinematics in previous total war games immersed you into the world. So far I've seen two cinematic clips and both were when my general died. 2 - End of turns are very slow. I'm at turn 32 and it takes around 4-5 min for a turn to complete. 3 - You don't grow attached to your generals anymore as they die of old age too quickly and level up too slow

  2. #62

    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    1. The duel mechanic. It ruins formations, and while it worked in Japan due to the emphasis on individual combat, it doesn't ing working with roman legions. M2TW style fighting, just tweaked would work2. Titans are struggling to run this games sometimes, optimization is a killer. -Also, I bsoded twice because the game ignored my gpu and used 90% of my CPU.3. 110 individual factions? Really?
    Last edited by Doge Domenico; September 04, 2013 at 09:37 AM.

  3. #63
    Irishman's Avatar Let me out of my mind
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    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    1) Battles are too fast both with movement speed and morale. Troops in a spear formation shouldn't be wavering at first contact, even on legendary.

    2) Minor settlements are far too minor. Not having walls makes their defense difficult and even worse, their size look puny.

    3)Diplomacy- While I have been impressed in some regards (enemies who are losing a war suing for peace and even offering money to do so), but when friendly factions refuse trade uniformly, that is absurd.

    On that note some things I HAVEN'T seen are long AI turn times, mostly slinger armies (in fact, they seem very balanced), or problems with the UI (it is different, but not that hard to get used to).
    Last edited by Irishman; September 04, 2013 at 09:43 AM.
    The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days...

    Under the perspicacious and benevolent patronage of the great and honorable Rez and a member of S.I.N

    He who joyfully marches to music rank and file, has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action. It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.

  4. #64

    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    1) The new battle UI. The TW battle UI has pretty much looked the same since the original Shogun because it worked extremely well. So, why did CA decide to attempt to reinvent the wheel by removing a host of useful features and replacing them with nonsense? There were times I actually had to minimize the army UI in order to watch the battle. Really, really head-scratching. It's like the New Coke of TW games.

    2) BAI: Suicide "daimyos," "chicken-dancing" under missile fire, assaulting cities but then not doing anything while the clock runs out on, entire armies chasing after skirmishers, and a whole host of annoying, irritating, and frustrating AI "glitches" that when combined with the ludicrous speed of combat, absurd killing rates of missile units (flaming, machinegun-esque javelins?) and silly "power-up" buttons simply ruin the battles. I played a 100 turns as Rome on Hard and did not experience one single battle where I felt any danger of losing. Just dreadful.

    3) CAI: Shades of Empire: the campaign AI seems to have serious problems handling the game's economic and public order features. I saw more than a few AI nations go bankrupt and rebellions seemed to be occurring all over the place. The CAI being able to handle the game's economy with or without "cheats" often compensates a lot for the BAI's failings. Facing large AI armies with lot's and lot's of high quality troops can make battles challenging (and fun) regardless at how inept the BAI is at handling them. (This an area where S2TW's CAI really shined.) However, a bankrupt AI nation that is constantly beset by rebellions is not much of a challenge. As I'm "snowballing" it appears no AI nation is rising to the challenge. So, like in the early versions of ETW, the player emerges as a "giant" among pygmies. I'm playing "Hard" campaign, which was always my preferred difficulty level for S2TW, but it's been ridiculously easy in Rome2. I have not run into one decent opposing army in 100 turns! I've been bowling over one understrength, untrained mob of weakling units led by a nobody after the other. It's gotten really, really boring.

  5. #65

    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    Double post
    Last edited by MKeogh; September 04, 2013 at 10:02 AM.

  6. #66

    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    1) Battle speed needs to be lowered. Morale levels need to be raised across the board. 2) The absolutely dreadful UI needs to be changed. Fleshed out unit/building icons. Shogun 2's UI was great. Go back to it. 3) Buff the major powers. There is a lack of strong AI nations late game.

  7. #67

    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    Does the game actually crash/stall as in just freezes when on a siege battle? Its down that twice to me and it surprises me because the game is working really smoothly for me now I have updated my driver on Ge Force Experience. Will a patch on Friday sort this out?

  8. #68

    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    1. Ridiculously short battle times. Even a big battle usually only lasts around 3-5 minutes - for example, I used a Parthian army with only about 1400 men (almost all of them are cavalry, including one unit of Mercenary Indian Elephants) against an army which belongs to a faction called Arachosia with about 2500 men (70% infantry, 30% cavalry) and I still emerged victorious after charging all of my units into the enemy's battle formation as the entire Arachosian army routed almost immediately. The battle's elapsed time is about 3 minutes and 20 seconds.

    2. Poor peformance, and I have a quite powerful, high-end PC that can maxed out Shogun 2 with Ultra unit settings with no lag. I have no choice but to lower unit sizes and the graphic quality.

    3. See issue number 1.

    Fix these things and I as well as a lot of people here will be much, much happier. I have no problems with issues like the unit cards, UI and turn times though. Those three issues are perfectly fine to me (my waiting time between turns is less than 40 seconds).
    Last edited by nhathoang94; September 04, 2013 at 10:29 AM.

  9. #69

    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    1) Battles are just like a Rugby scrum with no order or proper fighting just units diving at each other.2) City capture is simply pathetic, the AI just darts for the flag and the center is captured in what seems like less than a minute.3) The building tree is just messed up, you can't see how what benefits or how they effect each other from the tech tree to the city building tree, makes it hard to see how to deal with unrest etc.

  10. #70

    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    1. Black shadow armies. I can't win a battle cause I can't see who's who. Also zoom is very restrictive.

    2. Unless you utterly defeat an army, most losses will just replenish, making most battles pointless.

    3. Region management is confusing.

  11. #71
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    1: Battles are over wayyyy too quickly. Average battle length for me so far has been like 5-6 minutes. Feels like it all happens too fast. 2. AI is dumber than bricks. I have captured TWO towns now because the defending army just up and walks away with my attacking force in plain sight right next to their town. One time they even got on a boat and just sailed off. I captured the town effortlessly, and then they came back, landed, and marched randomly through the woods for a turn until they'd all died of attrition. 3. Battles are cluttered, very hard to tell what is going on. I find myself needing to pause often to identify which troops are mine and which are the enemy.
    That's Numberwang!

  12. #72

    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    No cinematic's or generals speeches my army feels like a bunch of nothing, Battles are too fast.

    Genghis Mighty Mongolian Warlord.

  13. #73

    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    1. The whole recruitment system is a joke and is terrible.

    2. UI in battle is a joke and there is no true minimize UI, just "watch cinematic mode that for some reason gives your forces a stat boost.

    3. Poor performance.

  14. #74

    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    1. The whole recruitment system is a joke and is terrible.

    2. UI in battle is a joke and there is no true minimize UI, just "watch cinematic mode that for some reason gives your forces a stat boost.

    3. Poor performance.

  15. #75
    Modestus's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    Quote Originally Posted by Rhavanna View Post
    One time they even got on a boat and just sailed off. I captured the town effortlessly, and then they came back, landed, and marched randomly through the woods for a turn until they'd all died of attrition.
    That is one of the funniest things I have read in a long while every time I read it I start laughing, you sound so disgusted I can only imagine the look on your face.

  16. #76

    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    1) UI boxes take up too much screen space. I like the look but everything needs to be smaller.
    2) Don't seem to be able to zoom out as much as I'd like
    3) Still to be tested, but I'm not sure the auto-resolve is taking unit experience into account.
    EDIT: Replacement #3: The launcher. Please can I click on one button to launch my game, instead of launching a launcher! Just dump the TW launcher please, I already know which game I want to play, that's why I clicked on its icon, not another one.
    Last edited by Ravenfeeder; September 04, 2013 at 11:31 AM.

  17. #77

    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    1. A capture point in every battle. Completely negates any defensive strategy or attempt to use terrain. I like how a lot of the settlement battles have this great rocky outcropping with 1 approach uphill... but you can never use it because the capture point is at the bottom.

    2. Phalanxes are pointless. On my Sparta campaign, I've pretty much given up with that bs and just running around with hordes of cheap spearman

    3. Battles are too fast; especially considering how much you have to micromanage to even keep a single group of hoplites in formation

    How did all the reviewers miss these glaring issues?

  18. #78

    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    1. Dancing AI units. in city battles when under missile fire. It looks really silly, and makes for a horrible experience. 2. Army Limits. Just don't like it. They were limited in previous TW games, by your treasury. not a hard cap. and finally 3. No AA options, the simple on or off is ridiculous. there should be norma. 2x 4x and 8x AA options.
    18th Century Book about a young Sailor in the Royal Navy, who embarks a great adventure!

  19. #79

    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    1) Feels like I am playing a console game2) UI looks like I am playing a console game3) BAI is as dumb as a bag of spanners if the player has the bare faced cheek to use cavalry
    Last edited by Stuka; September 04, 2013 at 11:14 AM.

  20. #80
    Epic28's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Your top three issues with RTW 2 (constructive criticism)

    1. Battle speed. CA spent all this time with adding new animations, facial expressions, and soldier dialogue into the gritty up close and personal combat. Unfortunately we barely get a chance to witness any of this because the units have already routed after minutes of being engaged. CA added the great unit camera feature but sadly I am spent mostly zoomed out because of the insanely fast battle pace. It sucks...2. I don't suffer from performance issues on my rig, but I know many are and I believe my performance should be better than it is currently. 3. I've already modded my campaign to provide me with 40 units per General to increase the scale of the battles (see the link in my sig ), but also I would like to know where the unit multiplier is for increasing the unit sizes up from 160. Also seems the AI is wayyyy to invested in missile units as seen above? Strange army composition but that is only 15 turns into the campaign.
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