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Thread: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

  1. #101
    Axis Sunsoar's Avatar Domesticus
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    "You may remember a raven that arrived at Casterly Rock some time ago. I am following up on that missive. I merely wished to point out that no one else in my house has taken the time to focus on the things I do, and that you can be sure that they will not be a trouble."

  2. #102
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    "An intriguing statement, but I am afraid that unless contextualized I will not be able to discern its true meaning." Aurelia responded flatly

  3. #103
    Axis Sunsoar's Avatar Domesticus
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    Oh, sparring with words, my favorite."Let me speak plainly then, my lady. Lord Victor is missing his legs, which means that he is undoubtably missing other important assets. He will likely father no heirs." This leaves his brothers. I think it would be quite... unfortunate if Rickard were to become the Lord Paramount of the Reach. The people do not love him as they love Ulrick. I know my father would never consider harming a Tyrell, nor would Victor himself wish to effect this change, but it needs to happen. Urick Tyrell must succeed Victor as Lord Paramount of the Reach, and he must have heirs, so that the line may continue, for eventually brothers will run short. I request your aid, as Ulrick leading the Reach would be far more beneficial to yourself."

  4. #104
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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    "Victor fathered a son by my niece." Aurelia narrowed her eyes. Either Victor was lying...or...

  5. #105
    Axis Sunsoar's Avatar Domesticus
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    How bizzare, I was certain they had a girl... either way my job just got more difficult. "I am not entirely sure the boy is Victor's. How could a man with no legs father a son?" If father had any idea what I was doing, my head would be on a pike, right beside Janos'. Careful Stephen, careful, I'll never work my way to the top if I wind up dead today.
    Last edited by Axis Sunsoar; January 04, 2014 at 07:20 PM.

  6. #106
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    Seven hells, am I to give this boy a lesson about fornication?

    "I am no maester, but it appears there is fruit in those looms."

  7. #107
    Axis Sunsoar's Avatar Domesticus
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    Perhaps I can find another way to work everything out. I wonder how Janos is faring?

    "Of course, forgive me my Lady, perhaps I can make a more persuasive argument later."
    Once I see what can be done about making the whole situation appear worse than it is.

  8. #108

    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Dread View Post
    He was a little bit shocked to hear her words, but understood her, though he had other thoughts about it.
    Nevertheless, Edric wasn't now in the mood to refuse her will, as he realized that it was pointless.
    "So... what shall I do in your opinion?", he then sighed, "You think we should talk to her?"
    She liked a more radical action. "I think we should marry her off, before it is too late." she points to her. "Now she's talking with one of the lads of the Hand of the King. That would be a well off marriage. It would gain us the strength of the Stormlands. Or, I had a little thought.. the last Stark died, if his sucessor is unmarried, we might marry her off to him. It would give us an alliance with him and my little sister would be lady of the whole North." Now that was a price title.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xion View Post
    "I know, Maron's dragon wife has caused him to be too distracted with family affairs that he neglected his vassals, until Yronwood's revolt. He should've married a Dornish woman or even someone from Essos, would've saved us a lot of trouble. So what if they invaded again? We Dornish would do what we always have done with the dragons march south...and you're right. Perhaps we can free ourselves of these dragons soon." Lucia whispers.
    "Hush, hush." Valena said "Today we celebrate them." she laughed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucius Malfoy View Post
    OOC: Really sucks as I can't find anything worth saying -.-

    Orys gulps slightly, adjusting his color now. He had been put on the spotlight. He wasn't really sure how to respond. no good mi'lady. Just an a-amateur in romance and p-poetry.

    Orys stuttered, making himself look like a fool.
    "Mi'lord are you blossoming like a flower?" she said with a cheeky grin.

  9. #109
    Adamat's Avatar Invertebrate
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zethira View Post
    - "The battlefield is where i met her mother, it's a long story. To be honest, i'm surprised i ended up with one daughter willing to act her gender at all."

    Tyrene crossed her arms and stuck out her tongue at Simeon in response to his jest, though there was no ill intent in it and it was clear it was something that had been joked about many times before. Aiyana on the other hand remained seated, trying very hard not to laugh, though again with no malicious intentions. He chuckled again, before turning to Ser Preston again.

    - "A few months back there was a rumor of wild dogs in the area of my Keep, and she sneaks out intending to fight them. My guards arrived just in time to help slay them. And she'd do it again next time."

    Tyrene softly murmured something to herself at that, which was just loud enough to be heard.

    - "I did find them though."
    "Ah, warrior women. Do you know the story of Sirsha Stark? Of course you do," Ser Preston said. "Died too damn young she did."

    He laughed when he saw the two fight it out with gestures. "You may have found them, My Lady," he said, "but these animals are dangerous. Defeating them all on your own is a whole different thing than tracking them down. They could rip out your throat in an instant. You should always go hunting in a group, just like these beasts do."
    #JusticeForCookie #JusticeForCal #JusticeForAkar #JusticeForAthelchan

  10. #110

    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Aemon Blackfyre, wearing now courtly robes, but still with the chesplate, arrives to his father's side, he's ashamed and humilliated. He leans forward aproaching Daemon's head:

    "Father" He whispers in his ear "I'm sorry, for I've been unhorsed easily, and then, defeated in the melée. I must have disappointed you, and covering our House with shame. I apologize"

    Left: artwork by the great Duncan Fegredo.

    A link to my Deviantart's account.

  11. #111

    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by Adamat View Post
    "Ah, warrior women. Do you know the story of Sirsha Stark? Of course you do," Ser Preston said. "Died too damn young she did."

    He laughed when he saw the two fight it out with gestures. "You may have found them, My Lady," he said, "but these animals are dangerous. Defeating them all on your own is a whole different thing than tracking them down. They could rip out your throat in an instant. You should always go hunting in a group, just like these beasts do."
    - "Only the stories the way bards told them, as has my daughter i'm afraid. Regrettably i have never met her in person, so the amount of truth to these tales remains questionable at best. Honestly, i'm surprised i haven't heard bards claim she could call down lightning onto her enemies!"

    Tyrene lowered her head while mumbling something unintelligible, though from her body language alone it was easy to tell that she agreed that there had been some measure of danger to it, as much as she regretted to admit it. But it was always easier to talk in hindsight. Usually she just impulsively decided to do something, and was then too stubborn to admit she had maybe overreached herself a little before drowning out that small voice of reason with tales of Sirsha Stark and her mother and all kinds of people she looked up to that she told herself would not have shied away from what she had set out to do either.

    "Careful little Lord. The North is ruled by more than samurai alone..."

  12. #112
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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Things seemingly to have taken a turn for the...weird...Aurelia rose and departed before she was accosted by any more lords with peculiar ramblings.
    Last edited by Pontifex Maximus; January 05, 2014 at 07:34 AM.

  13. #113
    Lucius Malfoy's Avatar Pure-Blood

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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by Alexandrine View Post
    "Mi'lord are you blossoming like a flower?" she said with a cheeky grin.

    No way am I a flower, mi'lady. Neither a Lord. Just a simple man who was born into House Baratheon, a normal Stag.

    ​He grins in return.
    Gaming Director for the Gaming Staff
    Gaming Director for the Play-by-Post Subforum and the RPG Shed

  14. #114
    Adamat's Avatar Invertebrate
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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by Zethira View Post
    - "Only the stories the way bards told them, as has my daughter i'm afraid. Regrettably i have never met her in person, so the amount of truth to these tales remains questionable at best. Honestly, i'm surprised i haven't heard bards claim she could call down lightning onto her enemies!"

    Tyrene lowered her head while mumbling something unintelligible, though from her body language alone it was easy to tell that she agreed that there had been some measure of danger to it, as much as she regretted to admit it. But it was always easier to talk in hindsight. Usually she just impulsively decided to do something, and was then too stubborn to admit she had maybe overreached herself a little before drowning out that small voice of reason with tales of Sirsha Stark and her mother and all kinds of people she looked up to that she told herself would not have shied away from what she had set out to do either.
    "Well, I'll give you the short version then," Preston said, feigning a laugh as he thought about the story. "Lady Sirsha was named Knight of the Bloody gate right before the first Blackfyre rebellion started. She was sent to harass the rebels in the Reach. She obviously planted the seeds of hate then, when she raided the Reach settlements. At the walls of Highgarden, she had met up with a Dornish army. They faced the Tyrell army before their siege engines were ready, and paid dearly for it. Sirsha's flank was the only one to stand victorious over the Reachmen, both the Dornish center and left routed. Lady Sirsha was captured, but soon after released by Ser Victor Tyrell, who usurped Highgarden from his own father." He took a breath.

    "Lady Sirsha was never one to sit still, so when there came reports of bandits in the Reach, she felt obligated to lead an expedition there. She tracked the outlaws to the Westerlands, where she was betrayed by the bloody Lannisters. They shackled her and brought her to King's Landing, claiming she was the bandit. Most of the gathered nobles agreed that she was not guilty, but in a trial of combat she was slain by Lannister's brute , Clegane. Yet the raids continued, and Lannister had known that would happen all along. They were out to get their revenge on Sirsha, not to bring brigands to justice." He shot a look over his shoulders. "Never trust a Lannister."
    #JusticeForCookie #JusticeForCal #JusticeForAkar #JusticeForAthelchan

  15. #115

    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Lord Simeon nodded in response, hearing much he had been able to deduct already from the war meeting with Lord Edwyle in Winterfell right after he had received Shadowmoor from House Flint. He wondered if Tyrene would do something much the same if he lost Thanacheir to such betrayal. She probably would. Hells, he'd be capable of joining her on that crusade himself! Going by the wide-eyed look on Tyrene's face when she heard what the Lannisters had done he was happy enough she wouldn't storm off in search of Lady Lannister to demand an explanation, at least partially because he didn't feel like apologizing to her for the slight it would create.

    - "Add to that the bribing of the Boltons and the Greyjoy to attack Winterfell and i can imagine how Lord Stark would have grown to hate the Lannisters, and the Westerlands as a whole."

    He chuckled for a moment, lowering his voice to a murmur.

    - "I did manage to unseat their Ser Abelar in the Jousts today though, pity i didn't win any of the ransom money back but i'll take that small victory back North with me after this Tournament is over."

    "Careful little Lord. The North is ruled by more than samurai alone..."

  16. #116
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    All of the Lannisters return to the Rock, Clegane drops out of all events and returns to Fang Tower

  17. #117

    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by Adamat View Post
    Prince Eon Arryn, who had been drinking an ale with his retainers while a smith was hammering the dents out of his armour, was quick to notice the newcomers. Even more so, the lady. He spoke something to one of the knights who sat around the table, the man laughed, and Eon stood up. He walked toward Talbert, intent on introducing himself to the lady. He quickly nodded to that man in purple, casually extended a hand to the Lord, and then elaborately bowed before the fair maiden. "Allow me to introduce myself, Prince Eon Arryn," he said, more to the lady than to the Lord.
    "Good day, my Prince," she replied, graciously. "Are you championing for this tourney, or merely an expectator?"

    Lord Mallister became immediately upset at the obvious courtship. He would have intervened, though experience had shown him that his daughter was quite good at dismissing suitors quite nicely.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucius Malfoy View Post

    Match has yet to begin, Duncan. Nonetheless, everyone will remember the Stag Knight after today.

    Meldred smiles at his son, then looks at Lord Stafford. He leans down and whispers in his ear.

    Best watch what we say about the Cleganes, Stafford. Lyessa is to marry the cousin of Lady Aurelia Lannister, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands. Will bring the Stormlands fortune and a stable alliance. Rather not tick off one of the Westerland's finest knights and most loyal vassals.
    An insolent old man Stafford was, but he knew better than to oppose his Lord Paramount. All in all he respected the man (he had given him his daughter after all), and simply nodded and smirked.

    "We will root for you, coz," both Dondarrion boys said. As their younger cousins, they saw the famed Stag Knight as someone to look up to, an older brother to them, and admired both his skills as his character.

    "So... is there any lady you'd like to crown as queen of beauty?" asked Duncan, as he admired his cousin's helmet, thinking of a good design with lightnings for himself.

  18. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ozy View Post
    "Good day, my Prince," she replied, graciously. "Are you championing for this tourney, or merely an expectator?"

    Lord Mallister became immediately upset at the obvious courtship. He would have intervened, though experience had shown him that his daughter was quite good at dismissing suitors quite nicely.
    Eon laughed. "Well, I got thrown off of my horse immediately in the jousts, but the duels have yet to start. I have hope that I'll do better with my feet firmly on the ground. So yes, I am competing in the tourney." Such beauty, and such grace...
    #JusticeForCookie #JusticeForCal #JusticeForAkar #JusticeForAthelchan

  19. #119

    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by Alexandrine View Post
    She liked a more radical action. "I think we should marry her off, before it is too late." she points to her. "Now she's talking with one of the lads of the Hand of the King. That would be a well off marriage. It would gain us the strength of the Stormlands. Or, I had a little thought.. the last Stark died, if his sucessor is unmarried, we might marry her off to him. It would give us an alliance with him and my little sister would be lady of the whole North." Now that was a price title.
    Edric didn't thought all too long about it, as especially the last thing sounded more than delightful for him.
    "Do as you want, you have my permission", he said with a smile, "Your ideas are always wonderful. Especially, when they come true."

    Quote Originally Posted by Jokern View Post
    "Yes, I guess you are right as always. Maybe it is the best for now. The realm is untied again, and we get to go to more tourneys, although I think we both have no real interest in the event. But, we are here, so we can at least enjoy ourselves. Apart from the charade with the Arryns, have you found anything intersting?"
    He shrugged.
    "Apart from things out the tourney, not really, to be honest", he sighed, "You know me and my attitude to politics all too well, my dear."

  20. #120
    Axis Sunsoar's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pontifex Maximus View Post
    Things seemingly to have taken a turn for the...weird...Aurelia rose and departed before she was accosted by any more lords with peculiar ramblings.
    OOC: that's my bad, I didn't actually check to see if Victor had any heirs. Put it down to a drunk Tarly.

    IC: Stephen woke up four hours later wondering what had happened after he left the bar. Hopefully I didn't do anything stupid.

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