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Thread: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

  1. #1
    Adar's Avatar Just doing it

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    Default Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    The Swedish neo-nazi party "Svenskarnas parti" announced that they would dissolve the organization in May 2015 (link in Swedish, use Google translate) which according to experts was caused a lack of popular support and internal conflicts. Svenskarnas parti was the parliamentary political arm of the Swedish neo-nazi movement and were also the Swedish representatives to the "Russian International Forum" (described in English here) which was supported by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin .

    The new party will serve as the political arm of "Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen" which have a stated objective of "retaking power from the global sionistic elite that economically and militarily occupy the majority of our world" and create a national socialist society and were responsible for the attacks in Kärrtorp 2013 where 23 members of the organization were arrested for attacking a leftist demonstration.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anton Shekhovtsov
    A few days ago, new information has emerged that further corroborates this argument. On 5-6 September 2015, representatives of the RID visited Sweden and took part in a meeting of the Swedish fascist organisation Nordic Resistance (Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen), which was invited to join the WNCM earlier. During his talk, the RID's leader Stanislav Vorobyov, warned about "a full-scale war against the traditional values of Western civilisation" and explained that the uniform in which he showed up at the meeting was a symbol of their fight against "the Jewish oligarchs in Ukraine" on the side of pro-Russian extremists in Eastern Ukraine. Furthermore, he claimed that "the Zionist strategy in the Middle East would be used int he future to divide and rule the nations of Europe".

    Most importantly, however, the Swedish report on the meeting states that, during its visit to Sweden, the Russian delegation has donated money to the Swedish fascists as a contribution to the building of a political party on the basis of the "Nordic Resistance". The information about the donation has been confirmed by the RID itself. The amount of the donation remains has not been disclosed.

    The RID is not an ordinary far right organisation, but a fascist paramilitary movement that poses a potential terrorist threat to democratic societies. To understand the nature of this movement, as well as getting more insight into the WNCM that was co-founded by the RID, it seems appropriate to consider the current activities of the movement.

    The RID was established in 2002 in St. Petersburg by Stanislav Vorobyov. Its major political goals are the revival of the Russian Empire (and regaining the "lost" territories) and the restoration of the Russian monarchy.

    Since 2014, the RID was actively involved in the Russian war on Ukraine. Curiously, Vorobyov arrived in Ukraine right after the start of the occupation of Crimea by the Russian "little green men". The building of the Crimean parliament was seized by the Russian special ops forces on 27 February 2014, and Vorobyov arrived in Crimea the next day.

    Vorobyov described their visit to Crimea as follows:
    I accompanied an airplane to Crimea that carried Russian military instructors who were to organise the local resistance movement. I remember one night the SBU guys [Ukrainian security officers] burned documents in their yard - then I understood that we were going to annex [Crimea].
    On 14 March 2014, yet another groups of the RID members headed by Nikolay Trushchalov went to Donetsk in Eastern Ukraine. In Donetsk, they met with the representatives of a number of pro-Russian right-wing extremist organisations, in particular with the members of the "Donetsk Republic" that had long-standing relations with the Eurasianist movement headed by Russian fascist Alexander Dugin.
    So what do you think, should the west respond by introducing their own laws against "foreign agents" or should we look for other more democratic solutions?

    Personally I believe that a demoratic society is far more resistant to racist movements than we think. Nazi parties are disgusting and scary, but popular support have always been limited and historical success have relied violent takeovers justified by a widespread fear of communist coups. Nazi parties should therefore always be carefully monitored as potential terrorists. But we should be punished by their actions rather than belonging to a specific organization even if it is paid for by a foreign actor.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    I have a question: how popular was the Nazi party in the past and how much chance is there that this new party would be more popular/influential?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    What I think is that the title is very misleading, it reminds me of the Czarist-Putinist submarine and copying articles from euromaidan is undermining the quality of the Poltical Mudpit. Nikolai Trushchalov and Stanislav Vorovyov are members of the Russian Imperial Movement, with the Czarist flag as its logo and ethnic cleansing ideas. In other words, they're nazis and they unsuprisingly support the Swedish local nutjobs. In other words, it's a clear case of solidarity between groups that share similar political ideas, hardly shocking news. What is not clear is why these "gentlemen" are labelled as Russian agents. I mean they're Russian, but agents? Have they been paid by the government? Do they work for the russian state? Neither the OP nor a quick google research managed to prove either, just like their meeting with far-right guys from Donets is irrelevant. In conclusion, I'm afraid that neither Sweden nor the nazi parties are important enough for "Putler" to waste money, in order to destabilise Europe, for the benefit of the Russian Bear.

  4. #4
    Comes Domesticorum
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    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    I'm sure whatever sum the Russians may or may not have given is paltry in comparison to the funds the West and United States give to support their own parties and regimes. Can't say I see the big deal, even with whatever paltry sum the Russians can give, a Nazi party in Sweden on its own won't be able to do much anyway.

  5. #5
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    I could be very, very wrong but somehow I imagine Swedish neo-Nazis to be a totally watered down version of the typical neo-Nazi: polite, soft-spoken, empathetic and considerate. Possibly even feminists, animal rights lovers, and vegans, too. I don't imagine them to be anything like Russell Crowe:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    All that being said, as an American, I couldn't agree more with your sentiment that such organizations should not be outlawed, and their individuals not arrested unless they've actually committed a crime. That's the basics of free speech, even speech we dislike and vehemently disagree with on the grounds of morality and social justice. All speech should be protected, unless it is directly and actively calling for violence. This is the very reason that the (laughably small) Nazi Party continued to operate in the United States long after WWII.

  6. #6
    Adar's Avatar Just doing it

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    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    Quote Originally Posted by Abdülmecid I View Post
    What I think is that the title is very misleading, it reminds me of the Czarist-Putinist submarine and copying articles from euromaidan is undermining the quality of the Poltical Mudpit. Nikolai Trushchalov and Stanislav Vorovyov are members of the Russian Imperial Movement, with the Czarist flag as its logo and ethnic cleansing ideas. In other words, they're nazis and they unsuprisingly support the Swedish local nutjobs. In other words, it's a clear case of solidarity between groups that share similar political ideas, hardly shocking news. What is not clear is why these "gentlemen" are labelled as Russian agents. I mean they're Russian, but agents? Have they been paid by the government? Do they work for the russian state? Neither the OP nor a quick google research managed to prove either, just like their meeting with far-right guys from Donets is irrelevant. In conclusion, I'm afraid that neither Sweden nor the nazi parties are important enough for "Putler" to waste money, in order to destabilise Europe, for the benefit of the Russian Bear.
    I cannot take responsibility for your ability to use Google or clicking on hyperlinks. But the linked material is a pretty good description of the close connections between the Russian government and the neo-nazi parts of Russian civil society. In essence Russian authorities control much of Russian civil society by encouraging groups such as the veterans organization Boevoe Bratstvo or the infamous Grey Wolves while harassing others by labelling them as "foreign agents" or fascists [1-4]. Neo-nazi or far right organization in this state-sponsored part of civil society are then used to interact and support right wing extremists as well as nazis throughout Europe [5-7] and the OP is one example of such an action.

    [1] Russias civil society under Putin:
    [2] About the Grey Wolves:
    [3] Foreign agent law and its impact:
    [4] A pretty funny case where an organization of "Grammar Nazis" are investigated for being potential fascists:
    [5] An analysis of funding pre-crimea:
    [6] More about the organizations participating in the Neo-nazi collaboration:
    [7] And another example:

    Regarding the Russian submarine from 1916 I recommend that you read up on what actually happened (this link is excellent if you can stomach Google translate). One tabloid paper made a big deal out of the news and completely fell for a fraud made by Ocean X Team. But less than 2 hours later most media where on to the trail (which ended up with a Russian specialist in maritime history who had hired Ocean X Team and hosted his Icelandic company website on a government owned server in Moscow). Within 24 hours the Swedish military also revealed their conclusions and identified the submarine as Som.

    Quote Originally Posted by karo View Post
    I have a question: how popular was the Nazi party in the past and how much chance is there that this new party would be more popular/influential?
    Very few, "Svenskarnas parti" got 728 votes in the elections of 2014 and 58 persons voted for "Svenkarnas parti" which indicate that 7.5 % of their voters are unable to even spell "Swedish" in their own native language (link). Unfortunately I doubt that the Russian support for Svenska Motståndsrörelsen will consist in support from the Grammar Nazis of Russia.
    Last edited by Adar; September 25, 2015 at 09:47 AM.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    The title is misleading, since its an opposition party in Russia that supports opposition party in Sweden.

    In any case, at this point Swedish government contributes more to destruction of Sweden then all other states put together.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    I don't think such tiny scale fringe parties really provide much risk to Sweden. Should be monitored, sure, but i guess its even easier when such extremists are out in the open like that rather than underground and out of sight.

    Quote Originally Posted by Heathen Hammer View Post
    In any case, at this point Swedish government contributes more to destruction of Sweden then all other states put together.
    That absurd moment when i feel for once agreeing with HH somewhat. (well besides music taste, as i got the idea he likes Death In June).

    Anyways there is also somewhat popular finnish MV-magazine online news site that is funded by russian origin dude that is very right wing and critical against everything (except russian agenda) here in Finland. It's not really quality reliable journalism, but i think should still have freedom to provide their biased point of view for sake of freedom of speech. At times it's even slightly good since they seem to lack any sort of political correctedness censorship so main news sites that hush hush certain matters, gets exposed there, even if it's not really trustworthy or good journalism.

    Finnish National Media had tv show about Putin's troll factories and his media control and went as far as suspecting that MV-magazine is part of those.
    Last edited by Ziltoid; September 25, 2015 at 01:04 PM.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    Quote Originally Posted by Adar View Post
    I cannot take responsibility for your ability to use Google or clicking on hyperlinks. But the linked material is a pretty good description of the close connections between the Russian government and the neo-nazi parts of Russian civil society. In essence Russian authorities control much of Russian civil society by encouraging groups such as the veterans organization Boevoe Bratstvo or the infamous Grey Wolves while harassing others by labelling them as "foreign agents" or fascists [1-4]. Neo-nazi or far right organization in this state-sponsored part of civil society are then used to interact and support right wing extremists as well as nazis throughout Europe [5-7] and the OP is one example of such an action.
    Well, I never denied that the Russian government has ties with far-right groups. The problem is that you haven't provide anything to back up your claim that the Russian Imperial Movement is controlled/influenced by the government. They're fascists, but not every Russian fascist is a Putinist puppet or banker. Sorry guys, but it just looks like a common "solidarity-between-scumbags" case that was blown out of proportion by some biased, nationalist and russophobic media.

  10. #10
    Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    Quote Originally Posted by Abdülmecid I View Post
    What I think is that the title is very misleading, it reminds me of the Czarist-Putinist submarine and copying articles from euromaidan is undermining the quality of the Poltical Mudpit. Nikolai Trushchalov and Stanislav Vorovyov are members of the Russian Imperial Movement, with the Czarist flag as its logo and ethnic cleansing ideas. In other words, they're nazis and they unsuprisingly support the Swedish local nutjobs. In other words, it's a clear case of solidarity between groups that share similar political ideas, hardly shocking news. What is not clear is why these "gentlemen" are labelled as Russian agents. I mean they're Russian, but agents? Have they been paid by the government? Do they work for the russian state? Neither the OP nor a quick google research managed to prove either, just like their meeting with far-right guys from Donets is irrelevant. In conclusion, I'm afraid that neither Sweden nor the nazi parties are important enough for "Putler" to waste money, in order to destabilise Europe, for the benefit of the Russian Bear. much better served with the late story where(part of TEAM-GI JOE) David Cameron put his penis in the mouth of a dead pig.

    I'd rather be ruled by nazi's than David Cameron. Im almost sure of it.

  11. #11
    Adar's Avatar Just doing it

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    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    Quote Originally Posted by Abdülmecid I View Post
    Well, I never denied that the Russian government has ties with far-right groups. The problem is that you haven't provide anything to back up your claim that the Russian Imperial Movement is controlled/influenced by the government. They're fascists, but not every Russian fascist is a Putinist puppet or banker. Sorry guys, but it just looks like a common "solidarity-between-scumbags" case that was blown out of proportion by some biased, nationalist and russophobic media.
    So to summarize. You provide no insights about the working of Russian civil society and have obviously failed to click any of the sources provided to explain it to you. If you wish to improve the quality of the mudpit, then I advice you to start with yourself.
    Last edited by Adar; September 25, 2015 at 03:30 PM.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    Fair's fair. Every powerful country supports various political groups in foreign countries either to destabilize enemies or stabilize allies. Just do what Russia did and ban foreign funded NGOs. Foreign money has no place in politics.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    Quote Originally Posted by Abdülmecid I View Post
    Sorry guys, but it just looks like a common "solidarity-between-scumbags" case that was blown out of proportion by some biased, nationalist and russophobic media.
    Except for the tiny detail those scumbags are connected to the Russian government in more than one way, as Adar has sourced.

    Which means you either didn't bother to read his sources.
    Last edited by Tiberios; September 25, 2015 at 03:46 PM. Reason: Off topic

  14. #14
    DaVinci's Avatar TW Modder 2005-2016
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    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    Quote Originally Posted by Adar View Post
    The Swedish neo-nazi party "Svenskarnas parti" announced that they would dissolve the organization in May 2015 (link in Swedish, use Google translate) which according to experts was caused a lack of popular support and internal conflicts. Svenskarnas parti was the parliamentary political arm of the Swedish neo-nazi movement and were also the Swedish representatives to the "Russian International Forum" (described in English here) which was supported by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin .

    The new party will serve as the political arm of "Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen" which have a stated objective of "retaking power from the global sionistic elite that economically and militarily occupy the majority of our world" and create a national socialist society and were responsible for the attacks in Kärrtorp 2013 where 23 members of the organization were arrested for attacking a leftist demonstration.

    So what do you think, should the west respond by introducing their own laws against "foreign agents" or should we look for other more democratic solutions?

    Personally I believe that a demoratic society is far more resistant to racist movements than we think. Nazi parties are disgusting and scary, but popular support have always been limited and historical success have relied violent takeovers justified by a widespread fear of communist coups. Nazi parties should therefore always be carefully monitored as potential terrorists. But we should be punished by their actions rather than belonging to a specific organization even if it is paid for by a foreign actor.
    Imo. it is also a viable thought, that having neo-nazis, and all sorts of fascists, in an according party makes sense, because one can observe them better than they would do their "work" in the underground. Unfortunately, parties get tax money, the money of the society - as for me, political parties should declare very clearly, that their goals are to protect the constitution with its democratic principles to getting a slightest tax-penny.
    #Anthropocene #not just Global Warming but Global Disaster, NASA #Deforestation #Plastic Emission #The Blob #Uninhabitable Earth #Savest Place On Earth #AMOC #ICAN #MIT study "Falsehoods Win" #Engineers of Chaos
    #"there can be no doubt about it: the enemy stands on the Right!" 1922, by Joseph Wirth.
    Rightwingers, like in the past the epitome of incompetence, except for evilness where they own the mastership.
    Iirc., already 2013 i spoke of "Renaissance of Fascism", it was accurate.
    #"Humanity is in ‘final exam’ as to whether or not it qualifies for continuance in universe." Buckminster Fuller
    Any chance for this exam? Very low, the established Anthropocentrism destroys the basis of existence.
    #My Modding #The Witcher 3: Lore Friendly Tweaks (LFT)
    #End, A diary of the Third World War (A.-A. Guha, 1983) - now, it started on 24th February 2022.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    Quote Originally Posted by DaVinci View Post
    Imo. it is also a viable thought, that having neo-nazis, and all sorts of fascists, in an according party makes sense, because one can observe them better than they would do their "work" in the underground. Unfortunately, parties get tax money, the money of the society - as for me, political parties should declare very clearly, that their goals are to protect the constitution with its democratic principles to getting a slightest tax-penny.
    Where do you live that political parties get government funding just for being a political party? That doesn't happen here in the US. Is it intended to combat campaign financing?

  16. #16
    Comes Domesticorum
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    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    It happens in Greece too, and yeah I believe that's the purpose.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    Quote Originally Posted by Adar View Post
    I cannot take responsibility for your ability to use Google or clicking on hyperlinks. But the linked material is a pretty good description of the close connections between the Russian government and the neo-nazi parts of Russian civil society. In essence Russian authorities control much of Russian civil society by encouraging groups such as the veterans organization Boevoe Bratstvo or the infamous Grey Wolves while harassing others by labelling them as "foreign agents" or fascists [1-4]. Neo-nazi or far right organization in this state-sponsored part of civil society are then used to interact and support right wing extremists as well as nazis throughout Europe [5-7] and the OP is one example of such an action.

    [1] Russias civil society under Putin:
    [2] About the Grey Wolves:
    [3] Foreign agent law and its impact:
    [4] A pretty funny case where an organization of "Grammar Nazis" are investigated for being potential fascists:
    [5] An analysis of funding pre-crimea:
    [6] More about the organizations participating in the Neo-nazi collaboration:
    [7] And another example:

    Regarding the Russian submarine from 1916 I recommend that you read up on what actually happened (this link is excellent if you can stomach Google translate). One tabloid paper made a big deal out of the news and completely fell for a fraud made by Ocean X Team. But less than 2 hours later most media where on to the trail (which ended up with a Russian specialist in maritime history who had hired Ocean X Team and hosted his Icelandic company website on a government owned server in Moscow). Within 24 hours the Swedish military also revealed their conclusions and identified the submarine as Som.

    Very few, "Svenskarnas parti" got 728 votes in the elections of 2014 and 58 persons voted for "Svenkarnas parti" which indicate that 7.5 % of their voters are unable to even spell "Swedish" in their own native language (link). Unfortunately I doubt that the Russian support for Svenska Motståndsrörelsen will consist in support from the Grammar Nazis of Russia.
    Lmao what a mess of unconnected elements put together in the form of propaganda.
    The law against ''Foreign'' NGOs has been done by China, Egypt and basically everyone else who doesn't like the US recruiting and funding protests and terrorists in its neighbor.

    Which is actually a rather reasonable response to American aggressions in Lybia, Egypt, Syria, Ukraine and so on.

    Then, we have Putin being ''friend'' with a biker with right wing ideas. Ok.

    All mixed together with the fact that Nazi groups decided to meet this year in Saint Petersburg, when last year they met in Budapest, previously in Rome, Paris, London etc.

    That somehow translates with the Russian government funding Nazism in Sweden, despite no actual evidence of it. Ok.

    Sounds like a rather desperate attempt to diverge the attention from another government which actually has ties with Nazis in the region.

  18. #18
    DaVinci's Avatar TW Modder 2005-2016
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    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    Quote Originally Posted by Rex Somnorum View Post
    Where do you live that political parties get government funding just for being a political party? That doesn't happen here in the US. Is it intended to combat campaign financing?
    Political party activity counts as building up a political will of the citizens ie. to vote the consistence of the parliament, aka it supports democratic principles, thus it is funded by the state with tax-money - i guess, it is european standard. Combatting campaign financing by privates (aka one tool vs corruption) is one by-work here, but yes, also an important reason. Nonetheless, that kind of political corruption works in other ways, ie. donations for a party and diverse other options to influence politicians.
    Last edited by DaVinci; September 25, 2015 at 06:09 PM.
    #Anthropocene #not just Global Warming but Global Disaster, NASA #Deforestation #Plastic Emission #The Blob #Uninhabitable Earth #Savest Place On Earth #AMOC #ICAN #MIT study "Falsehoods Win" #Engineers of Chaos
    #"there can be no doubt about it: the enemy stands on the Right!" 1922, by Joseph Wirth.
    Rightwingers, like in the past the epitome of incompetence, except for evilness where they own the mastership.
    Iirc., already 2013 i spoke of "Renaissance of Fascism", it was accurate.
    #"Humanity is in ‘final exam’ as to whether or not it qualifies for continuance in universe." Buckminster Fuller
    Any chance for this exam? Very low, the established Anthropocentrism destroys the basis of existence.
    #My Modding #The Witcher 3: Lore Friendly Tweaks (LFT)
    #End, A diary of the Third World War (A.-A. Guha, 1983) - now, it started on 24th February 2022.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    Quote Originally Posted by Adar View Post
    So to summarize. You provide no insights about the working of Russian civil society and have obviously failed to click any of the sources provided to explain it to you. If you wish to improve the quality of the mudpit, then I advice you to start with yourself.
    Sorry, Adar, I read all your links twice and nowhere did I find even the smallest hint that RID is linked to the Russian state. Perhaps, I didn't read them carefully, so please show me where exactly the missing evidence is. You do realise that if the russian government supports some fascist groups, that doesn't mean that they support every fascist group, right? And even if they do, that doesn't mean that the Russian government is directly or indirectly responsible for every one of their actions. It's simple logic, really, because this thread is about a specific event, not about the relationship between the Russian Federation and the european far-right parties, in general. That'd belong to the Political Academy.
    Last edited by Abdülmecid I; September 26, 2015 at 06:00 AM.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Russian agents fund the revival of Swedish Nazi Party

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavroforos View Post
    It happens in Greece too, and yeah I believe that's the purpose.
    The funny thing is that people like Adonis support this by claiming that is indeed the purpose of the funding, but what he is not telling us is if it makes a difference to a corrupt person who would take a bribe anyway, instead now he takes a bribe + tax money!

    It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

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