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Thread: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

  1. #1

    Default Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    Earlier today a man shouted "this is for Syria" and stabbed three people in a London Underground train station before being tasered by police. He was wearing a balaclava, but it came off when he was tasered and he is of Middle Eastern appearance. Thankfully all of the people he stabbed survived. Sky News has some pictures of the police tasering him. BBC has confirmed the story.

    This incident is dripping with relevance to several topics we discuss here often:
    • There is speculation the perpetrator was a Syrian refugee. What does this mean for how we treat refugees?
    • The stabbing was highly unsuccessful compared to the shooting carried out with legally held weapons in California few days ago. Is this proof of the success of British gun control? Guns are so rare in the UK that rival criminal gangs have to organize sharing them.
    • There are more Islamic terror attacks per year now than at the height of the Iraq war. Things are only going to get worse. When will it end?
    Last edited by Enros; December 05, 2015 at 07:35 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    It'll end when Western governments will stop harassing Muslim countries on the basis that they do not want to be vassals of Washington and allow Israel's indefinite expansion.

    How many civilians died in Syria because of that? You'd really think that all Muslims are stupid and do not know what's going on?

  3. #3
    Nevins's Avatar Semper Gumby

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    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil II the B.S View Post
    It'll end when Western governments will stop harassing Muslim countries on the basis that they do not want to be vassals of Washington and allow Israel's indefinite expansion.

    How many civilians died in Syria because of that? You'd really think that all Muslims are stupid and do not know what's going on?
    Yeah thats totally why Syrian Islamists are fighting and dying to take down a Russian backed regime.
    Client of the honorable Gertrudius!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    Quote Originally Posted by Nevins View Post
    Yeah thats totally why Syrian Islamists are fighting and dying to take down a Russian backed regime.
    Correction, Saudi and American armed and paid mercenaries and a chunk of the Iraqi army gone rogue.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil II the B.S View Post
    It'll end when Western governments will stop harassing Muslim countries on the basis that they do not want to be vassals of Washington
    No it won't. It'll end when the ME experiences demographical collapse due to falling birth rates (they're already at 1.6 or so in Iran), like Europe from 1970 until now, preferably coupled with less authoritarian and tribalist social structures. When there are enough jobs and potential spouses for the angry young men in the region, radical movements will probably have a much harder time finding recruits. If that happens, we might even see a resurgence of more peaceful and agreeable interpretations of Islam.
    But until then, the radicals will always find new excuses.

    and allow Israel's indefinite expansion.
    "Israel's indefinite expansion" (nevermind contraction movements like ceding the Sinai) is pretty pathetic, considering it's basically measurable in inches. At that rate, they'll be as big as China in about a billion years or so.

    How many civilians died in Syria because of that? You'd really think that all Muslims are stupid and do not know what's going on?
    Most Muslims are killed by other Muslims, those others usually being radical or tribalist Sunnis. American/British/French messing around isn't always good (see Iraq 2003-present), but it's just one factor out of many.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    The 'terrorist' attacks in the west will end in one of two ways in my opinion.

    First, an radicalized Europe tilted towards the extreme right with fascists ideologies, and purge all Muslims from Europe the same way Nazi Germany purged the Jews, take note that this is not a mere speculation but a looming reality as right wing popularity surges in polls with every incident and every refugee arriving at their doorsteps.

    Second, the west renounce their allegiance with Saudis Arabia (the chief sponsor of terrorism); stricken their indulgence towards the Israel with their apartheid policies and unregulated nuclear armaments (the chief source of regional instability); cease their aggressive imposition of neoliberal economic policies in the region which impoverish its people and profits large corporations and support moderate reforms that does not necessarily comply with western interest and the region DOES NOT lack moderate groups and leaders.

    After years of western sponsored conflict, it is too late for the west to simply cease meddling in the Middle Eastern affairs, if anything they have the basic moral obligation to correct the wrongs they have inflicted onto those people, and all the wrongs in that volatile region can trace its roots to western interference.
    Last edited by youngfool; December 05, 2015 at 09:43 PM.
    Reg: They've taken everything we had and what have they ever given us in return!?
    Xerxes: The aqueduct. Reg: Oh yeah, yeah they gave us that. Yeah that's true.
    Activist 1: And the sanitation!
    Stan: Oh yes...sanitation, Reg you remember what the city used to be like.
    Reg: all right, that's two things that the Romans have done...
    Matthias: And the roads...
    Reg: Well yes obviously the roads goes without saying. But apart from...
    Activist 2, 3, 4, 5: Irrigation...Medicine...Education...and the wine...
    Francis: Yeah the wine. That's something we'd really miss if the Romans left.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    Quote Originally Posted by youngfool View Post
    After years of western sponsored conflict, it is too late for the west to simply cease meddling in the Middle Eastern affairs, if anything they have the basic moral obligation to correct the wrongs they have inflicted onto those people, and all the wrongs in that volatile region can trace its roots to western interference.
    This notion is ridiculously Eurocentric, which is funny considering you don't even have the excuse of being European and not knowing better.
    People from the ME are human beings with agency just like Europeans, and they have their own quarrels, many of which started long before European nations had the capacity to intervene anywhere. None of the religions, and few of the ideologies, involved in the region have been invented by Europeans.
    Also, I'm not buying this "fascist resurgence" idea. The demographical math just doesn't add up (see above). I think even mass conversion to Islam is a more likely scenario at this point.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil II the B.S View Post
    It'll end when Western governments will stop harassing Muslim countries on the basis that they do not want to be vassals of Washington and allow Israel's indefinite expansion.

    How many civilians died in Syria because of that? You'd really think that all Muslims are stupid and do not know what's going on?
    Not totally true. Western government foreign policy inspire terrorists, but our open door policy enables them.

    You can't stop terrorism by just having a "nice" foreign policy, because muslim fanatics won't be happy before EU implement sharia.

  9. #9
    hellheaven1987's Avatar Comes Domesticorum
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    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    Time to organize neo-Nazis for counter attack; I forsee a new age of street warfare between neo-Nazis and Islamic radicals.
    Quote Originally Posted by Markas View Post
    Hellheaven, sometimes you remind me of King Canute trying to hold back the tide, except without the winning parable.
    Quote Originally Posted by Diocle View Post
    Cameron is midway between Black Rage and .. European Union ..

  10. #10

    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    Quote Originally Posted by athanaric View Post
    No it won't. It'll end when the ME experiences demographical collapse due to falling birth rates (they're already at 1.6 or so in Iran), like Europe from 1970 until now, preferably coupled with less authoritarian and tribalist social structures. When there are enough jobs and potential spouses for the angry young men in the region, radical movements will probably have a much harder time finding recruits. If that happens, we might even see a resurgence of more peaceful and agreeable interpretations of Islam.
    Which is never going to happen if the West keeps destabilizing the region. Leave them alone and let them develop.

    Quote Originally Posted by athanaric View Post
    "Israel's indefinite expansion" (nevermind contraction movements like ceding the Sinai) is pretty pathetic, considering it's basically measurable in inches. At that rate, they'll be as big as China in about a billion years or so.
    They are still expanding in whatever is left of Palestine. It's not easy or as fast as in the past because they do not have the population to sustain further expansion.

    Quote Originally Posted by athanaric View Post
    Most Muslims are killed by other Muslims, those others usually being radical or tribalist Sunnis. American/British/French messing around isn't always good (see Iraq 2003-present), but it's just one factor out of many.
    And the radical Sunnis are big friends of the West somehow, and universally hated by the other Muslims for doing so.

    Quote Originally Posted by Camlon View Post
    Not totally true. Western government foreign policy inspire terrorists, but our open door policy enables them.

    You can't stop terrorism by just having a "nice" foreign policy, because muslim fanatics won't be happy before EU implement sharia.
    And our governments allow the worst of Sunnis to fund mosques in Europe to recruit fanatics, as long as that also means that the high finance elite gets a share of that oil money.
    Not to mention the big banks that do money laundering for terrorists.

    Truly the apex of corruption.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    Quote Originally Posted by youngfool View Post
    Second, the west renounce their allegiance with Saudis Arabia (the chief sponsor of terrorism);
    ... dude, oil just dropped below $40, mostly thanks to steadfast saudi support and several countries increasing production simultaneously. this fantasy of yours is not going to happen any time soon. saudi arabia and half the world is waging an economic war against iran/russia/venezuela, especially iran who is looking to take advantage of sanctions relief, and saudi needs US and EU support to do this.

    saudi arabia is only the chief sponsor of sunni terrorism if you mean saudi individuals, although qataris are more reliable. at the state level however, iran is unmatched (and if it's state policy to do so in iran, it is definitely encouraging the regular population to also support terrorism that is beneficial to iranian interests, mainly shiite groups and any anti-israel terrorist group)

    then you also have to factor in iranian state contributions to primarily sunni groups like hamas and then there's the taliban.

    long story short, iran is more likely to get its crap pushed in in the next few decades than the US is to abandon saudi arabia. unless we get a total loser like Canada's Trudeau for president

    cease their aggressive imposition of neoliberal economic policies in the region which impoverish its people and profits large corporations
    actually capitalism provides many jobs to what would have been typically a low employment area, they pay better than whatever their local job would have offered. "aggressive imposition of policies" you're acting like the west sailed into the place japan-like and demanded trade all over again, the reality is that smart leaders in the middle east have realized the power of global trade instead of being stuck back in whatever century with the ideology of freaking bin laden. is capitalism perfect? no, look at qatar, of course it can be abused but most western countries have learned some painful lessons about capitalism from the industrial revolution and two world wars, you still try to make it work. places like qatar haven't gone through that yet because they are relatively new to it.

    it is too late for the west to simply cease meddling in the Middle Eastern affairs, if anything they have the basic moral obligation to correct the wrongs they have inflicted onto those people,
    the only part of your post i agree with

    and all the wrongs in that volatile region can trace its roots to western interference.
    there comes a time in everyone's life where one has to start taking responsibility for their own actions, instead of engineering this grand scapegoat to catch all the blame, when war is essentially one's own nature and always has been as long as we have existed and as long as the first organisms started appearing. it's really cheeky to blame what is essentially a holy war between sects of the same religion, on the west. if anything, the west has actually served to unify both sects in different ways by presenting them a greater enemy where they need to cooperate (and even then they still kill each other just because).

  12. #12

    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    To compare with the story of horrible islamophobic japanese Kempetai soldier who shove a poor and innocent muslim woman in London.

  13. #13
    Almogaver's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    If american police had arrived at the scene they would have driven into the underground with 10 armored vehicles in green camouflage armor and riddled the guy and passersby with bullets.

    I love British police.

  14. #14
    |Sith|Galvanized Iron's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    Quote Originally Posted by Enros View Post
    Earlier today a man shouted "this is for Syria" and stabbed three people in a London Underground train station before being tasered by police. He was wearing a balaclava, but it came off when he was tasered and he is of Middle Eastern appearance. Thankfully all of the people he stabbed survived. Sky News has some pictures of the police tasering him. BBC has confirmed the story.

    This incident is dripping with relevance to several topics we discuss here often:
    • There is speculation the perpetrator was a Syrian refugee. What does this mean for how we treat refugees?
    • The stabbing was highly unsuccessful compared to the shooting carried out with legally held weapons in California few days ago. Is this proof of the success of British gun control? Guns are so rare in the UK that rival criminal gangs have to organize sharing them.
    • There are more Islamic terror attacks per year now than at the height of the Iraq war. Things are only going to get worse. When will it end?
    Nah man think about it, limiting legal firearms will usually not deterr criminals as most crimes are committed with illegal firearms and franky: who cares of the weapon is legal or not if you are going to murder someone with it? It might be that limiting illegal firearms is slightly easier in an island nation such as the UK, but for the world as a whole this is hardly a compelling arguement for gun control.

    Anyway this was carried out with a knife so obviously banning guns does not remove terrorism, it will also remain a possibility to make your own home cooked bombs as well.
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  15. #15

    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    Let's face it, if guns weren't controlled in the UK, the guy would have probably used them and now we'd be talking about 10-15 deaths instead of someone injured.

    It doesn't certainly solve the issue of pissed off Muslims anyway, mostly because we keep creating reasons to piss them off.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    Quote Originally Posted by |Sith|Galvanized Iron View Post
    Nah man think about it, limiting legal firearms will usually not deterr criminals as most crimes are committed with illegal firearms and franky: who cares of the weapon is legal or not if you are going to murder someone with it? It might be that limiting illegal firearms is slightly easier in an island nation such as the UK, but for the world as a whole this is hardly a compelling arguement for gun control.

    Anyway this was carried out with a knife so obviously banning guns does not remove terrorism, it will also remain a possibility to make your own home cooked bombs as well.
    This is off topic and not applicable to the case anyway but people usually ignore that the illegal weapon markets is fueled by the legal weapons market aka illegal firearms are mostly legal firearms resold illegally without proper ownership tracking. So if the legal weapons market is heavily regulated so it is checked where the weapons are and/or small the illegal weapons market and thus criminals also have a harder time buying illegal weapons leading to less usage of firearms in crime even though most of those still will be illegal because the availability is not there.

    It'll end when Western governments will stop harassing Muslim countries on the basis that they do not want to be vassals of Washington and allow Israel's indefinite expansion.

    It will end when the Muslim countries stop blaming everyone else and start fixing their BS. They behave as if meddling foreign powers is news to them, they did that 1000+ years themselves. And if we look at evil imperialism virtually every other place in the world has more reason to about it than Muslim countries really because until the finding of oil they actually weren't very interesting and I would blame more of the regions troubles on its insignificance when the world trade networks shifted and left them out.
    "Sebaceans once had a god called Djancaz-Bru. Six worlds prayed to her. They built her temples, conquered planets. And yet one day she rose up and destroyed all six worlds. And when the last warrior was dying, he said, 'We gave you everything, why did you destroy us?' And she looked down upon him and she whispered, 'Because I can.' "
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  17. #17
    Inhuman One's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    Might not be that bad if Islam was forbidden as a religion in european countries. That should keep them out. And if they'd still want to live here they'd know they would have to give up their imaginary friend.

    Other religions can follow later, but banning Islam would be a good start because that one is far more dangerous than any other.

  18. #18
    |Sith|Galvanized Iron's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    Quote Originally Posted by Mangalore View Post
    This is off topic and not applicable to the case anyway but people usually ignore that the illegal weapon markets is fueled by the legal weapons market aka illegal firearms are mostly legal firearms resold illegally without proper ownership tracking. So if the legal weapons market is heavily regulated so it is checked where the weapons are and/or small the illegal weapons market and thus criminals also have a harder time buying illegal weapons leading to less usage of firearms in crime even though most of those still will be illegal because the availability is not there.
    Depends on where you are talking about it. Doesn't need a legal market in most of Europe as there is this wonderful place called the Balkans where one can pretty much buy anything and smuggle it past non-existing border controls.

    Call me a gun toting radical if you like, but I really think gun control does more to limit law abiding citizens possibility to defend themselves than it does to limit gun access for criminals and terrorists.
    Last edited by |Sith|Galvanized Iron; December 06, 2015 at 07:41 AM.
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  19. #19
    Derpy Hooves's Avatar Bombs for Muffins
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    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    Quote Originally Posted by Inhuman One View Post
    Might not be that bad if Islam was forbidden as a religion in european countries. That should keep them out. And if they'd still want to live here they'd know they would have to give up their imaginary friend.

    Other religions can follow later, but banning Islam would be a good start because that one is far more dangerous than any other.
    You really hate freedom don't you

  20. #20
    Papay's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Man screams "this is for Syria" before stabbing rampage on London Underground

    At least if you target someone target police or military NOT civilians. Idiot

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