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  1. #2001
    Join Date
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    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    Quote Originally Posted by WhiffOfGrapeshot View Post
    Araby and Estalia are currently non playable factions, not passive empty nothingness like rebels usually are. They can and will defend themselves and attack you.
    As for removing some Empire factions to add others, that's something I'd love to see in a sub-submod, making a Unified Empire, but that's not what we've built the game around in this vision. Other peoples' visions are totally welcome in their own sub-submods.
    It would be nice to do a sub-submod.
    With the unified empire and make other playable factions (Estalia, Tilea, Araby etc ...).

  2. #2002
    Mr_Nygren's Avatar Berserkir
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    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    Is the player supposed to patch the game each and every time he or she start it up?
    Be your friend's, true friend. Return gift for gift. Repay laughter, with laughter again
    but betrayal with treachery.

    - The Havamal

  3. #2003

    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    No, just one time for every .exe file.

  4. #2004

    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED


    Well, I had only Night Goblin Spears, Swords, Squigs and Squigriders. I play on highest settings. The Crash apparently occurs as soon as squigs - I think - come into view.
    Though I am not entirely certain. Also, sidenote, Somehow my game crashes when trying to play a siege battle against chaos dwarfs

    Thank you for this amazing creation.

  5. #2005
    Julianus Flavius's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    So my campaign as the DoW has reached an end for the time being, owing to a weird ctd on the rebel's turn in the end turn sequence. It happens every time, but seeing as I can't remember what turn I'm on I don't think there's much that can be done to help it. A shame, I nearly had my first conquest in Araby under my belt so I could begin Elephant production, and having recently conquered Albion was a few turns from being able to recruit my first unit of Giants. After that, I don't think there's anywhere else I can go to unlock more units? Unless I can get Cathayan units if I go far enough east that is, or if Nehekaran Mortals are an AOR for Nehekara (Which they totally should be, that would be badass) or something like that.
    It's been a fun as hell campaign. I almost wish I had've recorded it and put it on youtube to be honest. My income is obscenely high at this point, owning all of Tilea, Estalia, the Border Princes, The former Skaven capital of Skavenblight, which I renamed back to it's rightful name of Kazvar, Albion, and one former Brettonian settlement (Mousillion basically took over the Kingdom of Brettonia, and beyond that the Vampires lost everything except the silver pinnacle, so I guess they're Brettonia now. I'm sure the Lady of the Lake is happy with that haha)
    Meanwhile the Skaven got their asses kicked too, with the Dwarves taking the two mountain settlements in Tilea, me snapping up Skavenblight/Kazvar before the stunties could, and the Lizardmen running them out of Lustria entirely, becoming an economic powerhouse in the process. A look at the un-foggy map last I checked showed me at least 15 full stacks in Lustria alone and about 5 in the Southlands. I couldn't see the composition of the stacks though. The Skaven still have isolated mountain hideouts and occasionally spawn to annoy the Empire.
    As for the Empire, about half of the Empire's component states have been gobbled up by the others. Now it's just Reikland, Ostland, Middenheim and one other I've forgotten. They've also taken over Sylvania entirely, so you could say the Empire is doing rather well. However, I would suggest merging at least some of the Empire subfactions, as a lot of them seem to serve no purpose but to get taken over early on by the others. Of course, that then throws up the problem of wanting to show all the Empire state's various livery on their state troops... If only it were possible to remove the unit and faction caps eh?
    Kislev is more or less gone, taken by Chaos Undivided, which has also taken out both Tzeentch and Nurgle factions. It's safe to say that Chaos Undivided is the most powerful single faction in the game at the moment, although probably outmatched by all the remaining Empire states if they combine their power, and seeing as they're all allied together that seems likely (Seriously, it's like Karl Franz decided that half the Empire elector counts were traitors, curbstmped them and has since Donald-Trump'd the border with Kislev or something) so Chaos is being held off by the remnants of Kislev (Like 3 villages hugging the border with the Empire) and the Empire.
    The High Elves had a weird bug hapen where I think they ran out of family members, leaving Ulthuan a desolate rebel-filled wasteland (Ironically the rebels are "Pleasure Cultists" so when the Dark Elves take over it'll be like they're fighting themselves) which leaves the Dark Elves in a good position as they're the only faction with any settlements on Ulthuan's mainland. It looked like the High Elves were losing to the Dark Elves anyway, so all the "Oh crap, we're out of people with the right genes to be in charge, guess we'd better go paint all the banners grey and go to war with the whole world!" shenanigans probably just sped up the inevitable.
    Last interesting note is that the Tomb Kings have taken some of Araby's settlements, and then seemingly hit a brick wall when it comes to the coastal ones, which suits me fine because I'll be able to claim those settlements and churn out some Elephants before having to fight the Tomb Kings.
    The Araby campaign has also marked a change in army composition tactics from me. Before, I'd assemble a single stack per city, comprised of units found in that city. So you'd have an army from Remas, an army from Miragliano, an army from Akendorf, etc. For the campain to Araby, I instead took a look at which units are the best in their class (eg. Pikemen, Sword infantry/Legion, Crossbows, cav, etc) and recruited additional troops to make the army. I ended up sourcing pikemen and heavy cavalry from Remas (Ricco's Republican guards and Voland's Venators) a contingent of Raiders (Crossbow cavalry) from the Border Princes, Braganza's Besiegers and the light cannons from Miragliano, a few units of the Knights of Origo, and some of Vespero's Vendettas.
    Unfortunately, due to the unavoidable crash problem, I don't think I'll ever see the army in combat. Oh well, it's been a fun campaign regardless.
    Favorite unit would have to be Braganza's besiegers. The versatility of having Heavy Infantry and crossbowmen in the same unit is what gets me. As Tilean Legion don't get any benefit from their shields, the besiegers make far superior frontline swordsmen. Backed up with pikemen (I only ever used generic pikemen for this, but I imagine it would work even better with a regiment of renown) they can present a solid frontline to pretty much anything, although I never tried it against Chaos Warriors, Saurus, Ogres or anything like that. It seems the AI doesn't realize that they aren't your standard crappy at close combat crossbowmen, and so they seem keen to send light infantry and cavalry into them unsupported. Oh, and they look AWESOME.
    A close second would have to go to the MArksmen of Miragliano. Initially I didn't get many, as they come from the same settlement as the besiegers, and if you're going to get crossbows, might as well go for the ones that are also goddamn Roman Legionaries too, right? Well, for some reason, and I'm not sure if this is my imagination or not, these guys seem excellent at shooting down cavalry. I aimed a unit at some grail knights and half the unit melted to a single volley. I'm not sure if I'd taken them down by a hitpoint first or not (Although it's likely, it was late in the battle) but it was still damn impressive.
    So anyway, I very much enjoyed this campaign. Looking forward to future updates, and I hope my tl;dr posts have been helpful/at least not too tedious to read.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    What have the Romans ever done for us?? apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us?
    Some of my favourite quotes:
    "Your god has yet to prove himself more merciful than his predecessors" ~ Hypatia, as represented in the film 'Agora'
    "If you choose to do nothing, they will continue to do this again and again, until there is no-one left in the city, no people for this governement to govern"
    ~ Hypatia, as represented in the film 'Agora'

  6. #2006
    icenii's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    Although I am also encountering a lot of CTD in the game and plan on re installing sometimes turning off fog of war has allowed me to get past end turn crashes no idea why this is, otherwise a truly excellent mod, graphically beautiful, great music, large map,many factions,large and diverse rosters, will be great to see how the developers improve on this.
    I cannot force you to believe the truth but i can allow you to believe a lie. Quote by me " Icenii " In the game of Life Death always wins. Patience is a Virtue that takes time to acquire. The Answer is "7". No 1 wins all the time except God and he cheats.

  7. #2007

    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    Have you considered logging the crash to find the root cause? That'd be important so that way the bug can be fixed, and maybe you can find a workaround to keep playing your campaign.

    That's a how-to to setup an error log. As someone who's playing DoW/joining the team to work on polishing text and stats, finding out the nature of your problem is important to me. If you can get anything from your error log, let us know.
    I jury rigged the hell out of Elder Scrolls Total War to make a decent mod.

  8. #2008

    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    Playing my Hochland campaign, a pop up appears when the turn finished telling me if I want to build "Wooden Guild" in Hergig. I have two options, build or not. If I decide to not build, the game continues perfectly, but If I click yes to build this guild for 6.000 coins, the game crashes CTD.

  9. #2009

    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    Quick bug report: playing as Chaos Dwarves got constant CTDs besieging Ogre towns (Golgfag's Monument, Fire Mouth and Great Hall of Greasus), to be precise - during loading screen. Battled VC and Dwarven sieges and all was fine, so I guess problem is somehow connected to Ogre settlements. It's not really critical, autoresolve still works ok, but nevertheless I've thought report might help a little.
    Spoiler for Error log
    If you need error log - here it is:

  10. #2010
    Join Date
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    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    For Bretonnia faction I would also added units:

    Peasant Levies
    Mounted Yeomen Archers
    Foot Knights

  11. #2011
    ♔atthias♔'s Avatar dutch speaking

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    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    Quote Originally Posted by Domeric_Bolton View Post

    Well, I had only Night Goblin Spears, Swords, Squigs and Squigriders. I play on highest settings. The Crash apparently occurs as soon as squigs - I think - come into view.
    Though I am not entirely certain. Also, sidenote, Somehow my game crashes when trying to play a siege battle against chaos dwarfs

    Thank you for this amazing creation.
    I dont know for sure but try deleting thegeography TXT file in your COW beginning of the end times folder to solve your battles problems [@ devs if you have any better advice please say so]
    what units are there in the chaos dwarves army
    thanks but I am not a member of the developers team give praise to them instead
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    If yes, then the Rise of Mordor team linked above is looking for you!
    Massive Overhaul Submod Units!
    D you want some units back in MOS 1.7? Install this mod
    It adds back units who were deleted from the campaign in MOS 1.7, namely the Winged Swordsmen, the Citadel Guard Archers and the Gondor Dismounted Bodyguard.

    Under the proud patronage of
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  12. #2012

    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    I was thinking, could the night goblin fanatics get a special ability that will launch them in a direction as a projectile and land and cause some extra damage if they hit something. maybe the sling will get the direction it is pointing toward the second you push it. or a flying ability jump.
    the goblin doom diver is great fun and throwing goblins around is really hilarious!

  13. #2013

    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    In my Dwarven campaign Bretonnia just died. Removal of fog of war reveals that they had enough settlements, therefore it must be due to loss of family members. This is unsatisfactory way for a faction to die. This is probably connected with slow family replenishment due to slow time progression with turns, therefore I think that all starting generals or nearly all, should be family members regardless of the lore for the sake of the gameplay.

    For the second patch would you please, please remove the bodyguard restrictions from the faction leaders. They don't just start with a lot smaller retinue, but they do not replenish at all. Thorgrim in my current campaign has the bodyguard unit comprised of 9 hammerers. This make him unusable in battle, a legendary hero acting as a pussy. This is very annoying. If this is done because of Karl Franz's griffen bodyguard unit, I would be OK with its removal for the sake of normal faction leader bodyguard unit.

  14. #2014

    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    Quote Originally Posted by Van View Post
    I was thinking, could the night goblin fanatics get a special ability that will launch them in a direction as a projectile and land and cause some extra damage if they hit something. maybe the sling will get the direction it is pointing toward the second you push it. or a flying ability jump.
    the goblin doom diver is great fun and throwing goblins around is really hilarious!
    Not in the Medieval 2 engine, unfortunately.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blob View Post
    In my Dwarven campaign Bretonnia just died. Removal of fog of war reveals that they had enough settlements, therefore it must be due to loss of family members. This is unsatisfactory way for a faction to die. This is probably connected with slow family replenishment due to slow time progression with turns, therefore I think that all starting generals or nearly all, should be family members regardless of the lore for the sake of the gameplay.
    Yeah, that is the cause, and I agree. In 1.02 we're going to try making all factions Teutonic, so there are no family trees and as long as a faction has a general and a settlement, they'll still be alive. That's already how half the factions worked, so it makes sense to even it out to all of them. The timeline is also too short for it to cause bad succession issues, as we have leader and heir selected at start, so if they both die and another unrelated general takes command, it still makes sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blob View Post
    For the second patch would you please, please remove the bodyguard restrictions from the faction leaders. They don't just start with a lot smaller retinue, but they do not replenish at all. Thorgrim in my current campaign has the bodyguard unit comprised of 9 hammerers. This make him unusable in battle, a legendary hero acting as a pussy. This is very annoying. If this is done because of Karl Franz's griffen bodyguard unit, I would be OK with its removal for the sake of normal faction leader bodyguard unit.
    Yeah, it needs to be applied only to the guys with the special bodyguards, not all of them. It'll be fixed.

  15. #2015

    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    i cant wait for path 1.02 btw there is anyway i can donate to suppurt the mod i really want to

  16. #2016

    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    dat bery cool end times team!! you da best!!

    i know da question had be spoken again, but coud you make dese iberial weaklings, one baction? more challenge for us. more slots bactions to kill...

  17. #2017
    icenii's Avatar Civis
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    In my Body

    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    Quote Originally Posted by ares355 View Post
    If u play short campaign u will get this^^, but do u play long or not ? I play long, and no crash like this, but i get one, if played short one.
    That's quite interesting, I've had a lt of crashes even though I'm confident I've installed correctly 3/4/5 times but every campaign i have selected Short campaign. Any speculation as to why this wold work.
    I cannot force you to believe the truth but i can allow you to believe a lie. Quote by me " Icenii " In the game of Life Death always wins. Patience is a Virtue that takes time to acquire. The Answer is "7". No 1 wins all the time except God and he cheats.

  18. #2018

    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    well, that's it. You can have my soul, i dont need it any longer.

    WhiffofGrapeshot, i really whant to ask you if all these heroes could be avaiable for custom and multiplayer battles as well

  19. #2019
    Julianus Flavius's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage752 View Post
    Have you considered logging the crash to find the root cause? That'd be important so that way the bug can be fixed, and maybe you can find a workaround to keep playing your campaign.

    That's a how-to to setup an error log. As someone who's playing DoW/joining the team to work on polishing text and stats, finding out the nature of your problem is important to me. If you can get anything from your error log, let us know.
    Okidokie, here's the pertinent part of my error log:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    23:20:00.126 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2AA6C against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:00.137 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2AA6C against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:00.143 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2AA6C against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:00.150 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2AA6C against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:00.157 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2AA6C against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:00.163 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2AA6C against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:00.168 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2AA6C against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:00.174 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2AA6C against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:00.179 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2AA6C against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:00.185 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2AA6C against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:00.191 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2AA6C against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:00.197 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2AA6C against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:00.204 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2AA6C against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:00.210 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2AA6C against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:00.216 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2AA6C against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:00.221 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2AA6C against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:01.704 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_BATTLE_ENGAGEMENT from transgressor faction 1FE2BEB4 against faction 1FE2C6EC
    23:20:01.710 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/globallighting/
    23:20:01.710 [] [trace] file open,,data/globallighting/,,not found
    23:20:01.710 [] [trace] pack open,packs/localized.pack,data/globallighting/,,not found
    23:20:01.711 [] [trace] pack open,packs/data_0.pack,data/globallighting/,192
    23:20:01.711 [] [info] open: found data/globallighting/ (from: packs/data_0.pack)
    23:20:01.711 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/globallighting/env_maps/environment_morning_cloudy_arid.texture
    23:20:01.711 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/globallighting/env_maps/environment_morning_cloudy_arid.texture
    23:20:01.711 [] [trace] pack close,,data/globallighting/,,,-192
    23:20:01.711 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_UNDECLARED_ATTACK_WITHDRAW from transgressor faction 1FE2BEB4 against faction 1FE2C6EC
    23:20:01.729 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2C6EC against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:01.732 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2C6EC against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:01.770 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_BATTLE_ENGAGEMENT from transgressor faction 1FE2BEB4 against faction 1FE2C6EC
    23:20:01.776 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/globallighting/
    23:20:01.776 [] [trace] file open,,data/globallighting/,,not found
    23:20:01.776 [] [trace] pack open,packs/localized.pack,data/globallighting/,,not found
    23:20:01.776 [] [trace] pack open,packs/data_0.pack,data/globallighting/,190
    23:20:01.776 [] [info] open: found data/globallighting/ (from: packs/data_0.pack)
    23:20:01.794 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/globallighting/env_maps/environment_sunset_clear_arid.texture
    23:20:01.794 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/globallighting/env_maps/environment_sunset_clear_arid.texture
    23:20:01.795 [] [trace] pack close,,data/globallighting/,,,-190
    23:20:01.795 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_UNDECLARED_ATTACK_WITHDRAW from transgressor faction 1FE2BEB4 against faction 1FE2C6EC
    23:20:01.863 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2C6EC against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:01.866 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_FLEE_INVASION from transgressor faction 1FE2C6EC against faction 1FE2BEB4
    23:20:01.889 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/captain banners/dead/captain_card_slave.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:01.896 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/captain banners/dead/captain_card_slave.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.069 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Black_orcs_destroyer.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.070 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Black_orcs_destroyer.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.070 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc /Black_orcs_destroyer_info.tga
    23:20:02.070 [] [info] exists: missing data/ui/unit_info/merc /Black_orcs_destroyer_info.tga
    23:20:02.124 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Black_orcs_destroyer_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.125 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Black_orcs_destroyer_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.125 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0301> fired
    23:20:02.158 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#Savage_Orcs_boyz.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.159 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#Savage_Orcs_boyz.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.193 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc/Savage_Orcs_boyz_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.194 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc/Savage_Orcs_boyz_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.196 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#Big_un_Orc_Boyz.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.196 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#Big_un_Orc_Boyz.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.212 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc/Big_un_Orc_Boyz_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.212 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc/Big_un_Orc_Boyz_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.216 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#arab_sword.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.217 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#arab_sword.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.217 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc/arab_sword_info.tga
    23:20:02.217 [] [info] exists: missing data/ui/unit_info/merc/arab_sword_info.tga
    23:20:02.217 [data.missing] [warning] Missing unit image data/ui/unit_info/merc/arab_sword_info.tga
    23:20:02.218 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/generic/generic_unit_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.218 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <governing2> fired
    23:20:02.218 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0301> fired
    23:20:02.232 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#desertcav.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.233 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#desertcav.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.233 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc/desertcav_info.tga
    23:20:02.233 [] [info] exists: missing data/ui/unit_info/merc/desertcav_info.tga
    23:20:02.234 [data.missing] [warning] Missing unit image data/ui/unit_info/merc/desertcav_info.tga
    23:20:02.234 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/generic/generic_unit_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.234 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <governing2> fired
    23:20:02.235 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0300> fired
    23:20:02.235 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#desertcav.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.236 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#desertcav.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.236 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc/desertcav_info.tga
    23:20:02.237 [] [info] exists: missing data/ui/unit_info/merc/desertcav_info.tga
    23:20:02.237 [data.missing] [warning] Missing unit image data/ui/unit_info/merc/desertcav_info.tga
    23:20:02.237 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/generic/generic_unit_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.238 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#arab_sword.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.239 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#arab_sword.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.239 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc/arab_sword_info.tga
    23:20:02.239 [] [info] exists: missing data/ui/unit_info/merc/arab_sword_info.tga
    23:20:02.239 [data.missing] [warning] Missing unit image data/ui/unit_info/merc/arab_sword_info.tga
    23:20:02.240 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/generic/generic_unit_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.241 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#arab_sword.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.242 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#arab_sword.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.242 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc/arab_sword_info.tga
    23:20:02.242 [] [info] exists: missing data/ui/unit_info/merc/arab_sword_info.tga
    23:20:02.242 [data.missing] [warning] Missing unit image data/ui/unit_info/merc/arab_sword_info.tga
    23:20:02.243 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/generic/generic_unit_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.244 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#arab_sword.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.244 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#arab_sword.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.244 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc/arab_sword_info.tga
    23:20:02.245 [] [info] exists: missing data/ui/unit_info/merc/arab_sword_info.tga
    23:20:02.245 [data.missing] [warning] Missing unit image data/ui/unit_info/merc/arab_sword_info.tga
    23:20:02.246 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/generic/generic_unit_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.250 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#Troll.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.251 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#Troll.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.268 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc/Troll_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.268 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc/Troll_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.269 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0301> fired
    23:20:02.272 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#Stone_Troll.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.272 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#Stone_Troll.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.283 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc/Stone_Troll_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.283 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc/Stone_Troll_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.284 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0301> fired
    23:20:02.285 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#Bestigor.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.286 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/mercs/#Bestigor.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.294 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc/Bestigor_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.295 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc/Bestigor_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.327 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Marauders.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.328 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Marauders.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.328 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc /Marauders_info.tga
    23:20:02.328 [] [info] exists: missing data/ui/unit_info/merc /Marauders_info.tga
    23:20:02.354 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Marauders_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.355 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Marauders_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.385 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Warrior_of_chaos.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.386 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Warrior_of_chaos.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.386 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc /Warrior_of_chaos_info.tga
    23:20:02.386 [] [info] exists: missing data/ui/unit_info/merc /Warrior_of_chaos_info.tga
    23:20:02.417 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Warrior_of_chaos_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.418 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Warrior_of_chaos_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.419 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Warrior_of_chaos_halberd.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.420 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Warrior_of_chaos_halberd.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.420 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc /Warrior_of_chaos_halberd_info.tga
    23:20:02.420 [] [info] exists: missing data/ui/unit_info/merc /Warrior_of_chaos_halberd_info.tga
    23:20:02.428 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Warrior_of_chaos_halberd_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.429 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Warrior_of_chaos_halberd_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.430 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Marauder_axe.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.431 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Marauder_axe.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.431 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc /Marauder_axe_info.tga
    23:20:02.431 [] [info] exists: missing data/ui/unit_info/merc /Marauder_axe_info.tga
    23:20:02.447 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Marauder_axe_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.448 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Marauder_axe_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.473 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Empire_crossbowmen.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.474 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Empire_crossbowmen.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.474 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc /Empire_crossbowmen_info.tga
    23:20:02.475 [] [info] exists: missing data/ui/unit_info/merc /Empire_crossbowmen_info.tga
    23:20:02.500 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Empire_crossbowmen_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.501 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Empire_crossbowmen_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.501 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0301> fired
    23:20:02.502 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Empire_crossbowmen.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.503 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Empire_crossbowmen.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.503 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc /Empire_crossbowmen_info.tga
    23:20:02.504 [] [info] exists: missing data/ui/unit_info/merc /Empire_crossbowmen_info.tga
    23:20:02.504 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Empire_crossbowmen_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.505 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Empire_crossbowmen_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.505 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0301> fired
    23:20:02.506 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Empire_crossbowmen.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.507 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Empire_crossbowmen.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.507 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc /Empire_crossbowmen_info.tga
    23:20:02.507 [] [info] exists: missing data/ui/unit_info/merc /Empire_crossbowmen_info.tga
    23:20:02.508 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Empire_crossbowmen_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.509 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Empire_crossbowmen_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.509 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0301> fired
    23:20:02.510 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Empire_Pikemen.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.511 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Empire_Pikemen.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.511 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc /Empire_Pikemen_info.tga
    23:20:02.511 [] [info] exists: missing data/ui/unit_info/merc /Empire_Pikemen_info.tga
    23:20:02.522 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Empire_Pikemen_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.523 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Empire_Pikemen_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.523 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0301> fired
    23:20:02.524 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Empire_Pikemen.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.524 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/units/slave/#Empire_Pikemen.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.525 [] [info] exists: missing mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/merc /Empire_Pikemen_info.tga
    23:20:02.525 [] [info] exists: missing data/ui/unit_info/merc /Empire_Pikemen_info.tga
    23:20:02.526 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Empire_Pikemen_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.526 [] [info] exists: found mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/ui/unit_info/slave/Empire_Pikemen_info.tga (from: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War)
    23:20:02.527 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0301> fired
    23:20:02.554 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <loyalty_check7> fired
    23:20:02.554 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <pet_guard_dog_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.554 [game.script.anc] [trace] Ancillary <pet_guarddog> not added - chance 8, random 26
    23:20:02.554 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <pet_guard_dog_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.554 [game.script.anc] [trace] Ancillary <pet_guarddog> not added - chance 8, random 90
    23:20:02.554 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <rindban_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.554 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <dreadban2_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.555 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <dreadban2_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.555 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <dreadban2_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.555 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <dreadban2_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.555 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <pet_guard_dog_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.555 [game.script.anc] [trace] Ancillary <pet_guarddog> not added - chance 8, random 10
    23:20:02.555 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <pet_guard_dog_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.555 [game.script.anc] [trace] Ancillary <pet_guarddog> not added - chance 8, random 69
    23:20:02.555 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <rindban_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.556 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <rindban2_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.556 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <dreadban2_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.556 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <loyalty_check5> fired
    23:20:02.556 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <pet_guard_dog_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.556 [game.script.anc] [trace] Ancillary <pet_guarddog> not added - chance 8, random 20
    23:20:02.556 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <pet_guard_dog_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.556 [game.script.anc] [trace] Ancillary <pet_guarddog> not added - chance 8, random 99
    23:20:02.556 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <hp_potion3_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.556 [game.script.anc] [trace] Ancillary <hp_potion> not added - chance 1, random 46
    23:20:02.556 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <hp_potionemp3_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.556 [game.script.anc] [trace] Ancillary <hp_potionemp> not added - chance 1, random 1 - but could not be received
    23:20:02.557 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <coldone_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.557 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <aldeath_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.557 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <rindban_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.557 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <rindban2_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.557 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <dreadban2_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.557 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <spellcloak_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.557 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <loyalty_check7> fired
    23:20:02.557 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <pet_guard_dog_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.557 [game.script.anc] [trace] Ancillary <pet_guarddog> not added - chance 8, random 32
    23:20:02.558 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <pet_guard_dog_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.558 [game.script.anc] [trace] Ancillary <pet_guarddog> not added - chance 8, random 96
    23:20:02.558 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <rindban_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.558 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <dreadban2_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.559 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <loyalty_check6> fired
    23:20:02.559 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <pet_guard_dog_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.559 [game.script.anc] [trace] Ancillary <pet_guarddog> not added - chance 8, random 56
    23:20:02.559 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <pet_guard_dog_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.559 [game.script.anc] [trace] Ancillary <pet_guarddog> not added - chance 8, random 34
    23:20:02.559 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <mapold2_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.560 [game.script.anc] [trace] Ancillary <mapold> not added - chance 5, random 43
    23:20:02.560 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <rindban_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.560 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <dreadban2_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.560 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <loyalty_check6> fired
    23:20:02.560 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <pet_guard_dog_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.560 [game.script.anc] [trace] Ancillary <pet_guarddog> not added - chance 8, random 97
    23:20:02.560 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <pet_guard_dog_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.560 [game.script.anc] [trace] Ancillary <pet_guarddog> not added - chance 8, random 76
    23:20:02.561 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <rindban_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.561 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <dreadban2_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.561 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <dreadban2_vnv_trigger> fired
    23:20:02.564 [game.script.exec] [trace] exec <console_command> at line 23832 in mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/campaign_script.txt
    23:20:02.931 [bink] [debug] [mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/fmv/faction/minor_lose.bik]Pause on
    23:20:02.932 [bink] [debug] [mods/COW_Beginning_Of_The_End_Times/data/fmv/faction/minor_lose.bik]Pause on
    23:20:04.036 [system.rpt] [error] We've failed to prevent The End Times!

    Chaos has doomed the world!

    If you need any further back than that, let me know. And yes, I did auto-win the battle against the Wood Elves this time around, but the first time I had this crash I had faught it and won myself, so I don't think it has any effect on the crash.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    What have the Romans ever done for us?? apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us?
    Some of my favourite quotes:
    "Your god has yet to prove himself more merciful than his predecessors" ~ Hypatia, as represented in the film 'Agora'
    "If you choose to do nothing, they will continue to do this again and again, until there is no-one left in the city, no people for this governement to govern"
    ~ Hypatia, as represented in the film 'Agora'

  20. #2020
    warl0rd13's Avatar Semisalis
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    San Jose, California

    Default Re: COW: Beginning of The End Times - Patch 1.01 RELEASED

    The model for the Earth Shaker Cannonball is missing, game crashing every time it fires.
    Stabber, Ikanan teen.
    Silias "Twitch Tethers, Ordonian ranger

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