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Thread: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2r released!

  1. #561

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2f released!

    Alright, so it looks like my poleis -did- finally start producing colonists. The 3rd polis was complete on turn 158, and the colonist showed up on turn 177. I've quietly suspected that colonists are coded to show up on multiples of 16 plus 1, or 1+16n. If this is the case, then I'd have to guess you need to have the poleis occupied for a full cycle before they start producing colonists. I'm glad that Baktria isn't dysfunctional, since I quite like it so far.

  2. #562

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!

    I've started playing Baktria with 2.2f and noticed a couple of issues with the missions that do not seem to have been fixed with 2.2g. Please be aware that I do not claim any expertise with scripting but have been poking around in the files with the hope I can add something to the development of the mod.

    First in the "Repel the Sakas" mission, the tour showing the mission targets still points to the forts that needed to be taken in previous versions. I believe these are no longer applicable. From the campaign script I think the following lines should be commented out:

    snap_strat_camera 410, 206 <== new line to properly place camera
    ; snap_strat_camera 430, 213
    zoom_strat_camera 0.8
    ; reveal_tile 433, 209 ; First PSF
    ; campaign_wait 1
    ; ui_indicator 0 arrow_up_right track_ground_3d 433 209 10 colour 255 0 0 period 3.0
    ; campaign_wait 4
    ; reveal_tile 437, 215 ; Second PSF
    ; ui_indicator 1 new_arrow_down track_ground_3d 438 216 30 colour 255 0 0 period 3.0
    ; campaign_wait 4

    In the "Waypoint" mission I was getting the mission failed message after having already succeeded in the mission. I think the line:

    and I_EventCounter HE_WAYPOINT_SUCCESS < 1

    should be replaced by:

    and I_EventCounter Bak_mission3_success < 1

    Hope this helps


  3. #563

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!

    Quote Originally Posted by QuintusSertorius View Post
    Yes, but not savegame compatible.
    Ok Thanks

  4. #564

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!

    But the main campaign do not start: I push the tast "Start" and the screen halt...

  5. #565

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mattus View Post
    But the main campaign do not start: I push the tast "Start" and the screen halt...
    That's because it takes time to generate the first map, you need to be patient. It can take anywhere up to 5 minutes the very first time. If you've broken out of the operation to quit, you need to re-patch and start a new campaign again, waiting this time.

  6. #566

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!

    the new units like baktrai defenders, appears in this pacth, thank you

  7. #567

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!

    Quote Originally Posted by JOHANNES View Post
    the new units like baktrai defenders, appears in this pacth, thank you
    No, there are no new units in the patches, there never are. You will have to wait for 2.3 for those, and many others.

  8. #568

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!

    Any idea of the ETA of the next version?

  9. #569

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!

    probably 6 months. I mean they have to create the entire unit and animation. And they are not a studio that is paid to do this.

  10. #570

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Custard View Post
    Any idea of the ETA of the next version?
    When we decide it's ready. The feedback from 2.2g will be an important part of that getting ready.

  11. #571

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!

    Thanks for the new update! Does it reduce the frequency of unsatisfied supervisor and brutal traits?

    Anything in particular you need feedback on?

  12. #572

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!

    thanks alot for the work guys
    and can i say one thing
    u guys rock
    it was pure luck as i just started playing the mod again playing as Hayastan at turn 9 and i come here to ask about the kultisti city script and if its worth to go to war with summnite early on and i see the patch

  13. #573

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kravixon01 View Post
    Thanks for the new update! Does it reduce the frequency of unsatisfied supervisor and brutal traits?

    Anything in particular you need feedback on?
    The major thing is CAI behaviour over 100+ turns. There's a new script which is essentially a "switch" tracking a number of factors to flip the AI between either "warlike" (ie standard TW aggressive) or "diplomacy" (the CAI in the last version that sought peace and accepted ceasefires).

    Factions that are winning and not being besieged tend to stick to aggressive behaviour. Those which are losing, being besieged and are doing a lot of recruitment tend to switch to peace-seeking behaviour. What I don't know is if the way I've calibrated it is appropriate, I suspect the threshold to switch may be too high, only wider playtesting will prove whether or not that suspicion is correct.

    Also the behaviour of AI-Rome now they can't just rampage directly across the Alps.

    Otherwise, factions with notable changes are Sauromatians, everyone in Africa, Baktria and Hayastan's with a new default-independence condition (Seleukids losing Syrian or Iranian heartlands).

  14. #574

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!

    you guys are heroes

  15. #575
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Logrolño ( La Rioja)

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!


    First of all congratz EB team for another new release. Thanks for all efford you put in this awesome mod .

    Last i had played a campaign was with 2.2b. Couple weeks ago i went to check EBII forums and i was reading here and there. Since i saw you were talking about a new 2.2x version "soon" i have waited the new 2.2g release to play a bit more again.

    I have started playing a makedon campaign 2.2g (campaigh very difficult/battles medium difficulty). Thats what i have fount in just couple turns.

    - I cant recruit a single troop in Pella and Demetrias in turn 1, i mean besides the money troubles, none troop avaliable for recruitment, only ships and diplomats ( erhh not even diplomat in Pellas snce i dont have the proper goverment building yet).
    In turn 2 there are plenty of troops types in both cities, the right ones i suppose according to their goverment/polis/hellenistic colony. But all have 0 avaliable and X turns for next unit avaliable.
    Khorintos recruitment seems fine to me, i can recruit troops in turn 1, there is 1 unit avaliable of each possible kind.
    - I put together troops from here and there and laid siege to Athenas, they had half stack when i besieged it in turn one. In turn 2 there is inside a full stack. So i guess the "garrison script" for capital cities is working fine.
    That plus a toxotai in last third line.
    -In AI turn 1, Phyrros went straight and laid siege to Sparte. And some other tiny epeiros armies are going dunno-where, as show the screen shot.
    - The "hidden" greek full stack army south of Athens ( i only saw it in AI turn) did nothing, neither come to help Athens siege, neither try to fight the tiny epeiros armies or try to go help Sparte siege.
    - Select potential sucessor screen fired on turn 1, and year in history, reminder about how to hide and un hide UI screen, poped fine in turn 2 ( i think i was missing year in history in turn 2 last times i played 2.2b)
    -To my unpleasing surprise i have seen some malus to happiness and law in province descriptions here and there. What are those? are they wai?
    -Isthmos caseway special building in Korinthos is "missing" the trade bonus ( at least in description) dunno if it is there and it is only missing in description.
    Erhh well.. thats if Isthmos has any trade bonus at all for that matters.

    Ill post more stuff as i find it, well see what i do with that Athens siege, it looks like a couple hours battle ahead.. and i am not sure if i can win.



  16. #576

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!

    Quote Originally Posted by melvidh View Post

    First of all congratz EB team for another new release. Thanks for all efford you put in this awesome mod .

    Last i had played a campaign was with 2.2b. Couple weeks ago i went to check EBII forums and i was reading here and there. Since i saw you were talking about a new 2.2x version "soon" i have waited the new 2.2g release to play a bit more again.

    I have started playing a makedon campaign 2.2g (campaigh very difficult/battles medium difficulty). Thats what i have fount in just couple turns.
    Welcome back! As you can see, there have been quite a few changes since 2.2b. I hope you've downloaded and applied the animations updates? They make a big difference to phalanx performance (it's a savegame compatible change if you haven't done it yet).

    Quote Originally Posted by melvidh View Post
    - I cant recruit a single troop in Pella and Demetrias in turn 1, i mean besides the money troubles, none troop avaliable for recruitment, only ships and diplomats ( erhh not even diplomat in Pellas snce i dont have the proper goverment building yet).
    In turn 2 there are plenty of troops types in both cities, the right ones i suppose according to their goverment/polis/hellenistic colony. But all have 0 avaliable and X turns for next unit avaliable.
    Khorintos recruitment seems fine to me, i can recruit troops in turn 1, there is 1 unit avaliable of each possible kind.
    That's all intentional. Makedonia and Thessalia were ravaged by the Celtic raids, they're in reconstruction mode. Thus they have no units available at the start, and have to build from empty pools (which begin refilling on T2). Antigonos had to rely on mercenaries at the start of his reign. But Korinthos was fine.

    Quote Originally Posted by melvidh View Post
    - I put together troops from here and there and laid siege to Athenas, they had half stack when i besieged it in turn one. In turn 2 there is inside a full stack. So i guess the "garrison script" for capital cities is working fine.
    That plus a toxotai in last third line.
    It's the garrison script, it adds up to 10 regular and levy units (not elites) to bolster the defenses of the 29 capitals. It doesn't do it every turn, there's a 10-turn "cooldown"

    Quote Originally Posted by melvidh View Post
    -In AI turn 1, Phyrros went straight and laid siege to Sparte. And some other tiny epeiros armies are going dunno-where, as show the screen shot.
    Scripted behaviour on Pyrrhos' part, can't do anything about the others. They obviously didn't want to support him or tangle with the rover in Aitolia.

    Quote Originally Posted by melvidh View Post
    - The "hidden" greek full stack army south of Athens ( i only saw it in AI turn) did nothing, neither come to help Athens siege, neither try to fight the tiny epeiros armies or try to go help Sparte siege.
    - Select potential sucessor screen fired on turn 1, and year in history, reminder about how to hide and un hide UI screen, poped fine in turn 2 ( i think i was missing year in history in turn 2 last times i played 2.2b)
    Nothing we can do, short of yet more scripting, to make the CAI break the siege.

    The successor script trait should now be working properly - it wasn't before.

    Quote Originally Posted by melvidh View Post
    -To my unpleasing surprise i have seen some malus to happiness and law in province descriptions here and there. What are those? are they wai?
    Yes, they are the new Autonomia and Stasis features in Greek settlements for Hellenistic factions. Greeks are jealous of their freedoms and don't appreciate having factional governments imposed on them. They were previewed a while back.

    Quote Originally Posted by melvidh View Post
    -Isthmos caseway special building in Korinthos is "missing" the trade bonus ( at least in description) dunno if it is there and it is only missing in description.
    Erhh well.. thats if Isthmos has any trade bonus at all for that matters.
    Ignore unique buildings for the purposes of testing, they all work properly in the dev build (and thus 2.3).

    Quote Originally Posted by melvidh View Post
    Ill post more stuff as i find it, well see what i do with that Athens siege, it looks like a couple hours battle ahead.. and i am not sure if i can win.


    Good luck!

  17. #577

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!

    I'm unable to build small-scale industry in Demetrias. Is this intentional?

  18. #578

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!

    Quote Originally Posted by caithdein View Post
    I'm unable to build small-scale industry in Demetrias. Is this intentional?
    Yes, particular resources have to be present in order to build one. It needs dyes, timber, olives or wine in the province, none of which are present there.

  19. #579

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!

    Is this a new thing? O.o

  20. #580

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.2g released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Colos1987 View Post
    Is this a new thing? O.o
    Nope, industry buildings have always been that way, as far as I can tell.

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