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Thread: Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

  1. #1

    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    This is prepared for my own use and taste attempt to balance game with both mods, that is FotE and EP together.
    It is meant to be played at least on hard mode (very hard recommended), so changes were applied with eye on that.

    It is strongly recommended to use Mod Manager as Steam one doesn't handle well with mods - to take effect this modification must be higher in order than original FotE mod's parts.

    Current campaign changes (Attila only):

    1. Main campaign vanilla changes (most important):
    - fixed startpos file for Gautrek and ERE/WRE family tree:
    -- Arcadius has his born daughter Pulcheria
    -- Honorius has now a real sister Aelia Galla Placidia, Stilicho has real daughter Aemilia Thermantia, few characters meant dead at the time replaced with real ones like future emperor - Constantius III
    -- in the game can spawn historical characters for ERE/WRE
    - adopted bug fixes similar to community patch thx to Athanasios:;
    - renamed cities, provinces, armies etc. according to sources and their historical importance within the era;
    - historically accurate religions for most factions;
    - added scripted events for WRE and ERE that include most important revolts, especially those that drove WRE to collapse eventually (for player faction only, singleplayer only);
    - doubled influence of political marriage (to 40, vannila was 20) and divorce (-80 vs. -40 at vanilla), the meaning of marriage is less symbolic now;
    - revised ministerial positions within factions - now all offices are just military;
    - some buildings now need much more time and money to build and maintain - factions are harder to build up higher tier cities too fast;
    - armies limit upped to 14 (and +1 for legendary governor's building), governors +2/+3/+4 on higher levels (governor buildings may increase their number as well);
    - doubled cost of ancilliaries and limited number per factions to avoid spy wars;
    - cosmetic changes to variables like reduced chance for son, shortened time for waiting between wife's offers, etc.;
    - edited mercenary pools for new and altered units;
    - edited rebels in roman provinces according to later german states' possessions like Suebi in Galaecia, Vandals in Africa etc.;
    - lowered some AI handicaps too restrictive to the player in my opinion - movement bonus, attricion resistances (only normal/hard mode);
    - new rebel factions - Bagaudes, Caucasian Alans, romanized Burgundians and Mazices (Berbers);
    - pig farms brought back from game sources, pigs are available to both roman factions (vanilla planned only west), sassanids and caucasian states;
    - added horreum/food store building chain to "local industry/workshop" chain, available to eastern and roman cultures;
    - added romanization functionality for Alani, Ostrogothi, Vandali, Visigothi, Suebi, Franci, Burgundii and Langobardi, they can expand some roman structures (main city, water, some industry) but cannot initialize constructing them from scratch;
    - edited starting treasury for most factions;
    - increased cost of recruitment and upkeep for siege engines due to uncontrolled recruitment made by AI.

    2. Europa Perdita changes:
    - cities level changed for balance (ERE, WRE, Sassanids) + some buildings variety and corrections;
    - added 1 point of sanitation for AI to prevent neverending plagues (excluding Legendary level);
    - added some minor effects to various buildings;
    - "Bread & circus" edict removed, added new and tweaked edicts;
    - tweaked maintain costs and incomes for most buildings;
    - tweaked effects for political power and imperium to balance incomes for later gameplay;

    3. Fall of the Eagles changes (all tweaks moved to main FotE module):
    - removed paper-scissors-stone system,
    - expanded rosters for most factions,
    - battle & politics tweaks.

    4. New units:
    - worldwide mercenaries(regulars can be also unlocked in FotE, but new mercenaries need my mod)
    - full (almost) list of auxilia palatina, palatina, comitatenses and pseudocomitatenses units for WRE and ERE according to Notitia Dignitatum (requires relevant submod for ERE/WRE).

    ERE submod:

    WRE submod:
    Last edited by Cgma; October 09, 2022 at 08:03 AM. Reason: Merged posts.Fixed Forrmat.

  2. #2

    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    You are actually the last True Roman General

  3. #3

    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    Thank you for kind words .

  4. #4

    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    Quote Originally Posted by Cgma View Post

    This is prepared for my own use and taste attempt to balance game with both mods, that is FotE and EP together.
    It is meant to be played at least on hard mode (very hard recommended), so changes were applied with eye on that.

    It is strongly recommended to use Mod Manager as Steam one doesn't handle well with mods - to take effect this modification must be higher in order than original FotE mod's parts.

    Main campaign changes:
    - fixes family tree for WRE, Honorius has now a real sister Aelia Galla Placidia (as his daughter, i can't update family tree other way), Stilicho has real daughter Aemilia Thermantia, few characters meant dead at the time replaced with real ones like both future emperors - Contantius III and Constantinus III (edited loyalty),
    - partially fixed invisible ERE daughter bug, she is inverted into recruitable character but still you cannot see him in the family tree nor generals' panel after recruitment, dunno how it goes with his children, best is to ignore him or kill ,
    - added some names variety according to above,
    - some buildings now need much more time and money to build and maintain, this is partially solution to exagerrated garrisons made in FotE, the way they don't collide - factions are harder to build up high tier cities too fast; on later stages this doesn't make diffirence, so it is acceptable, however reducing garrisons in FotE for ERE, WRE and Sassanids would be nice idea at all, still reducing to all fractions,
    - armies limit upped to 14, governors +2/+3/+4 on higher levels,
    - doubled cost of ancilliaries to avoid spy wars just a bit,
    - reduced starting treasury for Sassanids to 8000 as ERE/WRE,
    - cosmetic changes to variables like reduced chance for son, shortened time for waiting between wife's offers, etc.,
    - additional Limitanei Lanciarii unit for military posts for WRE (and thus ERE in EP),
    - edited mercenary pools, now some faction specific units can be recruited in ERE/WRE provinces as it was mostly attested in history, it is weird that WRE/ERE don't have faction specific units, they used specialised mercenaries a lot until decline of both parts,
    - edited rebels in WRE provinces according to later german states' possessions like Suebi in Galaecia, Vandals in Africa etc., this can help to preserve great migrants from extinction that happens regularly in the game.

    Europa Perdita changes:
    - reverted cities level to vanilla or changed for balance (ERE, WRE, Sassanids) including some buildings variety and corrections,
    - added 1 point of sanitation for AI to prevent neverending plagues (excluding Legendary level),
    - lowered some AI handicaps that were too restrictive to the player in my opinion - movement bonus, attricion resistances (only normal/hard mode),

    Fall of the Eagles changes:
    - increased cost of recruiting all mercenaries (ca 100 gp each),
    - increased slightly cost/upkeep cost for roman units (equites sagittari, palatina units, scholae ones) and sassanid (savaran cav, mounted archers, syrian archers).
    Thank you so much for the mod. Could we have another link to download? The steam workshop doesn't work well for me.

  5. #5
    ♔Greek Strategos♔'s Avatar THE BEARDED MACE
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    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    I'm really glad you're developing this since our devs are really busy with Rome 2 atm and real life issues.
    Let me know if you need any help with the thread etc I already fixed opening post's format. As you as you have over 25 posts, you'll be able to edit your own posts.

    Last edited by ♔Greek Strategos♔; September 16, 2018 at 02:09 AM.

  6. #6

    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    Quote Originally Posted by ♔Greek Strategos♔ View Post
    I'm really glad you're developing this since our devs are really busy with Rome 2 atm and real life issues.
    Let me know if you need any help with the thread etc I already fixed opening post's format. As you as you have over 25 posts, you'll be able to edit your own posts.

    I guess actually i'm good . However if you find place for extra d/l, as alevort asked .

    Anyway i just would like to know if changes go the direction devs plan, not going to revert the original mods upside down. All that is still dedicated to patch good work someone else did first, new ideas - if at all just for immersion, you know how it is to play the same fraction 100 times . Just answered my former complains about mod .

    Anyway including my hotfix (or doing just the same independiently) shall be possibly done as soon as possible by devs, these are vital to any successfull modding FotE, actually some broken files block it (like replacing icons):

    Description updated.
    Last edited by ♔Greek Strategos♔; September 24, 2018 at 12:19 PM. Reason: Merged posts.

  7. #7

    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    You are doing the Lord's work. Thank you.

  8. #8

    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    Just nice to know ppl find my work useful . Thank you .

  9. #9
    dogukan's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    Oh finally something to do on this front
    "Therefore I am not in favour of raising any dogmatic banner. On the contrary, we must try to help the dogmatists to clarify their propositions for themselves. Thus, communism, in particular, is a dogmatic abstraction; in which connection, however, I am not thinking of some imaginary and possible communism, but actually existing communism as taught by Cabet, Dézamy, Weitling, etc. This communism is itself only a special expression of the humanistic principle, an expression which is still infected by its antithesis – the private system. Hence the abolition of private property and communism are by no means identical, and it is not accidental but inevitable that communism has seen other socialist doctrines – such as those of Fourier, Proudhon, etc. – arising to confront it because it is itself only a special, one-sided realisation of the socialist principle."
    Marx to A.Ruge

  10. #10

    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    Hmmm. I am attempting to use the Mod Manager as recommended, but when I launch it, the mods aren't activated. Any ideas? The Steam/CA in house one is crap.

    I just downloaded it, never used this application before.

  11. #11
    dogukan's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    Also a question on gameplay. I have never played this game unmodded. I played the EP and Fall of the Eagles a year back as a Nordic faction. Many turns into the game, the AI was extremely passive. None of the factions were "migrating" or pushing onwards towards Rome.

    Was I missing something there? Is that how the game was supposed to play out?
    "Therefore I am not in favour of raising any dogmatic banner. On the contrary, we must try to help the dogmatists to clarify their propositions for themselves. Thus, communism, in particular, is a dogmatic abstraction; in which connection, however, I am not thinking of some imaginary and possible communism, but actually existing communism as taught by Cabet, Dézamy, Weitling, etc. This communism is itself only a special expression of the humanistic principle, an expression which is still infected by its antithesis – the private system. Hence the abolition of private property and communism are by no means identical, and it is not accidental but inevitable that communism has seen other socialist doctrines – such as those of Fourier, Proudhon, etc. – arising to confront it because it is itself only a special, one-sided realisation of the socialist principle."
    Marx to A.Ruge

  12. #12

    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    Quote Originally Posted by asher237 View Post
    Hmmm. I am attempting to use the Mod Manager as recommended, but when I launch it, the mods aren't activated. Any ideas? The Steam/CA in house one is crap.

    I just downloaded it, never used this application before.
    You don't need actually Mod manager, all modules should load correctly via Steam one only. I recommend using it only if you can use "user.script" since technically it doesn't work with Steam other way. If you can't or you don't know how-to - don't bother. Just check mods order when you launch them with Steam manager - it always ask whether it should block or pass mods with their order. If you see it like this:

    10_aArtillery_FotE_mod.pack (if you use it)
    10_aFOTE_GarrisonFix.pack (if you use it)
    10_aaaFote_standard_icons_attila.pack (if you use it)

    - all is ok.

    Quote Originally Posted by dogukan View Post
    Was I missing something there? Is that how the game was supposed to play out?
    Yeah, IA is still very passive - mostly due to exaggerated garrisons, but also due to troubles made with high cost of upkeep and upgrade (partially with help of Ep, partially mine , since i upped some costs).
    Most factions keep quiet as long as they find themselves in new economy realities - but sooner or later you gonna be surrounded by hostile ones. I mostly didn't touch EP economy nor AI nor FotE rules, mod is dedicated to patch broken or undone parts. However i added some gameplay variety, i believe challenge with it is better than it was with EP, FotE or EP + FotE now than before.
    Last edited by Cgma; October 05, 2018 at 08:07 AM. Reason: Merged posts.

  13. #13
    Wallachian's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    Dude you are doing awesome work thank you

  14. #14

    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    There is still a lot to do (more than i'm eager to do), balance of units is just nightmare, as i said once - sword is sword, unit can be better equipped with armor, training, but damage with sword should always be the same, as with bow, stone or pike.

  15. #15
    ♔Greek Strategos♔'s Avatar THE BEARDED MACE
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    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    Quote Originally Posted by Cgma View Post
    There is still a lot to do (more than i'm eager to do), balance of units is just nightmare, as i said once - sword is sword, unit can be better equipped with armor, training, but damage with sword should always be the same, as with bow, stone or pike.
    Well, battle balance is not really my field and I knowKAM 2150 is very busy, but you could try and message him for any advice-questions etc

  16. #16

    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    Quote Originally Posted by ♔Greek Strategos♔ View Post
    KAM 2150
    is very busy, but you could try and message him for any advice-questions etc
    Yeah, it is not a problem of balancing all, but my vision is just far (?) from FotE/DEI rules which simply are subjects of paper+stone+scissors system built in TW games. Whatever DEI/FotE did with it, it is still the same system. I don't intend to change it, however my vision is just not units which are better by tiers but by equipment/development, so if worse unit uses the same spatha as the best it should make the same damage (with - for example - worst accuracy if any) and if they loose that's not because their version does only 16 pts, while elite 24, but because they are worse morale, worse armor, less experience. Actually rebelling about DEI/FotE system is pointless, if i can see any OPs in current FotE rules i do change it, but - as i said - respecting the system. The other thing is bugged files which simply don't let apply any change and i don't want to check why and what is wrong (i know what - conflicting IDs numbers, but patching this would do mod completely incoherent to FotE - that would need rebuilding both EP and FOtE from scratch and releasing it as sole independent mod - not my game ).
    Saying shortly - i want my mod is still FotE, not anything else.

    There are many things i would talk about with FotE/DEI team, but i will when they have time and will to talk. There are for sure many 'advisors' around, i don't want to be one of them. Better show how-to, not just talk. That's why i do revision as one of the reasons. Maybe when they come back they find my changes applicable, maybe not. Anyway let them finish DEI, no hurry at all.
    Last edited by Cgma; September 25, 2018 at 05:13 AM.

  17. #17
    ♔Greek Strategos♔'s Avatar THE BEARDED MACE
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    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    Quote Originally Posted by Cgma View Post

    Yeah, it is not a problem of balancing all, but my vision is just far (?) from FotE/DEI rules which simply are subjects of paper+stone+scissors system built in TW games. Whatever DEI/FotE did with it, it is still the same system. I don't intend to change it, however my vision is just not units which are better by tiers but by equipment/development, so if worse unit uses the same spatha as the best it should make the same damage (with - for example - worst accuracy if any) and if they loose that's not because their version does only 16 pts, while elite 24, but because they are worse morale, worse armor, less experience. Actually rebelling about DEI/FotE system is pointless, if i can see any OPs in current FotE rules i do change it, but - as i said - respecting the system. The other thing is bugged files which simply don't let apply any change and i don't want to check why and what is wrong (i know what - conflicting IDs numbers, but patching this would do mod completely incoherent to FotE - that would need rebuilding both EP and FOtE from scratch and releasing it as sole independent mod - not my game ).
    Saying shortly - i want my mod is still FotE, not anything else.

    There are many things i would talk about with FotE/DEI team, but i will when they have time and will to talk. There are for sure many 'advisors' around, i don't want to be one of them. Better show how-to, not just talk. That's why i do revision as one of the reasons. Maybe when they come back they find my changes applicable, maybe not. Anyway let them finish DEI, no hurry at all.
    I see. Sure no problem.

  18. #18

    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    Quote Originally Posted by ♔Greek Strategos♔ View Post
    I see. Sure no problem.
    Yeah, i'm still WIP with mod as well, let us all finish our primary job .

    Still, i wouldn't oppose for anyone's help to introduce part of this mod:
    Well, it is hard scripting, not my branch unfortunately (i know LUA, but this version is just mistic to me). The mod itself does too much for my taste, but idea of Constantine III rebel itself is temptating. I would like to add that part if any skilled scripter would do me a favor .

  19. #19

    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    Quote Originally Posted by Cgma View Post
    Yeah, i'm still WIP with mod as well, let us all finish our primary job .

    Still, i wouldn't oppose for anyone's help to introduce part of this mod:
    Well, it is hard scripting, not my branch unfortunately (i know LUA, but this version is just mistic to me). The mod itself does too much for my taste, but idea of Constantine III rebel itself is temptating. I would like to add that part if any skilled scripter would do me a favor .
    I really enjoy what you've done with the mod. The Germanic rebel aspect is awesome -- if I had any scripting skill, I would help you intergrate the Fall. I do have some skinning expereince. I have been creating some later ERE units to reflect Justinian-era reforms. Still a work in progress, but if you are interested in using them as late game units, lemme know. They use FOTE and Celticus' armor meshes.

  20. #20

    Default Re: [Submod] Fall of the Eagles + Europa Perdita revised

    Adding units is a process of asking if it is needed and why, even FotE team made some mistakes about creating them like nonexistent pseudocomitatenses unit (in fact every limitanei unit promoted into comitatus or grouped with regular armies was "pseudo"), Lanciari limitanei should be moved to middle class (their pic even suggest it, yet both CA and FotE keeps it heavy). There are already a lot of units while when you play you use like 20% of them ever because they are not practical or too expensive or when you access them you don't need them anymore. I made long inner discussion myself before adding back celtic archers and mercenary taifalies.
    Anyway doing nice, static icons for units is something that bothers me (but being bottom on the list). I would like to see icons of quality of DEI at least which existing ones in FotE don't meet requirements or my taste (besides roman submod, but i prefer less selfie pics).
    Anyway no problem to prepare new units. We can think later about implementing them all or part.
    Last edited by Cgma; October 05, 2018 at 08:15 AM.

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