Thread: [Support] Bug Reports

  1. #5961

    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    Quote Originally Posted by macabre View Post
    it did happen again and now I have the saves for it, it is even reproducable. Its about the City Taras - unfortunately I get an error when uploading the saves to the attachments in the forum (and the forum is extremely slow at each action, btw). Shall I send it via email or upload it somewhere else?
    Update: It happens always when the first macedon military reform triggers - I started from another savegame 2 turns ago and did some things different and got the same result - completely wrong population.

  2. #5962

    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    To upload saves you can zip them and attach them here or upload them elsewhere and link them.

    Reforms shouldn't have any impact on the population as far as I know so that is indeed odd.

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  3. #5963

    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    Quote Originally Posted by gurvinek2005 View Post
    Hello and health to all! When translating the Divide et Impera mod for Russian-speaking fans of the Total var series of games, I found several inaccuracies when translating long/historical descriptions for several units:
    - two Cimbri units "Nakwašaz" ("land_units_onscreen_name_Ger_Cimbri_naked_spearmen") and "Dugunžiz" ("land_units_onscreen_name_Ger_Cimbri_heavy_spearmen") in the table __Unit_Descriptions_Long_CORE_Barbarian probably have their descriptions mixed up. For example, heavy spearmen ("unit_description_historical_texts_text_ger_cimbri_heavy_spearmen_tooltip") say: "Naked warriors stun and awe enemies not used to their appearance on the battlefield...", and naked spearmen ("unit_description_historical_texts_text_ger_cimbri_naked_spearmen_tooltip") say: "These warriors are the cimbrian answer to triarii…";

    - in table the __Unit_Names_AOR shows the name of the unit "Keltohellenikoi Thorakitai" ("land_units_onscreen_name_AOR_11_celto_hellenic_infantry"), this unit is a heavily-armed warrior, but in the historical descriptions for it ("unit_description_historical_texts_text_aor_11_celto_hellenic_infantry_tooltip") the following text is given - "Thureophoroi were a new class of Hellenic infantry...". Probably this is just a mistake, then maybe it was necessary to assign a text for this unit for Thorakitai - "The Thorakitai represents the second evolution of the concept of the Thureophoroi, and show definite influence from the Roman...". Or a unit can call a unit "Keltohellenikoi Pezoi"?
    I think that in the next update of the Divide et Impera mod, these possible errors in historical descriptions will be corrected.

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  4. #5964

    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    Hello there,
    I still can't recruit the Ensiferi Italici Reformati as well as Spartiatai Thorakitai Hoplitai. Even though I'm on the highest reform level, it still says higher reform level required. Playing as Epeiros if that's helpful.
    Last edited by Feeelix; November 07, 2020 at 05:08 AM.

  5. #5965

    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    Quote Originally Posted by macabre View Post
    I experienced a population bug. From one turn to another the population switched completely. Unfortunately I noticed it after a couple of turns and cannot tell when it happened exactly.
    I continued the game from an older save when all has still be fine and till now it did not occur again. So, it is just for your information. I make a save game now each turn and if it will happen again, I will provide you with the saves.

    Attachment 362930
    I'm playing with testudo 1.7,

    as rome, ended up with 0 proleterians in Taras after completing level 3 docks. Might have been related to disbanding a fleet there,

    anyway, went back a couple dozen turns. After disbanding two stacks into Rome, seeing pleb number go up, ending turn, I noticed the pleb pop would be down from the 2000+.

    Closed the game, reloaded, now the plebs just seem to go to a 100.

    Roma 270 BC Spring pop

    Plebs are needed!

  6. #5966

    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    So I re-installed DEI with download from forum thread to replace the steam version,

    played a turn, was fine,

    played another turn, both plebs and patricians went down to a 100 in Rome.

    Looked around at other settlements,

    now Rome is at 200 plebs and patricians.

    I swear I can see them running around on the map, playing hide and seek, just to mess with me.

  7. #5967
    Jake Armitage's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    First of all... when you report things about submods please use the correct thread and not this one, it is for vanilla DeI only.

    If you are experiencing weird pop issues with testudo then report here
    Describe the issue again, please, and report what packs you were using so that I can make a test

  8. #5968

    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    Hi everyone! In the table __Unit_Descriptions_Long_CORE_Barbarian, the "Komatai Pelekuphoroi" unit ("land_units_onscreen_name_Dac_Axemen") has a long/historical description that combines descriptions for the Costoboki and Carpi tribes ("unit_description_historical_texts_text_dac_axemen_tooltip"): "The Costoboci were an ancient people located, during the Roman imperial era, between… or in the Roman province of Dacia. The Carpi were an ancient people that…".
    For this unit, the description must be combined, or is this an error, because for the units "Costoboci Pelekephoroi" ("land_units_onscreen_name_Dac_Costoboci_hillmen") and "Carpi Machairaphoroi" ("land_units_onscreen_name_Dac_Carpi_swordsmen"), this historical description is divided for each separately?

  9. #5969

    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    Thanks for pointing it out. For now I've replaced it with the Dacian historical description text.

  10. #5970

    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    Quote Originally Posted by tndgu View Post
    I understand now. So technically, it can't be solved.
    Can nothing be done to prevent units routing towards the unit they are fighting? AI don't abuse this bug it only occours when enemy units route and then they don't...

    Also, I somehow found your cav.pack in the forum, and used for a week or so, what changed did you make there in order to make cavalry so light but at the same time heavier?
    But in code tables are also 2 other very useful entries for that: radius and radii_ratio. By changing them you can allow or forbid passing.

  11. #5971
    KAM 2150's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    No, neither of them will do it. Also only one of them is used by infantry due to "circle" shape assigned.
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  12. #5972

    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    Quote Originally Posted by KAM 2150 View Post
    No, neither of them will do it. Also only one of them is used by infantry due to "circle" shape assigned.
    Oh, I think not. Just playing with the numbers I swear I can make enemy units to penetrate ranks more or less. There are many mods doing that. Anyway you can change ''circle'' to other shapes, eliptical, etc...

  13. #5973
    KAM 2150's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    I even made infantry with these values like elephants but you could still just push through. You can put it to be 10/10 and units will still walk through. Even if 20/20 would fix it, it would make combat impossible as units would stand 20 meters apart. Also anything about 0.6 makes units impossible to hold close formation without pushing eachother and "dancing" due to game forcing them to stand more apart.
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  14. #5974

    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    Quote Originally Posted by KAM 2150 View Post
    I even made infantry with these values like elephants but you could still just push through. You can put it to be 10/10 and units will still walk through. Even if 20/20 would fix it, it would make combat impossible as units would stand 20 meters apart. Also anything about 0.6 makes units impossible to hold close formation without pushing eachother and "dancing" due to game forcing them to stand more apart.
    But it is not for not being able to push not at all. It's not logical and not accurate. Always someone which wants to push throw will always succeed in the middle of battle. Only to make passing throw more hard.

  15. #5975
    KAM 2150's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    By push I mean passing through. Changing unit size in battle entities does nothing against it. Only very large difference in unit mass fixes it but also breaks everything else.
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  16. #5976

    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    Hey there, not sure if this or the feedback thread is the correct one for this, but here I go
    a few issues with Massalia :
    - they start with the thureos reforms in the HatG campaign, "standard" Peltastai and all, but in the CiG campaign, they still have the Iphikratous Peltastai. I believe this may be because the purple reform tech isn't researched from the start of the campaign which I think it should.
    - the unit Romaiko Summakhiko Peziko is not recruitable in CiG, and doesn't even show up greyed out in the recruitment pool which would have suggested just another reform was needed.
    -on further inspection, I think the problem may be a combination of Massalia just sharing the same roster/reform state in HatG and CiG and not having the purple tech researched in CiG.The thorax reforms don't happen in the HatG campaign afaik, which is why all the Thorax units aren't there like the Thorakitai Doriphoroi or Kelthohellenikoi Thorakitai , as well as the aforementioned Romaiko unit. I also checked the custom battle rosters for the different campaigns, and it looks like the 2 are the exact same, which shouldn't be the case as I believe Massalia is supposed to get or maybe even start with thorax reforms in CiG.

    I know I may have gotten a bit convoluted in my description in the end there but I hope it's kind of clear what I'm trying to say.

  17. #5977

    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    Probably just havent looked at CiG Massalia in a very long time, I will check them out.

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  18. #5978

    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    Cool, many thanks!

  19. #5979

    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    Quote Originally Posted by KAM 2150 View Post
    By push I mean passing through. Changing unit size in battle entities does nothing against it. Only very large difference in unit mass fixes it but also breaks everything else.
    Yea, here you're right. I still don't know why CA let units passing throw without being properly engaged by the unit to pass throw. Especially routed somebody to know an artifice for that ?

  20. #5980

    Default Re: [Support] 1.2 Bug Reports

    Hello there,
    I believe the early cingetoi of the Nervii are wrongly classified as Spearmen and not a Pike unit, and are missing their shieldwall ability.

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