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Thread: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

  1. #61

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    In 2.4a AI do not expand at all unless they start with more then 1 settlement and they have unlimited funds wich is good and creates bigger wars against Carthage and the Hellenistic states when they develop trade now, ports etc instead of just mercenary spamming, however Gaul and Hispania are only rebels. IMO 2.4 was a better version then 2.4a I don't know what the devs changed since I havent read the logs fully, but the biggest issue I noticed is the Rebels are now recruting armies themselves directly from a town, usally seen by stacks known as "Rebel army" rather then Keltic or any other scripted provincial units that spawn.

    I saw this rather early on after defeating the 3 armies in Cisalpine gauls, the Rebels kept comming and causing devistation with only 1 unit all the time until they got qonquered.. It was even worse in Gaul and Hisapnia.

  2. #62

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    I'm seeing the same in my current game - ~160 turns in as Nabatu and neither Aedui or Arveni have expanded beyond their initial province when everyone else has managed at least one conquest.

  3. #63

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    I only get the 2.4 version number in the main EB II screen intstead of 2.4a. I suppose that versioning hasn't been changed right?
    Also I installed the 4gb patch times ago when I had the 2.3. I don't have to installed it again or do i? How to check if its installed or not?

  4. #64

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    iirc Quintus sertoriys posted thet the 2.4a patch did not update the intro page.

    As I understand it the 4gb patch should be applied to only the kingdoms.exe file, so installing 2.4 would not affect the 4gb patch. I haven`t reapplied the 4gb patch and it seems to working ok.
    Please correct me if i`m wrong

  5. #65

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    As Nabatu, is it possible to convert Najran and Gerrha to cities, or will they be camps forever?

    Asking because I was able to convert Ammon despite that being a Nomadic Region, so clearly some of them are convertible.
    Last edited by Ivir Baggins; February 12, 2024 at 10:56 AM.

  6. #66

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zakuto View Post
    In 2.4a AI do not expand at all unless they start with more then 1 settlement and they have unlimited funds wich is good and creates bigger wars against Carthage and the Hellenistic states when they develop trade now, ports etc instead of just mercenary spamming, however Gaul and Hispania are only rebels. IMO 2.4 was a better version then 2.4a I don't know what the devs changed since I havent read the logs fully, but the biggest issue I noticed is the Rebels are now recruting armies themselves directly from a town, usally seen by stacks known as "Rebel army" rather then Keltic or any other scripted provincial units that spawn.

    I saw this rather early on after defeating the 3 armies in Cisalpine gauls, the Rebels kept comming and causing devistation with only 1 unit all the time until they got qonquered.. It was even worse in Gaul and Hisapnia.
    There was no meaningful change to those things between 2.4 and 2.4a.

    Rebel recruitment actually functioning is a big change from 2.35a to 2.4. However, it sounds like their financial situation needs adjusting, so they can't spam armies.

    Them being a challenge to the AI and the human player is intended though, we don't want all the Rebels gone by turn 100 and the middle game of superfactions arriving too quickly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ivir Baggins View Post
    As Nabatu, is it possible to convert Najran and Gerrha to cities, or will they be camps forever?

    Asking because I was able to convert Ammon despite that being a Nomadic Region, so clearly some of them are convertible.
    Najran is not convertible, but Gerrha is.

  7. #67

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    The map is rather one big Eleutheroi empire than a challenge for AI. Each region has at least 1 full stack + full garrison + since some point ALL of them recruit units every turn. ANYONE, except a big bullies like Seleukids, Makedonia or Carthage or anyone who is capable to compose more easily stack of elites and proffesionals, won't conquer them, ever - given how bad autoresolve for siege battles is, and how incompetent AI is in using multiple stacks to properly besiege a city ( they wait in queue to loose 1 by1 giving independents chevrons which makes situation even worse + a fact, that city will replenish most of casualties next turn). And speaking about terrible autoresolve- it is a bit absurd how fullstack no matter of what, lose to remnants of eleutheroi - but wthey have gold chevrons.
    It would be nice to see some rational approach implemented. I personaly enjoy to start a small and having a place where to expand not at a expense of active AI. But i would also like to see an opposition to grow somewhat more consistently to have some chalenge - and i am no kind of steamroller - despite my starting strategy with most faction include to go into debt( which i would go into anyway) and clean and conquer whatever i am able to , to recover and build up a safe economy and then i turtle . But i don't see any other strategy viable with most of a factions. Economy model of this mod don't inspire any other starting strategy, unless someone is a masochist loving to see his territory to be ravaged by whomever like to stand near a border.

    Actually - AI feel threatened by Eleutheroi stack, despite a fact they never attack in foreign territory. Due to this AI leaves more, or most of its units in a case of a small faction, in a towns as a garrisons.

    Gauls are AFK, Iberians expand very slowly. Boii were always a strange case, now they have been acompanied in inactivity by other celtic factions. - general rule about barbarian sieges - its like do it a first time or never ( or ages) - because of above explained.
    Then come some more civilied nation- which doesn't have such a problem to have more armoured armies- and take it in a first strike - i feel sorry for barbarians when i see it.

    Romans are inadequate since 2.35A . Not only since this version have AI some weird expansion priorities ( all of which have acces to ships) , but their pre-polybian autorelsove is a joke, too ( or i don't know if it is some general setting against independents)

    + a question in the end- Is there a chance, that AI has a trouble with surrounding a besieged settlements because of your visual effect and model of city under siege? That blockade effect makes any navigating or manouvering arround a city tiles a nightmare. So, eventhou a AI should have such a problem, i still wonder if it can not be a case.

  8. #68

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    How do I get the Philhellene trait on my heir as Nabatu so that I can do the second reforms? Would use the console but the special characters and apostrophes confuse the terminal.

  9. #69

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Yo, eb2 has a tendency to crash right after I complete a big battle. So once I click the button to exit the battle just shuts down. It's always an unspecified error...log doesn't help. M2tw is definitely 4gb'd, and I have already made sure both vanilla m2tw and eb2 have a "rwa" file for maps in campaign (started then exited campaign). This seems to happen when I make big battles in custom battles that "go over the recommended amount...blah blah blah....". My laptop can play attila total war, rome 2 total war with thousands upon thousands of is it m2tw crashes??

  10. #70

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pooploop View Post
    Yo, eb2 has a tendency to crash right after I complete a big battle. So once I click the button to exit the battle just shuts down. It's always an unspecified error...log doesn't help. M2tw is definitely 4gb'd, and I have already made sure both vanilla m2tw and eb2 have a "rwa" file for maps in campaign (started then exited campaign). This seems to happen when I make big battles in custom battles that "go over the recommended amount...blah blah blah....". My laptop can play attila total war, rome 2 total war with thousands upon thousands of is it m2tw crashes??
    Have you tried the old RTW trick of waiting 10-15 seconds after the battle summary scroll appears, before clicking to exit battle? It gives the game more time to close down the battle engine.

  11. #71

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Me just trying to play Pergamon and early on play as a dutiful autonomous vassal of Seleucid and they betray me. Twice. As i reconquer Asia minor in their name.

    Man i can't even-

  12. #72
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Virginia, USA

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Quote Originally Posted by eyelurker View Post
    Me just trying to play Pergamon and early on play as a dutiful autonomous vassal of Seleucid and they betray me. Twice. As i reconquer Asia minor in their name.

    Man i can't even-
    Speaking of Pergamon, they have the most beautiful looking Thorakitai Epilektoi unit in the whole game. I modded my version of the game just so that my Koinon Hellenon faction would not only have its own Thorakitai Epilektoi, but have a second recruitable version as well that looks like Pergamon's Thorakitai Epilektoi (named Thorakitai Agema).

    Then I made a third recruitable version based on the Thorakitai Epilektoi from Epeiros, naming them Thorakitai Hypaspistai. All three of these units can be recruited in Greece and when they blend together on the battlefield, it's a stunning sight. I really, really like Thorakitai, as you can tell.

  13. #73

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Quote Originally Posted by QuintusSertorius View Post
    Greetings fans of Europa Barbarorum!

    The team recognises this has been a long time coming, v2.35A R3 was two years ago, the last full installer five (!) years ago. We'd been hoping to have something to drop in the summer, but as is the way with these things, events conspired against that. The last couple of months we've been wrestling with a bug that prevented the music working as intended, which had a bizarre cause once we got to the bottom of it.

    Once again, any rumours of the mod's demise were greatly exagerrated, we don't always make as much noise about what we're doing as we could, but rest assured the team has most definitely not given up. November marked 16 years since the first elements of EBII were laid down and we're not done yet. That's the nature of a project which depends entirely upon the voluntary efforts of its team, which has changed a great deal over the years.

    As ever, we welcome new volunteers; in particular people who are willing to learn how to code traits, which remains a huge undertaking we've barely scratched at.

    We haven't managed to complete the two unused faction slots. That was a goal for 2.4, but ended up being sidelined. That is an explicit goal for the next major release 2.5, along with a reworking of the map. Obviously there'll be new units and other features that will happen alongside that, but those are the big ticket items we're aiming for.

    There's a lot of new content in here, but we haven't got the Player's Guide updated to reflect it yet. That will come, but the changes are subtle rather than big breaks from what happened before.

    As always it's necessary to be absolutely explicit about this point:


    This is a complete installation, it's best if you remove any previous versions of EBII you have installed.

    Installation instructions

    Before we get into the details, it's necessary to reinforce an important point: the installation instructions are lengthy and detailed because they need to be. We gathered all this knowledge the painful way, through bitter experience of what does and doesn't work with this clunky old game and the myriad configurations of platform and medium out there. These instructions are not optional, if you do not follow the right ones for your machine, it is highly likely the game will not function properly. If you do not follow the instructions and get issues, we will not be able to help you until you've conformed with the instructions.

    These appear in the Player's Guide which is bundled with EBII, but for completeness they are repeated here.

    1. M2TW Installation Instructions

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    1) [Mac and Linux] it is assumed that you have the Feral Interactive version of M2TW Kingdoms. For people who do NOT have the Feral Interactive version, you will need wine to run the game.

    2) Install Medieval 2 Total War and the Kingdoms expansion (at least 1 mod) outside of C:\Program Files. Use a short directory such as C:\M2TW as an example.

    3) Update the game to version 1.5 (links). Kingdoms expansion is 1.4

    4) Start the game and start a campaign, then quit. Do not skip this step.

    5) You can change the game settings to your favourite key bindings, graphics, unit size, camera, ect.


    1) [Mac and Linux] Steam has the Feral Interactive version of M2TW Kingdoms which will run better on your operating system. You still need to complete the post installation instructions after installing M2TW Kingdoms and Europa Barbarorum II.

    2) Do NOT Install Medieval 2 Total War and the Kingdoms expansion in the standard library C:\Program Files\Steam...

    3) Create a game library outside of C:\Program Files\Steam. Official Steam instructions Gigantus Total War Center instructions.

    Steam Menu > Settings > Downloads > Steam Library Folders > Add Library Folder >Select a different drive other than C:\ our example will be “F:\”(It is recommended to use a different drive if you have one, otherwise use C:\) > add New folder and name it something short such as “Steam Games”. The new library should be “F:\Steam Games”

    4) Install or move Medieval 2 Total War and the Kingdoms expansion in your new Steam Library “F:\Steam Games”

    You can make “F:\Steam Games” the default install before you download Medieval 2 Total War and the Kingdoms expansion, then change it back when you are done. Steam Menu > Settings > Downloads > Steam Library Folders > right click “F:/Steam Games” > Make Default Folder.

    You can move Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms from C:\Program Files\Steam to your new library folder “F:\Steam Games”. It is recommended to create a backup first.View Library > right click Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms > Properties > Local Files > Move Install Folder > Select your new library folder “F:\Steam Games” > Move folder

    5) Update the game to version 1.5. Steam should do this automatically, or the game is already 1.5

    6) Start the game and start a campaign, then quit. Do not skip this step.

    7) You can change the game settings to your favourite key bindings, graphics, unit size, camera, ect.

    8) Installing other mods is not recommended

    2. EBII Installation instructions

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    [Mac] Mac users are assumed to have wine to run the installer exe with. If not there is a ZIP version to download which means you will not have to use the exe.

    1) Uninstall any previous versions of EBII (there's a shortcut for it in your start menu).

    2) The downloaded file is a zip archive, which means you need to unpack the installer files from the zip file. Windows Explorer should allow you to simply copy the contents out. If not, you can download 7-zip for the purpose.

    3) Run EBII.exe

    4) Step through the install wizard. Make sure the installer is pointed at your M2TW directory such as in our CD example “C:\Games\M2TW”or Steam example “F:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Medieval 2 Totalwar”You need to change it from the default if it is pointing at Program Files.

    5) Wait for the installer to copy all the files.

    6) If you did not start a M2TW vanilla campaign after installing it, run that now. Start a campaign from Medieval.exe, then quit.

    7) Run the mod using the shortcut placed in your start menu or desktop.
    [Steam] You will need to insert a short code (4. Starting EB2 for the first time)

    [Mac & Linux] If you do NOT have Feral Interactive M2TW You will need wine to launch the mod using the wine console command. (4. Starting EB2 for the first time)

    [Windows 10] You will need to download and install Microsoft packages(3. Additional "O/S Specific" Mandatory Instructions)

    8) Start a EB2 campaign. WAIT for the game to generate the world, the game has not frozen, then quit.

    9) There may be a “Fatal Graphics Error” and crash to the desktop when you start the campaign only on the very first time. This is normal, just start the game again.

    3. Additional "O/S Specific" Mandatory Instructions

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    [Windows 10]
    1) Create a new folder on your desktop

    2) Download DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010).

    3) Run the exe file that you downloaded and extract it into the new folder

    4) Run the exe from the extracted contents in the new folder to install

    5a) For 64 bit Operating Systems:
    Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64) first
    Then install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64) second

    5b) For 32 bit Operating Systems:
    Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86) first
    Then install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) second

    1) Copy no_banner.mesh from share/data/mods/ebii/data/banners to share/data/data/banners (yes outside of the mod's folder).

    2) Delete your settlements folder in share/data/mods/ebii/data. You play with vanilla settlements.

    1) Move the no_banner.mesh in medieval2data/mods/ebii/data/banners onto your desktop

    2) Navigate to medieval2data/data then create a new folder named banners

    3) Move or paste the no_banner.mesh into medieval2data/data/banners (the folder you just created)

    4) Move your settlements folder in m2tw/data/mods/ebii/data to your desktop.

    5) If you have a problem saving the game you can create the following folder in the following directory:Library/Application Support/Feral Interactive/Medieval II Total War/VFS/Local/mods/EBII/saves

    6) Once you have created it, give permission to all users so that they can each read and write to the folder.

    4. Starting EB2 for the first time

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    The game is started using this launch batch file.
    [Windows] M2TW\mods\EBII\launch.bat
    [Linux] share\data\mods\ebii\launch.bat
    [Mac] medieval2data\mods\ebii\launch.bat

    There should be a shortcut on your desktop.

    [Windows] Creating a shortcut
    Right click launch.bat > Send to > Desktop(create shortcut)

    [Steam] Launching Mods
    View Library > right click Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms > Properties >Set Launch Options
    Insert this code:--features.mod=mods/EBII
    Click on OK
    Close the Properties window
    Start Medieval II Total War

    [Mac and Linux] The following instructions are for those who do NOT have the Feral Interactive version of Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms.

    [Linux ] You will need wine to launch the mod using the wine console command(note this directory must match what you named them) Code:wine cmd < share/data/mods/ebii/launch.bat

    [Mac] You will need wine to launch the mod using the wine console command.(note this directory must match what you named them) Code:wine cmd < medieval2data/mods/ebii/launch.bat

    5. Preparation

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Download Notepad++ to cleanly edit files. Windows Notepad will randomly insert characters when editing files causing errors. Never use it.

    The Error Log
    Make sure your error log is working properly so you can properly report any issues.

    Open this file, [your M2TW directory]\mods\EBII\EBII.cfg with Notepad++ and make sure it has this code:
    [log]to = mods\ebii\logs\eb.system.log.txt#level = * tracelevel = * error

    This means the log will be stored as eb.system.log.txt in [your M2TW directory]\mods\EBII\logs\. We will need this log any time you report an error.

    If you get a consistent reoccurring error change the code to:[log]to = mods\ebii\logs\eb.system.log.txtlevel = * trace

    This will record every process the game makes and hopefully help us identify the exact causes. Don't forget to change it back when you are done because this detailed level of recording takes up lots of memory and causes crashes.

    Report your errors and post the Error log(eb.system.log.txt) file to the Total War Center EB Bug Reports and Technical Help subforum.

    The Error Log is often very large so compressing it into .zip or .rar archives is a good idea.

    Windowed, borderless mode
    It's highly recommended that you play on windowed, borderless mode. It will increase the stability of the game. Open this file, [your M2TW directory]\mods\EBII\EBII.cfg with Notepad++ and make sure it has this code:

    windowed = 1
    borderless_window = 1

    If "1" doesn't work, try "true" instead. Note you'll have to enter your native resolution in there to get a proper-sized window. You also need to ensure your medieval2.preferences.cfg doesn't have conflicting values.

    Alternatively, we've bundled a windowed mode/fullscreen mode switcher program in with the installation, it looks thus:

    All you should need to do is click the Windowed button.

    Auto Save Corruption
    The game auto saves at the end of every turn but it there is a chance of corrupting the save file and crashing the game. Autosave can not be relied upon to save a long campaign.Open this file, [your M2TW directory]\mods\EBII\EBII.cfg with Notepad++ and make sure it has this code under [Game]: Auto_save = 0

    Save often and keep a trail of saves. You can use Ctrl+S for quicksave

    6. Older Software & RAM addressing

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Old Software
    It's common users encounter technical issues while using old software like M2TW. It's only designed to address 2GB of RAM regardless of the users actual hardware capabilities and that limitation can cause stability problems with large mods like EB2.

    You need Large Address Aware or some other "4GB patch" in order to play EB2. Years ago we had to tiptoe around this because there were potential legal ramifications, these are no longer the case.

    Memory Leaks
    The game will increasingly hog more memory as the turns pass by. After a few hours the game may crash or cause the graphics to switch around. If you see buttons that are replaced with faces or buildings immediately save the game and quit to avoid imminent crash. It is a good idea to save and quit every few hours to empty out the memory.

    Keep error log on *error
    In the [your M2TW directory]\mods\EBII\EBII.cfg file you should be playing with the following code that is set to log errors only:

    to = mods\ebii\logs\eb.system.log.txt
    #level = * trace
    level = * error

    Leaving the log on trace takes up lots of memory and eventually causes crashes:

    to = mods\ebii\logs\eb.system.log.txt
    level = * trace
    #level = * error

    Though it is useful for tracking down consistent errors, don't leave it on when you are enjoying the game.

    [Optional]Post-installation modifications

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Different Captains to Generals in the campaign

    2.35 has a complete set of "Captains" that are different from the Generals. However, they are disabled, because the file in question, the descr_character is an either/or choice. Either you have proper generals in Custom Battle, multiplayer and historical battles (and no distinction between Captains and Generals in the campaign), or you can get a distinction between Generals and Captains in campaign battles only (but in the other three you always see Captains).

    If you want the latter, you'll need to make edits to the descr_character.txt to swap them around.

    As always, back up your file so you can revert before you apply this. Note this is NOT savegame compatible.


    At the moment, the only place we have the file hosted is on Moddb here:

    If you have the means to host the files, please do so and share the link - I'll update this post with it.


    Please also see our main feeds, featuring all the past previews, and where new material will appear:

    Change List

    Changelog from v2.35A R3 to 2.4
    Changelog from v2.35 to v2.35A R3


    The EBII team are volunteers who contribute their time and energy for free, and we don't want to change that. However, from time to time, we do elicit donations to cover our costs. These are for server hosting, which have come due recently. If you liked EBII enough to feel like you want to help the team, please see the link at the bottom of the EB website.

    And finally...

    In closing - EBII is still not complete. We are not finished - there will be future releases. We are at around 80% complete now - what we still need, what we always need, are more willing volunteers. If you are a 3D artist able to work with 3DS Max or Milkshape, or a 2D artist skilled with Photoshop who can work to instructions, we want you. If you have a knowledge in ancient history and a desire to contribute, we want you. If you are a scripter or coder, and have some familiarity with the files used here (compiled with C++ I believe), we want you. If you can proofread and edit XML files accurately, we want you. If you can playtest the ever-living crap out of a game, then do it all over again after a minor change, we want you. If you like the mod, and are eager to learn how to do something that can help to contribute, we want you. Apply here.

    As ever, thank you for your support and remember to read more history.

    - The Europa Barbarorum II Team
    I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but all my saves keep crashing within half a dozen turns

  14. #74

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Can I confirm the players guide is still the old one for 2.35A R2?
    The current version (2.4a) is that linked at the start of this thread and no separate update is needed?

  15. #75

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Porphyrogenita View Post
    Can I confirm the players guide is still the old one for 2.35A R2?
    The current version (2.4a) is that linked at the start of this thread and no separate update is needed?
    I don't think the player's guide has been updated yet, because it isn't too outdated still, like the vast majority of it should be relevant.
    Yes, the current version is on the first page - it need no extra updates or patches.

  16. #76

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Guys, is it a fact that client rulers reduce the number of children born in the family tree?

  17. #77

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pooploop View Post
    Guys, is it a fact that client rulers reduce the number of children born in the family tree?
    Yes, the game sees that you have enough generals and doesn't give you more children.

  18. #78

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    In the Sauromatae faction there is a trait called Zarand in the campaign or Zaerond in the files.It is supposed to give:
    1)5% construction DISCOUNT so -5% on construction costs, 2)-1% squalor, 3)10% tax bonus ,BUT gives:
    1)+5% construction costs not a discount , 2) 0% squalor, 3)10% tax bonus
    Pointing that out for future releases

  19. #79

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    I just want to say thank y'all again for all the work you've put in on this mod. It's been nearly a year since my last playthrough and I'm excited to pick it up again!

  20. #80
    Join Date
    May 2024
    Turin, Italy

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II v2.4a released!

    I'm having some frequent crashes to desktop when saving, both on 2.4 and 2.4a. Does it happen to anyone else?

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