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Thread: Want to join the team?

  1. #21

    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    What do you need to be skinned? I'm also trying to get into modeling, so hopefully I'll be able to help you there soon.

  2. #22

    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    Hello team members of Renaissance mod. I am a potential recruit for your mod, and hereby offer my humble services as a (first a foremost) unit researcher and secondary general history researcher.

    Now, I know that what you really need are skiners, modelers and scripters. I am none of those things, and there is no hope I can provide any help in that department. I know nothing about that, and have no time to learn(:...But I've scanned through your unit threads and I think you do need some help in that department as well...

    On the other hand, I am not just a wide eyed youth with plenty of ideas. I was (still am I guess) member of the Citadel Total War modding team, covering the period 1400-1600. That project, sadly, seems to be dead, since the four members all have other priorities in life and can no longer contribute their work (Shark, Narayanese, GodsPetMonkey). I also count myself in that group of four prinicpal members since I was in charge of unit design. However, about a year ago I graduated and started working, and have had very little time to work on the mod ever since.

    However, right now, after one year at my current job, I guess I can say the worst is over (I am no longer at the lower end of the food chain) and I find myself with enough time to work on exciting projects once again, and since Citadel seems to be dead in the water, and your mod is already up and running, I'd like to help out.

    My involvment with Citadel was the head unit researcher, and I think I've done a very good job of it. I compiled a huge amount amount of research on units, provinces, made unit info texts for plenty of units, read a lot of books, internet articles, talked to a lot of people, and generally managed to make some semblance of order from the often contradictory info on Renaissance units. You should see my library at home.

    I already have all the research done (unit info, plus resource picures to be used as a modding guide) for the following factions: Poland, Russias (mostly Muscovy), Hungary, Ottomans, Mamluks, Moors, Spain, England, Scotland, HRE, Swiss, Lansknechts, Denmark (Kalmar Union), Italian factions, France. I'm talking complete, historically accurate unit lists, with pictures to match. Regarding other factions, research is 30-80% done. I have literally hundreds of pictures of units at home on my computer, ready to be used, and even more scaterred in books and magazines..

    I'd like suggest one thing right now, regardless of whether you accept my help... I think the mod should extend to 1600 AD, as this is also period of the Renaissance, and it covers seven extremely interesting events: the rise of Spain as a colonial power, the rise of England as a maritime power, the Religious wars in France, the Dutch revolt, the climax of the Ottomans, the rise of Poland-Lithuania, the rise of Persia.
    On the unit front, some very interesting units appear: cuirassiers as an amalgamation od reiters and late lancers, armoured mounted arqebusiers (combined melee and arquebus armed cav), the beginnings of the Polish winged hussars (appeared as a fully developed unit in the last decade of the 16th and first deacade of the 17th century), appearance of the Cossacks, hussar cavalry in Hungary (different than the hussars now ingame)

    Anyway, I hope you are interested in my participation...
    Last edited by Yggdrasill; April 29, 2007 at 05:12 AM.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    Yggdrasill, I think that I speak for all team members when I say that such a kind of contribution as you describe would be an absolute godsend for our mod!

    On the other hand, I don't like stepping on other people's toes, so I must ask if this contribution can be made without "upsetting" the other members of the late "citadel:tw" project (you see, we already had some such complications regarding the teutonic faction models and skins in the past and we had to remove the whole faction in the end ).

    If however there's no such problem, truly you'll have contributed to about halving (or more) our development cycle - all we'll need to do thereafter will be skinning the units and scripting the campaign (plus a couple of other "artistic" touches)

    EDIT: sorry, forgot to give an answer to your final point... expanding this mod either to start at an earlier date or end at a later date was something that I was against from the beginning, on the grounds of maintaining a better focus on a specific part of the Renaissance (a very diverse age in human history).

    If I had a game based on an era advancement system, I would be only too happy to create a mod spanning from the 1400s to the 1600s in one go, but I've seen that such an approach tends to create rather unpredictable conditions in the course of the game that can't be addressed by a campaign script created with other conditions in mind (eg starting in 1494, how am I supposed to script the Dutch revolt if Spain has no presence in the Netherlands - and may never have in any case...)

    That's why I proposed a separate campaign for 1413-1485 (early era Renaissance), a separate campaign for 1494-1555 (high era Renaissance) and maybe in the end a campaign covering the years 1567-1618 (late era Renaissance) - but certainly NOT all in one campaign (1413-1618)

    Of course, we'll first have to finish our current project, so I can't even make promises about the other two campaigns...
    Last edited by justme; April 29, 2007 at 08:09 AM.

  4. #24
    DrIstvaan's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    Yes, you surely are a most worthy asset, Yggdrasill. If there are no such problems like justme mentioned (and I don't think there are, as we aren't speaking of anything of others' property, everything you say is either public info or your finding), just post here that everything is OK and I'll gladly add you to the team.
    And then, having so much work ready-made, and a whole team of historians (area-specific and general as well) to complete every aspect, we'll only need to find some more skinners (this will be WAAAAAY too much work for Zkickin and Lonely Guardian, I think) and 3D modellers to bring all these to reality.
    Last edited by DrIstvaan; April 29, 2007 at 08:50 AM.

    You may want to take a look at my small mod, Like Orange in Black Chocolate.
    Under the patronage of Silver Guard

  5. #25

    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    I don't think there will be any problems with other members of the Citadel team. As you said, all of this info is my research, my work, based on public info and my personal library at home, and I am free to put it at the disposal of whoever I choose.

    I think there is no sense in being competitors. Making a mod is a very demanding task, and instead of several teams trying to make essentially the same thing, we should concentrate our efforts and make one mod. Citadel and Renaissance mods are very similar, in scope and timeframe. In fact, almost identical. And since Citadel seems to be dead, I want to help this team since I see you are making progress. In fact, I think other members of Citadel should do the same, and we should all focus on one project - this one. There are some very talented artists and scripters in that team, Shark, GodsPetMonkey and Narayanese to name just the three most active. I may contact them and ask them if they would consider pulling the plug on Citadel and focusing on this project. After the core of the mod is made, people can part ways again, and make small mini mods focusing on different aspects of the Renaissance (like your idea of braking the 1400-1600 period in three distinct mods, I like this idea very much) to their liking. However, since 99% is the same, we can all work on one initial project to maximizew resources.

    Anyway, do you accept my help? I could post say my suggestions for Hungarian units right now, tonight...

    One point I'd like to make. I'm playing a Hungarian campaign and one thing apsolutely has to be corrected in the interest of both historical (and geographical!) accuracy and gameplay - the placing of Belgrade.

    Right now it is tucked away in the mountains, where it is out of the way, and nobody can reach it easily (just try sending merchants to that gold mine, they have to go around the mountains taking an extra turn). However, in real life Belgrade lies on the Danube, exactly at the point where the river Sava flows into Danube. This point can be easily found on the map, just follow the Danube (flows through Buda, goes south, bends sharply to the east where after a while Sava joins; Sava flows through Croatia (Slavonia), near Zagreb, almost in a straight west to east line).

    Normaly I wouldn't make a fuss about a city being a few inches to the left or right but in this case it is crucial. Belgrade was called 'the key to Hungary'. It lies on the Danube, and Danube was crucial for transporting the logistical train of any invading army, both Ottoman and Hungarian. Every single Ottoman invasion of Central Europe relied on Danube and followed it, every siege of Vienna in particular. Whoever held Belgrade could either defend or conquer Hungary. It fell to the Ottomans in 1521 and it is no coincedence that Mohač happened only 5 years later in 1526, when Ottomans for all intents and purposes conqured Hungary. Belgrade controlled the access to the Hungarian plains (Panonian valley) from the south, and since further to the north and south mountains (around Ragusa and transylvannia in the game) block passage, it was the only access point through which a large army could advance.

    Imagine if Belgrade was placed where I suggest...No longer could Ottomans simply walk over and lay siege to Temisvar (happened to me in the first 6 turns), or advance deep into Hungary without opposition, since Belgrade would always get in the way, blocking the few places where Danube can be crossed...just as it did in real life.

    Also, it should be either a large city or a fortress, not some smallish village.
    Last edited by Yggdrasill; May 01, 2007 at 02:46 PM.

  6. #26
    DrIstvaan's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    Yggdrasill, you're hired.

    You may want to take a look at my small mod, Like Orange in Black Chocolate.
    Under the patronage of Silver Guard

  7. #27

    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    There are some very talented artists and scripters in that team
    scripters??? where, when, how??? tell them to pop over here - they're hired already

    [we're in desperate need of scripters, or at least I am, since my progress in learning how to script is - to say the least - slow (even though I managed to implement a "hotseat" for my current IBFD campaign)]

    do you accept my help?
    we're not the kind of people who need to be asked twice, especially if the applicant has scripters... (ahem) I mean *so much to offer* to our mod

    So... what Dristvaan said (welcome aboard)

    Belgrade was called 'the key to Hungary'.
    absolutely right... how come I didn't think of it before (prolly because I've never tried a Hungarian campaign )

    Maybe I'll try to correct this problem and while I'm at it, I may even change the name of the city to its old Hungarian name ("Nandorfeherevar" or something - sp???)

    it should be either a large city or a fortress, not some smallish village.
    which version of R:TW are you playing Yggdrasil?

    AFAIR I have already changed Belgrade to a large fortress in my latest campaign beta :hmmm:

    EDIT: oh durn it... I just realised... you're a new recruit Yggdrasil, you don't yet have the latest campaign beta!!!

    @Dristvaan: can you please see that Yggdrasil gets a copy of the latest campaign please? thanks

  8. #28
    DrIstvaan's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    Of course, I'll see to it right now.

    You may want to take a look at my small mod, Like Orange in Black Chocolate.
    Under the patronage of Silver Guard

  9. #29

    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    I'd like to offer my services as well.

    Sadly, I'm no skiner, modeler or scripter.

    Furthermore, the region I know most about (the HRE and the Habsburg dynasty) is allready covered by arfrisco. But I helped him with the hre names, so maybe I could help with other things too.

    I could also translate to german - something that was discussed in some posts here (unit/faction/region/city names...).

    Other points of interest (and knowlege): general history, italian wars

    Hopefully you are interested in my participation - but I'll post my thoughts on the mod anyway...

  10. #30
    DrIstvaan's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    Well, I suppose more historians never hurts, so I can take you without further ado. Welcome aboard . If you see something you can add something to, or generally, have any ideas to share, don't hesitate to do so .

    You may want to take a look at my small mod, Like Orange in Black Chocolate.
    Under the patronage of Silver Guard

  11. #31

    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    i apply for this Splash screener( experienced photoshop user, to make us some nice splashscreens) and designer.

  12. #32
    DrIstvaan's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    Well, Samurai has made some screens for us, but I suppose more is better, so I don't see why you couldn't join. I think other leaders neither have objections...

    You may want to take a look at my small mod, Like Orange in Black Chocolate.
    Under the patronage of Silver Guard

  13. #33

    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    kk... ill make somethin after you release 3.0 ... i dont feel like going back to 1.1

  14. #34
    DrIstvaan's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    Ah, of course. I'll PM you with a link to a version that is compatible with 1.2 and contains every change that has been made since 2.75 and the latest beta (which may be more of an alpha, but anyway).

    You may want to take a look at my small mod, Like Orange in Black Chocolate.
    Under the patronage of Silver Guard

  15. #35

    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    thx man... dont expect my work soon i want to make something really fancy

  16. #36
    DrIstvaan's Avatar Artifex
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    Jan 2007

    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    You're welcome. Of course, I know good work takes time. So, just take your time . But at least now you can play RenTW with M2TW 1.2

    You may want to take a look at my small mod, Like Orange in Black Chocolate.
    Under the patronage of Silver Guard

  17. #37
    therussian's Avatar Use your imagination
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    Charlotte, NC USA

    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    Hi, I just have a question; it's not concerning joining the team, but who is the current leader of this mod? Is Agronak gro-Malog still leader, or has someone else become "temporary" leader?

    You can reply via PM if you wish.

    House of the Caesars | Under the Patronage of Comrade Trance Crusader. Proud Patron of Comrades Shadow_Imperator, Zenith Darksea, Final Frontier and Plutarch | Second Generation| ex-Eagle Standard Editor| Consilium de Civitate | Album Reviews

  18. #38

    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    Hi, I just have a question; it's not concerning joining the team, but who is the current leader of this mod? Is Agronak gro-Malog still leader, or has someone else become "temporary" leader?

    You can reply via PM if you wish.

    to quote the words from one of my all time fave movies: "We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune." (hint: something about a snake... a python I think )

    seriously though... I just don't know if we even have one the issue never came up in one of our: "special bi-weekly meetings" (hint: same movie...)

    So... would you like to apply for the job? (j/k though)

  19. #39
    therussian's Avatar Use your imagination
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    Charlotte, NC USA

    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    Ah, I see. I just wanted to interview someone from Renaissance Total War for the Eagle Standard, and was wondering if there was some "manager" figure that could be interviewed

    Any suggestions?

    By the way, what movie is that from? Life of Brian?

    House of the Caesars | Under the Patronage of Comrade Trance Crusader. Proud Patron of Comrades Shadow_Imperator, Zenith Darksea, Final Frontier and Plutarch | Second Generation| ex-Eagle Standard Editor| Consilium de Civitate | Album Reviews

  20. #40

    Default Re: Want to join the team?

    DrIstvaan and Justme are team leaders, we had 3, but then RTR left. You should contact either of them. If they don't reply I'll do it, but they are the ones you want to talk to.

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