Thread: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

  1. #5861

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Quote Originally Posted by kostic View Post
    @Gen Poniatowski , @SuprFinAvpag : OK, I understand. There is a texture error for Rebel Javelinmen. It seems to me that your versions are earlier than mine because this javelinmen unit is not present in Pamplona in my version.
    In any case, thank you for this observation, the next version will correct this problem. In the meantime, you can simply fix it by replacing the battle_models.modeldb file with this one: fix pamplona bug
    1- Remove the inscription (1) from the downloaded file
    2- Make a backup copy of your battle_models.modeldb in mods/SSHIP_098/data/units_models/battle_models.modeldb
    3- Overwrite the original file
    That solved it! Thanks!

  2. #5862

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    the captains of halberd companies always seem to fall behind their unit. you'll see the leader and his two flag bearers walking very slow, while the rest keep pace. this doesn't happen with pike units, probably because they're very slow. its not a big deal; just an annoyance when you're trying to get in place quickly

  3. #5863
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Icon4 Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    I spotted a unit that crashes the game. Even older SSHIP_098 versions like the one from August 2021:

    This is the "Symmachika tagmata" unit found in the EDU (export_descr_unit) under the name "Castrophilakae".
    The crash is due to the officer "symachika_standard" whose presence only exists for this unit.

    To fix this problem, simply replace the officer with another or delete it. In my example below, I replaced it with the officer "scoutatoi_sword_standard".

    This bug will be corrected in the next version but you can already do it manually if you find yourself unable to do a battle because of the presence of this unit in your game or that of your opponent.
    type Castrophilakae
    dictionary Castrophilakae ; Castrophilakae : feudal levy, factional
    category infantry
    class heavy
    voice_type Heavy
    banner faction main_spear
    banner holy crusade
    soldier Byzantine_Infantry, 48, 0, 1.05
    officer byzantine_unit_officer
    officer symachika_standard
    attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, can_withdraw
    move_speed_mod 0.98
    formation 1.2, 0, 2.4, 2.4, 4, square, shield_wall
    stat_health 1, 1
    stat_pri 7, 3, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, sword, 15, 1
    stat_pri_attr no
    stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, melee_simple, blunt, none, 0, 1
    stat_sec_attr no
    stat_pri_armour 9, 6, 5, metal ; mail ; GUARD
    stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
    stat_heat 9
    stat_ground -1, -1, -4, -2
    stat_mental 7, normal, untrained
    stat_charge_dist 6
    stat_fire_delay 0
    stat_food 60, 300
    stat_cost 2, 2270, 764, 75, 764, 764, 4, 200
    armour_ug_levels 7, 9, 23
    armour_ug_models Castrophilakae, Castrophilakae, Castrophilakae_ug1
    ownership byzantium, serbia
    era 0 byzantium, serbia
    era 1 byzantium, serbia
    era 2 byzantium, serbia
    recruit_priority_offset 20
    type Castrophilakae
    dictionary Castrophilakae ; Castrophilakae : feudal levy, factional
    category infantry
    class heavy
    voice_type Heavy
    banner faction main_spear
    banner holy crusade
    soldier Byzantine_Infantry, 48, 0, 1.05
    officer byzantine_unit_officer
    officer scoutatoi_sword_standard
    attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, can_withdraw
    move_speed_mod 0.98
    formation 1.2, 0, 2.4, 2.4, 4, square, shield_wall
    stat_health 1, 1
    stat_pri 7, 3, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, sword, 15, 1
    stat_pri_attr no
    stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, melee_simple, blunt, none, 0, 1
    stat_sec_attr no
    stat_pri_armour 9, 6, 5, metal ; mail ; GUARD
    stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
    stat_heat 9
    stat_ground -1, -1, -4, -2
    stat_mental 7, normal, untrained
    stat_charge_dist 6
    stat_fire_delay 0
    stat_food 60, 300
    stat_cost 2, 2270, 764, 75, 764, 764, 4, 200
    armour_ug_levels 7, 9, 23
    armour_ug_models Castrophilakae, Castrophilakae, Castrophilakae_ug1
    ownership byzantium, serbia
    era 0 byzantium, serbia
    era 1 byzantium, serbia
    era 2 byzantium, serbia
    recruit_priority_offset 20

  4. #5864
    Majkl's Avatar Miles
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    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Hey, I am on my second Hungarian campaign. It's relatively early, turn 38 or so but there are few odd things. First "Vár building chain" building – fundaments of Vár does not give any benefit. It says it bring 5% happiness, so do the EDB but if I build it, no change in settlements. Also I get message "Missing funds" every turn despite the fact that I keep around 15 to 25k florins in bank. And lastly, my king earns "Attending court" trait every single turn despite him being in completely different province. No idea if any of this is bug or just mechanic I am not aware of so hopefully I am not making fool of myself here.

  5. #5865

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Majkl, i've found that my king can be "attending court" too if he's not in the capital, but in a neighboring province or even 2 provinces over (i think). are you close to the capital, or on the other side of the country? chalk it up to the king being in the area, he still gets fast messengers from the court and can manage affairs, i think thats realistic

  6. #5866
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Quote Originally Posted by Majkl View Post
    Hey, I am on my second Hungarian campaign. It's relatively early, turn 38 or so but there are few odd things. First "Vár building chain" building – fundaments of Vár does not give any benefit. It says it bring 5% happiness, so do the EDB but if I build it, no change in settlements. Also I get message "Missing funds" every turn despite the fact that I keep around 15 to 25k florins in bank. And lastly, my king earns "Attending court" trait every single turn despite him being in completely different province. No idea if any of this is bug or just mechanic I am not aware of so hopefully I am not making fool of myself here.
    Var fundaments - they do provide bonus, but you need to have unhappy people in the first place ;-)
    ;==================================================================================================================================;=================== Var 1 (Fundaments) =======================================================================================

    var1_fundaments city requires event_counter dummy 1 or not building_present palazzo_building and event_counter HUNGARY1A_NOBILITY 1 and factions { hungary, } or factions { scotland, england, hre, france, jerusalem, denmark, norway, pisa, venice, sicily, aragon, spain, portugal, poland, serbia, } and event_counter notre_dame 1 and not building_present palazzo_building and hidden_resource hungary or hidden_resource serbia
    happiness_bonus bonus 1

    material wooden
    construction 4
    cost 1000
    settlement_min town
    Missing funds - start from 20k.

    Atttending courts - this was made by @VinnFynn 3y ago, and I'm not sure how does it work, but you why not to have a court elsewhere... actually, the concept of capital in the Middle Ages is strange - but this is a hardcoded mechanics.

  7. #5867

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    I noticed that when playing a local hotseat, the human players except for the first human faction, get "Game difficulty: Normal" scrolls upon their respective Turn 1. (I chose Hard campaign difficulty when starting the multiplayer campaign).
    Also, changing the faction capitals cost exactly zero money so I can't check what difficulty I'm actually on.

    Found it out by having a way too easy multiplayer campaign with the 2nd and the 3rd faction. Got money I could not spend, which is totally not what I wanted. (Byzantium, Hungary) The first faction had it noticeably worse, as intended for a Hard campaign. (Poland)

    Obviously I'd want the same difficulty setting for every faction.

    Can this be solved somehow? Thanks.

  8. #5868

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Is it intended that you can't see anything when picking high/late period? It my only option is just to press next and then it says early period 1132 or something.
    "See that they are well supplied with beverages, with their drink avidity satisfied by giving them as much beverages they want. Then they will easily get defeated by their lust of yeast as by roman arms" Tacitus, Germania 23

  9. #5869
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    In fact, the “late campaign” section is currently inactive.
    The work on the late period - particularly as far as I am concerned - of overhauling the units has barely been started.
    This doesn't prevent you from playing up to the 15th century and beyond but you will have to go through the early campaign before then and you will then find unrevised units (those from SS6.4) with obsolete generals, captains and flag bearers.
    I plan to take care of it but there is still a lot to do in the early period.
    On the other hand, I have not currently found any other solution than to create one or more additional folders which will have to be overwritten on the data to replace certain units depending on the time.
    When it's ready, I'll do a tutorial for players.

  10. #5870

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Quote Originally Posted by kostic View Post
    In fact, the “late campaign” section is currently inactive.
    The work on the late period - particularly as far as I am concerned - of overhauling the units has barely been started.
    This doesn't prevent you from playing up to the 15th century and beyond but you will have to go through the early campaign before then and you will then find unrevised units (those from SS6.4) with obsolete generals, captains and flag bearers.
    I plan to take care of it but there is still a lot to do in the early period.
    On the other hand, I have not currently found any other solution than to create one or more additional folders which will have to be overwritten on the data to replace certain units depending on the time.
    When it's ready, I'll do a tutorial for players.
    Thank you very much, good luck with modding. 0.98 aint far from 1.00
    "See that they are well supplied with beverages, with their drink avidity satisfied by giving them as much beverages they want. Then they will easily get defeated by their lust of yeast as by roman arms" Tacitus, Germania 23

  11. #5871

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    2 things:

    whenever you sack a city, it always seems to sprout a resistance noble and army. however it doesn't always correspond with the context. i'm fighting france, whose last holdouts are in spain, and i sack their city. i understand that the citizens aren't native french. but what sprouts up is an almoravid noble with a moorish army; i'm allied with them. so i basically spawned an allied army. maybe if they were a rebel moor army, ok, but i just created my own friends. i think what spawns should be soldiers from the previous occupant, no matter the geography; it was french-held spain for hundreds of years now, they aren't strangers to the land and culture. maybe make it a french noble, but leading a spanish-style army, to suit the location? that fits both the gameplay and the "lore"

    i've been noticing too many of my generals are getting "faltering courage" when i make all of them very brave. does it count as fleeing if they move away from a unit battle during a fight? every player knows you need to free up your cavalry and counter-charge, or just move from fight to fight. i noticed this time that it was an even fight too, both armies fully stacked, so there wasn't an outnumbering factor. my general fought well too, took a lot of prisoners, so i don't know how the faltering courage works. we NEED to move our generals, but until i understand why, i can only have them attack easy flanks so they dont need to run away

  12. #5872
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Quote Originally Posted by kostic View Post
    I spotted a unit that crashes the game. Even older SSHIP_098 versions like the one from August 2021:

    This is the "Symmachika tagmata" unit found in the EDU (export_descr_unit) under the name "Castrophilakae".
    The crash is due to the officer "symachika_standard" whose presence only exists for this unit.
    I am assuming it's a missile unit, eg has missile animations? They always crash when used as officer as soon as they join melee.

  13. #5873
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Quote Originally Posted by Sllhouette View Post
    whenever you sack a city, it always seems to sprout a resistance noble and army. however it doesn't always correspond with the context. i'm fighting france, whose last holdouts are in spain, and i sack their city. i understand that the citizens aren't native french. but what sprouts up is an almoravid noble with a moorish army; i'm allied with them. so i basically spawned an allied army. maybe if they were a rebel moor army, ok, but i just created my own friends. i think what spawns should be soldiers from the previous occupant, no matter the geography; it was french-held spain for hundreds of years now, they aren't strangers to the land and culture. maybe make it a french noble, but leading a spanish-style army, to suit the location? that fits both the gameplay and the "lore"
    A rebel army consists of the locals. The locals have long-term loyalties. In the Iberian Peninnsula in particular (recall Moriscos). When other parties fight, it's a perfect timing to revive own cause. So a rebel army loyal to the Moors is justified, even if they are your friends.
    (not to mention that code-wise is possible to program, while making it dependent in your style would have required enormous work, if it's possible at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sllhouette View Post
    i've been noticing too many of my generals are getting "faltering courage" when i make all of them very brave. does it count as fleeing if they move away from a unit battle during a fight? every player knows you need to free up your cavalry and counter-charge, or just move from fight to fight. i noticed this time that it was an even fight too, both armies fully stacked, so there wasn't an outnumbering factor. my general fought well too, took a lot of prisoners, so i don't know how the faltering courage works. we NEED to move our generals, but until i understand why, i can only have them attack easy flanks so they dont need to run away
    moving generals on the battlefield doesn't impact on the Brave/Coward traits.
    But your problem seems to be a different one - what do you mean by "when i make all of them very brave"?

  14. #5874

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Why does campaign difficulty get reverted to normal for human players other than the first one in hotseat? (At the very least according to the scroll messages)
    I'm now using the original cfg file.


    EDIT: I've got a SSHIP_098-old mod folder, the version from October last year. Modified its cfg to mod =mods/SSHIP_098-old
    and replaced every instance of SSHIP_098 to SSHIP_098-old and ran the hotseat the same way.
    The result was the same. The second faction getting the "Game difficulty: Normal" scroll.
    Last edited by benczeb90; November 26, 2023 at 03:32 AM. Reason: additional info

  15. #5875

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    But your problem seems to be a different one - what do you mean by "when i make all of them very brave"?
    i try to do everything i can to have them be "brave". i send them into fights, constantly, i try not ever defend but initiate fights, i score great victories. the faltering courage just seems kind of confusing sometimes, and the only common thread i could tie to it seemed to be physically running away from a unit in battle. the last battle i had, both armies were very high, balanced chances, general fought. i'll just keep testing it

  16. #5876

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    I checked the pope in my current game and pope's trait says Contact Devs if you see this because it shouldnt be visible. Is there any way I can help you with this reporting? let me know
    "See that they are well supplied with beverages, with their drink avidity satisfied by giving them as much beverages they want. Then they will easily get defeated by their lust of yeast as by roman arms" Tacitus, Germania 23

  17. #5877

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    I noticed two buildings in Pisa, that probably shouldn't be available to build at the same time: "Duomo e Battistero" and "Chiesa, Battistero e Campanile"

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

  18. #5878
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    thanks, it looks like a bad coding on my part, I'll check

  19. #5879
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Version 098 from August in VH/VH playing the Papal States:

    1- The Palazzo in Rome is built in 3 stages without the building appearing in the list of constructed buildings (large expenditures of money over time for nothing)
    2- The advantages of the Palazzo at level 3 are ridiculous compared to the cost of construction
    3- At least 8 communities have nothing left to build for surprising periods of time. For some (e.g. Bari) it exceeds 100 revolutions
    4- In my campaign, recruiting priests is proving really difficult. I only had 2 for a lot of rounds

    Download campaign :
    Pape 1207
    Pape 1210

    Last edited by kostic; November 27, 2023 at 05:22 AM.

  20. #5880

    Default Re: Bugs Reports & Technical Help

    Hey there,

    I am playing Polish faction. 2 turns ago I received notification that Prussian region (Królewiec, can't remember how it was called before I conquered it) will rebel for sure unless I will give them 3000 florins and even that sum of money does not guarantee they will stay peaceful. I didn't receive any options to confirm that I agree or not, btw.

    The game crashed while trying to get to the next turn, however I restarted it and managed to pass that turn. Sadly though the game crashes everytime now. My guess is that the rebelion is starting, but it's bugged.

    Note: when they first rebelled many turns ago (without any warning), they rebelled as Lithuania, despite I didn't claim the city from than faction, but from the "gray rebels". But at that moment Lithuania is gone, because they choose to pick a fight with me

    Some logs, not sure if it's relevant:

    10:26:44.326 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0055_T_Invasion_Neutral_AI> fired
    10:26:44.326 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_INVASION from transgressor faction 1E3F9CB0 against faction 1E431186
    10:26:44.329 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0055_T_Invasion_Neutral_AI> fired
    10:26:44.329 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_INVASION from transgressor faction 1E3F9CB0 against faction 1E431186
    10:26:44.333 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0055_T_Invasion_Neutral_AI> fired
    10:26:44.333 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_INVASION from transgressor faction 1E3F9CB0 against faction 1E431186
    10:26:44.337 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0055_T_Invasion_Neutral_AI> fired
    10:26:44.337 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_INVASION from transgressor faction 1E3F9CB0 against faction 1E431186
    10:26:44.341 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0055_T_Invasion_Neutral_AI> fired
    10:26:44.341 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_INVASION from transgressor faction 1E3F9CB0 against faction 1E431186
    10:26:44.344 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0055_T_Invasion_Neutral_AI> fired
    10:26:44.344 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_INVASION from transgressor faction 1E3F9CB0 against faction 1E431186
    10:26:44.348 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0055_T_Invasion_Neutral_AI> fired
    10:26:44.348 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_INVASION from transgressor faction 1E3F9CB0 against faction 1E431186
    10:26:44.351 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0055_T_Invasion_Neutral_AI> fired
    10:26:44.351 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_INVASION from transgressor faction 1E3F9CB0 against faction 1E431186
    10:26:44.354 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0055_T_Invasion_Neutral_AI> fired
    10:26:44.354 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_INVASION from transgressor faction 1E3F9CB0 against faction 1E431186
    10:26:44.427 [bink] [debug] [data/fmv/faction/minor_lose.bik]Pause on
    10:26:44.427 [bink] [debug] [data/fmv/faction/minor_lose.bik]Pause on
    10:26:44.492 [system.rpt] [error] Medieval 2: Total War encountered an unspecified error and will now exit.
    Saved fame file:

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