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Thread: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

  1. #401

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    I find your save very interesting. So what exactly happened next? Maybe you can put some info + pics in the relevant section ?

    I think Persian (Turk) campaign is very difficult exactly due to the Mongols - you've got 100 years to prepare for the onslaught.
    For now I abandoned it. I made some crucial mistakes. Did not put the proper governors to the right cities, did not manage to upgrade them, did not make anti-Mongol stacks in Merv, Gorganch, Nishapur, made several mid-quality armies instead of some doomstacks. Now I start again as Persia and I intend to do it properly this time. The 1st SSHIP campaign is always one to teach you through mistakes.

    1 idea to defeat Mongols is have 6 assassins waiting for their stacks. Worked for me in the past. Not in SSHIP though.

  2. #402
    Nemesis2345's Avatar Semisalis
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    So, by the suggestion of JoC i want to share my interesting campaign as HRE on turn 325.

    Scotland realised their dream and destroyed England.
    Iberia is free from Moors and victim to internal Catholic wars now , as always.
    Portugal is still alive and actually has 3 provinces (very rare , usually they went down by turn 100 in previous versions of sship)
    The Mongols did what they could defeating smaller unprepared kingdoms but are now facing a huge unifeid Kiev and the Eastern Romans which prove to be a challenge even for them.
    The Pope's crusade on Tunis actually saved Kingdom of Jerusalem since it's their only settlement now , Jerusalem is taken by Sicily which im going to have a ,,word'' with shortly

    And i actually managed to create a stable Legacy of legitimate Kings , no longer usurpers are screwing my game up.
    I tried to marry them with high tier princesses from my vassal states or myself . My current king is married to a HRE princess while the heir is married to a Aragonese princess. Previous kings were married to French and Serbian princesses.

    Obviously, merchants play a big role here , even so ,i used to have 600k 20 turns ago , but as you can see im already losing money hard by fighting a war with the hungarians and defeating the venetians , professional armies with heavy knights are huge hit on pockets.

    I might post more when i advance in turns
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; May 07, 2020 at 03:40 PM. Reason: assistance with pictures

  3. #403
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Great, Nemesis. What difficulty do you play?

    What draws my attention, is how profitable Prague and Basel are. This is because of the mines?

    Just to inform you: the merchants won't be so profitable. As agreed years ago, they'll be limited:
    - availability of the merchants limited to a few per faction: the'll be provided by: 1) each capital (ie if you take another faction capital, you can recruit an additional merchant); 2) guilds: merchants, explorers & Hanseatic; 3) large cities in North Italy and in the Low Countries; 4) all huge coastal cities.

  4. #404
    Nemesis2345's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    Great, Nemesis. What difficulty do you play?

    What draws my attention, is how profitable Prague and Basel are. This is because of the mines?

    Just to inform you: the merchants won't be so profitable. As agreed years ago, they'll be limited:
    - availability of the merchants limited to a few per faction: the'll be provided by: 1) each capital (ie if you take another faction capital, you can recruit an additional merchant); 2) guilds: merchants, explorers & Hanseatic; 3) large cities in North Italy and in the Low Countries; 4) all huge coastal cities.
    Difficulty is Very Hard / Very Hard
    Yes, i actually built every mine i could in every city i could because i chose money over population growth (being HRE means you will need constant funds for armies since you gonna get attacked from everywhere).
    And yes , i was actually using the sub-mod to limit merchants back in the day , they also provide the AI with twice as many bonuses since they tend to send them far away from them ( example , on the Hungary gold mine i make around 10-12k with a 10 finance merchant , but a fatmid merchand for example will make 20k no problem). It is cheesy i agree , however , i still struggled with army upkeep after a while even with so much money. This will basically overhaul how armies work in the next games , since you really wont be able to field tons of top tier armies without going broke ( very historical ) and you would actually expand very slow which i wont mind.

    Also, thank you for editing the pictures !
    Last edited by Nemesis2345; May 07, 2020 at 05:33 PM.

  5. #405
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    You have exiled the Pope in Corsica. Bad boy
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  6. #406
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    My part with France in VH / VH.
    I wanted to play it peaceful. I am therefore allied with the English, Aragon, Venice, Leon and Castile and even with the states of the Pope!
    Everything was fine before the Holy Empire launched hostilities despite my multiple attempts not to displease him. He attacked me simultaneously Utrecht, Loven, Dijon and Clermont, but only Clermont was finally taken. As you can see on my map, my kingdom is really starting to get cramped ... and I'm in the 33 rd turn.

  7. #407
    paleologos's Avatar You need burrito love!!
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    kostic, can you see your house from here?

  8. #408
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    @paleologos : no, it is not on this part of the map; my house is rather on the Lyon side today.

    My campaign is really tough! I was able to make peace with the Holy Roman Empire by abandoning Clermont. The Englishman, who was my ally, declared war on me by destroying the small army of one of his generals whom my Princess Constance had succeeded in marrying. I tried reprisals which were almost the cause of my loss by losing one of the king's sons ... thanks to his intervention, I was able to save the situation (his name is finally Louis the Fat). The city of Clermont finally revolted (probably thanks to my spy) and has just been taken over by a very young general (Baudouin le bastard, son of the crown prince philippe) ...

  9. #409

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Sweet Mother of God, nemesis, what did the Scottish do to my dear olde England?

  10. #410
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    My campaign continues. The English faction was excommunicated by the pope. So I took the opportunity to invade his land. In 1160, my king just died in peace at 79 years old. The army of the Holy Empire which threatened my capital finally left after I promised my help against the Almoravids who took the south of France ...

    Last edited by kostic; May 12, 2020 at 06:44 PM.

  11. #411
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    King Philippe died in peace in 1162 at over 75 years of age. His son, Baudoin the bastard, count of Auvergnes, takes over and settles in Paris.
    The armies of the kingdom of France complete their conquests against the English while war is declared on Sultan Almoravide with the capture of Bordeaux.
    Meanwhile, the plague strikes Paris but spares the king. So that the glory of the kingdom is total, the latter takes the head of his army and conquers the city of Roazhon in Brittany.
    In 1164, the kingdom of France became almost capable of competing with the Holy German Empire ...

  12. #412

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    An alluring morning in medieval Highlands:

  13. #413
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    @ just let me post : Great atmosphere !

    After 3 revolts in Mosul, my crusaders are forced to massacre the population ... this part uses the provisional version 0.9.7 of Joc of June 4 to which I added my units whose stats are modified on the Silligoy model .
    For the moment, I am very satisfied with it.

  14. #414
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    I've forgotten who sent me this save with a campaign with 097-alfa but I think it's worth to share - it was concluded and lasted 323 turns:

  15. #415

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    >Turks took Anatolia


  16. #416

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    I thought I'd revive this thread a bit with some pics of my ongoing Hungarian campaign.

    Having reached the end of his prime, Bela Kiraly looks over his domains...
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    The relative peace in which the realm now finds itself has been hard won.

    Early in his reign, still untested as a ruler and warrior, Bela Kiraly faced down an invasion by the unscrupulous Eastern Romans. The war ended with the death of the emperor himself. Ever since that day, the Byzantines have tread carefully indeed around Hungarian interests in the region.

    The Serbs are no more. In a war of attrition that lasted five years, over many a blood-soaked field, Bela Kiraly and his generals fought the Serbs down to their last stronghold, their last prince. No mercy was asked or given on either side.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Indeed, there were many close battles, and many heroic victories.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    In 1162, the Venetians come knocking, with the thought that the Hungarians have overextended themselves. The Venetians learn to their cost that the Hungarian king deals harshly with those who would diminish his sovereignty.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Now Kiraly is poised to bring even the city of Zara into the Hungarian fold. Soon, the Venetians will no longer have a foothold this side of the Adriatic...

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    And then...the unthinkable happens:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    For a man who has been in the vanguard of many furious battles to drop his sword and flee? Truly, this is an insult from God!

    Campaign note:
    I apologize for not providing more "in battle" shots. To be honest, I have been experiencing so many CTDs that I'm afraid to take too many in game pictures.
    That said, it has been a fun campaign so far. This last siege of Zara had to be auto-resolved as it was CTDing every time the battle began. I'm not sure if the auto-resolve is the reason that my faction leader got the negative trait, or if there is some other hidden factor around ageing...

    Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this very basic write-up.
    Last edited by Cyprian2; October 29, 2020 at 06:49 PM. Reason: Fixed some formatting

  17. #417

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Indeed @Cyprian the auto resolve does in many cases lead to gaining a cowardice trait, especially that the mod underlines the characters must be led in-battle.

    I also keep facing the city siege CTD, and to fix that, it usually takes me to reload the battle few times until the code figures itself out, and if not, I delay the attack for a turn or two before trying again.

    interesting campaign, even though I didn't get how you survived the "195 VS 1197" battle. it's interesting to see how you will deal with the Qip-Chak tribes in the north in order to retrieve your lands and get crowned. doing that while walking on Ice with the Byzantines seems like a fun challenge. Good Game.

  18. #418

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    Turn 50 of my ERE campaign. Secured Anatolia and allied with Georgia, also made Serbia my vassal. Hungary keeps attacking me, but at least my eastern frontier is stable.
    Unfortunately Georgia captured Trabizond before I could, so I'll probably have to bribe it from them, in order to get my emperor coronated. Or maybe they will just betray our alliance

  19. #419
    pxfofo's Avatar Foederatus
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    Year 1220 (turn 178) Roleplay as Pisa.

  20. #420
    Nemesis2345's Avatar Semisalis
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    A true PISA roleplay would send the Pope to Corseca Island and keep Rome to themselves #Quarantinethepope

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