I've been playing Total War titles since a Shogun demo-CD (Remember those?) arrived in my mail back in 1999.
And since 2009, I've considered TWCenter to be the HUB of all English language TW networking and modding.

But this week I bought 3K, and came directly over to TWCenter, anticipating the usual trove of community resources that 1/2 a year should result.

But TWC 3K forums seems like a ghost town!

What's different?
Is this a matter of the title's "un-modability"?
Has Valve/Steam Workshop made TWC redundant?
Is this just a reflection of the title's popularity with English speaking fans?
Am I looking in the wrong place or incorrectly?

PLEASE, no pointless remarks about bigotry or prejudice.
If there are REAL articles discussing East/West market trends worth pointing to, please use the names of the journalists or authors, and use quotes.