Quote Originally Posted by legate View Post
3K is a good game. However the battles feel a bit arcadey with troops flying through the air and just falling over. The campaign is good but again bits of it feel cartoonish/arcady. Its a good title but I feel that they could have captured the atmosphere a bit better.

Anyone know of good realism mods for 3K?
Well that's just the point, much of that sort of modding isn't as popular or up to date as one might expect. The only two contenders for re-balancing and slowing down combat is Three Dragons and Under a Red Sky.

As for "capturing the atmosphere", I've been studying the matter a bit, and have concluded that CA have captured and embraced the unique cultural hooks of China's relationship to this part of their national history and mythology, very well. They clearly put much extra effort into their research from the concept phase forward.

The problem is that what the Chinese want to prioritize in a 3K title isn't the same as what works for westerners.

Were it for me, it would be more realistic, with a very calm Art of War, Sun Tzu, vibe. As a white male american, I'm confronted with the discomfort of NOT being catered to, for once. But that's my problem. Clearly not CA's.

I'm mostly because I'm so spoiled for a vibrant modding resource, and finding it not being represented in places I'm used to.