thanks, Gigantus. If any of the players would be willing to make / find such a movie to be included in the mod for coronation, he'll be warmy welcome.
I'll stick to coding, I've created 28 additional traits so that it's possible to have up to 18 provinces for simple triggers in EDA.
The code now is:
;----- crowns  ------------------------------------------
; AI is excluded from the intricacies of the mechanism, but has a simple trigger here and in EDA
; and then it has a short list of provinces to gain - thus it's likely to get crowns

;-------------------------------------------------------- (A) unfit for crown

;------------------------------------------- 2->1
Trigger UnFit_for_crown_UnFitForOffice
 WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

 Condition IsFactionLeader
    and Trait Crownholder > 1
    and Trait Crownholder < 3
    and Trait FitForOffice < 2
 Affects Crownholder -1 Chance 100
;------------------------------------------- 2->1
Trigger UnFit_for_crown_Excommunicated
 WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

 Condition IsFactionLeader
    and Trait Crownholder > 1
    and Trait Crownholder < 3
    and FactionExcommunicated 
 Affects Crownholder -1 Chance 100

;------------------------------------------- 3->1
Trigger UnFit_Legacy_UnFitForOffice
 WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

 Condition IsFactionLeader
    and Trait Crownholder > 2
    and Trait Crownholder < 4
    and Trait FitForOffice < 2
 Affects Crownholder -2 Chance 100
;------------------------------------------- 3->1
Trigger UnFit_Legacy_Excommunicated
 WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

 Condition IsFactionLeader
    and Trait Crownholder > 2
    and Trait Crownholder < 4
    and FactionExcommunicated 
 Affects Crownholder -2 Chance 100

;------------------------------------------- 0->1
 Trigger Fit_for_crown_Starter
 WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart

 Condition FactionIsLocal
    and IsFactionLeader
    and Trait Crownholder < 1

 Affects Crownholder 1 Chance 100
;-------------------------------------------------------- (B) fit for crown in general
;------------------------------------------- 1->2
Trigger Fit_for_crown_Lands_Conquered
 WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

 Condition IsFactionLeader
    and FactionIsLocal
    and Trait Crownholder > 0
    and Trait Crownholder < 2
    and Trait FitForOffice > 1
    and Trait Usurper < 1
    and Trait FactionRegent < 1
    and Attribute Piety > 5
    and Attribute Authority > 5
    and not FactionExcommunicated 
 Affects Crownholder 1 Chance 100
;------------------------------------------- 1->3
Trigger Fit_for_crown_Legacy
 WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

 Condition IsFactionLeader
    and FactionIsLocal
    and Trait Crownholder > 0
    and Trait Crownholder < 2
    and Trait FathersLegacy > 1
    and Trait Usurper < 1
    and Trait FactionRegent < 1
    and not FactionExcommunicated 
 Affects Crownholder 2 Chance 100

;-------------------------------------------------------- (C) fit for specific crowns
; hidden to the player as used only for technical reason
; used to enable more than 19 conditions in the EDA
; made in a simple way to limit the number of downgrade triggers: each turn is removed and then added
; (for poor nations threshold 20000 fl may be lowered but this will require work on the descriptions)
; (> loyalty_disillusioned is lowere than put in the description (happy))

;------------------------------------------- 1->0    cumans
Trigger Crown_cumans_UnFit
 WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

 Condition Trait Fit_Crown_cumans > 1

 Affects Fit_Crown_cumans -1 Chance 100
;------------------------------------------- 0->1    
Trigger Crown_cumans_Fit
 WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
 Condition FactionIsLocal
    and IsFactionLeader                             ; just in case of a bug
    and FactionType cumans
    and EndedInSettlement
    and SettlementName Sharukan
    and SettlementBuildingExists >= tengir_sanctuary
    and not IsUnderSiege
    and GovernorLoyaltyLevel > loyalty_disillusioned
    and Treasury > 20000
    and not I_WorldwideAncillaryExists crown_russia    ; names of the crowns are not identical with the factions' names
    and Trait Crownholder > 1
    and Trait Crownholder < 4                       ; either Legacy (2) or Lands_Conquered (3)
 Affects Fit_Crown_cumans 1 Chance 100

;------------------------------------------- 0->1    
Trigger Crown_cumans_Fit_AI
 WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
 Condition not FactionIsLocal
    and IsFactionLeader
    and FactionType cumans
    and EndedInSettlement
    and not IsUnderSiege
    and not I_WorldwideAncillaryExists crown_russia
 Affects Fit_Crown_cumans 1 Chance 100  


;-------------------------------------------------------- (4) crowning

;------------------------------------------- 5->4
;- used in script, the first trigger must come first
Trigger Crown_Payment_For_Ceremony
 WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart

 Condition HasAncType crown
    and Trait Crownholder > 4
 Affects Crownholder -1 Chance 100
;------------------------------------------- 3->5
Trigger Crown_acquired_Legacy
 WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart

 Condition HasAncType crown
    and Trait Crownholder > 2
    and Trait Crownholder < 4
 Affects Crownholder 2 Chance 100

;------------------------------------------- 2->5
Trigger Crown_acquired_Lands_Conquered
 WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart

 Condition HasAncType crown
    and Trait Crownholder > 1
    and Trait Crownholder < 3
 Affects Crownholder 3 Chance 100
;========== Crown of HUNGARY ==============================;;------------------------------------------
Trigger crown_hungary_Lands_Conquered
 WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement

Condition Trait Fit_Crown_hungary > 0
 and I_SettlementOwner Esztergom = hungary
 and I_SettlementOwner Gyulafehervar = hungary
 and I_SettlementOwner Szekesfehervar = hungary
 and I_SettlementOwner Zagreb = hungary
 and I_SettlementOwner Iasi = hungary
 and I_SettlementOwner Severin = hungary
 and I_SettlementOwner Ras = hungary
 and I_SettlementOwner Varad = hungary
 and I_SettlementOwner Zara = hungary
 and I_SettlementOwner Nis = hungary
 and I_SettlementOwner Ragusa = hungary
 and I_SettlementOwner Halych = hungary
 and I_SettlementOwner Vhrbosna = hungary
 and I_SettlementOwner Vienna = hungary
 AcquireAncillary crown_hungary chance 100

Trigger crown_hungary_Legacy
 WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement

Condition Trait Fit_Crown_hungary > 0
 and Trait Crownholder > 2
 and Trait Crownholder < 4
 AcquireAncillary crown_hungary chance 100
Trigger crown_hungary_AI
 WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement

Condition not FactionIsLocal
 and Trait Fit_Crown_hungary > 0
 and I_SettlementOwner Esztergom = hungary
 and I_SettlementOwner Gyulafehervar = hungary
 and I_SettlementOwner Szekesfehervar = hungary
 and I_SettlementOwner Zagreb = hungary  
 and I_SettlementOwner Varad = hungary
 and I_SettlementOwner Zara = hungary
 and I_SettlementOwner Ragusa = hungary
 AcquireAncillary crown_hungary chance 100