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Thread: Solo traveling, how is it?

  1. #1
    Kjertesvein's Avatar Remember to smile
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    Default Solo traveling, how is it?

    Anyone got experience traveling solo? I'm considering Norway-Helsinki-St.Petersburg-Moscow-Vladivostok-Japan, meet a friend, and back.

    Thorolf was thus armed. Then Thorolf became so furious that he cast his shield on his back, and, grasping his halberd with both hands, bounded forward dealing cut and thrust on either side. Men sprang away from him both ways, but he slew many. Thus he cleared the way forward to earl Hring's standard, and then nothing could stop him. He slew the man who bore the earl's standard, and cut down the standard-pole. After that he lunged with his halberd at the earl's breast, driving it right through mail and body, so that it came out at the shoulders; and he lifted him up on the halberd over his head, and planted the butt-end in the ground. There on the weapon the earl breathed out his life in sight of all, both friends and foes. [...] 53, Egil's Saga
    I must tell you here of some amusing tricks the Comte d'Eu played on us. I had made a sort of house for myself in which my knights and I used to eat, sitting so as to get the light from the door, which, as it happened, faced the Comte d'Eu's quarters. The count, who was a very ingenious fellow, had rigged up a miniature ballistic machine with which he could throw stones into my tent. He would watch us as we were having our meal, adjust his machine to suit the length of our table, and then let fly at us, breaking our pots and glasses.
    - The pranks played on the knight Jean de Joinville, 1249, 7th crusade.

    Quote Originally Posted by Finn View Post
    This is the only forum I visit with any sort of frequency and I'm glad it has provided a home for RTR since its own forum went down in 2007. Hopefully my donation along with others from TWC users will help get the site back to its speedy heyday, which will certainly aid us in our endeavor to produce a full conversion mod Rome2.

  2. #2
    Shankbot de Bodemloze's Avatar From the Writers Study!

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    Default Re: Solo traveling, how is it?

    Not me, but a very good mate did it for a while and maintains it was the best experience of his life - he would say go do it!


  3. #3
    Kjertesvein's Avatar Remember to smile
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    Default Re: Solo traveling, how is it?

    I see. I'll do it then.

    Thorolf was thus armed. Then Thorolf became so furious that he cast his shield on his back, and, grasping his halberd with both hands, bounded forward dealing cut and thrust on either side. Men sprang away from him both ways, but he slew many. Thus he cleared the way forward to earl Hring's standard, and then nothing could stop him. He slew the man who bore the earl's standard, and cut down the standard-pole. After that he lunged with his halberd at the earl's breast, driving it right through mail and body, so that it came out at the shoulders; and he lifted him up on the halberd over his head, and planted the butt-end in the ground. There on the weapon the earl breathed out his life in sight of all, both friends and foes. [...] 53, Egil's Saga
    I must tell you here of some amusing tricks the Comte d'Eu played on us. I had made a sort of house for myself in which my knights and I used to eat, sitting so as to get the light from the door, which, as it happened, faced the Comte d'Eu's quarters. The count, who was a very ingenious fellow, had rigged up a miniature ballistic machine with which he could throw stones into my tent. He would watch us as we were having our meal, adjust his machine to suit the length of our table, and then let fly at us, breaking our pots and glasses.
    - The pranks played on the knight Jean de Joinville, 1249, 7th crusade.

    Quote Originally Posted by Finn View Post
    This is the only forum I visit with any sort of frequency and I'm glad it has provided a home for RTR since its own forum went down in 2007. Hopefully my donation along with others from TWC users will help get the site back to its speedy heyday, which will certainly aid us in our endeavor to produce a full conversion mod Rome2.

  4. #4
    Shankbot de Bodemloze's Avatar From the Writers Study!

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    Default Re: Solo traveling, how is it?

    Sounds like you have an interesting route planned, hope to see an update in the Traveller's Lodge.


  5. #5
    Kjertesvein's Avatar Remember to smile
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    Default Re: Solo traveling, how is it?

    I sure will. I'm not much of a camera man, but I'll see what I can do.

    After a group train trip 4 years ago through Eastern Europe, on my way home I went solo from Bulgaria and up to Norway. I met a group of 8 Norwegian girls, a Brazilian Dane and a group of 4 Americans along the road. The problem is that I have not the slightest concept of anything that has to do with Russian. Should make for some interesting "conversations", probably using a lot of Vodka.

    Thorolf was thus armed. Then Thorolf became so furious that he cast his shield on his back, and, grasping his halberd with both hands, bounded forward dealing cut and thrust on either side. Men sprang away from him both ways, but he slew many. Thus he cleared the way forward to earl Hring's standard, and then nothing could stop him. He slew the man who bore the earl's standard, and cut down the standard-pole. After that he lunged with his halberd at the earl's breast, driving it right through mail and body, so that it came out at the shoulders; and he lifted him up on the halberd over his head, and planted the butt-end in the ground. There on the weapon the earl breathed out his life in sight of all, both friends and foes. [...] 53, Egil's Saga
    I must tell you here of some amusing tricks the Comte d'Eu played on us. I had made a sort of house for myself in which my knights and I used to eat, sitting so as to get the light from the door, which, as it happened, faced the Comte d'Eu's quarters. The count, who was a very ingenious fellow, had rigged up a miniature ballistic machine with which he could throw stones into my tent. He would watch us as we were having our meal, adjust his machine to suit the length of our table, and then let fly at us, breaking our pots and glasses.
    - The pranks played on the knight Jean de Joinville, 1249, 7th crusade.

    Quote Originally Posted by Finn View Post
    This is the only forum I visit with any sort of frequency and I'm glad it has provided a home for RTR since its own forum went down in 2007. Hopefully my donation along with others from TWC users will help get the site back to its speedy heyday, which will certainly aid us in our endeavor to produce a full conversion mod Rome2.

  6. #6
    Hitai de Bodemloze's Avatar 避世絕俗
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    Default Re: Solo traveling, how is it?

    It depends how long you're travelling for I think. I did six weeks on my own travelling down the Yangtze River in China. After about three weeks being alone kind of got to me and I ended up spending more time in the hotel feeling sorry for myself, as opposed to actually being out and about seeing the sights. I did three weeks in Sichuan earlier that year and had a fantastic time, so maybe three/four weeks is the ideal max amount of time to solo travel - for me at least. Solo travelling is fantastic, but I think there's a definite case of 'too much of a good thing' if it goes on for too long; can get pretty lonely.

  7. #7
    Kjertesvein's Avatar Remember to smile
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    Default Re: Solo traveling, how is it?

    My primarily curious about what to do with theft and leaving my luggage at places while doing other stuff in another space. Say, going to the rest room, move about on a train, at a hotel, and so forth. I can deal with the personal valuable smaller things that I can carry on me, but I'm concerned about someone taking a bag of essential living items (cloth, hygiene equipment, etc.). I'm used to a lot of social trust here in Norway, so this is a new thing.

    @Hitai de Bodemloze On my previews travels I've always gone with a group of 3 or more friends, often including other men, which decreased the chance of being mugged or threatened. Did you risk personal security on your way, and if yes, how was it? What precautions did you take?

    Thorolf was thus armed. Then Thorolf became so furious that he cast his shield on his back, and, grasping his halberd with both hands, bounded forward dealing cut and thrust on either side. Men sprang away from him both ways, but he slew many. Thus he cleared the way forward to earl Hring's standard, and then nothing could stop him. He slew the man who bore the earl's standard, and cut down the standard-pole. After that he lunged with his halberd at the earl's breast, driving it right through mail and body, so that it came out at the shoulders; and he lifted him up on the halberd over his head, and planted the butt-end in the ground. There on the weapon the earl breathed out his life in sight of all, both friends and foes. [...] 53, Egil's Saga
    I must tell you here of some amusing tricks the Comte d'Eu played on us. I had made a sort of house for myself in which my knights and I used to eat, sitting so as to get the light from the door, which, as it happened, faced the Comte d'Eu's quarters. The count, who was a very ingenious fellow, had rigged up a miniature ballistic machine with which he could throw stones into my tent. He would watch us as we were having our meal, adjust his machine to suit the length of our table, and then let fly at us, breaking our pots and glasses.
    - The pranks played on the knight Jean de Joinville, 1249, 7th crusade.

    Quote Originally Posted by Finn View Post
    This is the only forum I visit with any sort of frequency and I'm glad it has provided a home for RTR since its own forum went down in 2007. Hopefully my donation along with others from TWC users will help get the site back to its speedy heyday, which will certainly aid us in our endeavor to produce a full conversion mod Rome2.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Solo traveling, how is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kjertesvein View Post
    My primarily curious about what to do with theft and leaving my luggage at places while doing other stuff in another space. Say, going to the rest room, move about on a train, at a hotel, and so forth. I can deal with the personal valuable smaller things that I can carry on me, but I'm concerned about someone taking a bag of essential living items (cloth, hygiene equipment, etc.). I'm used to a lot of social trust here in Norway, so this is a new thing.

    @Hitai de Bodemloze On my previews travels I've always gone with a group of 3 or more friends, often including other men, which decreased the chance of being mugged or threatened. Did you risk personal security on your way, and if yes, how was it? What precautions did you take?

    You mean when you are traveling with suitcases to another place? It would require a bit of keeping a guard, depending on where you are. it is indeed different when you are with 4 friends and you can take a nap carelessly or something.
    I wouldn't do that when i;m alone. Although you shouldn't stress to much over it.
    However my experience is usually leave most of my stuff at a hostel or hotel, and travel with a backpack if possible. Actually I really enjoyed traveling solo as you can really do whatever you want, whenever you want.
    Last edited by SkyTrickster; August 11, 2017 at 10:07 PM.

  9. #9
    Hitai de Bodemloze's Avatar 避世絕俗
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    Default Re: Solo traveling, how is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kjertesvein View Post
    My primarily curious about what to do with theft and leaving my luggage at places while doing other stuff in another space. Say, going to the rest room, move about on a train, at a hotel, and so forth. I can deal with the personal valuable smaller things that I can carry on me, but I'm concerned about someone taking a bag of essential living items (cloth, hygiene equipment, etc.). I'm used to a lot of social trust here in Norway, so this is a new thing.

    @Hitai de Bodemloze On my previews travels I've always gone with a group of 3 or more friends, often including other men, which decreased the chance of being mugged or threatened. Did you risk personal security on your way, and if yes, how was it? What precautions did you take?

    I think that will largely depend on where you are travelling to, but unfortunately nobody can make any guarantees. I've travelled to places and been totally safe, but friends of mine have been to the same place and been mugged or pickpocketted. I've left my valuables in a hotel and they've been safe, but friends have had their stuff swiped - although this was more common in hostels than hotels, so I would always recommend a hotel if you can afford it (some hotels will also have a safe where you can store any valuables). You have to be a bit more aware and cautious when solo travelling though, yes. For example, when I was in crowded places such as train stations or markets, I had my phone and my wallet in my trouser pockets, and I always kept my hands close to my sides or in my pockets - so I knew they were safe and I wouldn't be pickpocketted. Wearing a jacket that has pockets on the inside is a great way to keep valuables safe as well. Other basic stuff applies, such as staying on main, well lit roads when moving around at night. Don't get too drunk on your own and always be wary of strangers who approach you - especially outside at night. You can obviously make great friends when meeting strangers travelling alone, but exercise caution and don't be too trusting too soon. Don't let people pressure you into going somewhere or doing something you feel uncomfortable with. You definitely have to take care of yourself when travelling alone - or even abroad in general - because police in those countries might often be corrupt or just uncaring about foreign tourists. Don't assume they will be on your side and always try to avoid getting into dangerous situations.

    I personally never had any trouble when I was solo travelling in China, but China isn't particularly hostile or dangerous for the most part, and I speak the language. So if you go to Russia and (assuming) you don't speak Russian, you might have a very different experience. What I can say though, having been myself, is that Japan is a very safe country and I very much doubt you would have any trouble there, unless you're hanging out in the seedier parts of Tokyo or some big cities. I've heard worse things about Russia, but I've never been personally.

    At the end of the day, you should be fine - you just have to be cautious and be smart sometimes. Think before you act and you'll be fine and have an amazing time!

  10. #10
    Flinn's Avatar His Dudeness of TWC
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    if my add mine on the safety side, as one who has travelled alone for ages due to business, when you go out alone you should avoid bringing with you any Credit card or too much money (just bring what you think you can spend that time) and also bring with you a copy of your ID (leave the original in the hotel) and a business card of the hotel too; I would suggest to have a very cheap phone to bring along (I usually have two, one is the main working phone, the other is a crappy cheap one which has a SIM bound to the other one and that I only bring with me when I go out alone and don't really know where I'm going). I've been robbed a few times in about 12 years, but they were content to take the few money I had and simply ignored the rest.
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    Default Re: Solo traveling, how is it?

    Flinn is bang on. Money in 2 places (pocket and money belt for example), copy of ID separate from your real ID (so if you carry your passport in you pocket, photocopy is in the suitcase, not in the passport) stash your bags in a safe place and you'll be fine. Burner phones and so on seem to be the go, I don't travel with one though, and if I take a camera it is the cheapest possible piece of crap. Don't take things that will make you worry, aside from the essentials.

    I find it best to travel alone and meet family/friends when you get there, so your plan is good to my eyes. Anyone been to Russia? My mate who went to Moscow saw a few scams (guy drops wallet, you pick it up, the guy comes back and says "there was 1000 euros in there!"), nothing violent though and he lost no money because he picked up the wallet and called for the police.

    Good luck on your travels, may you meet more large groups of nice young ladies.
    Jatte lambastes Calico Rat

  12. #12
    NorseThing's Avatar Primicerius
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    Flinn has the best advice here. I have never liked to travel alone -- seems like work (but then I did it for years). For the original poster -- lose the luggage by either forwarding it or simply doing without. It is not the cost of the loss, but the mere hassle of moving and watching. It will take away from the pleasure of the travel. Use a small day pack and a larger soft pack that will be stowed / checked. If you cannot carry it without hassle, don't.

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    I think it can be pretty fun. Sure, you can be lonely at times but as long as you have a good plan and stay out of trouble, it can be just as fun as going in a group, maybe a bit better.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Solo traveling, how is it?

    I'm also planning to travel alone in Finland, experienced people please help me. Thank you

  15. #15

    Default Re: Solo traveling, how is it?

    in the summer of 2017 I travelled alone around the Baltic sea starting from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Finland, Sweden and finally Norway. So I have some experience at these places. If you have some questions for me, feel free to ask me.
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    Default Re: Solo traveling, how is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hitai de Bodemloze View Post
    It depends how long you're travelling for I think. I did six weeks on my own travelling down the Yangtze River in China. After about three weeks being alone kind of got to me and I ended up spending more time in the hotel feeling sorry for myself, as opposed to actually being out and about seeing the sights. I did three weeks in Sichuan earlier that year and had a fantastic time, so maybe three/four weeks is the ideal max amount of time to solo travel - for me at least. Solo travelling is fantastic, but I think there's a definite case of 'too much of a good thing' if it goes on for too long; can get pretty lonely.

    With me, it's kind of like this. For domestic travel or foreign "short term" travel as I call it (like going to Cuba or whatever), I usually like going myself. But anything more then 3-5 days and I can get lonely.

    For my Europe trip, I love to stay 2-3 weeks, but I might only stay for a week. Not much time to see anything, but if I get homesick after a week, I'm going to pay a arm and a leg trying to get a flight home at the last minute plus any hotel fees I would pay if I can't cancel in time.

    To the OP, I think it's okay, just make a lot of plans and even try to sign up for activities in the area, like Airbnb experiences or something, so you don't feel as lonely. It's fine to have alone time, trust me, but don't let it get to you otherwise it can mess up a dream trip.

  17. #17
    AqD's Avatar 。◕‿◕。
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    Default Re: Solo traveling, how is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by ForVictory View Post
    in the summer of 2017 I travelled alone around the Baltic sea starting from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Finland, Sweden and finally Norway. So I have some experience at these places. If you have some questions for me, feel free to ask me.
    Is it safe to stay in hostel, with backpack and laptop etc? don't want to appear racist but I was warned about Africans and Roma... Or better with AirBnB?

    Did you travel by overnight train?

  18. #18

    Default Re: Solo traveling, how is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by AqD View Post
    Is it safe to stay in hostel, with backpack and laptop etc? don't want to appear racist but I was warned about Africans and Roma... Or better with AirBnB?

    Did you travel by overnight train?
    I travelled with bus and sometimes with train. Between Finland and Sweden I took the ferry. I stayed in hostels, hotels and apartments. Hostels are very cheap but can be busy and you share room so you risk of getting your stuff stolen there, unless they have a locker. Like in Riga I stayed at a hostel for a few days, shared a room with 12 people! Everytime I left into the city I left my backpack under my bed and nothing was stolen fortunately. I did see few black people in some cities but only in Oslo I was threatened by this black man (I think he was afro American tourist but not sure) who wanted to kick my ass, only because I was looking at him for a few seconds. I just ignored him and he left me alone. I saw a few gypsies only in Oslo as well, begging for money from people without doing any tricks! Saw alot dark people and Asians in Sweden especially Gothenburg but didn't encounter any problems.
    Last edited by ForVictory; March 03, 2019 at 11:31 AM.
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