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Thread: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

  1. #21

    Default Re: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

    Quote Originally Posted by Daruwind View Post
    Well there is already mod in workshop:

    Or just mod the particular tables can easily see which one in Darren´s video..
    Pretty sure that guy was joking.

    There is nothing wrong with the patch nor the response that CA manager decided to go with. If you don't like something, don't play it or if you can, just change it. If you bought the game beforehand, trade it (sell it if you can), and don't buy a sequel. Less misogynists in gaming is a plus to me anyways. Many other legitimate things to complain about regarding games and this game than a cosmetic one in a game series that isn't about nor has ever been about historical accuracy.

  2. #22
    Daruwind's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

    Quote Originally Posted by [Tar]Naru33 View Post
    Pretty sure that guy was joking.

    There is nothing wrong with the patch nor the response that CA manager decided to go with. If you don't like something, don't play it or if you can, just change it. If you bought the game beforehand, trade it (sell it if you can), and don't buy a sequel. Less misogynists in gaming is a plus to me anyways. Many other legitimate things to complain about regarding games and this game than a cosmetic one in a game series that isn't about nor has ever been about historical accuracy.
    Yeah but my point was to show how easy is to customize game to your own like. Ot doesnt matter if we are speaking about TPY, elephant size, gladius vs sarisa dmg or woman generals. Everything are just some numbers in some DB tables.....
    DMR: (R2) (Attila) (ToB) (Wh1/2) (3K) (Troy)

  3. #23
    Karnil Vark Khaitan's Avatar Praepositus
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    Default Re: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

    Daily stormer strikes again, Really pleased with CA's response.

    And Yeah Ella comment? grow up and learn to mod, it is easy.

    Im the Knight in Sour Armor
    Rainbow Darling rainbows Darling. Darling Rainbows!!!!!
    but on the same time modder with my first mod for Rome 2!
    Hey Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle!
    Quote Originally Posted by riskymonk View Post
    yea but mods are created by fans of the series. Games are created by university students who might not necessarily know or play the games/series they're working on

  4. #24
    Morticia Iunia Bruti's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

    New Gamergate boys spamming Napoleon, Empire and Attila Reviews even Rome and Med II.^^

    Edited out political/offtopic remark.
    Last edited by ♔Greek Strategos♔; September 26, 2018 at 09:40 AM.
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  5. #25
    Skotos of Sinope's Avatar Macstre Gaposal
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    Default Re: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

    Quote Originally Posted by Daruwind View Post
    CA posted statement about current situation. Basically what we are saying whole time... And third twitter comment is complaining about Spartan woman generals especially as text is explicitly saying Greek states = 0% chance (*retarded illiterate barbars*)

    But honestly they could said word or two that mods next time will try to keep more professional tone..

    Great statement. And I'd add for anyone legitimitely upset by ahistorical choices in games such as Battlefield V and are concerned about the future of historical games.

    Edited out political/offtopic remark.
    Last edited by ♔Greek Strategos♔; September 26, 2018 at 09:40 AM.

  6. #26
    Daruwind's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

    And one more relevant comment from Grace:

    Looks like some work was done by Steam mods, so Ella´s was not locking thread after her last comment...
    Ella will not be fired over this.

    In terms of banning people, as I've said, she bans people who violate Steam guidelines - that includes offensive language and personal attacks. She doesn't ban people simply for discussing the role of women within the game. And the thread that started all this wasn't actually locked by Ella but by a global Steam moderator, as they've been stepping in lately in the Rome II forum due to the amount of controversy currently taking place.

    DMR: (R2) (Attila) (ToB) (Wh1/2) (3K) (Troy)

  7. #27

    Default Re: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

    Quote Originally Posted by Daruwind View Post
    I was expecting first info in next few weeks, so either the plans got speed up or it is really nice try to divert attention in more positive direction which is the best way how to put these lies behind community...
    Yep, you probably got it. Announcing the date when the date of the release will be announced more than a week in advance is a bit extreme. It looks like a distraction from that unnecessary controversy about Lagid chromosomes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Daruwind View Post
    Looks like some work was done by Steam mods, so Ella´s was not locking thread after her last comment...
    Ella's warning is the last of the thread and she's explicitly saying that she's "locking it". Grace's remark doesn't make much sense (13th of August is not "lately"), so I guess she was referring to the current flame-wars. Anyway, I appreciate CA's response, but they are missing (unintentionally or not) the point. Pretty much everyone has understood that the supposed overabundance of female generals is not that common, unless you have the misfortune to play as the Kingdom of Kush. The crux of the matter is that the legitimate concerns of a part of the community about something that was added without choice to the main game, several years after the initial release and probably the purchase of the product were dismissed so rudely and aggressively.
    Quote Originally Posted by D@gget View Post
    I suspect people here don't know that you are 100% in control of who gets to be a General or not in the game.
    Couldn't it become an issue when you face the AI? I imagine it can be rather frustrating when you continuously fight against women, while attempting to conquer Egypt.

  8. #28
    eXistenZ's Avatar Praeses
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    If only they were so strong in their conviction and statements to make rome 2 into something playable without mods.....

  9. #29
    ♔Greek Strategos♔'s Avatar THE BEARDED MACE
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    Default Re: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

    Quote Originally Posted by Daruwind View Post
    Yeah but my point was to show how easy is to customize game to your own like. Ot doesnt matter if we are speaking about TPY, elephant size, gladius vs sarisa dmg or woman generals. Everything are just some numbers in some DB tables.....
    What Abdul says. We could mod it out no problem, all people are no modders though. They're paying customers and they deserve far better treatment from the Devs ofc

    Quote Originally Posted by Abdülmecid I View Post
    The crux of the matter is that the legitimate concerns of a part of the community about something that was added without choice to the main game, several years after the initial release and probably the purchase of the product were dismissed so rudely and aggressively.
    Last edited by ♔Greek Strategos♔; September 25, 2018 at 04:27 PM.

  10. #30
    Evan MF's Avatar Vicarius
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    Default Re: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

    Quote Originally Posted by [Tar]Naru33 View Post
    Pretty sure that guy was joking.
    Less misogynists in gaming is a plus to me anyways.
    This is not an issue of misogyny, unless you actually believe historically minded fans are misogynistic because they want a more realistic depiction of generalship and armies? In which case, you hold a bigoted view.

    Quote Originally Posted by Abdülmecid I View Post
    Couldn't it become an issue when you face the AI? I imagine it can be rather frustrating when you continuously fight against women, while attempting to conquer Egypt.
    It is actually a much bigger issue with respect to the AI. I played several campaigns over the course of the summer, before this fiasco, and I was frequently coming up against female generals from all sorts of factions, not just the Egyptian region ones, at a rate that honestly felt silly. It was especially bad with small nations, I believe because it's easier to wipe out males from the family of a small faction, thus increasing the likelihood of the AI appointing females to generalship.
    Last edited by Evan MF; September 25, 2018 at 06:05 PM. Reason: Merged posts.

  11. #31

    Default Re: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

    1 percent chance of having female generals would have probably been fun and ok. Having something rare and special in games is kind of winning in lottery.

    But when the probability is more than that, then it is almost the same as we had in Battlefield "Vagina". You can google Ella McConnell. She is sjw.

    The sjws generally don't necessarily even like the games. They just want to push their narrative everywhere and gaming has been male dominated area. They talk about toxic masculinity. Then we get stupid things like this. It makes no sense unless you understand that the SJWs want to destroy the western nations. They see everything in them being evil. Patriarchy, capitalism, toxic masculinity, racism, slavery, sexism, homophobia, islamophobia, transphobia... SJWs also tried to make their own games, but most people did not want to buy them.

    When they do something like this it is a win-win for them. From anti-capitalist view they can damage or destroy a big company. Battlefield V was not selling well. Or if people don't resist their agenda, they get to push their world view on lots of people.

    If CA listened the gamers, they would have fixed the bugs and siege AI issues. They did not do that. Instead they did this.

    I still play med 2. I bought Warhammer, but it does not run on my PC. I will probably not buy Rome 2.

  12. #32

    Default Re: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

    People should stop trying to blame community manager when this absolutely isn't their fault. They reacted great considering the circumstances.

    If anything they should have locked that thread much earlier.

    I believe they added that free Ancestral update with best intentions , they could only sell dlc there is obviously market for that but they keep updating 5 year old game , there is also option of moding it out.

    Also you can not recruit female generals or just have them recruited then marched into battle to get killed, as I have done to unlock all appearance variations of generals, while playing various campaigns if you don't know how to use mods.

    Broken mods and not listening to their customers, wanting only money are all different topics , which broaden this current issue and are show Your general feeling toward modern business practices in gaming. which I agree can be improved, but are less relevant in this matter.

    Edited out personal remarks.
    Last edited by ♔Greek Strategos♔; September 26, 2018 at 09:49 AM. Reason: Edited out personal remarks.

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  13. #33
    Skotos of Sinope's Avatar Macstre Gaposal
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    Default Re: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

    Quote Originally Posted by Pakana View Post
    1 percent chance of having female generals would have probably been fun and ok. Having something rare and special in games is kind of winning in lottery.

    But when the probability is more than that, then it is almost the same as we had in Battlefield "Vagina". You can google Ella McConnell. She is sjw.

    The sjws generally don't necessarily even like the games. They just want to push their narrative everywhere and gaming has been male dominated area. They talk about toxic masculinity. Then we get stupid things like this. It makes no sense unless you understand that the SJWs want to destroy the western nations. They see everything in them being evil. Patriarchy, capitalism, toxic masculinity, racism, slavery, sexism, homophobia, islamophobia, transphobia... SJWs also tried to make their own games, but most people did not want to buy them.

    When they do something like this it is a win-win for them. From anti-capitalist view they can damage or destroy a big company. Battlefield V was not selling well. Or if people don't resist their agenda, they get to push their world view on lots of people.

    If CA listened the gamers, they would have fixed the bugs and siege AI issues. They did not do that. Instead they did this.
    Okay, that's your perspective. Fair enough. But you'll have to point out the part where CA behaved like EA did with Battlefield and called those who objected to female generals "uneducated" and insinuated that they were sexist, bigoted man-babies. Look at the statement they issued. There's no moral posturing, no virtue signaling or name-calling. Did Ella, after being called a prostitute, take to twitter and say that she was fighting the patriarchy and that this is what happens to women as Jessica Price did? No. Granted, she regretfully said "don't like it, don't play it" which was bad for a business standpoint but she did not grandstand. I'm not blindly defending CA here. I was arguing with CA devs on their message boards at the same time over issues of accuracy in Rome II. Nor am I an SJW. In fact, I've contributed to the legal defense fund for someone who was violently attacked by an SJW. (I prefer the term 'identitarian'.) There's almost a political PTSD mindset going on in gaming right now where people have felt so attacked since Gamergate that they are jumping at shadows and literally allowing themselves to be pawns of skinheads at the Daily Stormer.
    Last edited by Skotos of Sinope; September 25, 2018 at 09:22 PM.

  14. #34
    Skotos of Sinope's Avatar Macstre Gaposal
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    Default Re: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

    Quote Originally Posted by Pakana View Post
    Well, skinheads are starting to look like the good guys
    You can't really believe that. You don't strike me as a hateful person. Don't fall into an "enemy of my enemy" trap here. You can be better than that.

  15. #35

    Default Re: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

    I dont care about the female generals, but the way CA conducted themselves with the whole, "dont like it dont play it" comment is very much worth criticizing them over. Companies should not insult their customers, and instead of apologizing for the way their community manager acted they stood by it and thus have a dumpster fire on their hands.

  16. #36

    Default Re: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

    Quote Originally Posted by Happy_Gilmor View Post
    I dont care about the female generals, but the way CA conducted themselves with the whole, "dont like it dont play it" comment is very much worth criticizing them over. Companies should not insult their customers, and instead of apologizing for the way their community manager acted they stood by it and thus have a dumpster fire on their hands.
    If the game just came out, telling me if I don't like it, don't buy it, is acceptable.
    Telling me that if "I don't like it don't play it" for a game I bought years ago is ridiculous.
    NOT TO MENTION, I've been waiting A FULL YEAR for them to fix a reinforcement bug in Total Warhammer (that was already fixed in game one years ago but re sprouted in game two) but they have resources to waste on updating female generals in a 7 year old game?
    Last edited by tgoodenow; September 25, 2018 at 11:45 PM.

  17. #37
    TW Bigfoot
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    Default Re: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

    Quote Originally Posted by Boicote View Post
    I'm afraid that Rome 2 is about to fall because of these barbarian invaders in the Steam forum. I'm very happy with the most recent updates, including female generals ( It's so nice to see characters like Cleopatra and Zenobia in the game). I evem bought all the most recent DLC's to support more patches. But now I'm afraid this controversy will end futher support to the game
    I guess it's up to us, true Rome 2 fans, to avoid this to happen by expressing our support to the game.
    I hope not, the recent support even had my (almost 0%) hopes for Attila up to 1%.
    The AE team needs the break.

    That forum is currently one of the most paranoid forums I've ever had the misfortune of reading.

    Yeah, it really feels like a barbarian invasion. Guess that the Rome 2 Steam forums have just entered into Attila mode.
    It's pretty sad to see the chaos that the place had become.

    But I think that the fans of the game are the ones which matter. So, I think that everything will be fine at the end.
    Really hope that they will keep making some content for Rome 2. I haven't gotten my Alexander campaign yet!

    Last edited by bigfootedfred; September 26, 2018 at 01:19 AM.

  18. #38
    Captain Arrrgh!'s Avatar I'z in yer grass
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    Default Re: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

    There is nothing wrong with the patch nor the response that CA manager decided to go with. If you don't like something, don't play it or if you can, just change it.
    Don't go into marketing or PR. Ever.
    Ella committed the absolute worst mistake, treating the consumer like garbage. Female gamers are also commenting on Steam and agree this was a horrible comment.

    No, I, as someone who's been supporting the franchise since the beginning, Shogun 1, purchased every product, some multiple times, will not just decide to 'not play' because feminists such as Ella and yourself say so. Who do you think you are?

    Less misogynists in gaming is a plus to me anyways.
    No, less militant feminists are a plus. They and SJWs are ruining gaming for everyone.

    Regarding the game itself, I wasn't too bothered by the update, and quite enjoyed the addition of the Daughters of Mars DLC. For the patch specifically, the addition of female characters in politics and the family tree added a much needed human dimension to a formerly one dimensional game. Now, rather than pushing troops around a map, we have casts of characters that give the game a dramatic sweep akin to the sword and sandal epics we love, such as HBO's Rome or The Fall of the Roman Empire, for example.

    But again, I will NOT have some agenda driven, relatively new staffer at CA insult me as a long time consumer, nor someone such as yourself label me as a 'misogynist' just because I agree with those who believe she was out of line.

    This guy is pretty accurate, and so are the majority of posts on the video.

    Meh, couldn't get the video to insert, it's TheQuartering's video on youtube.

    Arch Warhammer's video on this issue is even more spot on. And some of you people here actually believe this is some stormer conspiracy, and not just consumers with common sense and decency responding appropriately to execrable behavior on a CA employee's part?

    The naiveté of many TWC members. Good grief, you people spend hours of your personal time here pontificating on everything from Brexit to the amount of buttons on the coat of a Napoleonic soldier's doublet, and yet some of you are attributing this to 'misogyny' and 'right wingers'?
    Last edited by ♔Greek Strategos♔; September 26, 2018 at 08:48 AM. Reason: Merged posts.

  19. #39
    +Mr.Crow+'s Avatar VIVERE MILITARE EST
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    Default Re: ''Mod out or not play'' controversy

    Almost 10 years of impropriety and rudenes towards users:

    - game sold by slices through dlc policy
    - expensive bugged day one releases never completely patched after tons of gb of fixes
    - anti-modding policy hypocritically masked with the release of some questionable tool
    - etc..

    and no one care! Even when this forum, the lighthouse of this community, has started to lose a lot of users that irredeemably lost their interest.
    Now a patch gives the chance to have female generals for some factions and a company employee accidentally revails the company behavior towards users saying "mod out or not play!"...and people suddenly start rising hell!
    I think that the users that now complain for this irrelevant little things deserve to be threated forever like cash cows. An ancient roman quote says: "Forgive an offence and you will encourage many". Now it's too late friends...just relax and it will hurt less
    BELLUM CRUCIS 7.0 Co-Director

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyprian2 View Post
    As far as I'm concerned, you've done something that CA should have thought of a long time ago. You should be on their pay-roll!

  20. #40
    TW Bigfoot
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    Yet did not become an issue until well after the comments were made, and were published alongside misleading information?
    Hardly some organic response.

    As for the video, I'd rather shave with broken glass.

    - game sold by slices through dlc policy

    Or quite specifically pay walled, like the Greek states.

    Hell. If people want to riot about a real update for Attila, I'm all in. Not for this current nonsense.
    Last edited by bigfootedfred; September 26, 2018 at 03:49 AM.

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