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Thread: Tsardoms Total War - FACTION PREVIEW: Principality of Wallachia

  1. #401
    vasiooo's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - FACTION PREVIEW: Principality of Wallachia

    My post was just a clear sing that they went off topic.
    Also we don't know for sure where are the origins of Romanians, but we know for sure that they appeared in Moldova and Muntenia from Maramureş and Transylvania in XII-XIII-XIV century.
    You could not claim that William the I and his court was not French but English . The chronicles, legends, on site data, language evolution, coat of arms of Moldova and city's established on Câmpulung domain are almost the same.
    I think this is important for the mod.
    Because every faction will have a intro, i guess.
    You can have a historical intro or a legendary one .

  2. #402

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - FACTION PREVIEW: Principality of Wallachia

    Este vorba însă despre o mărturie izolată, fiindcă ulterior mai toate sursele au numit aceste ţări locuite de români Valahii, numele dat de români ţărilor lor rămânând în umbră. Relativ recent – dar fără ecoul meritat – istoricul Şerban Papacostea a pus în lumină o sursă care dovedeşte indubitabil că românii (şi anumiţi cunoscători străini) îi ziceau în vechime Ţării Româneşti într-un fel care aminteşte de Romania (Rumânia).
    Izvorul este din secolul al XVI-lea, fiind un memoriu al iezuitului ungur Ştefan Szántó (Arator), prin care se cerea înfiinţarea la Roma a unor colegii pentru diverse naţiuni, între care şi pentru Valachia inferior, quae Romandiola et Romaniola dicitur.

    Clericul spune că ţara aceasta era vecină cu Transilvania, că se numea odinioară Dacia şi că locuitorii ei vorbesc limba italică coruptă, pe care italienii o puteau înţelege. „Romaniola”/ „Romandiola” este un derivat de la Romania, o variantă a acestui nume.
    Iezuitul ungur spune că „Valahia inferioară este numită Romaniola” şi „Romandiola”, fără să indice de către cine. Se înţelege însă că de către locuitorii săi, românii, pe care îi prezintă ca italianofoni/ latinofoni, descendenţi de la Roma. Fireşte, românii nu pronunţau Romania sau Romaniola/ Romandiola, dar iezuitul nu a putut reda în latină anumite sunete (mai ales vocale) specifice limbii române.

    Faptul că autorul mărturiei de mai sus este maghiar, adică un cunoscător al românilor, este extrem de important, fiindcă el i-a putut auzi pe români cum îi ziceau efectiv celei mai vechi dintre ţările lor. Atestarea pentru secolul al XVI-lea a unei variante a numelui de Romania (Romaniola) în legătură cu Ţara Românească de atunci nu este surprinzătoare.

    Translated for english speakers. The romanian historian presents proof as to the name of the name "Romania" being in use since the 14th century and the country was called "Romaniola" and not "Wallachia". That is how the people of "Wallachia" called their country, according to the medieval source

  3. #403

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - FACTION PREVIEW: Principality of Wallachia

    Quote Originally Posted by The Glorious Moldovan View Post

    Translated for english speakers. The romanian historian presents proof as to the name of the name "Romania" being in use since the 14th century and the country was called "Romaniola" and not "Wallachia". That is how the people of "Wallachia" called their country, according to the medieval source
    there doesnt even need to be a name in medieval times same people didnt have an national identity,just look at burgundy people calledthemself burgundiand even they wer frenchspeaking and frenchblooded,whel u are all descendent from romans so that is not a wonder i just wonder why historyography insists on wallachia

  4. #404

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - FACTION PREVIEW: Principality of Wallachia

    i just wonder why historyography insists on wallachia

    Because it would destroy the current nationalist rhethoric of how they teach kids to have pride.

    "There was no Romania prior to 1859! Prior to that everyone with pure romanian hearts struggled to have a state of their own!"

  5. #405

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - FACTION PREVIEW: Principality of Wallachia

    Quote Originally Posted by The Glorious Moldovan View Post
    Because it would destroy the current nationalist rhethoric of how they teach kids to have pride.

    "There was no Romania prior to 1859! Prior to that everyone with pure romanian hearts struggled to have a state of their own!"
    so comformism again the thing is i know of people in serbia and croatia being called wallachs

  6. #406

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - FACTION PREVIEW: Principality of Wallachia

    Hello, I need units of Moldova and the Romanian Country, you can send thousands?

  7. #407
    Visarion's Avatar Alexandros

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    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - FACTION PREVIEW: Principality of Wallachia

    What is wein with the pictures!?

  8. #408

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - FACTION PREVIEW: Principality of Wallachia

    Hello guys, fantastic mod, have been waiting for this since the first medieval tw game.

    2 more questions:

    1. when you get the time can you repair the links to the first page of this thread ?
    2. will there be any unification script in the end for both moldova, valahia and transilvania ? I'm from Moldova and I'd love to see Mihai Viteazul in action again.


  9. #409

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - FACTION PREVIEW: Principality of Wallachia

    Quote Originally Posted by The Glorious Moldovan View Post
    Because it would destroy the current nationalist rhethoric of how they teach kids to have pride.

    "There was no Romania prior to 1859! Prior to that everyone with pure romanian hearts struggled to have a state of their own!"

    Actually you might be a bit wrong. I think you might be mistaking political identity with ethnic identity which are different.
    Stefan the Great voievod of Moldavia in his chancelary documents never reminds of a moldavian ethnicity but of a romanian ethnicity.

  10. #410
    Wallachian's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - FACTION PREVIEW: Principality of Wallachia

    Thanks for your words. I will repost the links but wallachia will be refreshed anyway as it is very old.

    There won't be any unification script. Any sort of faction merge script requires a new faction slot and we reached the faction limit. Also, the mod ends at 1530 so it is beyond our scope. The union of Mihai was a personal union anyway and not a state union. Medieval 2 does not really allow for such intricacies.

    In regards to ethnicity that concept did not exist then as it does today. People more identified in terms of their religion and their language. It is undoubted that the people both in moldova and in wallachia identfied themselves as speaking the same language and having the same religion. As it is mentioned in several foreign travellers' accounts.

  11. #411

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - FACTION PREVIEW: Principality of Wallachia

    OFC tribes/peoples/etnicitys do not spawn on the field of history like that,states in feudal time can spawn as much as u want but that does not create an seperate people,there is no such and there newer vas an moldavian,transilvanian,montenegrin,macedonian nor bosnian people they were all political identites,regional or similar

    those people who lived in moldova and transilvania were romans by nationality in the past and romanian is an term evolved from roman while moldova is some regional name i supouse couse there is no such thing as an moldovan empire nor tribe

  12. #412
    alex33's Avatar Centenarius
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    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - FACTION PREVIEW: Principality of Wallachia

    Quote Originally Posted by Wallachian View Post
    Thanks for your words. I will repost the links but wallachia will be refreshed anyway as it is very old.

    There won't be any unification script. Any sort of faction merge script requires a new faction slot and we reached the faction limit. Also, the mod ends at 1530 so it is beyond our scope. The union of Mihai was a personal union anyway and not a state union. Medieval 2 does not really allow for such intricacies.

    In regards to ethnicity that concept did not exist then as it does today. People more identified in terms of their religion and their language. It is undoubted that the people both in moldova and in wallachia identfied themselves as speaking the same language and having the same religion. As it is mentioned in several foreign travellers' accounts.
    I just love this mod. In what ways did you refresh the roster/or are still planning to refresh the roster of Wallachia?

  13. #413
    Wallachian's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - FACTION PREVIEW: Principality of Wallachia

    Yes the roster has already been almost fully refreshed. Most of the textures have been redone, some units fully redone like the Armas Guardsmen and several new units added (crossbowmen, long spearmen etc). The boieri heavy cav and the princeply bodyguard will also be fully remade with new models and textures.

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