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Thread: The CROWNS system

  1. #161

    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    thx for the quick reply!
    heres the uploaded save,

    also trying to remove_ancillary this Inventor or remove_ancillary this "Brilliant Inventor" from my scottish king but the command dosnt work, just trying to clear out the ancillary to get the Scottish crown
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #162
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    I've got no idea if removing an anciallary with remove_ancillary command does allow for getting the crown. no idea.

  3. #163
    Morrowgan's Avatar Centenarius
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    Default Re: CROWNS: modification of the royal crowns system

    Not sure if it came up before but I think it'd be more era-appropriate to be able to claim the crown of France as England.
    Member of the Beyond Skyrim Project

  4. #164
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: CROWNS: modification of the royal crowns system

    Quote Originally Posted by Morrowgan View Post
    Not sure if it came up before but I think it'd be more era-appropriate to be able to claim the crown of France as England.
    Yeah, this was the situation in the previous version. I may come back with the idea but there's so much work in the other parts of the mod that it's not worth to delve into it for now.

  5. #165
    Morrowgan's Avatar Centenarius
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    Default Re: CROWNS: modification of the royal crowns system

    Fair enough, glad to see you keep developing it
    Member of the Beyond Skyrim Project

  6. #166
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by george0433 View Post
    1.) Crowns. Say I'm playing as England and I've conquered all of the lands for the English crown and my FL gets coronated in London. In order to do this you pretty much have to eliminate the scots unless they take up a new home somewhere else, but I don't ever see them doing that since they don't race down the coast for Flanders anymore, but I digress. My question is, once I have the crown, will there be a chance for Scotland to then re-emerge in Edinburgh or Aberdeen AND for me to keep the crown? I'd really like to have the other factions around in at least one of their original settlements as a vassal and retain the crown as well.

    2.) Crowns continued. OK so as England I own all of the British Isles and Western France and now have the crown of England. If I now push east and conquer the remaining lands for the French crown, will I be able to pick that up as well?
    ad. 2 - no, one crown is enough for a FL to get all related benefits (and pay the costs...)

    ad. 1 - yes. The Scots can reemerge any time there're not on the map. Your FL will keep the crown for his life. The issue is the next FL. Within current coding there're two ways to get the crown:
    ;------------------------------------------Trigger crown_england_Lands_Conquered
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
    Condition Trait Fit_Crown_england > 0
     and I_SettlementOwner London = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Lincoln = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Norwich = england 
     and I_SettlementOwner York = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Bristol = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Caernarvon = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Edinburgh = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Aberdeen = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Dublin = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Rennes = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Angers = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Rouen = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Poitiers = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Bordeaux = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Clermont = england
     AcquireAncillary crown_england chance 100
    Trigger crown_england_Legacy
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
    Condition Trait Fit_Crown_england > 0
     and Trait Crownholder > 2
     and Trait Crownholder < 4
     AcquireAncillary crown_england chance 100
    the second condition depends on the FatherLegacy

    ;------------------------------------------- 1->3
    Trigger Fit_for_crown_Legacy
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition IsFactionLeader
        and FactionIsLocal
        and Trait Crownholder > 0
        and Trait Crownholder < 2
        and Trait FathersLegacy > 1
        and Trait Usurper < 1
        and Trait FactionRegent < 1
        and not FactionExcommunicated 
     Affects Crownholder 2 Chance 100
    ;------------------------------------------- 1->2
    Trigger Fit_for_crown_Lands_Conquered
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition IsFactionLeader
        and FactionIsLocal
        and Trait Crownholder > 0
        and Trait Crownholder < 2
        and Trait FitForOffice > 1
        and Trait Usurper < 1
        and Trait FactionRegent < 1
        and Attribute Piety > 5
        and Attribute Authority > 5
        and not FactionExcommunicated 
     Affects Crownholder 1 Chance 100
    ;------------------------------------------- 0->1	Trigger Crown_england_Fit
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition FactionIsLocal
    	and Trait Crownholder > 1
    	and Trait Crownholder < 4
    	and FactionType england
    	and EndedInSettlement
    	and SettlementName London
    	and SettlementBuildingExists >= cathedral
    	and not IsUnderSiege
        and GovernorLoyaltyLevel > loyalty_disillusioned
    	and Treasury > 20000
    	and IsFactionLeader
     Affects Fit_Crown_england 1 Chance 100
    what means that FathersLegacy should be at least 2, and you get this if the father had a crown:
    Trigger Dad_is_Crowned_King
     WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge
     Condition FatherTrait Crownholder > 3
     Affects FathersLegacy 2 Chance 100
    but beaware:
    Trigger Faction_Excommunicated
     WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge
    Condition FatherTrait Excommunication > 0
     Affects FathersLegacy -1 Chance 100
    ufff. I've almost forgotten the ins-and-outs of this mechanism I coded a year ago...

  7. #167

    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    Quote Originally Posted by ShaolinBudo View Post
    thx for the quick reply!
    heres the uploaded save,

    also trying to remove_ancillary this Inventor or remove_ancillary this "Brilliant Inventor" from my scottish king but the command dosnt work, just trying to clear out the ancillary to get the Scottish crown

    I find the Ancillary screen name isn't always the game engine name. Usually you can search the ancillary file by words in the description to find the right one to remove, but there have been a couple of times where I've had to search by the values of the stat increase/decrease. This also was mostly in the 96. Since I've started using JoC's recent download I've had no problems with any ancillaries except all my FM's go senile at like 36.

  8. #168

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    ad. 2 - no, one crown is enough for a FL to get all related benefits (and pay the costs...)

    ad. 1 - yes. The Scots can reemerge any time there're not on the map. Your FL will keep the crown for his life. The issue is the next FL. Within current coding there're two ways to get the crown:
    ;------------------------------------------Trigger crown_england_Lands_Conquered
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
    Condition Trait Fit_Crown_england > 0
     and I_SettlementOwner London = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Lincoln = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Norwich = england 
     and I_SettlementOwner York = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Bristol = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Caernarvon = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Edinburgh = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Aberdeen = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Dublin = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Rennes = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Angers = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Rouen = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Poitiers = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Bordeaux = england
     and I_SettlementOwner Clermont = england
     AcquireAncillary crown_england chance 100
    Trigger crown_england_Legacy
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
    Condition Trait Fit_Crown_england > 0
     and Trait Crownholder > 2
     and Trait Crownholder < 4
     AcquireAncillary crown_england chance 100
    the second condition depends on the FatherLegacy

    ;------------------------------------------- 1->3
    Trigger Fit_for_crown_Legacy
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition IsFactionLeader
        and FactionIsLocal
        and Trait Crownholder > 0
        and Trait Crownholder < 2
        and Trait FathersLegacy > 1
        and Trait Usurper < 1
        and Trait FactionRegent < 1
        and not FactionExcommunicated 
     Affects Crownholder 2 Chance 100
    ;------------------------------------------- 1->2
    Trigger Fit_for_crown_Lands_Conquered
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition IsFactionLeader
        and FactionIsLocal
        and Trait Crownholder > 0
        and Trait Crownholder < 2
        and Trait FitForOffice > 1
        and Trait Usurper < 1
        and Trait FactionRegent < 1
        and Attribute Piety > 5
        and Attribute Authority > 5
        and not FactionExcommunicated 
     Affects Crownholder 1 Chance 100
    ;------------------------------------------- 0->1    Trigger Crown_england_Fit
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition FactionIsLocal
        and Trait Crownholder > 1
        and Trait Crownholder < 4
        and FactionType england
        and EndedInSettlement
        and SettlementName London
        and SettlementBuildingExists >= cathedral
        and not IsUnderSiege
        and GovernorLoyaltyLevel > loyalty_disillusioned
        and Treasury > 20000
        and IsFactionLeader
     Affects Fit_Crown_england 1 Chance 100
    what means that FathersLegacy should be at least 2, and you get this if the father had a crown:
    Trigger Dad_is_Crowned_King
     WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge
     Condition FatherTrait Crownholder > 3
     Affects FathersLegacy 2 Chance 100
    but beaware:
    Trigger Faction_Excommunicated
     WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge
    Condition FatherTrait Excommunication > 0
     Affects FathersLegacy -1 Chance 100
    ufff. I've almost forgotten the ins-and-outs of this mechanism I coded a year ago...

    Thanks JoC! That's about how I imagined it being set up. Although I think collecting crowns would be fun.

    I really love how this version of the game prevents you from being a steam roller. I wish I could extend the eras though. My favorite armies are Norman Serjeants, Miles Pedites, Longbows, and Miles. With RR on and unmodified I don't really get to create this army as Norman Serj gets replaced by Armored Serj and Miles and miles pedites give way to Norman knights and DFK's (as Anglo-Normans). I have modded the EDB some, but there is so much RR and AoR stuff going on that I introduce problems like a recruit pool having 2431978 miles pedite units available on turn 10. I could use a house rule, but I know if on one turn I need 3 miles pedites, I am going to get them.

    I read somewhere here an idea about merging the Norman specific units and making Norman mercenaries. I'm a huge fan of this, especially since Sicily isn't far from Hohenstaufen rule and England is in the midst of the Anarchy. I don't think either area really identified as Norman after that. I'd say make Sicily more resemble the HRE roster and make England and English (mailed knights instead of miles, feudal instead of norman) roster and leave all Norman units as mercenaries.

    Oh and MORE AXE KNIGHTS please.

  9. #169
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    Quote Originally Posted by george0433 View Post
    I find the Ancillary screen name isn't always the game engine name. Usually you can search the ancillary file by words in the description to find the right one to remove, but there have been a couple of times where I've had to search by the values of the stat increase/decrease. This also was mostly in the 96. Since I've started using JoC's recent download I've had no problems with any ancillaries except all my FM's go senile at like 36.
    That's right, the in-game names are often different from the code name.
    Strange to get senile at 36. There's no other trigger for Senile than those below.
    ;========================================================;-------- Senile --------------------------
    Trigger AlzheimerYoung_NoOffice
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and Trait Officeholder < 1
           and CharacterAge > 59
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 2
    Trigger AlzheimerYoung_NoTitle
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and Trait Titled < 1
           and CharacterAge > 59
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 2
    Trigger AlzheimerYoung_Stripped_Title
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and Trait Stripped > 0
           and CharacterAge > 57
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 2
    Trigger AlzheimerOld
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterAge > 61
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 3
    Trigger AlzheimerVeryOld
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterAge > 65
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 5
    Trigger Alzheimer_SelfPerpetuation
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition Trait Senile > 0
     Affects Senile 1 Chance 3
    ;-------- Early aging due to health -------
    Trigger SeverelyWounded_When_Older
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterAge > 50
           and Trait SeverelyWounded > 0
    Affects TooOldToFight 1 Chance 10
    Trigger SeverelyWounded_When_Old
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterAge > 54
           and Trait SeverelyWounded > 0
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 5
    Affects TooOldToFight 1 Chance 10
    Trigger Diseased_When_Old
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterAge > 54
           and Trait Diseased > 0
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 3
    Affects TooOldToFight 1 Chance 3
    Trigger Drunk_When_Old
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterAge > 54
           and Trait Drink > 6
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 3
    Affects TooOldToFight 1 Chance 3
    Trigger Plague_When_Old
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterAge > 54
           and EndedInSettlement
           and SettlementHasPlague
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 3
    Affects TooOldToFight 1 Chance 3
    Trigger Sickly_When_Old
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterAge > 54
           and Trait Sickly > 0
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 3
    Affects TooOldToFight 1 Chance 3
    Quote Originally Posted by george0433 View Post
    I read somewhere here an idea about merging the Norman specific units and making Norman mercenaries. I'm a huge fan of this, especially since Sicily isn't far from Hohenstaufen rule and England is in the midst of the Anarchy. I don't think either area really identified as Norman after that. I'd say make Sicily more resemble the HRE roster and make England and English (mailed knights instead of miles, feudal instead of norman) roster and leave all Norman units as mercenaries.

    Oh and MORE AXE KNIGHTS please.
    Well, the resemblance of HRE / England / France is to be discussed with @kostic. I actually think England was a kind of colony of France in this century so the knightly roster should be pretty the same. But it's up to kostic.

    On mercenaries and the availability of the units - I hope @Belovese would get interest in moding this and we could make the rosters more historical.

    You know that the recruitment is defined in EDB. I've made a few factions' recruitment a bit more reasonable (it still is not bad!), but it takes a lot of time and need to be made in a very scrupulate manner.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; December 17, 2020 at 03:09 PM.

  10. #170

    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    That's right, the in-game names are often different from the code name.
    Strange to get senile at 36. There's no other trigger for Senile than those below.
    ;========================================================;-------- Senile --------------------------
    Trigger AlzheimerYoung_NoOffice
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and Trait Officeholder < 1
           and CharacterAge > 59
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 2
    Trigger AlzheimerYoung_NoTitle
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and Trait Titled < 1
           and CharacterAge > 59
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 2
    Trigger AlzheimerYoung_Stripped_Title
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and Trait Stripped > 0
           and CharacterAge > 57
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 2
    Trigger AlzheimerOld
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterAge > 61
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 3
    Trigger AlzheimerVeryOld
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterAge > 65
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 5
    Trigger Alzheimer_SelfPerpetuation
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition Trait Senile > 0
     Affects Senile 1 Chance 3
    ;-------- Early aging due to health -------
    Trigger SeverelyWounded_When_Older
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterAge > 50
           and Trait SeverelyWounded > 0
    Affects TooOldToFight 1 Chance 10
    Trigger SeverelyWounded_When_Old
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterAge > 54
           and Trait SeverelyWounded > 0
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 5
    Affects TooOldToFight 1 Chance 10
    Trigger Diseased_When_Old
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterAge > 54
           and Trait Diseased > 0
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 3
    Affects TooOldToFight 1 Chance 3
    Trigger Drunk_When_Old
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterAge > 54
           and Trait Drink > 6
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 3
    Affects TooOldToFight 1 Chance 3
    Trigger Plague_When_Old
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterAge > 54
           and EndedInSettlement
           and SettlementHasPlague
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 3
    Affects TooOldToFight 1 Chance 3
    Trigger Sickly_When_Old
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterAge > 54
           and Trait Sickly > 0
    Affects Senile 1 Chance 3
    Affects TooOldToFight 1 Chance 3

    Well, the resemblance of HRE / England / France is to be discussed with @kostic. I actually think England was a kind of colony of France in this century so the knightly roster should be pretty the same. But it's up to kostic.

    On mercenaries and the availability of the units - I hope @Belovese would get interest in moding this and we could make the rosters more historical.

    You know that the recruitment is defined in EDB. I've made a few factions' recruitment a bit more reasonable (it still is not bad!), but it takes a lot of time and need to be made in a very scrupulate manner.
    Yes I think your layout is right. The England roster should look pretty identical to France but recruitment should be different. Maybe lower availability on the mounted knights and more longbows available in England.

    Norman specific units by now I would think should be only heavy cav, and strictly mercenary or trending in that direction. They just kind of beat everybody up for a few generations then blended in to other peoples and became an ingredient more than a nation or single people. Maybe I'll play around with making this.

    The only changes I've had any real success with in editing the EDB is simple things like removing required events or entire units. Any time I try to adjust the pools or something I end up with ridiculous pools somewhere down the line. It shatters the immersion for me because I'm going to use it if it's available. No one is going to take any large city or fortress that can spawn 4 norman knights for free in successive turns. I've quit playing in there because as you mentioned, it is quite good already!

  11. #171

    Default Re: Crown of Britain (England, Scotland)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    Provinces: add Rouen, Norwich and Lincoln, remove Nottingham and Aberdeen (that are not somewhere else on the map, not in Britain). Add also other provinces in France: Bordeaux, Poitiers, Angers, Roazhon. Clermont is excluded to keep the crown simpler, with 14 provinces. However, Scotland won't have those French provinces as requirement.
    Number provinces: England: 14, Scotland: 9.
    Place of coronation: London (England), Edinburgh (Scotland)
    Building required for coronation: Cathedral.
    Factions able to get it: Scotland, England.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    Conditions to get a Crown

    C) Coronation
    ..... The eligible FL must spend a end his turn in the relevant settlement.
    ..... The necessary building exists in the settlement - for most of the factions it will be a church / mosque / temple of a the level of Large City (Cathedral, Jama); while for the Pagans it will be a temple for a Large Town (I wanted to make it a City, but there temples for Large Towns and then for Large Cities).
    ..... Money: the ceremony costs a lot of money, perhaps 20k or so (see discussion here).
    E) Additional conditions (eg: the Catholic faction must not be excommunicated).
    Playing for Scotland on VHD. Do I understand correctly that if I want to be Crowned, I have to have a cathedral built in Edinburgh? I very much hope that the answer is no, because since Edinburgh is a Castle, I guess it cannot even have a cathedral. Not to mention that I would have to rebuild Edinburgh (with an initial population of 4,920) into a city and achieve Large City status (30,000 population.) to be able to build a cathedral there.

    Does it mean, in such a case, that it is sufficient to have a cathedral in London?

  12. #172
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Crown of Britain (England, Scotland)

    You're right with pointing at this issue. If you play the recent version (and you do), then the issue is solved: you need to build The Edinburgh Castle. IIRC, I've included it in the description of the trait (don't remember which one).

    ;------------------------------------------- 0->1    Trigger Crown_scotland_Fit
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition FactionIsLocal
        and FactionType scotland
        and IsFactionLeader
        and SettlementName Edinburgh
        and SettlementBuildingExists >= wonder_edinburg4_castle
        and not IsUnderSiege
        and GovernorLoyaltyLevel > loyalty_disillusioned
        and Treasury > 20000
        and Trait Crownholder > 1
        and Trait Crownholder < 4
     Affects Fit_Crown_scotland 1 Chance 100
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; August 08, 2021 at 03:48 PM.

  13. #173

    Default Re: Crown of Britain (England, Scotland)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    V. Castle Rock - added to Edinburgh; 4 levels, two upper available after the feudal modernisation of Dabit (Davidian Revolution event).
    I just got back to the game; Still playing for Scotland on VHD with version 098_June_24. I tried all the ideas, but I still can't get the Castle Rock in Edinburgh. I even found out on wikipedia when Davidian Revolution event happened (which didn't really help me either). I also tried to jump straight to the 53rd turn (summer 1158) but still nothing. At that time I had a (stone) Castle built in Edinburgh. I have to say that I was gradually losing the florins until I dropped to 0.

    One more thing. If I move my capital outside Edinburgh, will it still be possible to make a coronation in Edinburgh?

    Here is my screenshot of building list without Castle Rock.

  14. #174
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Crown of Britain (England, Scotland)

    June version of 098 doesn't feature the Castle Rock, I'm affraid. I think only the November version does.

    If you move the capital out, it's still possible.

    I don't remember if in the previous versions the Scots get their crown in Edinburgh or in London. iirc, in Edinburgh, but you need to have a cathedral - it's very difficult as you need to convert it into a city and upgrade it to a large town level.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; November 25, 2021 at 12:47 PM.

  15. #175

    Default Re: Crown of Britain (England, Scotland)

    I see. Is there any way to find out the conditions for the coronation for Scotland in version I'm playing with? I tried to find the right file but without success

  16. #176
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Crown of Britain (England, Scotland)

    I've also recently failed on editing EDA through deleting the conditions. I don't know why.

  17. #177

    Default Re: Crown of Britain (England, Scotland)

    And is there a specific file where I can find this condition for coronation? If so, what's the name of the file? I need to find out at least the condition for the coronation. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense for me to continue playing for the Scots.

  18. #178
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Crown of Britain (England, Scotland)

    export_descr_ancillaries.txt in the /data folder
    look at the table of contents or search for edinburgh

  19. #179

    Icon1 Re: The CROWNS system

    Thx a lot;

    Compared to what you mentioned here:...
    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    You're right with pointing at this issue. If you play the recent version (and you do), then the issue is solved: you need to build The Edinburgh Castle. IIRC, I've included it in the description of the trait (don't remember which one).

    ;------------------------------------------- 0->1    Trigger Crown_scotland_Fit
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition FactionIsLocal
        and FactionType scotland
        and IsFactionLeader
        and SettlementName Edinburgh
        and SettlementBuildingExists >= wonder_edinburg4_castle
        and not IsUnderSiege
        and GovernorLoyaltyLevel > loyalty_disillusioned
        and Treasury > 20000
        and Trait Crownholder > 1
        and Trait Crownholder < 4
     Affects Fit_Crown_scotland 1 Chance 100
    The description in the file export_descr_ancillaries.txt (which i found) looks pretty uncompleted. Here is part about scottish Crown stuff (see fileexport_descr_ancillaries.txt as attachment):
    Trigger crown_scotland_Lands_Conquered
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
    Condition Trait Fit_Crown_scotland > 0
     and I_SettlementOwner London = scotland
     and I_SettlementOwner Lincoln = scotland
     and I_SettlementOwner Norwich = scotland 
     and I_SettlementOwner York = scotland
     and I_SettlementOwner Bristol = scotland
     and I_SettlementOwner Caernarvon = scotland
     and I_SettlementOwner Edinburgh = scotland
     and I_SettlementOwner Aberdeen = scotland
     and I_SettlementOwner Dublin = scotland
     AcquireAncillary crown_england chance 100
    Trigger crown_scotland_Legacy
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
    Condition Trait Fit_Crown_scotland > 0
     and Trait Crownholder > 2
     and Trait Crownholder < 4
     AcquireAncillary crown_england chance 100
    Trigger crown_scotland_AI
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
    Condition not FactionIsLocal
     and Trait Fit_Crown_scotland > 0
     and I_SettlementOwner London = scotland
     and I_SettlementOwner Lincoln = scotland
     and I_SettlementOwner Norwich = scotland 
     and I_SettlementOwner York = scotland
     and I_SettlementOwner Caernarvon = scotland
     and I_SettlementOwner Edinburgh = scotland
     and I_SettlementOwner Aberdeen = scotland
     and not I_WorldwideAncillaryExists crown_england
     AcquireAncillary crown_england chance 100
    After seeing it, do u think there is even no chance, to finish Crown event in my case? If so, do u think it makes sense to keep playing with current game for Scots? I'm asking this way, cause I spent many hours in the game, but still I'm only in ~27th turn. And if it's almost impossible to finish game on VHD without Coronation then I would consider new game (mby with some1 else, although I love the scottish )
    And what about current version... how stable it is? Does Coronation event work there? I'm considering playing for Serbia. Is there any good technical reason why I shouldn't play for them?

    Sry for tons of questions and thx for your patience and quick response.

  20. #180

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