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Thread: Sengoku: Total War (a Shogun mod for M2TW)

  1. #461
    Razor's Avatar Licenced to insult
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    Default Re: Sengoku: Total War (a Shogun mod for M2TW)

    Quote Originally Posted by Orendiz View Post
    Are Ashigaru going to have tatami armor in their early base armor? Also jesus those models and textures look so good, where did you learn to do this?!
    No, Ashigaru will start with regular armour similar to the samurai. Ashigaru are often depicted in tatami armour in movies and events, but it appears that there's actually no evidence that they wore this. Tatami armour seems to have been a later development and was much more prevalent in the later Edo period.

    And thanks. I learned it by doing it with love and patience, ever since the first Rome Total War came out.

  2. #462

    Default Re: Sengoku: Total War (a Shogun mod for M2TW)

    Hey razor, hope you’re doing good!
    mare you still working on this? I hope so, and if, would you may already make an upload of the newer version?

  3. #463
    Razor's Avatar Licenced to insult
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    Default Re: Sengoku: Total War (a Shogun mod for M2TW)

    Heya, I'm still there. I'm on a little break due to holidays. A new (v0.2) version is being worked on.

  4. #464

    Default Re: Sengoku: Total War (a Shogun mod for M2TW)

    Hi Razor.

    I like your mod, it's a bit suicidal to make a Sengoku period mod having Shogun 2 as one of the best titles of TW games, but I get it.

    I like almost all features of the mod, even the map with more settlements an regions makes sense. Also the units are great, maybe you can add some details later, but sashimonos do the work. I wonder why someone can complain by having too much factions to choose and, at the moment, I tested some turns and all go fast. Until game crashes, but I expect the final mod will be more stable.

    I can't help much, I was designing a board game for this period, but eventually arrived Shogun 2 and I knew it was a futile effort.

    But I can contribute with this:

    Don't use New Time Roman, try this in plain black because the bamboo? background is light enough.


  5. #465
    isa0005's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Sengoku: Total War (a Shogun mod for M2TW)

    How goes development Razor? Hope you enjoyed your break

  6. #466
    Razor's Avatar Licenced to insult
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    Default Re: Sengoku: Total War (a Shogun mod for M2TW)

    Quote Originally Posted by isa0005 View Post
    How goes development Razor? Hope you enjoyed your break
    Didn't know I was that easy to spot. Things have just started again a week ago so I'm exploring stuff. The break was definitely something I needed to get new energy and insights into things. And yes, I enjoyed it as well.

  7. #467
    isa0005's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Sengoku: Total War (a Shogun mod for M2TW)

    Quote Originally Posted by Razor View Post
    Didn't know I was that easy to spot. Things have just started again a week ago so I'm exploring stuff. The break was definitely something I needed to get new energy and insights into things. And yes, I enjoyed it as well.
    Wonderful to hear it best of luck to you!

  8. #468

    Default Re: Sengoku: Total War (a Shogun mod for M2TW)

    Hope everything is well Razor! I love your project and keep up the good work!

  9. #469

    Default Re: Sengoku: Total War (a Shogun mod for M2TW)

    Hey Razor,
    if you too busy or lost a little interest, would it be possible to upload what you already have?
    all the best for you

  10. #470
    isa0005's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Sengoku: Total War (a Shogun mod for M2TW)

    Still working on this??

  11. #471
    Razor's Avatar Licenced to insult
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    Default Re: Sengoku: Total War (a Shogun mod for M2TW)

    Hey there!

    Yes, I'm still working on it whenever I can. I'm just very busy with work and real life in general at the moment and I'm not able to spend as much time on modding as I would like. Also, I probably should give more updates, but hey, I'm not a PR/communications guy. Just check in every once in a while and perhaps an update might pop up.

  12. #472
    Razor's Avatar Licenced to insult
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    Default Re: Sengoku: Total War (a Shogun mod for M2TW)

    Version 0.2 has been released.


    ZIP FILE (894.88MB):
    7Z FILE (486.42MB):


  13. #473

    Default Re: Sengoku: Total War (a Shogun mod for M2TW)

    Wow! Thank you! What are the changes in V 0.2?

  14. #474
    Razor's Avatar Licenced to insult
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    Default Re: Sengoku: Total War (a Shogun mod for M2TW)

    I've added numerous changes to the map, removed the old unit models and added my own with different upgrade variations and lots of other things (some big, some small). Mind you that it's still a 'work in progress' so things may not be complete or finished, but it's something that is quite playable already.

  15. #475

    Default Re: Sengoku: Total War (a Shogun mod for M2TW)

    Overall Love the new update. But for sure the biggest problems for me so far is clan colors. The banners are not enough + some of your own units have different color banners. Maybe replacing the sleeves for at least the ashigaru from all green to the apropriate faction color would help at least with that. Unit size is still very small but i made a personal adjustment to increase the size on ultra and and have it your size on small unit size (i can post the edited units file here for those who want to play with bigger unit size). Some buildings still don't have even a basic description for why they exist like burakumin village, even if it's just a placeholder building i would love next update to have at least very simple description for why this building is there.So for now the 3 biggest issues in short: Units blending in the battle making it confusing who's units are mine and who's units are the enemy. Unit size on ultraRandom buildings like burakumin village that only give debuffs to your town but don't tell me why and what i get in return. Also Having to deal with the shogun constatly stopping me from expanding and having no way to influence my the shogun or improve my position in the imperial court though that just might be me not knowing enough about med2

  16. #476

    Default Re: Sengoku: Total War (a Shogun mod for M2TW)

    Nice mod ! I hope you have the resilience and passion to finish this great project ^_^ . OK : nice art style , music (tw1 is great), 12 turn year , detailed map / provinces , clans . NOK : clan colors is confusing -needs something more simplified , buildings descriptions and units - needs at least a basic one / the flavor latter , unit size is small - needs at least normal , imperial court / shogun mechanics not clear . ANNOYING :when selecting armies/units on campaign map - the sound feedback is the same 1-2 reply for every selection ... needs variety or less repetition . Good work overall !

  17. #477
    Razor's Avatar Licenced to insult
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    Default Re: Sengoku: Total War (a Shogun mod for M2TW)

    Quote Originally Posted by Orendiz View Post
    Overall Love the new update. But for sure the biggest problems for me so far is clan colors. The banners are not enough + some of your own units have different color banners. Maybe replacing the sleeves for at least the ashigaru from all green to the apropriate faction color would help at least with that. Unit size is still very small but i made a personal adjustment to increase the size on ultra and and have it your size on small unit size (i can post the edited units file here for those who want to play with bigger unit size). Some buildings still don't have even a basic description for why they exist like burakumin village, even if it's just a placeholder building i would love next update to have at least very simple description for why this building is there.So for now the 3 biggest issues in short: Units blending in the battle making it confusing who's units are mine and who's units are the enemy. Unit size on ultraRandom buildings like burakumin village that only give debuffs to your town but don't tell me why and what i get in return. Also Having to deal with the shogun constatly stopping me from expanding and having no way to influence my the shogun or improve my position in the imperial court though that just might be me not knowing enough about med2
    Thanks for the reply. I never got around to actually replying to your post and totally forgot about it. First of all, what's definitely not going to happen is having the reds versus the greens versus the blues etc. I would definitely like some more differentiation even among clan lines, but don't expect the Oda clan to get yellow uniforms because their flags are yellow, or the Mori red uniforms because their flags are red. A big nono. M2TW already has an option to flash your own units in green annd enemy units in red. I'd advise you to use that instead.
    Unit size is something I might look into. I might include a system of social development where instead of farmer soldiers armies consist of professional soldiers, which also enables bigger unit sizes later on in the campaign. However I also don't want formations to get messed up. Again, it's something I'm thinking about.
    The whole building tree isn't definite and needs to be restructured. Some basic campaign features such as the Shogun/Imperial Court needs to be reworked and thought out completely. Version 0.2 was mostly about the updated unit models for battles that I've created from scratch. it took me a long time to figure out and it's something I can use and expand upon further. The campaign part and any updates that are on it are an extra that I've added along the way.

    Quote Originally Posted by shamelessamurai View Post
    Nice mod ! I hope you have the resilience and passion to finish this great project ^_^ . OK : nice art style , music (tw1 is great), 12 turn year , detailed map / provinces , clans . NOK : clan colors is confusing -needs something more simplified , buildings descriptions and units - needs at least a basic one / the flavor latter , unit size is small - needs at least normal , imperial court / shogun mechanics not clear . ANNOYING :when selecting armies/units on campaign map - the sound feedback is the same 1-2 reply for every selection ... needs variety or less repetition . Good work overall !
    Thanks. I hope I have the resilience as well. I'm currently on a break, but will get back to it. Now, concerning clan colors: it can't be simplified, because it needs to be both unique and (IMO) somewhat authentic. Buildings will all be revisited. Version 2.0 was about the unit models, not the campaign updates. Unit size is small because M2TW messes up formations. Unit formatons in reality sometimes were just 2 men deep. And big blocks of pikemen didn't happen. The Sonae (= the main unit armies consisted of) had a very mixed composition of different unit types. The lack of variations between sound clips that are being played is because M2TW doesn't offer more appropriate variations. I'm using the Mongol sounds and edited out any references that don't fit the Japanese setting.

    Thanks for the feedback overall!

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