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Thread: Adding a completely new faction to Rome: Total War REMASTERED

  1. #1

    Icon3 Adding a completely new faction to Rome: Total War REMASTERED

    Adding a completely new faction to Rome: Total War REMASTERED

    In this guide, I will explain the neccesary steps in adding a completely new faction into your Rome: Total War REMATERED mod.

    We need to edit the following files, so copy them from the base game into your mod folder:

    • descr_banners.txt
    • descr_character.txt
    • descr_standards.txt
    • descr_sm_faction_logos.txt
    • descr_sm_factions.txt
    • descr_sm_factions_difficulty.json
    • text/expanded_bi.txt
    • export_descr_unit.txt

    I will divide this guide into seperate chapters.


    Files involved:


    The first thing we need to do, is adding your new faction to the game. To do this, we need to add it to descr_sm_factions.txt. Open the file in your text editor and scroll all the way to the bottom.
    This file format looks a lot like json, and the comma's are very sensitive!
    So copy a whole block (like the one below), and paste it before last line, which is the ], tag.

            ;;name and description
            "string":      "NEWFACTION",
            "description": "NEWFACTION_DESCR",
            ;;culture and (default?) character ethnicity
            "culture":   "barbarian",
            "ethnicity": "mediterranean",
            ;;tags for faction groups
            "tags": [ ],
                "men":      "pontus_men",
                "women":    "pontus_women",
                "surnames": "pontus_surnames",
                ;;logo to use in the loading screens (seperate as sprite sheets aren't loaded at that point)
                "loading screen icon": "data/ui/faction_icons/new_faction.tga",
                ;;standard index as declared in descr_standards (4 per page)
                "standard index":       9,
                "rebel standard index": 25,
                ;;logo index as declared in descr_sm_faction_logos (1 per page)
                "logo index":       25,
                "rebel logo index": 25,
                ;;flag models to be used on the strat map when a settlement is unoccupied
                "strat symbol model":       "data/models_strat/symbol_pontus.CAS",
                "strat rebel symbol model": "data/models_strat/symbol_eastern_rebel.CAS",
            ;;faction colours (some base game factions may have hardcoded overrides)
                "primary":   [  255,  0, 255, ],
                "secondary": [ 0, 255,  255,  ],
                "family tree":
                    "background":      [  255,  0,  255, ],
                    "font":            [  0, 0, 0, ],
                    "selected line":   [  255, 255, 255, ],
                    "unselected line": [  200, 187, 187, ],
                ;;movie to play when starting a campaign
                "intro": "data/fmv/intros/eastern_intro_1080p.wmv",
                ;;movie to play when this faction wins or is defeated, respectively
                "victory": "data/fmv/victory/eastern_outro.wmv",
                "defeat": "data/fmv/lose/pontus_eliminated.wmv",
            "available in custom battles": true,
            "prefer naval invasions": false,
            "default battle ai personality": "default_personality",
            ;;allow this faction to have a functioning family tree
            "allow reproduction": true,
    As you can see, Feral already added information so you know what each line means.
    I will get back to this file when we need to change some lines, but you need to change the newfaction to the name of your wanted faction. This will be the internal name that your faction will use for i.e. EDU, EDB and DMB entries.
    As for namelists, you can add new sections in descr_namelists.txt and add them to this file. Your faction will then use your new names. In this example, we will just keep the pontus ones.

    You can change the culture (descr_cultures.txt) and default ethnicity (descr_unit_variation.txt). The default ethnicity is used for units and generals/officers for your faction when no variation is set in their EDU entries.


    This file will set the text in the main menu how hard your faction will be to play. Open it with your texteditor, and simply add your faction to the bottom of the list, and give it a integer value from -1 to 3. Not having your faction here will let the game default to -1.
    -1 -> Nothing/Unplayable. (actually no text is shown)
    0 -> Easy
    1 -> Normal
    2 -> Hard
    3 -> Very Hard


    The descr_standards.txt is the file referring to the index used for the banners shown on the campaign map. The file looks like this:

    factions; 0 romans_julii, 1 romans_brutii, 2 romans_scipii, 3 romans_senate
    symbols                banners/symbols1.tga
    ; 4; 5; 6; 7
    symbols                banners/symbols2.tga
    ; 8 , 9, 10, 11
    symbols                banners/symbols3.tga
    ; 12, 13, 14, 15
    symbols                banners/symbols4.tga
    ; 16, 17, 18, 19
    symbols                banners/symbols5.tga
    ;20, 21, 22, 23
    symbols                banners/symbols6.tga
    ;24, 25, 26, 27
    symbols                banners/symbols7.tga
    ;28, 29, 30 empty, 31 empty
    symbols                banners/symbols8.tga
    Once again, I added indexes to each path. Each symbols* contains 4 indexes, going from top left to bottom right. As example, I added the 4 factions using at the top of it (note the ';' which indicates a comment!)
    So we know know that index 0 is used for romans_julii, and index 3 (latest from first image) for the romans_senate. We also know, that has 2 free slots! So open that file, add your image with alpha at the bottom left corner (index will be 30), and save the image.
    Now create a normal map for this image and name Now you can set the index in the descr_sm_factions.txt section, named "standard index", to 30.

    Note: If you run our of free slots (so you used index 31), you need to define a new image, symbols9.tga and add it to the bottom of descr_standards.txt. That way you can add as much files as you want. You don't need to use all indexes, so you can start with index 32 and keep 30 and 31 empty.


    This file is one of the biggest improvement over OG. Instead of modding in your new faction symbol into each UI part, the game now just uses one image file that you can define here. Each entry in this file has its own index. These are not added by default,
    but I have in my example:

    ;; JNF 2021-09-23 - Used to define the indexes for the logos referenced in descr_sm_factions
    ;; trying to have multiple logos on a single page caused all logos to revert to the one in the
    ;; top left after you moved the camera for the first time. I don't understand it either.
    ;; so anyway, one logo per page please
    icon    ui/faction_icons/romans_julii.tga            ;0
    icon    ui/faction_icons/romans_brutii.tga            ;1
    icon    ui/faction_icons/romans_scipii.tga            ;2
    icon    ui/faction_icons/romans_senate.tga            ;3
    icon    ui/faction_icons/macedon.tga                ;4
    icon    ui/faction_icons/egypt.tga                    ;5
    icon    ui/faction_icons/seleucid.tga                ;6
    icon    ui/faction_icons/carthage.tga                ;7
    icon    ui/faction_icons/parthia.tga                ;8
    icon    ui/faction_icons/pontus.tga                    ;9
    icon    ui/faction_icons/gauls.tga                    ;10
    icon    ui/faction_icons/germans.tga                ;11
    icon    ui/faction_icons/britons.tga                ;12
    icon    ui/faction_icons/armenia.tga                ;13
    icon    ui/faction_icons/dacia.tga                    ;14
    icon    ui/faction_icons/greek_cities.tga            ;15
    icon    ui/faction_icons/numidia.tga                ;16
    icon    ui/faction_icons/scythia.tga                ;17
    icon    ui/faction_icons/spain.tga                    ;18
    icon    ui/faction_icons/thrace.tga                    ;19
    icon    ui/faction_icons/slave.tga                    ;20
    icon    ui/faction_icons/slave_barbarian.tga        ;21
    icon    ui/faction_icons/slave_carthaginian.tga        ;22
    icon    ui/faction_icons/slave_greek.tga            ;23
    icon    ui/faction_icons/slave_egyptian.tga            ;24
    icon    ui/faction_icons/slave_eastern.tga            ;25
    So this is the default file, with my added indexes. So the latest default index is 25. After you edited your faction logo in Photoshop or Gimp (.tga format and 360x360), and added it to your modfolder, add its path to the bottom of this file. So the index of your logo will be 26 in this case. Now open up descr_sm_factions.txt again, scroll to your new faction and change the "logo index" to 26. Now you added your logo, you can refer to the same image by changing the path in the section "loading screen icon"


    Now we need to assign at least one unit inside EDU to your new faction. This is required for the campaign map to function later. Until you add new units, the best method is to simply add your new faction to the roman generals guard cavalry early and the roman generals guard cavalry unit. Just add your own faction to the ownership of these units.


    Files involved:

    This chapter is required in order to prevent random crashes in your mod.


    In this file the .dds textures used on the battle map for your factions are defined. Simply add your faction to the bottom and change the path to your newly added banners. Example:

    faction            newfaction
    standard_texture    models/textures/standard_slave.tga
    rebels_texture        models/textures/standard_slave.tga
    routing_texture        models/textures/standard_routing.tga
    ally_texture        models/textures/standard_slave_ally.tga


    This file tells the game what models to use on both strat and battle map for the generals, captains, assassins, spies, admirals, diplomats and merchants.

    For each character type, duplicate an existing faction entry and rename it to your faction. You need to perform this action for each character type or the game will crash!

    type            named character
    actions            moving_normal, moving_quickmarch, garrison, assault, attack, besiege, entrench, ambush, diplomacy, bribe, exchange, building_fort, building_watchtower
    wage_base        200
    faction            romans_julii
    dictionary        15
    strat_model        sm_roman_general
    battle_model    roman_general
    battle_equip    gladius, chainmail shirt helmet and rectangular shield
    faction            newfaction
    dictionary        15
    strat_model        sm_roman_general
    battle_model    roman_general
    battle_equip    gladius, chainmail shirt helmet and rectangular shield


    Files involved:

    Next thing we will do, is adding all text required by the game for your faction.
    Open expanded_bi.txt, and add this block at the bottom of the file:

    {NEWFACTION}        - Faction Name -
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_SPY}                        NewFaction Spy
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_ASSASSIN}                    NewFaction Assassin
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_DIPLOMAT}                    NewFaction Diplomat
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_ADMIRAL}                    NewFaction Admiral
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_GENERAL}                    NewFaction Army
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_NAMED_CHARACTER}            NewFaction Family Member
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_MERCHANT}                    NewFaction Merchant
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_FACTION_LEADER}        NewFaction Faction Leader
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_FACTION_HEIR}        NewFaction Faction Heir
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_VILLAGE}        NewFaction Village
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_TOWN}            NewFaction Town
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_LARGE_TOWN}        NewFaction Large Town
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_CITY}            NewFaction City
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_LARGE_CITY}        NewFaction Large City
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_HUGE_CITY}        NewFaction Huge City
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_CAPITAL}            NewFaction Capital
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_FORT}            NewFaction Fort
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_PORT}            NewFaction Port
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_DOCK}            NewFaction Docks
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_FISHING_VILLAGE}            NewFaction Fishing Village
    {EMT_NEWFACTION_WATCHTOWER}    NewFaction Watchtower
    {EMT_YOUR_FORCES_ATTACK_ARMY_NEWFACTION}                        Your forces attack an army of NewFaction
    {EMT_YOUR_FORCES_ATTACK_NAVY_NEWFACTION}                Your forces attack a fleet of NewFaction
    {EMT_YOUR_FORCES_AMBUSH_ARMY_NEWFACTION}                    Your forces ambush an army of NewFaction
    {EMT_YOUR_FORCES_ATTACKED_ARMY_NEWFACTION}                    Your forces are attacked by an army of NewFaction
    {EMT_YOUR_FORCES_ATTACKED_NAVY_NEWFACTION}                    Your forces are attacked by a navy of NewFaction
    {EMT_YOUR_FORCES_AMBUSHED_ARMY_NEWFACTION}                    Your forces are ambushed by an army of NewFaction
    {EMT_VICTORY_NEWFACTION}            The NewFaction are victorious!
    {EMT_VICTORY_DESCR_NEWFACTION}        -- NewFaction victory description --
    {EMT_DEFEATED_BY_NEWFACTION}        -- defeated by NewFaction description -- 
    {EMT_SHORT_VICTORY_NEWFACTION}        -- NewFaction sort victory description --
    {NEWFACTION_DESCR}            NewFaction\nShort faction description

    Now search and replace (using match case) in notepad ++ the string "NEWFACTION", and change it to the string you defined in descr_sm_factions under the sections "string" and "description". Note that this index is case sensitive, so be sure they match!.
    Then change everything outside of the {} sections with the text you want for your faction.


    Before you start the game, you first need to also add the menu icons for it.

    These are Targa images, sized 512x512, and need to be named correctly.
    Place them inside the folder data/symbols/fe_buttons_feral/

    Each image need to be named correctly, or the game will not load! The name starts with symbol128_{faction}.tga, and for the other three images there should be of the same name with _roll, _grey and _select added behind the faction name.

    So in this guide, we will name them:
    The image without the extra insertion at the end, is the default image. This image is shown in the menu when no other action is performed with your faction:

    The image file with the _grey addition, is the image shown when your faction is not selectable in the menu:

    The image file with the _roll addition, is shown in the menu when the user hovers over your faction icon. Normally, people make it a little bit brighter than the default image, but it could be anything you like.

    The image file with the _select addition, is simply the image when your faction is selected.

    Note: You can do whatever you want, as long as you have all 4 images in the specified path, or the game will crash!

    You can now load the game and see if your faction appears in custom battle mode!


    Files involved:


    It is important to add your faction to the campaign map, even when you don't want to use it! If your faction is not added correctly, the game will crash when a faction from a superfaction attacks an allied or neutral faction.
    In this guide we will only add the factions as dead: there are enough other tutorials available for changing descr_strat file!

    Open your descr_strat.txt, and add your new faction to the list at the top of the file, in the section nonplayable:
    campaign        imperial_campaign
    Now scroll down to the position where the factions are defined (after the resources declaration and before the line "faction romans_julii, comfortable_caesar").
    Add this block of code before the romans_julii definition:

    faction    newfaction, balanced_caesar
    denari    150
    Now save the file, delete map.rwm and load the campaign. Your faction is now an emergent faction, but as it is not scripted with events, it will not appear.

    Guides for modding descr_strat and troubleshooting:


    Not required for the game to work, but necessary for a nice mod, are the captain banners. These banners appear on the campaign map when you attack a captain or send a diplomat.

    Create the folder ui/captain banners/
    Easiest method is to duplicate an existing captain banner from a faction.

    Note that there are 3 images:
    • captain_card_{faction}.tga
    • captain_portrait_{faction}.tga
    • dead/captain_card_{faction}.tga

    The first one is used in the game on the battle map when your captain is alive. The third one (located in the 'dead' subfolder), is the same image (but in most cases grey) and is shown when your captain is dead. Both of these images can have an Alpha channel that will be used.

    The captain portrait is used on the campaign map, and the Alpha channel on this texture will not work. So, best is to save this image as DXT1 DDS format.


    captain_portrait_newfaction.tga (Size: 272x384)

    captain_card_newfaction.tga (Size: 88x126)

    dead/captain_card_newfaction.tga (Size: 88x126)

    Last edited by Dagovax; January 02, 2023 at 02:57 AM. Reason: Additional lines

  2. #2

    Default Re: Adding a completely new faction to Rome: Total War REMASTERED

    I found this guide to be very helpful. I fixed an end turn crash by adding factions (the Roman families and senate) into the campaign. However, when I try to start a custom battle, the game crashes. Is there a way to fix it?
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3

    Default Re: Adding a completely new faction to Rome: Total War REMASTERED

    Logging disabled, use `enable_logging` command line argument to recieve enable logging throughout the game
    The message_log will improve when you enable_logging. Now you only receive the basic launch logging.
    When modding, I always have these advanced options enabled:

    Although snd_save_events is only required for sound file editing, so you can ignore that.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Adding a completely new faction to Rome: Total War REMASTERED

    I'm having issue with the banner over my new faction settlements. color matches but the symbol is a green square. This thread helped me a lot when putting a new faction in, thank you.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Adding a completely new faction to Rome: Total War REMASTERED

    This guide is great, thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by vaneeliuse View Post
    I'm having issue with the banner over my new faction settlements. color matches but the symbol is a green square. This thread helped me a lot when putting a new faction in, thank you.
    Did you ever find a solution to the green square issue? I've managed to get to this same point, but nothing I do seems to fix it.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Adding a completely new faction to Rome: Total War REMASTERED

    I don't know if it's possible to edit a message, but I found a solution to the green square issue. It has to do with the encoding of the banners, once I exported it to DX1 encoding rather than default, it worked perfectly fine.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Adding a completely new faction to Rome: Total War REMASTERED

    Good afternoon After I added 7 factions, 4 of them with an empty settlement do not have a faction flag. Instead, it's just a pink square. I added all the files, or rather copied from another mod, but some worked, and some did not. What could be the reason for this?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Adding a completely new faction to Rome: Total War REMASTERED

    Quote Originally Posted by devils View Post
    Good afternoon After I added 7 factions, 4 of them with an empty settlement do not have a faction flag. Instead, it's just a pink square. I added all the files, or rather copied from another mod, but some worked, and some did not. What could be the reason for this?

    but also, i get a CTD the first time i try to end turn.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Adding a completely new faction to Rome: Total War REMASTERED

    I tried to follow these steps and while it looks like it works I can't start a custom battle (regardless of factions). It doesn't crash just reverts to the map selection. Is this a known issue? Google gives me nothing

    I tried again using a blank RTW mod folder instead of a BI one (only change is a big map mod resource). Played great before I modded a new faction in but now it says each army must have at least one unit no matter what I do or what factions I use for a custom battle
    Last edited by VltimaRatio; September 22, 2023 at 11:56 AM.
    Winter is Coming

  10. #10

    Default Re: Adding a completely new faction to Rome: Total War REMASTERED

    That is a game bug caused by switching mods. Click the 'white with red stripe` button and select a faction. You can remove the faction then by clicking the cross

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